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Messages - Stogi

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General Gaming / RE:Sega Gamegear Discussion Thread
« on: July 22, 2007, 12:41:54 PM »

Originally posted by: Chozo Ghost

Originally posted by: KashogiStogi

As in this threads pointless.

Isn't that true of all video game related threads?



The touchscreen is perfect for the type of battle system Tales uses.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Super Smash Bros. Brawl (nsf56k)
« on: July 22, 2007, 07:42:45 AM »

Originally posted by: KashogiStogi
Well that's all true to a certain point, but even then your omitting some items (i.e. the [star and/or heart). [Omitting some of items, any items] is an act of segregation which bring us to a whole new topic: what items are fair and what items are not?

Getting rid of them all is the only reasonable conclusion, and by default, is the only way to consistently judge a person's skill.

Or, of course, the exact opposite.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Super Smash Bros. Brawl (nsf56k)
« on: July 22, 2007, 07:14:18 AM »

Originally posted by: Bill Aurion
"Fighting with no items is the best way to see raw skill. Items tend to help the player and that is a handicap (plus quicker players tend to get more items)."

Wrong, wrong, WRONG...Considering there isn't a single designated spawn point for items, there is absolutely no way a single player can monopolize all the items on the map...And if you have trouble fighting someone who is using items against you, you don't have a right to consider yourself "pro" in the first place...

That's why I put the word "TEND" in the sentence "quicker players TEND to get more items." Also, did I ever use the word abbreviation "pro?" Your bringing up something that wasn't in my argument in the first place. All I'm talking about is scientifically, what is the best way to EVENLY judge a person's skill.


You are basically saying "Fighting without items is skill" and then are turning around and saying "Items are luck," without realizing it takes skill not only to utilize items to your advantage, but also skill to deal with how your opponents themselves utilize them...

I didn't say anything of the sort. There you go putting words in my mouth.

I have no preference one way or another. I am looking at this as objectively as possible.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (nsf56k)
« on: July 21, 2007, 11:15:54 PM »
How can Bowser possibly be better when items are on? He's slow; making it hard for him to race his opponent. He's big; making him a pretty easy target.

He's slow and big.

General Gaming / RE: Sega Gamegear Discussion Thread
« on: July 21, 2007, 10:55:00 PM »
This thread should be renamed to "Learn why to not fondle feces. Plus, 10 things you can do to avoid feces!"

As in this threads pointless.


Nintendo Gaming / RE: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (nsf56k)
« on: July 21, 2007, 10:48:06 PM »
Well that's all true to a certain point, but even then your omitting some items (i.e. the star and/or heart). That little act of segregation breeds a whole new topic: what items are fair and what items are not.

Getting rid of them all is the only reasonable conclusion, and by default, is the only way to consistently judge a person's skill.

Or, of course, the exact opposite.

General Chat / RE:1-18-08
« on: July 21, 2007, 10:39:17 PM »

Originally posted by: Kairon
Yeah, I hope the entire movie is shot handheld as the trailer suggests.

If they can pull it off, I'm all for it. But can they do it well enough?

We don't want another Blair Witch/safari adventure. (although, I liked that movie)

TalkBack / RE:Rockstar's Table Tennis Announced for Wii
« on: July 21, 2007, 10:34:46 PM »

Originally posted by: BlackNMild2k1

Originally posted by: soracloudtidus
One interesting note: Table Tennis entered the Olympics before Baseball.

Thats because Baseball isn't a sport.


I'm glad there are people out there who hate baseball as much as I do. Well technically I only hate the slow ass pace; everything else is pretty cool.

I'm die-hard Cura ( 'COO'-'ra': arabic for soccer) fan.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (nsf56k)
« on: July 21, 2007, 10:23:53 PM »
Fighting with no items is the best way to see raw skill. Items tend to help the player and that is a handicap (plus quicker players tend to get more items).

With no items, players fight to the best of their abilities with no x factors.

Well that sucks.

I was hoping I would be able to make up my own games up with friends. Something as simple as tag would still be really fun.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Fighting Games: WTF happened?
« on: July 21, 2007, 09:38:47 AM »
Daaaaaaaaaammmmn that sounds good!

Tell me you put chocolate syrup on that.

NWR Forums Discord / RE: Meet Olive
« on: July 21, 2007, 08:33:37 AM »

I don't know why people get small dogs. I guess it's just a preference.

To me, small dogs are quite useless in my eyes. Dogs are for (A.) protecting your sh!t; or (B.) playing with. Then there's that companionship, yada yada yada. I don't know about you, but when I play with my dogs, I either (A.) tackle them and show them who's boss or (B.) throw a frisbee.

