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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #25 on: January 24, 2009, 10:20:37 PM »
I'm sad to see Bill go.  I understand how he feels.  And I agree that things have changed at NWR over the past six years.  There's no denying this. 

But you honestly can't blame Pale for banning Mario.  He's had it coming for quite some time.  He throws out personal insults left and right.  It's one thing to do it in the Funhouse, but Mario brings it into forums where it is simply not appropriate.

And yes, Ian does troll pretty much every thread he enters.  But he doesn't insult people and he doesn't stoop to childish name-calling.  If you don't like what he has to say just ignore it.  Don't read his posts.  Don't respond to him.
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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #26 on: January 24, 2009, 11:27:23 PM »
And yes, Ian does troll pretty much every thread he enters.  But he doesn't insult people and he doesn't stoop to childish name-calling.  If you don't like what he has to say just ignore it.  Don't read his posts.  Don't respond to him.

I disagreed with most of Bill's post. I love talking about games too, but the nature of message boards is that people will troll and topics will get derailed. Sure some people can be rude, condescending, snide, disrespectful etc., but ehh, I still enjoy posting here. The only thing I really miss is that Mashiro doesn't post (much) anymore.

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #27 on: January 24, 2009, 11:43:03 PM »
Its very heartbreaking seeing Bill go.

I believe that Ian is both innocent and guilty. Yes, he might not insult people, BUT he does troll on occasion and I believe that everyone, no matter who they are or how they post, must get warned and be brought back to reality.

I also agree that Mario wasn't exactly the brightest poster, despite his positive attitude towards Nintendo. If you see the AC thread he came in to troll discussion and interaction with his views on the game. Yes, he was responding to a post I made, but afterwards we focused on game interaction, trading and events.

His insult towards Ian on the Pole thread wasn't needed, and was thinking of reporting him. I see that he has been dealt with.

My real problem with NWR is with the staff. Sorry if I sound harsh towards the staff members, but I believe there's no real balance. What I mean is that the staff seems to ignore most of what is going on in the site and at times it like they behave worse than the members, trolling and such.

I understand that you guys want to participate as members of the community, but you guys are staff members, moderators, admins and directors. This means that you must show seriousness and responsibility and be fair. Like its been mentioned some of the mods and staff members have gotten away with trolling. It doesn't matter if they are joking or not, the idea is that they must obey the rules just as the rest of us. So again, I wish there was fairness and balance in the staff members, regardless of their opinions or thoughts. So if someone, like Mario, kept trolling the Dead Rising thread with insults and harsh comments towards the game and anyone that supports it the staff must give him a warning, even if they agree with what he says.

As for the Nintendo negativity, well, this is something that is hard to control. If fans aren't happy with the way Nintendo is doing things how are we to control what is essentially personal opinion? But I will agree that there has been too much of it in the last few days.

Don't know how the staff will work with this, but here's how it could be done...

Like I already mentioned, the staff must show a respectable attitude towards anything discussed in the site. This doesn't mean to change your opinion. You could disagree with something and still be respected for it. The key is in how that opinion is expressed. If you present a harsh attitude people will get annoyed and try to argue back, or fuel the flames if they agree with it.

So in short, I think if we want to change the attitude of the boards we must start with the staff.
Pedro Hernandez
NWR Staff Writer

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #28 on: January 24, 2009, 11:44:14 PM »
This is just like when Ben Grimm went to France while everyone else in the Marvel Universe (save, Hulk) were at eachother's throats over the Registration Act.  Blue Ocean is our Registration Act.  I only make this reference because I just finished reading Marvel's "Civil War" story (all of it, including every tie-in) today.

Anyway, Bill, your departure makes me sad.  You made these forums a happy place.  You brought sunshine and fun when we needed it most.  I'm really upset to see you go, but I wish you the best.  Godspeed.
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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #29 on: January 24, 2009, 11:56:31 PM »
This may not be my place to speak since I'm new here... so I will keep this short.
My advice is take a break. There must be something which has kept you coming here these past seven years; as you spend time away from the forum, the memories of the bad times will fade and the good times will come shining through. You'll soon remember what that special something was, all you need is a little time away. Who knows, maybe even by the time you return, your problems with the forum may be remedied or getting closer to it.

