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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4775 on: October 10, 2021, 08:25:12 PM »
Recently finished the 3rd season of CW's Supergirl as part of my ongoing, largely pointless, attempt to catch up on the last several years of the Arrowverse.

This show continues to be infuriating, because it has so much going for it and yet squanders so much of it. On the one hand, this is easily the best season so far, with the best & most consistent writing; a worthwhile villain that's setup and developed well; and some fantastic performances. Of particular note was the addition of Carl Lumbly, the voice actor for the DCAU's Martian Manhunter, as the father of Supergirl's Martian Manhunter. In fact, the ongoing B plot with his rescue; integration; and subsequent mental decay is probably the best part of the season.

On the other hand, it's still a CW show, and it's still Supergirl and that means the writers often don't know to stop getting in their own way. The Legion of Superheroes make their appearance this season, sorta, and it wasn't for the best. Not only did it reintroduce a soap opera element I'm really tired of in fiction in general (but especially the Arrowverse), but the Legion just kinda appear halfway through the season & then leave without really having done all that much with its characters. Then just as the show seems like it's really going to take that next step forward and have some real stakes, it pulls a Christopher Reeves Superman and just slams its hand on the reset button in a truly insulting way.

This season was, thankfully, largely devoid of the political propaganda I thought really hurt the 2nd season, but the writers just couldn't let a season go without having something stupid and shoehorned shoved it. This season, it was racisim and gun control, both shoved into not only one episode but the SAME episode, with no prior setup beforehand or development afterwards. It just appears as a problem in one episode and then stops being a thing the next. Makes it easy!

This is my general issue with the political angle of Supergirl: if the show actually set any of the topics it wanted to discuss up beforehand and then developed them as part of the ongoing story, I could respect that. But the writers want to take the easy way out and just throw **** in for easy bragging points and then back off before having to do anything with it. The gun control plotline in particular comes out of nowhere and ends in an especially illogical manner considering the nature of the threats these characters have faced in just their OWN universe, let alone the multiverse.

Supergirl also seems to lean on camp with its villains, but without having actors  or directors that can really pull those performances off. Can't say I'm sad to see this show's god awful Live Wire go.

Next up is Legends of Tomorrow - Season 4. Been really looking forward to this one. After a rough 1st season, this has rapidly turned into my favorite show in the Arrowverse, as it's the only one that's still willing to do some just insane stuff and have fun with it. Plus, Matt Ryan's Constantine formally joins the show this season!  :D
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4776 on: October 24, 2021, 11:07:33 AM »
Well, it took me a couple weeks, but I'm now only 2 years behind on the Arrowverse shows (soon to be 3 years). Yay...

Legends of Tomorrow - Season 4 was quite enjoyable and insane as usual, though I think the Hellblazer elements introduced with Constantine were quite poorly handled in general. I don't know why they even bothered to include Hell in this season if they were going to make it look as lame as it does this season. It just looks like a redressed Arrow set. They couldn't even spring for makeup on the demons to make them look like anything other than normal humans. Also, small nitpick but why did they swap out Lucifer for Satan when they brought in the Triumvirate? The comics are quite clear as to what name that character has.

Anyway, it's a good season but I feel that it really didn't live up to its potential.

The Flash - Sesaon 5 - It's standard-issue Flash at this point. The villain, Cicada, has a good set-up and the idea of a metahuman serial killer has potential...but the season just doesn't really do anything with it. This feels like a 13 episode plot that got stretched out to 24 episodes. It leads to the season being extremely repetitive.

And then there's Nora...look, I get that you wanted to recapture the feeling of The Flash's 1st season, but with everything being grimdark you forgot to include the whimsy and wonder that the 1st season also had. This show has been way too emo and dumb for way too long. The side characters don't really get to do anything this season, and the Reverse Flash continues to make less and less sense every time they bring him back.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4777 on: October 24, 2021, 11:17:16 AM »
Arrow - Season 7 - Good god, this show needs to end, so thankfully it will next season...about 4 seasons too late. I found the 1st half of the season surprisingly engaging, as the change-up in the status quo with Oliver in prison and the assorted cast scattered to the winds led to some unexpected character growth. I still don't buy Diaz as Oliver's ultimate big bad, but at least they finally ended that plot line in a somewhat satisfying way.

