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Messages - Ness_the_Mess

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Nintendo Gaming / RE:Accessories for the GC?
« on: February 11, 2004, 02:27:31 PM »
Mefinks it will be something to greater uber-ize the handle on the back of the GC.  Think of it.  A mega-ton handle.  Ooh.  Aah.

TalkBack / RE:GameCube’s Mid-Term Report Card
« on: January 16, 2004, 08:38:55 PM »
Hi.  I am an old member.  Not ANCIENT, but old.  I haven't posted in forever.  My name is Matthew Peters-Fransen.  I am 16, male, and live in Winnipeg, Canada.


Allright, so I'm canadian and you'll expect me to be a loyalist (please laugh, I don't have many jokes in me).  But you know what?  I don't care.  Call me a fanboy.  Whatever.  At the end of the day, Nintendo is a family company that makes quality games and never ceases to make me smile.  Super Mario RPG.  Earthbound.  Marios 1 to 19287.  A Link to the Past.  Ocarina of Time.  Pokemon (YES, POKEMON.  I'm a strait adolescant male who can admit that it is an incredible game).  Wind Waker.  These, and many others, are favourites of mine that will be with me forever.  Nintendo made them all.  I love Nintendo (NO - not in that way).

I can whole-heartedly agree that the Gamecube deserves a C grade.  While it has brought us some fun games, some good times, on the whole, it's the pits.  Yes, I want to play SNES all day - so shoot me.  What I cannot agree with is that it is because of a lack of an online plan.  Sure, I'd like one.  Do I need one?  Will I pay 15 bucks a month to play online a couple hours?  Nope.  From a buiz-ness standpoint?  I don't know.  I'm sure Nintendo does.  I'm sure Microsoft is honest when they release financial reports saying that they're losing some money off it.  Is it worth biting someone's head off?  I don't think so.

It's funny to come back here, and see some of my ideas come back.  Ideas that made me leave (because it seemed that at the time the members of this site weren't pleased with me).  One was the lower quality of the news delivery at this site.  When it all comes down to it though, this is NOT a large site.  It is allowed to be inferior, as it does not have 'insiders' paying them a total of a couple tens of thousands (or more, I don't really know).  Leave it be.  I'm glad that the people who write here love Nintendo enough to devote their free time to it.  Cuto's.

Flaming is ugly.  I realise that this situation elevated because of the raw emotion involved in seeing a loved company (that, honestly, delivers much of our entertainment) bashed.  Nevertheless, letting ourselves begin to insult eachother because we can't CONTROLL these emotions is bordering in plain silly.  Allright, so I claim to be a pacifist - but I believe we can all agree that cussing at eachother is not the best way to get our point across.  It just makes people ignore you (I actually wrote an essay on evangelism/scaring people with your point).

Back to relevance, I trust Nintendo.  Trust can be painfull sometimes, as it is now - Nintendo just simply isn't delivering as much as they have in the past.  I do not believe, however, that they are failing at all.  The past year they outsold M$ in consoles.  Number 2 is better than many people thought N was doing.  Shigesato Itoi's lack of a 3D sequal to Earthbound is especially annoying to me (but that is getting a bit off topic).  Still, through it all, I believe Nintendo isn't doing all that bad.  They're picking up momentum.  They have their 'mystery machine' being revieled soon.  They claim to be releasing their console in Japan next year (along with Sony, M$ has just sort of grunted and said 'yeah, um, ok').  Zelda this year.  Metroid this year.  Mario 128 definitely a possibility.  Pokemon Colloseum.  I'm sure there are more great titles, and surely at this E3 we will get a tiny peak at N5.  It is still exciting.  Nintendo still has billions of dollars.  Miyamoto is still around, and we should cherish that as long as he is - you can't expect him never to retire.

Have your console of choice.  Play online games.  At the end of the day, it's good to play together, online, offline, or single player.  Nintendo will always rule in my books, whether I'm stubborn or not.