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #30 on: January 25, 2009, 12:03:00 AM »
I'll step in and say a few brief words here.  First, Bill it's too bad that you've decided to leave.  You've always been one of our best posters, so you will be missed.

Secondly, yes, good behavior on the forums starts with the staff.  I have been guilty of idiocy on these forums and I'll fully admit it.  But there are certain forum members that really need to look in the mirror as well.

Thirdly, if you think that I'm harboring some sort of grudge against Nintendo and plan to run this site into the ground, you're wrong.  Dead wrong, in fact.  I'll tell you what: come back in six months, come back in a year.  Then we'll see where we're at.
Jon Lindemann
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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #31 on: January 25, 2009, 12:25:21 AM »
So what you all are saying is, Bill should have waited till GDC

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #32 on: January 25, 2009, 12:30:15 AM »

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #33 on: January 25, 2009, 12:43:28 AM »
darn i went to look up mouseclickers last post, but it disappeared
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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #34 on: January 25, 2009, 01:16:39 AM »
I am still going through this thread, but wanted to respond.  Bill you were a friend, I never got to know you well but I enjoyed your posts...just like I enjoyed Ian Sane's posts, which are almost always grossly misrepresented. 

I think discussion has evolved (some might say de-evolved) on these threads the past few years, but again people change just as the industry and Nintendo changes, this isn't a bad thing at all.

You might believe it is changed to be more negative towards Nintendo, but I still see a fair bias for Nintendo.  Threads like the Nintendo Sales thread is a celebration of Nintendo's success, and games that merit long discussion threads like Brawl, Animal Crossing, and Play on the Wii series seem to get great crowds and discussion. 

I have actually found that most of the discussion on NWR is quite respectful, well thought out opinions, even those that disagree with Nintendo, which you can do and still love Nintendo.

Which brings me to Ian Sane, he truly loves Nintendo and has great fond memories of what Nintendo means to him.  However, he disagrees with some of the directions and decisions Nintendo has made recently.  Why do we have to see this descent as Nintendo hatred...perhaps it is his very love of Nintendo that keeps him at these boards critiquing Nintendo so harshly.  And yes, he is not the cheerleader for Nintendo, but an opposing voice isn't always slanted against you...and can often times be rooting for your success.

As for whether NWR's forums should be moderated, editted and yes even controlled.  This is a communal website where people of all ages, all lifestyles, religions, politics and more go to read about Nintendo.  It is in the BEST interest of this site that we ensure our message boards are clean, unoffensive, and respectful to others. 

That means strict policies against personal attacks, language filters, no political or religious talk...after all this is a Nintendo gaming site.  I was actually upset that we even have the option to turn off the language filter, because I thought it let people off the hook about carefully expressing themselves instead of being able to just to the expletives.  Though I realize I am old fashioned.

In short, I actually understand where you are coming from, because I have seen the transition of these boards and I don't totally disagree with you, but at the same time I feel change is inevitable, and that the moderators have done a great job of carefully maintaining the forums for everyone to enjoy. 

And honestly, they do not get enough THANKS or RESPECT from us who enjoy these boards because of their tireless support. 

I would also like to add how is the staff not supportive of Nintendo?  This site is one of the few sites that give fair, but also critical reviews for Wii and DS games...not comparing them to the HD counterparts.  Their Staff Blogs have been critical of Sony with a series that discusses what Sony can learn from Nintendo...and for the most part they don't do specials like IGN has discussing where Nintendo has made mistakes and how to fix them by going HD. 

I love that the Staff is part of our community, and I feel they should have the freedom to discuss games and the industry however they like, and should have as much or more freedom than regular posters to do so...remember the staff are people too except that they tirelessly work to bring us great Nintendo news every day.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2009, 01:25:16 AM by Spak-Spang »

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #35 on: January 25, 2009, 01:32:50 AM »
I'll step in and say a few brief words here.  First, Bill it's too bad that you've decided to leave.  You've always been one of our best posters, so you will be missed.

Secondly, yes, good behavior on the forums starts with the staff.  I have been guilty of idiocy on these forums and I'll fully admit it.  But there are certain forum members that really need to look in the mirror as well.

Thirdly, if you think that I'm harboring some sort of grudge against Nintendo and plan to run this site into the ground, you're wrong.  Dead wrong, in fact.  I'll tell you what: come back in six months, come back in a year.  Then we'll see where we're at.

