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Messages - Uglydot

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Nintendo Gaming / RE: METROID PRIME 2
« on: January 17, 2005, 11:03:51 AM »
To say Metroid Prime 2 had better graphics than HL2 is just idiocy.  Also, what game is best is up to them, if you don't agree, then that is great, it's not YOUR game of the year.  It is theirs.

I find it interesting that this topic has more posts than the GCN has games.

And as for my own 2 cents, don't overlook the launch titles just because they are old.  The GCN's launch held lots of goodies for gamers.

General Gaming / RE: My Christmas Story of Woe
« on: January 16, 2005, 12:15:58 PM »
VideoGamer:  He linked to a bundle

Super: It actually turned out that the puns in the port had been pushed back.  After having them pulled foreward and cleaned off, the Cube works flawlessly.  And if my mentioning of my girlfriend's present begining the story offends you at all, cry to yourself, don't get sarcastic.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:LOZ: 2005
« on: January 16, 2005, 12:12:20 PM »

Originally posted by: PaLaDiN
Am I the only one who loved Wind Waker? To me that's the best 3D Zelda, mostly because it's a real conversion of LttP to 3D.

OoT was the black sheep of Zelda for me, MM was much better by my reckoning.

I can't help but feel the new Zelda will also be a disappointment because it looks to be more like OoT than Wind Waker and LttP.

I greatly enjoyed Wind Waker.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Steven Kent "Pulls an IGN"
« on: January 16, 2005, 12:11:19 PM »
I read this quite a bit late, and oddly enough, my life goes on.  

Nintendo has for some time made a killing in the video game industry as far as CASH goes, and CASH speaks.  MS lost.  Sony makes money, but last I read(which is a while ago) Nintendo lead in profit.  So I'd say it worked fine.  For them.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Atari... will they ever catch on? Doubtful
« on: January 12, 2005, 08:17:28 AM »
It's PGC...

Starting to remember why I stopped posting in message boards.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: GCN menu color
« on: January 12, 2005, 07:51:44 AM »
Not quite sure what you mean by old school boxes, but the little boxes in a circular pattern that rotate around and stuff are pink on mine and sort of morth to a darker color and back.

EDIT:I see what you mean, yeah, my boxes are a pinky-red, my Cube is a 2001 cube.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Atari... will they ever catch on? Doubtful
« on: January 11, 2005, 05:04:17 PM »

Originally posted by: KDR_11k
Procession: They published Unreal Tournament 2004...

Not really applicable to this.  While UT2k4 is an excellent PC game, I really never expected to see it on GCN, or any other console for that matter.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: My gamecube is back!!!!
« on: January 10, 2005, 07:02:43 PM »
The pings that made contact on with the plug into the cable.  I have no idea what terms to use.  They were pushed back a bit, probably from over use or something.  They weren't making good contact with the controller.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Atari... will they ever catch on? Doubtful
« on: January 10, 2005, 07:00:29 PM »

Originally posted by: Procession
Who cares about Infogrames? They're insignificant and adopting the Atari brand was a pathetic, last gasp attempt to change that. The only decent game I can recall them publishing this generation was Ikaruga. The first Godzilla game was okay, but nothing special; Enter the Matrix and all that Dragonball rubbish I can do without.

Probably one of the better comments on the topic I have read.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Atari... will they ever catch on? Doubtful
« on: January 10, 2005, 02:26:03 PM »

Originally posted by: Hedorah64

Originally posted by: Uglydot
Or all the other burnouts.  GET USED TO IT, THESE HAVE BEEN GOING ON SINCE THE START OF VIDEO GAMES, TIME EXCLUSIVES AREN'T NEW.  One of the first was Donkey Kong for coleco, I believe.  There was a 6 month exclusive for the arcade port when it first came out.  So blame Nintendo for these too.   Gamers today pay too much god damn attention to the news and to the 50 games they want.  I have 30 games or more for my GCN that I enjoy and could not possibly have completely all by now.  There are enough games to go around.  Losing a few for a few months isn't a big deal.   These are games, they are meant to be fun.  If you get pissed off about not getting all the games at the exact same time, you need to read less game news and play more games.

My guess is either:

A. You assume this topic is directed at them porting over G: DAMM to the Xbox (it's not)
B. You assume that the Gamecube will get a delayed port of Godzilla: Save the Earth (Atari said it won't)
C. You assume that the Gamecube will get a delayed port of Burnout 3 (I haven't seen mention of this anywhere)

This topic is not about having a "exclusive" game ported over, or even complaining about a delay in when a game is ported over. This topic is about a sequel to a game that was succesful on the Gamecube, a failure on the Xbox, and had its predesscor end up appearing on every system but the one that made the sequel possible.

