Let me set the record straight, in case someone's heard otherwise. There's one player I actually suspected of being the War Profiteer. That was vudu. I bought an investigation, one for character, not for a-bomb secrets, in order to investigate vudu, because of my suspicions. The investigation came back saying vudu was a normal townie/nation.
From that point, I decided I'd go ahead and buy a military strike to use on Kraken. I sent that in, and we haven't heard back yet. Someone may have bought it before me, or Khush might still be making the post, or something like that. I suspect Kraken solely on his one-post vote against vudu, and only that. Because of these actions, I compiled a list, a list of people I am nearly certain could have the stated roles based on their actions which lead to the death of a mafia member.
These are the people who could be Germany or the War Profiteer, by virtue of chance:
These are the people who could be the War Profiteer, but not Germany, by their decision not to save Pale yesterday:
I kept my name off the list because it's my list, and I know I'm not the War Profiteer. If I missed someone left in the game aside from Kraken or vudu, then I've made an accident, and said person should be on the list.
Edit: And Khush makes it clear that I've made a mistake with Kraken. Still, he's now officially out of the game.
2x Edit: Let it also be said that I'm not particularly interested in killing the War Profiteer, since he doesn't exactly have to die for me to win. In fact, I'd rather know who he is so we don't kill him, but also don't let him get the atomic bomb. If you don't come forward, you run the risk of us actually killing you by the vote.