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Offline UncleBob

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5850 on: May 17, 2018, 10:49:46 PM »
An amazing thing happened at my screening of DP2.  The audience sat through the pre-credits scene, the mid-credits scene, all the credits, and the blank screen at the end.

Mind you, every freaking Marvel movie, where you *know* there's stingers, people always get up and leave... folks were still setting there... 30 seconds... we're all kinda awkwardly laughing.... a minute... two minutes... we're freakin sitting there staring at a blank screen for about five minutes.  A few people have left, but we're all still in there tryin to figure out if there's more.  Surely the staff is going to come in and clear us out, right?  No.  Finally, someone googles it.  Only the cut scene.  We left - there were still folks sitting in there.  Like, wow.  Everyone wants more Deadpool
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5851 on: May 18, 2018, 04:14:09 AM »
I didn't plan accordingly and therefore didn't make opening night.... I will certainly see it this weekend though.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5852 on: May 18, 2018, 05:48:15 PM »
I just watched August Rush on Netflix earlier this week. I plan on talking about it on the podcast tomorrow. It was one of those movies that I enjoyed parts of but thought was a little heavy on the message.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5853 on: May 20, 2018, 02:37:47 AM »
I just got home from DP2.

Not gonna provide much right now. I liked this one, but I loved the first one.

Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5854 on: May 20, 2018, 06:52:24 AM »
Just got home too. It's is that rare that not only equal or surpass its predecessor, it blows past it. The first almost feels lame now. The hit rate on the jokes is just astounding. The writing is impeccable. The action is good and Domino is a real treat to watch which is also another joke or 12. The characters are all great. Visually seems to be another joke where it looks really good to meh.

"The guy who killed the dog from John Wick". This guy really knows how to make action movies.
Oh God the X-Force. Let me show you how stupid this **** is.
Best movie this year.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5855 on: May 20, 2018, 11:25:02 AM »
The jokes were on rapid-fire. The action was great.
X-Force. LOL. I wonder how many of them will be back for the X-Force movie LOL

And I have to say that the Trailers were a bit misleading, but it was for the better. LOL

I'm probably gonna go watch it again, as I'm sure I missed a few things as I was at one of those theaters that serves food, and I was looking down to eat and deal with the waitress during the opening credits scene, so I missed a lot of that.
I was also super tired and coming down off a buzz from watching that BORING ASS Cavs v Celtics game. (3 boring games in a row now Zzzz), so I wanna be ready this time.

things I don't want to Spoil!!!

Baby Legs!!! LMAO, the Basic Instinct Baby legs cross over. OMG, I was dying.
The X-Force 1st outing being a total bust - Shatterstar looking ridiculous and comic accurate being propellor food. The Vanisher... who was that actor. I recognized him, but it was such a brief look (was eating, so occasionally looking down)
Yuki never actually seeing any action, and her totally cute interactions with Deadpool
The X-Men cameo in the Mansion
THE MUTHA FUCKING JUGGERNAUGHT BITCH... he didn't say that, but he looked great. and he led to the 1st spoiler moment mentioned above.
The the 2nd post credit with him going back to fix everything (Avengers 4 pre-credit cameo!? LOL) was pretty damn funny. That Xmen Origins cameo was great.
Deadpool 3 with a time watch... Oh boy.
Oh, and the dead... nope, not yet.... ok now I'm dead... GODDAMMIT!!! why can't I just die... #dead..... just kidding now we saved you scene was pretty good too.

I honestly feel like the jokes came so fast and delivered to non-chalantly, like DP is just endlessly rambling quips after quips, and that's not even the visual jokes, that I had to either missed some of them, or just not gotten some of them (hence the need for a 2nd viewing). I am at least familiar with X-men/Marvel Comics and know most of the characters referenced, so I'm not sure how much the "new to this" crowd understood or even realized there was a joke or comic accurate portrayal or comic reference they were missing.