You can't do any of that when your constantly worrying if it pissed under the bed.

General Chat / RE: 1-18-08
« on: July 21, 2007, 08:19:07 AM »
That's exactly what I thought.

Oh and Mashiro....look at the sig.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Fighting Games: WTF happened?
« on: July 21, 2007, 07:46:17 AM »
Peanut Butter pie?

Is there really such a thing and why have I not heard of it?

General Gaming / RE:Are Video Games Art?
« on: July 20, 2007, 11:14:06 PM »

Originally posted by: Kairon
Hahahaha! But in order to get that Candy Bar Shana goes absolutely NUTSO! *sighs happily* Mooooooooooo!

That's exactly the point I threw the game across the room.

Ironically, I couldn't relate to her even though I'm a little hippy at heart.

General Gaming / RE:Are Video Games Art?
« on: July 20, 2007, 11:06:50 PM »

Originally posted by: Kairon

Originally posted by: GoldenPhoenix
Evan said it first, having different opinions of what is most important to you when you judge the inner beauty of things is what is tearing down this nation.  Not to mention you better believe GTA is an artistic masterpiece, there is no denying that or you are being a relativist! How about we judge games on the basis whether we derive enjoyment from them? I like that idea much better.

Regardless I want to sum up this thread with the following.

If you don't think GTA is art, you are destroying our culture. The end.

Why are you treating us with so much contempt? I feel... debased!

"Tell that bitch to chill!" - Samuel L. Jackson - Pulp Fiction

General Gaming / RE: Are Video Games Art?
« on: July 20, 2007, 11:03:31 PM »
Yo I played that game......

Before I starting playing, you want to know what I thought?


Originally posted by: KDR_11k
So, youre supposed to interact with people, eh? I hope that doesn't mean listen to them repeat the same phrases over and over again like any other videogame NPC and occassioanlly handing them items.

And you know what it turned about to be?


Originally posted by: KDR_11k
So, youre supposed to interact with people, eh? I hope that doesn't mean listen to them repeat the same phrases over and over again like any other videogame NPC and occassioanlly handing them items.

That game made me depressed to play it. Like, "why am I sitting here playing a survey?" And even questions like, "God, when will one of these chicks put out. I'm sick of all this bullsh!t. *Continues playing* How about you get your own f#cking candy bar!"  

NWR Forums Discord / RE:I'm Surrounded by Goddamn Wizards
« on: July 20, 2007, 10:54:45 PM »

Originally posted by: vudu

BWAHAHAHA! Look at it's EARS!

Man, seriously....whooooo damn.....*wipes tear from eye*.......why would anyone get a dog like that?

How's it suppose to protect your sh!t?!

General Chat / RE: 1-18-08
« on: July 20, 2007, 10:37:49 PM »

I didn't think to ask...

Well, the next time I hit 1500 posts, I'll ask them.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Fighting Games: WTF happened?
« on: July 20, 2007, 09:41:09 PM »
It was more of a sexist statement then anything.

General Chat / RE: 1-18-08
« on: July 20, 2007, 09:10:57 PM »
Haha....why does it matter?

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Super Smash Bros. Brawl (nsf56k)
« on: July 20, 2007, 09:08:31 PM »

I hope "helping" is used in the context of a child "helping" to make dinner by shaking up the shake 'n' bake bag.

General Chat / RE: 1-18-08
« on: July 20, 2007, 08:59:25 PM »
Ya I saw in the theaters. That was shortly before my head exploded.

Nintendo Gaming / Fighting Games: WTF happened?
« on: July 20, 2007, 08:01:45 PM »
I tell you WTF happened.

First games didn't have enough to do, now I can't tell WTF is going on or how the F this MF-er is doing a 70 hit combo while his little buddy in the corner is shooting a giant F-ing laser up my ass. Meanwhile, I'm tapping all buttons simultaneously yelling out the random obscenities that pass through my mind.

And I thought KI was the extreme!

Seriously, creators need to ease up on whatever their smoking, and stop masturbating to characters they draw. How is this giant tittied bitch suppose to stop this evil f@cking super badass? Oh right.....She shoots lasers........out......out of her boobs. Isn't that fantastic!

And what is so wrong with a slow fighting game? Why can't I clock someone in the ribs, then punch them in the gut, and finally, knee them in the face? Why do I need a 40-hit combo when a painful, small combo looks so much more brutal?

Where's the slow-mo? Where's the over-exaggerated hits? I want to see some characters fly through panes of glass. Where's the use of items? Why can't I pick up this plank of wood and beat this dude with it?

And for the love of God, I want 2-D!

Oh what the F ever.....  

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