Oh, I believe everyone, myself included, is guilty of idiocy. Like I said, once the staff members realize their behavior and act according to their status they should be fair and warn ANYONE that might disrupt the forums. So for every Mario that gets banned a Golden, Ian, Bill, S_B, pap, Easycure, Maxi or even Adolph Vega should also get their warnings.

The attitude is also carried over to the general gaming forums. To be perfectly honest I was very annoyed at the trolling that happened in my dead 360 topic. I was upset for personal reasons, and the 360 being dead didn't help. I was looking for ideas and solution, but what I got was mockery, trolling and annoying posts. Luckily it calmed down, but I still didn't like where it was headed.

This type of behavior should be controlled on all the forums. Like I mentioned already, start with the staff. Once the staff has accepted their behavior control the member's.

I think the problem with Ian is not his attitude but how often he shows it. Its clear that he has alienated himself (or to be fair, Nintendo alienated him) from Nintendo, and will be hard for him to see any good. That's the stance he decided to accept, nothing we can do to change his mind. However, it does  become grating when it happens often.

Let me put it this way. You are friends with someone that is quite cynical. He makes a lot of good points, but don't like that he goes on and on about it. You are having a pleasant conversation about, say, kittens or cats. Then he drops in and says that nearly half a million become strays and much more are put to sleep. Its depressing, its a fact, but its annoying because they were talking about the fun of owning a cat, and the comment really brought things bought, and thus everyone is annoyed because a pleasant conversation went down the crapper thanks to cynicism.

This is the problem with Ian. Many of us just want to discuss a game, how good or bad it is, without diving deep into conspiracy theories, getting personal or seeing this through realistic views. Ian tends to be more cynical, and thus it becomes grating for some and why many threads are derailed.

The only solution to this is to ignore him. Yes, this is hard, but the reality is that Ian is not breaking the rules, his posts are well written and the very harsh reality is that we are the ones that start the fights (I include myself in this, and my "No Ians allowed" mural in City Folk is proof enough of this :P).

The staff, however, could encourage more positive and calmer discussion, so even someone like Ian could say something bad and people still keep discussing the topic.
Pedro Hernandez
NWR Staff Writer

Offline Berto2K

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #36 on: January 25, 2009, 03:10:11 AM »
Yes, this is hard, but the reality is that Ian is not breaking the rules, his posts are well written and the very harsh reality is that we are the ones that start the fights (I include myself in this, and my "No Ians allowed" mural in City Folk is proof enough of this :P).
Why even start fights in the frist place? Why start **** that is going to cause problems in the first place? Have some common sense.

Perm: The only controlling I'm trying to do is make people act civilly to each other.  If someone thinks something someone else said is wrong, disagree with some class.
So why has Ian not been held to this same standard?

So what you all are saying is, Bill should have waited till GDC
That would not have mattered because Ian would have still gotten away with the same thread derailing and "why-aren't-nintendo-making-my-games" **** he always has gotten away with.

I've been here at this forums for most likely longer than more than half of the members, and seemingly bout half the staff by now too. I've been here since at least 2000 on ezboards. I believe almost to fact, that this site/forum will never be like it once was.

Fact is, when you see issues coming from different places, with a single person involved in those issues developing its time to kill that problem. That problem all these years has been Ian. He made everyone feel belittled. You try and talk to him logically and he ignores it disappearing from the thread or changes the topic completely while ignoring those who responded to hom. Its like his sole purpose on these forum is to instigate and antagonize others. All the while he gets a blind eye from just about all the staff.

Since volunteering my time as staff at GCA/AMN/Kombo the last 5 years, I know that content is very important to getting an audience, however you have to also provide a fun place to your viewers to interact. if you don't engage with your audience you will lose them. That is what has been happening here the last few years. "The Funhouse" was an attempt to recreate some of the fun and it has worked decently well. But that is only contained in that forum.

Its like the forum and to a little extent the staff as well aren't as proud to admit their Nintendo fanaticism while also playing other system. Nobody looks at facts and trends to drive discussion. Folks like Ian come in, blow some smoke from the first few posts, and then vanish.