Then the show's 2nd half happens, and we're essentially back to the status quo. Felicity continues to just be one of the worst-written characters in the history of television, constantly swinging between crying and self-righteous "I keep all the secrets BUT HOW DARE YOU KEEP ANYTHING FROM ME" anger. Gotta love how she apparently wanted a marital separation from Oliver right before the Elseworlds Crossover only to completely abandon that plot point when the show resumed from the Crossover.

And then there are the 2 worst elements of this season: Emiko and the flash-forward that served absolutely no purpose. You know, I didn't think there was a depth Arrow could sink any further to at this point after all the crap it's pulled at this point, but here comes Emiko to give us the "Secret Evil Sister" plotline. Oliver spends this entire arc remarkably out of character, and Emiko leaves the show on a particularly pointless note.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4778 on: October 24, 2021, 11:29:18 AM »
Supergirl - Season 4 - Well, this season got political, didn't it? You may think I hated this season because of that, but actually I thought this was the best show out of the 4 core Arrowverse shows that particular year. My biggest issue with this show wasn't really the politics (expecting anything but super-liberal politics out of a Hollywood show is a fool's errand), but that Supergirl never really did anything with it. It would just shoehorn something political into an ongoing story, parade around how virtuous it was, and then drop the plot point almost immediately.

That is not the case this season, which is all about a nativist uprising against the integration of aliens and their culture into American Society. This is both something that was touched upon in Season 2 as well as something that makes sense WOULD happen in a society with aliens sporting essentially metahuman powers. I'm actually rather amused at how sympathetic and well-written Agent Liberty's backstory is, because I'm almost certain that that was both accidental and heavily influenced by the performance of his actor.

This all leads into a vast government conspiracy plotline that works VERY well, leading to the arrival of a villain new to Supergirl that also works very well.

I can gripe about how poorly the show continues to adapt existing Superman stories like "What's So Funny about Truth, Justice, & the American Way?" and "Superman: Red Son", but overall this season was quite enjoyable...for the most part. I could have really done without the partial amnesia subpot that dominates a large chunk of this season, but at least it leads to some different character dynamics. I also thought Dreamer's inclusion into the show was kinda blunt force trauma. She got one good episode about her family, but other than that she was pretty much "the Trans hero". The show didn't really let her be anything more than that, and was quite happy to make that her only defining characteristic.

Also, Brainiac 5 is such a HUGE improvement over Wynn. He is lovably awkward the entire season, and I hope he sticks around.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4779 on: October 24, 2021, 05:19:39 PM »
I don't mind politics in shows and movies, but I don't like it when they write characters to be mouth-pieces for the writers. That's bad writing. A good rule of thumb for writing is "show down tell"

Like Alien and Prometheus are about rape, abortion, and feminism, but they don't say that directly.

The Munsters was about redlining and segregation, Body Snatchers was about communism

Of course these are my interpretations.

Sabrina season one was entertaining, and put entertainment first. Season 2 felt like propaganda. The season started to feel like a really bad after-school special. I never made it through the whole season though, so I don't know if it gets better.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4780 on: October 24, 2021, 10:33:31 PM »
I finished Ted Lasso Season 2.  It's a really good show.  A lot of characters went through arcs and you see the growth by the end of the season.  They really set themselves up to have an interesting season 3, so I hope the show comes back.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4781 on: October 24, 2021, 10:52:08 PM »
I finished Ted Lasso Season 2.  It's a really good show.  A lot of characters went through arcs and you see the growth by the end of the season.  They really set themselves up to have an interesting season 3, so I hope the show comes back.

It's already been picked up for a third season, so you don't have to worry about that.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4782 on: October 25, 2021, 06:15:28 PM »
I finished Ted Lasso Season 2.  It's a really good show.  A lot of characters went through arcs and you see the growth by the end of the season.  They really set themselves up to have an interesting season 3, so I hope the show comes back.

It's already been picked up for a third season, so you don't have to worry about that.

Oh, nice. I was a bit worried because the last thing I remember reading about it was that it was up to Jason Sudeikis' schedule.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4783 on: October 26, 2021, 10:38:18 PM »
Thought I'd mention that Superman: The Animated Series hit BluRay today, finally completing the core DC Animated Universe on BluRay. Man, WB sure took their time. They started releasing the DCAU in HD back in 2011. The show's been in HD on HBO Max for a little while now, but if you want to watch the show in the superior non-streaming format, you have that option now.