So while I loved the 1st Deadpool, at this point, I merely REALLY LIKED this one. but I'm going to go watch it again, and will let you know if the mood change going in changes the experience a 2nd time round.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2018, 11:40:40 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5856 on: May 20, 2018, 01:26:08 PM »
It was Brad Pitt. Leaving that without a spoiler tag because it's only a spoiler if you look up who he played. Matt Damon is in the movie too, by the back of the truck when Cable first goes back in time.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5857 on: May 21, 2018, 10:44:02 AM »
So I watched DP2 again last night after the Warrior game.
saw all the little bits I missed, the 1st movie to me was certainly better IMO. Tighter from beginning to End and built up over years.
But even though the new one is good to, and were lots of things that were technically better in the sequel (action, visuals, budget, cameos, characters), it just didn't quite have the shock value of the 1st, but that's ok.

and Morena Baccarin is so damn fine. I'm glad he un-killed her at the end.... still not sure if he bothered to save the rest of the "X-Force" outside of Peter.

Offline segagamersteph

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5858 on: May 21, 2018, 11:02:29 PM »
Die hard fans aside, do you think following this summer the super hero movies are going to start winding down?

Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5859 on: May 22, 2018, 12:21:50 AM »
Well Star Wars dead so that is a start and we are starting down the B list heroes with only Avengers # to go before everyone can leave. DP was the only thing to kick my interest for years and you can't exactly ride one set of characters into oblivion.

There are other ethnicities they can sell/pander/grease directly to like the Chinese which they have started the ground work on. The Japanese won't give a **** as they have plenty of their own. The rest are too small or needs validation.

If DC makes a comeback(LOL) you will get a bit more life out of it. As universes go it going to reach heat death very soon as you can only kill so many people on an epic scale before you run out of people to kill. It's almost a miracle MCU has lasted as long as it has without an outright bad movie or jumping the shark but its explainable by them playing it very safe.
It's the reason why we haven't seen a Black Widow movie. You have an Avenger going around assassinating people and all kinds of dirty work. She's not safe, that's a R rating. The back story they gave got laughed out of the park. I still don't know her and Hawkeye's in universe reason why they are an Avenger.
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Offline nickmitch

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5860 on: May 22, 2018, 11:24:32 AM »
I think we still have a few more summers left in this thing.  Marvel could run out of heroes, but adding Miles, Ms Marvel, Ironheart and whomever else they haven't milked for ether film or TV can breathe some life into it.  However, I could see the returns start to diminish as the characters lose a bit of the cool-factor.  But with (almost?) all the Marvel properties being under one house, the risk of over-saturation is almost gone.  The only real issue is the scale. 1/2 the universe bit the dust in A3, so even if you save them in A4, there's not many places to go.  Other than Skrulls, of course.
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Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5861 on: May 22, 2018, 01:47:29 PM »
It's not so much they run out of heroes as they can always manufacture more whole cloth and some can pass on their legacy to an understudy. The question is would anyone care? With existing heroes they have a cheat sheet back catalogue of comics to pick and choose character elements from to shorten their introduction. Completely new would require all sorts of investment and build up essentially doubling down on origin stories.

Right now they are dumping a set of completely new characters in China tailored very specifically to their market to the point an outsider would see it as an extremely cynical move. It's a couple steps away from propaganda.

Pretty good. Warriors of Three Sovereigns has already been read more than two million times since its release. Cyclone just in at just under 750,000 on NetEase.

"We finally have Chinese superheroes," said one commenter on NetEase. "We've made it."

"Maybe one day they'll be able to fight alongside The Avengers," another added.

For now, the comics are only available in Chinese and on NetEase's Comics website - the online comic platform, which already hosts other Marvel comics including Captain America and Spiderman.

According to a statement by NetEase, the characters are meant to appeal to more than just a Chinese audience, with the company saying it hoped they would "promote the diversity of the Marvel universe."

Warriors of Three Sovereigns?! It's a direct reference to Romance of the 3 kingdoms which is one of the few cultural bit of entertainment that is safe to make in China and it is done to death beyond imagination. Imagine if the few media you can make is Sherlock Holmes/Sir Francis Drake and spin-off from it with the same few characters, same sets, props, several dozen times a year while the government dictates the tone so that is the same in every literation.