At Kombo, we had a forumer who did similar things in posting stuff to try and entice arguments, not discussion. Other members started to leave. We got rid of the problem, and things went back to normal.

What Mario, Bill, Deg, Infernal, Shifty, and myself have tried to do in the past is try to point out how Ian was ignorant in his posts. I know that he and I are about the same age. His actions aren't excusable for an adult of almost 30 years old.

He provides factually wrong information and states it as fact ignoring others when we try to show him how and why he is wrong. Its like he cowards into a little corner when he is shown he is wrong and and can't admit it. But then comes out again when he has found an opening in another topic.

Don't you (Lindy, Pale, etc.) notice that this thread is largely based around issues that surround Ian and the likes?? Shouldn't that raise a little flag in your eyes? When threads are intentionally derailed time after time, illogical and wrong statements are made, it doesn't help to raise the interest for others to post and participate.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2009, 03:32:49 AM by Berto2K »
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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #37 on: January 25, 2009, 03:35:33 AM »
You try and talk to him logically and he ignores it disappearing from the thread or changes the topic completely while ignoring those who responded to him. Its like his sole purpose on these forum is to instigate and antagonize others. All the while he gets a blind eye from just about all the staff.

Wow this is so true right here. I watch this happen all the time and have had it happen to me. Seriously. Honestly, I've even seen Lindy do it a few times.  I don't like it.

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #38 on: January 25, 2009, 03:41:59 AM »
Disappearing from a thread or changing the subject can just mean they are tired of the argument and want to move on.
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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #39 on: January 25, 2009, 03:55:42 AM »
Disappearing from a thread or changing the subject can just mean they are tired of the argument and want to move on.
No it doesn't when they only appear once maybe twice in the thread. When your only there that much and don't discuss the topic only making your own statements is not engaging in the discussion so there is nothing one could be tired of arguing about. If the topic has been brought up before, then why enter the discussion in the first place or bring it up. That's the bullshit that happens.
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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #40 on: January 25, 2009, 04:23:23 AM »
hmmm, i would say i usually agree with Ian in most cases. However, I'm not one to whine and bitch about everything to no end. Which is why I post mainly in the fun house, or general chat. The question is why would someone who doesn't care much about gaming post in a gaming forum? The answer is simple. I wonder what the community thinks. I didn't agree with bill on many things, but i think he was an important member of the community, i think Ian is too, and so was Mario(Chris). I hate to see the community dissolve like this.

What interests me more is if I left, I'm not sure if anybody would give a crap. Which i think is amusing considering I've been on here for 10 years, since it was opn2000.
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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #41 on: January 25, 2009, 04:35:09 AM »
Thought I’d throw in a few thoughts about this – I’ve basically reverted to lurker status these days aside from the occasional troll post, so I’m not really up on recent forum events – because it seems like there’s a few issues arising from Bill’s farewell.

I'm in contact with Bill regularly so this isn't a farewell post for him.

Regarding Ian: Deguello and Berto have said it much more eloquently than I could ever attempt to. I will throw in a term that sums up my interactions with Ian over the years. When someone decides to contribute to a conversation by providing an incoherent argument or irrelevant remark, we refer to that as “swinging trashbags”. Everyone knows when a guy is swinging trashbags, and his behaviour is not endearing to the group or beneficial to the conversation.

I feel like Ian’s been swinging trashbags around the forum for years. Sure, he’s got a right to his opinion just like everyone else. My beef with that is he’s been flogging that opinion for so long its become tired and bordering on absurd. That’s the annoying part. That FFXIII thread is a great example of it – people were talking about the issues S-E were facing with the project, and their plans going forward. Ian manages to swiftly injects some anti-Nintendo hyperbole and it goes to hell from there.

So not only did he derail the topic, he antagonised Bill and Deguello by bringing up anecdotal points and introducing some anti-Nintendo spin to the thread. I'm not condoning their behaviour, but Ian must take some of the responsibility for the result of that thread, despite the fact (this says a lot of his behaviour too) he did not return to the thread. Can you not see why some people think he is a troll, despite his long history on the forums?

If behaviour like that is permitted or even considered protected from criticism, then things have changed significantly from the old days. It may be an extreme example, but it is not a one-off incident.

