how does that make sense? The movies are decent only if you've never read the book? I haven't read the books and i think the mvoies are great. I'm pretty sure though, if i had read the books points would get taken away in my mind. However, thats really the difference in medium. Movies, are on the surface a view of a world, more limited, but in its use is how well they are rated. Books of course are deeper. I mean there is shallow media, and deep media. A harry potter miniseries could go into as much detail as the books, so could a video game, but definitely not a movie. Its the opposite of me watching Watchmen. I read the graphic novel first, and then watched the movie. The movie wasn't as good as the book, but i'll never ever enjoy a novel or film more without having done one or the other first. Then theres fight club where I watched the movie first and the book wasn't much different. I mean think of Harry Potter in the realm of fantasy movies..what is it competiog against? LOTRs, Willow, Star Wars, the Labyrynth, Never Ending Story, Princess Bride? As far as movies go in the fantasy genre it is one of the better fantasy series.