Watched through the 1st 8 episodes, and it goes without saying that the series still holds up and is THE iconic Superman show. So far, the transfer quality has really surprised me, as this show always kinda looked like garbage on DVD (as did Batman Beyond). I always chocked that up to WB switching to a lesser storage format between Batman: TAS and Superman, and then not taking care of it.

However, the episodes I've seen have largely been absolutely sharp and clean. There's still a fair number of shots where the show will suddenly turn extremely soft for a few seconds (most notably the Bugs Bunny logo sequence and a good chunk of "Feeding Time"), but someone clearly spent a lot of time trying to clean this show up, and it paid off. It doesn't look as good as Batman: TAS did on its BluRay release, but this is still by far the best and most consistent this show has ever looked.

I do wish the audio mix was just a bit better, though. Some characters like Toy Man are very hard to hear in the mix, as the show seems to prioritize the music and sound effects over all else.

So far, looks like another stellar WB archive animation release.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2021, 10:41:02 PM by broodwars »
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4784 on: October 29, 2021, 08:30:26 PM »
I love S:TAS (better than BTAS and JL imo), but i already own it on DVD and no way i am giving WB/DC any of my money.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4785 on: February 12, 2022, 07:12:12 PM »
The IT Crowd
So good. Peaked in Series 3 though. Series isn’t bad, just noticeably worse than Series 3. A few jokes don’t land in 2022, and creator Graham Linehan’s transphobia is such a letdown. Still, a show is more than one person. The three leads have such great chemistry together.

I haven’t finished Season 6. However, I think I’ve seen enough to offer a short review. Seasons 1 to 3 are excellent. Season 4 is weird though maybe dunked on more than I agree with. Season 5 is better but the show unofficially ends when Troy leaves. Everything after feels like it’s trying to fill the hole left by Donald Glover. I know six seasons and a movie was the show’s mantra. When two main cast members are written off the show, it’s time to start planning an exit strategy.

The Book of Boba Fett
Not terrible; mostly unnecessary. A whole episode doesn’t even have Boba Fett in it, focusing instead on Pedro Pascal’s Din Djarin from The Mandalorian. LOL, what? Additionally, it walks back a major plot point established not that long ago, making me wonder why Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni even bothered.

I disagree with what a lot of fans say about changes to Boba Fett’s character since he was barely one. He looked cool in the original trilogy then got accidentally punked by Han Solo. I never understood why people were so attached to him. He didn’t do anything.

The story here is fine. The acting is fine. There are some questionable choices here and there. The show exists, and I enjoyed my time with it for the most part. Probably won’t rewatch it except to put it on in the background or that one episode that is more relevant to other Star Wars related stuff.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4786 on: February 12, 2022, 08:11:57 PM »
I haven’t finished Season 6. However, I think I’ve seen enough to offer a short review. Seasons 1 to 3 are excellent. Season 4 is weird though maybe dunked on more than I agree with. Season 5 is better but the show unofficially ends when Troy leaves. Everything after feels like it’s trying to fill the hole left by Donald Glover. I know six seasons and a movie was the show’s mantra. When two main cast members are written off the show, it’s time to start planning an exit strategy.

I would argue season 6 is the best of the back three seasons. I agree that 4 gets more hate than it deserves, and 5 starts out really well but stumbles a bit after Troy leaves and they're not sure what the new dynamic should be. 6 takes a little while to get going, as it has to introduce two new characters, but by the end I think it's great. I really love Elroy, I wish we'd seen more of him. If we ever do get the movie, which it sounds like might still be possible, I hope he's a part of it.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4787 on: February 19, 2022, 10:46:42 PM »
Wasn't really feeling in the mood to play anything today after being underwhelmed with the opening hours of Horizon: Forbidden West, so thought I'd finally get around to watching the 2nd Season of Gen:Lock while our HBO Max trial was still active. I quite enjoyed the 1st season, despite its problems.

Yeah, don't. The 2nd season is one of the worst things I've seen since...well, probably Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness. The new HBO Max writing team decided to try to cram about 3-4 seasons of storyline into 8 episodes, and it goes even worse than you're probably imagining. And it's all grimdark bullshit. That's the WB difference!

And it all ends with an ending worthy of comparisons to Mass Effect 3.

It's that bad.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4788 on: February 23, 2022, 08:58:48 PM »
I wish I liked this show more. Disenchantment is what happens if you take Futurama then do everything worse. The characters are less likable, the jokes are less funny, the voice acting despite the pedigree here feels uninspired, the plot meanders etc. etc. Futurama never really had a overarching plot (aside from the movies) though it excelled at character development.