Regarding Mario's ban: I’ve known him since the EzBoards days and his recent behaviour is not unexpected. He’s had major clashes of opinions with staff recently, but its sad to see him go because he’s been another significant contributor to the forums for years. Its not the worst thing he’s done either, so I’m kinda disappointed he didn’t go down in a blaze of glory.

Regarding the change in management: I have no real opinion either way. People come and go. I’ve had skirmishes with admins before (warnings by various mods, a temp ban by Bloodworth back in the day) but its no longer like the Wild West. Part of me misses that though. Part of me also hopes that the admins lead by example, so that the place becomes orderly without becoming a police state. There’s been so many changes since the NWR brand change, its hard to know who’s the leadership.

Regarding the mood of the site: it is definitely different to the PGC days. I’m not going to point fingers at others because that's not helpful to finding a solution. I can't point to a single event where things transformed, but the nearest approximation is around the transition from Cube to Wii. There was a gradual shift around the time the Wii came out, from “cheering for the underdog” to "Look at Nintendo go!" through to “X is wrong with Y”. Its quite sad to see that people are so quick to point out the flaws with everything, despite the only significant change is that Nintendo are first, not third.

Sure, we can get into details here, but what’s the point when it seems to be the same predictable formula with every thread? A few good comments, then a switch gets flicked and it degenerates into people picking sides and pulling out the same old tired arguments. You know the ones. Are you tired of hearing the same arguments from the same select few? I sure am. Its one of the reasons why I’ve reverted to lurker status, and its also why I’m also saddened to see Bill and Mario gone. I catch them on MSN regularly and enjoy talking to them about games and non-games stuff, so to see them say “I’ve had enough of NWR/PGC” (yes, Mario did this, his ban was just someone showing him the door) is disappointing, because the forums were richer for having them around.

I've done the "I've had enough of NWR/PGC" thing before. I've also had my hand in some forum shenanigans after that. I'm not doing either this time, because I'm through with trying to make a point. I'd rather just disappear into the night, whenever that time comes.

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #42 on: January 25, 2009, 05:11:55 AM »

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #43 on: January 25, 2009, 05:18:38 AM »
I talked to Bill via e-mail and I plan on keeping in touch with him.I didn't get a chance to play Mario Kart with him.Maybe soon.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2009, 05:34:46 AM by Maxi »
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #44 on: January 25, 2009, 05:20:14 AM »
Oh there's no doubt NWR has been spiralling for a while now. It's one of the main reasons I am (as people have pointed out) such an infrequent poster these days. And it's a shame, because a few years ago logging on to the boards was one of the highlights of my day.

I haven't had an affinity to the site itself for a long time now. The name change, redesign, shoddy reviews, and generally uninspired coverage certainly didn't help. NWR has no personality to me nowadays - it's just a generic Nintendo fansite with nothing to differentiate itself. Sterile, conservative, by-the-numbers.. just boring in general. It has strayed so far from Billy's passion and personal touch that I can't bring myself to appreciate it.

Which is why for the last few years I've cared almost exclusively for the forums. And now even they are fading from my interest. No one here seems to care about games anymore, and it's frustrating. It's ironic that so many "golden age" posters are checking in to a thread like this - I guess it just speaks to how detached we've become.

Regarding the mods and staff, I've always been vocal about my concerns with them. It seemed like none of them cared about the forums - there was minimal community involvement and they seemed to treat the site as a completely different entity. You'd be much more likely to find a staffer posting on neoGAF instead of our forums. This annoyed me a lot.. but after seeing the Staff Blog, I'm kind of glad they didn't interfere with us as much earlier on.

EDIT: Regarding Ian and Mario. Ian definitely insults people, but in a passive-aggressive, indirectly condescending, elitist, encompassing manner. Kind of like Evan. Some of the **** he types is unbelievably snobbish and self-righteous. Incidentally, this gets on my nerves much more than direct insults. Unfortunately, they aren't direct insults so the mods skim over them.

Mario is obviously an easier target. But Pale, I think you completely misunderstand some of his posts. Most of them are in jest and it's quite obvious that they are. Also, how is "Anyone who buys RE4 again is an idiot" any different from something Ian would say, like "Anyone who likes music from this decade has terrible taste and most likely loves Gigli"?