No other country would say "We've made it" if Marvel made a hero specifically for them as validation of their insecurity or a tick box to prove they are a nation on the world stage. Nobody outside of China would bite. No body imports Chinese media while we do import Bollywood or anywhere else as it is that creatively bankrupt.
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
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Offline Adrock

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5862 on: May 22, 2018, 11:16:59 PM »
Just got back from Deadpool 2. It's better than the first in some ways, worse in others.

Fridging Vanessa is one of the laziest choices the writers could have made which is especially weird since Deadpool jokes about lazy writing at least twice. At the same time, I really liked the "Just fixing the timelines" gag. The movie didn't need to fridge Vanessa to get that scene or line. Reversing it so nonchalantly also robs the movie of its emotional weight though I don't think anyone goes into a Deadpool movie for drama.

Like the first, the writing is uneven at times. It's inexplicable how Cable even knows to question Weasel. Maybe there was a scene cut? The writers have to get Cable to the convoy and kind of cheated to get there. I like the scene itself though. Josh Brolin and T.J. Miller played off each other really well.

Cable's backstory is trite and extremely uninteresting. And if we're to believe that his entire motivation to travel through time is to save his family, I have a really hard time also believing he would assume his family is safe (they could still get murdered in a different way) and that he would give up his chance to see them again to save Deadpool when they could have easily save him. I also don't think Colossus would have stood there and watched Deadpool die. That isn't good writing even if the payoff worked. It felt like five minutes of Deadpool not dying.

I didn't think the profanity was distracting this time. A couple eye rolls from me, but the dialog was a lot stronger in this one. Most of the jokes land, and they don't rely so heavily on pushing that R rating. Deadpool asking Colossus to say "****" was both hilarious and an effective use of profanity.

Some random thoughts

1. Colossus vs. The Juggernaut was a total letdown. I was so pumped for it too.
2. I've never seen or heard of Zazie Beetz before. She is excellent as Domino (and also extremely good looking).
3. Speaking of, I would've liked more Domino though I thought she was handled well. She drops a lot of loaded lines about her past then the movie never pays them off which is fine since Deadpool 2 isn't her movie.
4. I loved the misdirection in the trailer with X-Force. A little disappointed I didn't get more Terry Crews.
5. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the impression I got from the mid-credits scene is Deadpool only goes back and saves Peter. The other X-Force members who died are still canonically dead.
6. The X-Men cameo was so good. Chronologically, it doesn't make sense. Deadpool 2 probably takes place in 2018, but I accept it because this is a Deadpool movie. It was a one-off gag and worth the fraction of a second of screen time.
7. CG was not great.

Anyway, I liked it, probably more than the first one.

Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5863 on: May 23, 2018, 12:51:42 AM »
I believe the CG itself is another gag. The Domino sequences looks fantastic as hell while DP rips on about how you can't make Luck look good. The C Vs J fight looks poor as it doesn't matter, it's obligatory basically trolling you. When C picks up DP C looks great.

The guy who killed the dog from John Wick does exceptional real action where others get lazy so I am not surprised even if this wasn't a gag CG is his weakness. Even in JW this shows.

I love they spent next to no time on Cable's back story and got right into the meat of him playing terminator. It's KISS. We don't need his genealogy and making yet another origin story would just drag on the movie. I am beyond sick of origin stories. He has secondary motivations leading to why he stays. It's spelled out visually and naturally through the dialogue. Its a gag and a message for us. Who is he is right now is what is important not his future past. Cable knows more than us about time travel(His device can track changes) and the bear is a glaringly bright audience device.

In regards to the end, DP felt he was done which he was and was trying to do or accept throughout the movie. C is that much of a friend. A good chunk of the movie was built to lead up to this moment and how important V is.