Also, as expected, the sequel was not a success, in fact it tanked. The game can now be purchased new for $15-20 less than two months after release. As for Burnout, I assume there was more merit there (I doubt the Xbox or PS2 versions sold poorly), although it would still be nice to get the third game in the series.

That wasn't directed at the topic starting post.

And again, it is an old topic.  Very very old, in fact.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Resident Evil 4 Discussion
« on: January 10, 2005, 10:35:18 AM »
I haven't read a review in yeras, and yet, I find myself making fine choices and enjoying all of my games anyway.  Interesting...

General Gaming / RE: Square Enix making a profit on online games?
« on: January 10, 2005, 07:49:48 AM »
The way Square-Enix goes about online gameing is nearly a crime.  If you have an inactive account for 3 months in FFIX, it is deleted and your keys are useless.  You get to buy the game again if you want to play.  They charge for as many things as possible.  For and EQ tweak/clone with some FF elements, I can't believe this game is doing this well.  I played it, good game, the most comftorble rape I could imagin.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Atari... will they ever catch on? Doubtful
« on: January 10, 2005, 07:43:28 AM »
Or all the other burnouts.  GET USED TO IT, THESE HAVE BEEN GOING ON SINCE THE START OF VIDEO GAMES, TIME EXCLUSIVES AREN'T NEW.  One of the first was Donkey Kong for coleco, I believe.  There was a 6 month exclusive for the arcade port when it first came out.  So blame Nintendo for these too.   Gamers today pay too much god damn attention to the news and to the 50 games they want.  I have 30 games or more for my GCN that I enjoy and could not possibly have completely all by now.  There are enough games to go around.  Losing a few for a few months isn't a big deal.   These are games, they are meant to be fun.  If you get pissed off about not getting all the games at the exact same time, you need to read less game news and play more games.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE: 4gamers?/Nintendo Warranty info?
« on: January 09, 2005, 07:36:45 AM »
Should have got her flowers.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: METROID PRIME 2
« on: January 09, 2005, 07:35:33 AM »
I never mind difficulty in games, I get them down eventually.  I HATED the artifacts.  I just hated looking for them for some reason.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Atari... will they ever catch on? Doubtful
« on: January 08, 2005, 09:06:05 AM »
Wow, this is an old topic.  Just because the creation date is new, means nothing.  Damn you trap topics!

Nintendo Gaming / RE:4gamers?/Nintendo Warranty info?
« on: January 08, 2005, 09:00:52 AM »

Originally posted by: kennyb27
Want of Care:  Not giving the controller the proper love it deserves.

You forgot the one month anniversary, didn't you?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:METROID PRIME 2
« on: January 08, 2005, 08:58:32 AM »
Does the late game of MP2 get harder?  Because so far I am finding it to be easier than the first Prime.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Is the Gamecube supceptible to problems?
« on: January 08, 2005, 08:24:54 AM »
I have yet to have a disk read error with my launch GCN(purple).  My only problem was that a comtroller port had some pins get dirty and pushed back.  

Nintendo Gaming / My gamecube is back!!!!
« on: January 07, 2005, 08:41:20 AM »
Some of you may know, my GCN bit the dust a few weeks ago.  This saddened me, as my GF gave me Metroid Prime 2 and I also reiceved a home theater system that supported the DPLII signal.  Well  It is back.  As a last ditch effort, I cleaned the ports a bit, pulled out the pins.  And it worked!  Now to celebrate the winter-een-mas season in DPLII style and get down to business on MP!!!!!

EDIT:fixed excited typing.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: AAAAHAHAHAHAHA...Nintendo to make a football game!?
« on: December 21, 2004, 08:14:17 AM »
Heh, collect them all, FOOTBALLMON!

General Chat / RE: Holidays
« on: December 20, 2004, 11:07:51 AM »
Metroid Prime 2, a home theater system, might get Dual Screen.  Some other DVDs.  

General Gaming / RE: My Christmas Story of Woe
« on: December 20, 2004, 11:05:34 AM »
Well, I have Mario Kart, but I like the idea of a 100 dollar platinum Cube and a suprise present for my friend.  Didn't see this before, thanks!

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