The modding on these boards has always been laughably inconsistent - either due to inactivity or plain stupidity. And it's the worst when mods themselves make the most inflammatory posts but they remain unchecked.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2009, 05:58:08 AM by IceCold »
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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #45 on: January 25, 2009, 06:02:08 AM »
Most of them are in jest and it's quite obvious that they are.

I'm really not sure anymore, if you would have asked me that a year ago I'd say, yes they are. But now it got to the point where you never knew if he was serious or not which made the insults even worse.

Anyway I'm sticking around! Even if it is to the horror of some of you. I personally like the direction of the forums so far, it seems like there is more direction and things have been getting cleaned up thanks to people like Mr. Jack and Pale.
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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #46 on: January 25, 2009, 06:12:18 AM »
Most of them are in jest and it's quite obvious that they are.
Anyway I'm sticking around!


this is my way of trying to lighten the moon, if only for myself, and I in no way mean any disrespect to Bill. He was and always will be my favorite posters here even if we didn't have a direct relationship, so it's really sad to see him go.

As far as all this Ian crap goes... I'm sort of glad that his attitude is being put in the spotlight here, because he IS pretty damn condescending to almost everyone here. I know there's been a post or two of his that i read and got a little mad over because I took it personally, but...

Is all this arguing against him really worth it? He'll never pop his head in here to try and defend himself or anything, and in general it makes everyone here who's ranted against him look bad. I don't want to spit out the same ol' "Just ignore his post" rhetoric, so instead how about we just keep on clicking that "report to mod" button when we feel he's done wrong? If we all feel the same way about the majority of his post, and feel that the mods aren't doing they're job, I'm sure a flood of reported post will put the attention where it needs to be without attacking him here.
February 07, 2003, 02:35:52 PM
EASYCURE: I remember thinking(don't ask me why) this was a blond haired, blue eyed, chiseled athlete. Like he looked like Seigfried before he became Nightmare.

Offline BeautifulShy

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #47 on: January 25, 2009, 06:21:05 AM »
Well I'm gonna stick around. Gotta keep a nice balance of nice and not so nice.
One thing that Bill pointed out was there wasn't much discusion after news gets posted.So I'll try and be more descriptive in my posts and I would like more discussion.I would advise everybody if someone posts something trollish than either ignore it or politely refute it.If that person continues then just ignore them or report them as EasyCure said.
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #48 on: January 25, 2009, 08:52:24 AM »
Nobody can truly understand the motive of somebody, unless that person explains it themselves.  As long as someone is following the basic rules of the NWR forum they should not be banned.

I have always saw Ian as our devil's advocate and realist...he keeps us honest and makes us ask the hard questions.  Sometimes his arguments are not always as valid, and sometimes we respond and he doesn't listen...but guess what, he doesn't have to.

We don't have to read his posts or respond to them, but we chose too...perhaps he did read our comments and either decided we will have to agree to disagree and not respond (I have done that many times) or he then agreed with us and decided there was no need to respond again...we just don't know. 

Notice I am not getting into the banning stuff, because I haven't read what Mario said and the reasons he got banned...but banning is infrequent here and only when it is truly deserved.  The other day GoldenPhoenix had gotten people upset because of one or two comments made after an Inauguration thread got too political.  It was technically against the rules for everyone in that thread, but nobody was banned...which is good. 

In fact, I wonder how many people that are agreeing with Bill's final rant, truly felt this way towards NWR before reading the rant?  Perhaps you had leanings, or felt something was off, but for the most part their have not been widespread complaints about unfair moderators, or questioning the sites dedication to Nintendo.  What I am saying, is I think Bill blew this out of proportion and some that miss his presence are agreeing with him purely on a more emotional level. 

We all love this site because we come here daily to share our lives and love of Nintendo.  The staff is great and never gets the full appreciation they deserve, but that is the internets...the internet never treats anyone with respect.

Offline BeautifulShy

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Re: Game Over: One final rant...
« Reply #49 on: January 25, 2009, 09:10:22 AM »
Yeah it can be hard to tell motives.Ian could be just trying to show the other side of the coin or he is trying to aggravate people.That's part of what makes this situation more stressful.

I have shared Bill's stance on this matter for a while.It frustrates me that we can't talk about a single game without it being spiraled into another thing.I don't like this "casual" and "HardCore" talk.Who cares if someone is in one group and not the other.It shouldn't matter!
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.