The premise you have incorrect. This isn't a comic book movie. It's a DP movie, tightly written and has strong internal logic. If you try to MCU this it doesn't work as it doesn't follow the rules. Once you think along the lines of almost everything is a gag, funny observations of the world, movie making and reflection of audience fatigue it comes together insanely well.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5864 on: May 23, 2018, 01:01:25 AM »
Zazie Beats, she is from Atlanta. The Donald Glover/Chidlish Gambino TV Show on FX. Look it up. It's good. Unique. won an award in it's first season.

I'm pretty sure most people haven't heard of her before though.

Colossus vs Juggernaut, I had no idea he was in the movie... I avoided most spoilers, and now that I think about it, I remember there being a spoiler about it, but I either didn't believe it or just plain forgot. Juggs survived though, so it's all good. LOL

I also not sure who from X-Force makes the titled movie though for the same reason you pointed out. it's entirely possible they take the lazy way out, bring them all back like they didn't die, and then DP just calls it out like the audience would, then points out that he eventually went back and saved those he thought were useful... because he can address the audience like that.

and for the X-Men cameo, for as good as it was, they should have mixed both First Class and Original X-Men in the room... just because. Why Not!?

Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5865 on: May 23, 2018, 08:07:27 AM »
Because they shot that cameo from the set of Dark Phoenix.
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5866 on: May 24, 2018, 01:03:55 AM »
It's not so much they run out of heroes as they can always manufacture more whole cloth and some can pass on their legacy to an understudy. The question is would anyone care? With existing heroes they have a cheat sheet back catalogue of comics to pick and choose character elements from to shorten their introduction. Completely new would require all sorts of investment and build up essentially doubling down on origin stories.

Right now they are dumping a set of completely new characters in China tailored very specifically to their market to the point an outsider would see it as an extremely cynical move. It's a couple steps away from propaganda.

Pretty good. Warriors of Three Sovereigns has already been read more than two million times since its release. Cyclone just in at just under 750,000 on NetEase.

"We finally have Chinese superheroes," said one commenter on NetEase. "We've made it."

"Maybe one day they'll be able to fight alongside The Avengers," another added.

For now, the comics are only available in Chinese and on NetEase's Comics website - the online comic platform, which already hosts other Marvel comics including Captain America and Spiderman.

According to a statement by NetEase, the characters are meant to appeal to more than just a Chinese audience, with the company saying it hoped they would "promote the diversity of the Marvel universe."

Warriors of Three Sovereigns?! It's a direct reference to Romance of the 3 kingdoms which is one of the few cultural bit of entertainment that is safe to make in China and it is done to death beyond imagination. Imagine if the few media you can make is Sherlock Holmes/Sir Francis Drake and spin-off from it with the same few characters, same sets, props, several dozen times a year while the government dictates the tone so that is the same in every literation.

No other country would say "We've made it" if Marvel made a hero specifically for them as validation of their insecurity or a tick box to prove they are a nation on the world stage. Nobody outside of China would bite. No body imports Chinese media while we do import Bollywood or anywhere else as it is that creatively bankrupt.

It's probably supposed to be "Warriors of the 3 kingdoms" There is an issue when something is translated and then translated back.

My take on originality is that there isn't much nowadays. The most original thing lately is Black Mirror, but it really is just a modern Outer Limits or Twilight Zone.

The best thing you can do is make a sort of rip off that twists something formulaic into something new. That is what Stranger Things is. Or the Guest.

Though this was an issue 115 years ago.
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Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5867 on: May 24, 2018, 03:16:06 AM »
"Warriors of the 3 kingdoms" just makes it more of a farce. While originality is hard you have to go "Really? come on" when you crank something out like that. It creative bankruptcy at it's finest meld with self censorship and propaganda.

We still make Sherlock Holmes but we also have new stuff all the time, we aren't going back to that one well time and again historically, culturally, location, characters, symbols, themes saying yes please can we have some more?

You will never escape the fact everyone have the use the same basic building blocks which is a mistake people make when talking about originality and we are still adding new blocks, new ways to experience those stories. Experiences never possible driven by new technologies like writing, printing press, the explosion of literacy, film, internet, games, VR.