Disenchantment has an overarching plot except it feels like the writers don’t know what they want to do, and they cheat more than I like. Getting Bean, Elfo, and Luci back together at the beginning of Part 4, for example, seemed rushed and overly convenient. In writing, you don’t have to know everything that happens, but you should have an idea of where you want to go. After Dagmar was freed and the major plot twist hit, the writers seemed to start winging it.

I don’t fault Disenchantment for not being Futurama. It can be great on its own. I’m merely using Futurama as an example of show with a similar tone that really understands what it wants to be. Disenchantment hasn’t gotten there.

On a semi-related note, Hulu seems dead set on curb stomping Futurama’s legacy with the new season and not paying John DiMaggio. Y’all really going to chance the possibility of tarnishing Futurama’s excellent (fourth and best) finale by not bringing the entire cast back.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4789 on: February 23, 2022, 10:50:39 PM »
I wish I liked this show more. Disenchantment is what happens if you take Futurama then do everything worse. The characters are less likable, the jokes are less funny, the voice acting despite the pedigree here feels uninspired, the plot meanders etc. etc. Futurama never really had a overarching plot (aside from the movies) though it excelled at character development.

Disenchantment has an overarching plot except it feels like the writers don’t know what they want to do, and they cheat more than I like. Getting Bean, Elfo, and Luci back together at the beginning of Part 4, for example, seemed rushed and overly convenient. In writing, you don’t have to know everything that happens, but you should have an idea of where you want to go. After Dagmar was freed and the major plot twist hit, the writers seemed to start winging it.

I don’t fault Disenchantment for not being Futurama. It can be great on its own. I’m merely using Futurama as an example of show with a similar tone that really understands what it wants to be. Disenchantment hasn’t gotten there.

Sounds a lot like my thoughts on The Dragon Prince after loving Avatar: The Last Airbender. What a mess that show is, too.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4790 on: February 25, 2022, 01:09:27 AM »
That’s apt. I haven’t watched The Dragon Prince since season 3 release, but I can’t say I disagree.

Care to elaborate though?

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4791 on: February 25, 2022, 08:00:56 PM »
That’s apt. I haven’t watched The Dragon Prince since season 3 release, but I can’t say I disagree.

Care to elaborate though?

You know, it's funny...I only just watched the 3 existing seasons of Dragon Prince 3 months ago, back in December 2021 (and there are 4 more seasons allegedly on their way in the future). And yet...the show is so forgettable and lifeless that I actually had to go back and refresh myself on just what happened in that show, because so little happens IN it.

Towards the end of last year, I started finally getting to Netflix shows I'd been meaning to watch for a while, such as Squid Game; Locke & Key; and Dragon Prince. After having watched them, I think I now despise Netflix original series, because IMO 2 out of the 3 are bad (though Locke & Key was by far the worst) and the last (Squid Game) is only OK.

I say that because my biggest issue with Dragon Prince is that it's a Netflix series, which means taking simple stories and then stretching them out to ludicrous lengths with tons of uninteresting filler, topped off with cliffhangers to get viewers to just keep CONSUMING mindless fluff. Dragon Prince, at its heart, is a road trip show, and yet it takes the characters until the THIRD season to actually GET anywhere. It's decompressed storytelling at its worst, usually driven by Idiot Plot, where the only reason the plot happens is because all the characters are Idiots and don't do the logical thing. For instance, there's a scene early on where the characters run into their deaf aunt and her soldiers while on the run from the show's main villain. These characters KNOW this woman. She is the quintessential Paladin of Justice, and they KNOW they are safe with her AND can trust her. And yet...they lie to her; they DON'T tell her about the villain; and they fake their own kidnapping to continue the road trip.

Writing like that aggravates me. These writers have PROVEN they're better than this.

Thing is, that all could be tolerable if the filler between major plot beats (what few there are) were interesting, but it's just so...bland. Characters are pretty standard achetypes, with little in the way of nuance or depth. Death, apparently, has absolutely no meaning in this universe due to the villains being able to cast Full Revive whenever they want. The show feels like it wants to have light-hearted moments, but it's just not funny (and the pandering to Avatar fans is particularly forced and cringy).