Self generating stories. Branching resulting in completely different results. Collaborative stories on a massive scale. Extremely high fidelity of facts and fiction. New genera. Nothing new under the sun? Nope. A literal lack of imagination.

A Bridge Too Far (1977)

The Saving Private Ryan Before Saving Private Ryan, the Band of Brothers. The scale is epic, brutal. Being true to the actual events, people not just "Based on" is chilling. It has some editing issues from time to time with so many separate battles going on makes location and time a bit fuzzy with some odd orphaned scenes.

Being forced to do things for real adds to it. Want to air drop a division? Better get enough planes, people and material. Build a bridge? Work all night.
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Offline UncleBob

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5868 on: May 25, 2018, 02:16:11 AM »
Solo is a movie that exists.  It has a beginning, an ending, and a plot that takes you from one point to the other.  It has some characters in it.  They do some stuff.

It's not a *bad* movie.  It's not a *good* movie.  It just is.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5869 on: May 25, 2018, 02:42:54 AM »
But what everyone (namely me) cares about is how was Lando?

p.s. That solo movie ain't happening is it? ... I mean the Lando prequel movie.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5870 on: May 25, 2018, 03:58:40 PM »
No spoilers, if Han dies in this and it gets leaked before I see it I might shoot someone first.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5871 on: May 25, 2018, 05:50:04 PM »
Han died in this. But don't worry, he comes back next year when Thanos resurrects him. /infinitystarwarsspoiler

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5872 on: May 25, 2018, 06:37:03 PM »
I've not seen Solo and may end up waiting until it hits the discount theater, but there was a neat spoiler I read about a cameo character from the prequel era. Darth Maul, which makes a lot of sense, as he was running Black Sun at one point before his final duel with Obi-wan on Tatooine
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Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5873 on: May 25, 2018, 10:36:23 PM »
Solo: A Star Wars Story - 8/10

This was so much better than I had expected! Honestly it's better than The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi...not quite up there with Rogue One, but I'd say it's pretty close. So I think my current ranking is 5, Rogue One, Solo, 4, 6, 7, 8, 3, 2, 1...but I'd almost put 4 after 7. I'd consider myself a Star Wars fan, even if not a big one, but honestly, most of the Star Wars movies are not very good. Anywho, they do cover quite a but in a short amount of time, and it does probably rely a lot on nostalgia (hey, wanna see how Han met Chewie? Hey, wanna see how Han met Lando? Hey, wanna see how Han got the Falcon? etc.) but they actually pulled it off in a really cohesive manner. Of course one of the best parts is the cameo of the character who you would absolutely not expect to make a cameo - Darth Maul. I really hope this character shows up in another spin-off movie, and one of the rumored ones would actually be a perfect fit. It's not just awesome for being a cameo from that character, but from the implications of that what follows. I was going into this expecting to have the same view at the end as UncleBob, but I wholeheartedly disagree. Aiden Ehrenreich is not Harrison Ford, and he doesn't make an attempt to play that version of Han - but he does a really good job on his own and does bring in a few of his mannerisms (banter with Chewie, the way he holds his blaster, etc.), I was impressed especially after all the stuff I read on the internet. If you're on the fence, go see it.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2018, 10:38:32 PM by BranDonk Kong »
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA

Offline UncleBob

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5874 on: May 26, 2018, 04:15:51 AM »
I'm not a huge Star Wars fan, not actually having seen it until my late teens and still thinking they're good movies, but not ones I'd go out of my way to own.  I enjoyed Last Jedi (although it had many, many flaws).  Rogue One is my favorite movie in the franchise.  I don't *hate* Jar Jar, and, in general, am not super attached to any of the characters.

So, with all that said, none of the Nostalgia really hit me anywhere.  If the movie was terrible at keeping the Star Wars story in-tact, that would probably help my opinion of it (since I'm not too attached to it all).  On the other had, because the movie is deisgned to hit a lot of Nostalgic Notes... it also doesn't really do anything for me.

It's not a bad movie, like BvS or Justice League... just not one I'd go out of my way to see again.
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