And to top it all off, the show's worldbuilding is absolute ****, which is inconceivable considering this was made by most of the talented people who worked on Avatar (with the untalented ones going to work on Korra). After 3 Seasons, I know just about as much about this world now as I did at the start. Aside from the ONE episode in the Elven Village in Season 3, there's no sense of distinct cultures. I have no sense of the geography of this world or where the characters are in relation to it. This is a world of magic and fantasy, and yet it's as bland and paper-thin as can be.

The show also has some really forced moments of "representation". For instance, I'm conflicted about the deaf aunt character. On the one hand, she's a cool character. I really like the way she takes charge & fights, and I'm a sucker for Paladin-type characters. On the other hand, her being a general in an army while deaf makes absolutely no sense, and the show never makes an attempt to address how a general who can't hear anything and is unable to quickly communicate with her troops would be an effective combat general. She just IS, because Netflix paradoxically only gave the writers 9 episodes a season, and yet demand that almost nothing fucking happens every season. It's not like these writers don't know how to write an awesome disabled character, as they gave us Toph, my favorite characters in the entire Avatar franchise. But they spent time with Toph establishing why she was awesome and why her blindness was an asset, not a handicap. And she was absolutely hilarious.

I find Dragon Prince infuriating. The people making it are better than this, and I can only think that Netflix mandates are why the show is so meh. It's certainly why Locke & Key is as bad as it is after the pilot.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2022, 08:19:59 PM by broodwars »
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4792 on: February 25, 2022, 08:32:52 PM »
I subscribe to Paramount+ for Star Trek and soccer, but lately I wanted to branch out into some of the other stuff on there, and since it has the Nickelodeon backlog I started watching Rocko's Modern Life. This was one of my favorite shows as a kid, and it actually holds up really well. Like a lot of shows in the era, it's filled with as many jokes only adults would get as there are for the kids. Not just dirty stuff, but like pop culture references that are way about kids' heads. The writing is still sharp, and the performances are really good. I'm enjoying it a lot.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4793 on: February 27, 2022, 12:29:12 PM »

I’ve been planning to rewatch The Dragon Prince since it was renewed for four more seasons, and I don’t remember a lot of it (perhaps the downside of binging shows is so much doesn’t sink in and other binged shows replace what little was retained, rinse repeat). From what I do remember, I agree. I’ll revisit your post once I’ve had a chance to get rewatch the show. I have two more episodes of Community then I’ll probably circle back.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2022, 12:15:06 PM by Adrock »

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4794 on: February 28, 2022, 12:56:51 PM »
Finally finished the series. Nothing about the remaining episodes in Season 6 really changed my mind about Troy’s exit being the unofficial ending of the show. The actual finale almost doesn’t feel like one, and the show marks the end of the show with the exit of three main cast members, two of them were original (Abed and Annie). It didn’t hit as hard as Troy leaving. I think this is one part Troy’s exit was built up over a few episodes and another part the show never fully found its footing in the last season and a half. There are still some great jokes though. And the new cast members were good in their own way. I rank them: Buzz, Frankie, then Elroy. In an alternate reality, it would have been neat if Ian Duncan (John Oliver) or Roger DeSalvo (Matt Berry) were main cast members in Season 6. The former is absent entirely while the latter guest stars in one episode.

The latter half of the series is odd. They’re not bad, but Dan Harmon’s firing definitely changed the trajectory of the show from an all-time great to the first half is all-time and the second half is still pretty good. In fact, I laughed hardest at the Pierce’s parting gifts scene. It’s the same joke six times and it somehow hits every time. Pedro Pascal moonlighting for Walter Goggins during the pandemic table read last year is required watching.

I have yet to see “Advanced Dungeons and Dragons” in full as Netflix removed it due to some controversy as Chang wears makeup resembling blackface. I’ve seen screenshots and some clips. I get being careful about this kind of stuff though it’s important to understand context. The intention isn’t to mock black people; it’s often to mock the use of blackface. At this point, maybe just stop trying to make that joke happen.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4795 on: February 28, 2022, 04:32:04 PM »
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons is still on Amazon Prime Video if you have that.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4796 on: February 28, 2022, 06:28:35 PM »
Thanks for the tip. I just watched Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. That’s definitely not blackface though it invokes that imagery to get to the jokes it wants to tell: Chang’s lack of social awareness, going so hard on the dark elf costume only to get eliminated immediately, and possibly dunking on cosplayers. Shirley’s comment on Chang’s costume is *chef’s kiss*

It seems more that Netflix and Hulu merely wanted to preemptively get ahead of any potential blowback. Can’t get called out if they pull the episode first. It’s a shame. Besides being well written, the episode has a strong anti-bullying message. To that end, it does more good than harm though maybe I’m biased because I like the show.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4797 on: March 12, 2022, 11:45:28 AM »
Finally getting around to watching the last Netflix bucket list show I had left, Voltron: Legendary Defender. I'm a couple of episodes in, and it's...good, I guess? I really want to love this show, but it just kinda feels generic, and I think I have a notion why.

OK, I will freely admit that the original 80s Voltron series is at best glorious cheese, much like the 80s Thundercats. Between its extremely repetitive monster-of-the-day format; the cookie-cutter characters; the sometimes-grating voice acting; and the constant stock footage, it's very much a product of its time and it hasn't aged well. That said, it's an iconic show and it and Robotech were shows I grew up with on their Toonami broadcasts, and both played a big role in my love for mecha animation. It's a classic, and I'll always have a soft spot for it.

The new Voltron is clearly a better "show". The 5 pilots have much more distinct personalities and are more inclined to bicker with each other, there's more of a longterm storyline, and there's probably more actual character animation in a single episode than in an entire season of the original show.

That said, the original show could have a pretty strong atmosphere at times, dark and moody. I also seem to remember attempts at mythology and world-building. The new show is drawn extremely flat and brightly lit, without much to say in terms of shadows or varying up the shots. Also, I'm not sure why, but I really kinda hate the new design for Voltron itself. I think the issue is that its very smooth and rounded. The original design is just iconic:

I think the problems are black being the new primary color, the loss of the crest on the chest, and Voltron's face now being really hard to see, especially with those blue lights JJ Abrams-ing it.

Also, why is forming Voltron some "Heart of the Cards" spiritual bullshit now? I kinda rolled my eyes when the Power Rangers reboot film did that, and it feels really tacked-on here too.

Also, why in God's name would you NOT update and reuse the original Voltron theme? This series loves its generic techno/synth music, and it especially sucks all the life out of the transformation sequence stock footage to NOT have AT LEAST a memorable song backing it, let alone the original Voltron theme.

So far, the show is good, but it's missing that "certain something" to elevate it to the next level.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2022, 11:49:55 AM by broodwars »
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Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4798 on: March 18, 2022, 10:24:38 AM »
The Endgame is good in a "this is terrible but i have no idea what they're doing with this" kind of way. It's not highbrow, its not well written, several of the characters have absolutely no identity beyond servicing the plot and some key things have no reason to happen except they do. I dont know where its going but i'm enjoying hate-watching this.

Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4799 on: April 10, 2022, 08:16:16 PM »
I've been watching a lot of stuff lately, but there is one series I want to talk about in particular since I know we have some Community fans here. I could have sworn I saw talk about it on these forums, but neither the site's search engine nor Google could find anything. I just finished watching the 1st Season of Mythic Quest, a 2020-ongoing comedy series by Charlie Day that is currently streaming on Apple TV. It's basically "What if Community Took Place in a Game Development Studio?".

And it's the funniest goddamn thing I've seen in years.

The show revolves around an eccentric cast of game developers running a World of WarCraft-esque MMO, with egos and problems of the day cropping up to cause total chaos such as infighting over the implementation of a new game mechanic; infighting over increased monetization in the game (spearheaded by Community veteran Danny Pudi as basically the show's heel); the game's servers getting hacked; Kotaku running a story claiming the game has a Nazi problem (in probably the funniest...and most accurate...episode of the show); etc.

What's interesting is that as funny as the show is, it can also flip on a dime at times to do some really dramatic and heart-touching moments, such as an entire episode about the birth and death of an indie studio that's largely separate from the main cast. There's also an amazing episode that takes place within the 2020 pandemic that just captures the feeling of that moment so fantastically.

My one grip with the show is that some characters just don't seem to have much to do, namely Ashley Birch as a disgruntled lesbian QA tester. Yes, the lesbian part is important. It's the beginning and end of her character, at least in Season 1 as she spends the entirety of it pining for another QA tester. I also really wanted to see the put-upon HR manager and obviously-on-the-verge-of-a-breakdown Community Manager characters a lot more than their handful of appearances.

If you have Apple TV (or can sail the high seas), I highly recommend this show. This is JUST the show for people like us. It understands gaming, the writing is utterly on-point, and the performances are great.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2022, 08:27:09 PM by broodwars »
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