Good day to you.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Who's Better?
« on: August 13, 2003, 10:07:53 PM »
Piccolo is better, followed by Darth Maul.

But more seriously, I think that Sonic is cooler, and more lifelike, while Mario is simply comedic.  Tails is a wuss, and so is Luigi, but Luigi is in a more humorous way.

General Chat / RE:Important! Read and bump!
« on: August 13, 2003, 10:02:51 PM »

Originally posted by: mouse_clicker
Realizing it's going on and responding to it are two very different things. When it was announced Futurama would be cancelled a petition was started up to get it back on the air, which got over 200,000 signatures, I believe, the largest in TV history. Got Futurama gave a copy, which was bigger than 5 Manhattan phone books, to Fox, who promptly ignored it. I understand it's the American way to believe individuals have, but you have to be realistic here. I'm probably the biggest Coca-Cola fan you'll ever meet and I haven't even heard of this boycott, which is almost a month old. Do you REALLY think anything's going to change? Besides, even if the boycott was much bigger, Coca-Cola is HUGE company- you wouldn't be able to comprehend just how massive it is. I admire your tenacity, but nothing's changing at that plant down in Columbia unless they do something themselves, and I don't mean that to be mean or heartless, but to be factual.

If you are a large Coca-Cola fan, then it's more likely that you would NOT have heard about this boycott, rather than the opposite.  If people were to boycott Gamecube, I would have no clue, since they would probably talk about it around GC-hosers anyway.

Anyway, some people wanting a company to spend money to continue a television show is different than asking a company to stop from murdering people.

And yes, to the best of my knowledge, it is legal to have unions in Colombia - not that it really matters, since the government has little say in most things.  Things are usually decided by who has the most guns+manpower.

General Chat / RE:Important! Read and bump!
« on: August 13, 2003, 04:40:02 PM »
Voting won't do anything, by the same token.  If you believe the value of the individual is miniscule, it really destroys most western values.  If you don't believe a boycott alone will do anything, there is a petition being made, and many people are sending letters saying that they are boycotting and why.  So Coca-Cola DOES realize it's going on.

And yes, Dr. Pepper IS a pepsi product.  Sorry, I just copied and pasted that list from another site, I suppose I should have double checked it.

General Chat / RE:Important! Read and bump!
« on: August 13, 2003, 02:35:08 PM »

Originally posted by: Jdub03
I dont drink pop anyways.  If I did this probably would not hinder me from buying their products.  Although I do feel bad that these people are getting murdered, im not the type of person that would do anything about it(Such as boycotting).

Lol, drastic action?  People can drink Pepsi instead, if not having cola is really a drastic measure.  Anyway, for people who take this thread seriously:

Some of Coke's most common products:
Bacardi Mixers
Canada Dry
Cherry Coke
Dasani water
Dr. Pepper
Hi-C Punch
Ice Mountain
Limonaid products
Mello Yello
Minute Maid products
Mr. Pibb
Nestea products
Power aid
Red Lion
Refresh Tea
Sun Valley
Tasters Choice


General Chat / RE:What is it with Pepsi lately??
« on: August 13, 2003, 02:31:47 PM »
Coke has more fizz, Pepsi has more sugar.  Whatever your bag is, I suppose, unless you care about animal rights, assasinated Columbian workers, and soforth.

Nevertheless, I like pepsi better in a can, coke better in a 2L, Pepsi better from a fountain, I don't like either Vanilla product (actually I haven't tried v pepsi, but I assume ...), Pepsi Blue reminds me of Romulan ale, and I think it's good, I don't like either diet, and I like Barqs better than Mugs.

Nevertheless, I'm not buying coke products in any fashion.

General Chat / RE:Important! Read and bump!
« on: August 13, 2003, 01:59:50 PM »
My point is that if you buy their products you are effectively saying that they're not doing anyting wrong.  Murder, my friend, is wrong.  Getting away with it is just stupid.  Do you want to be a factor of their next killing?  If you do, thats horrible.

General Chat / RE:Important! Read and bump!
« on: August 13, 2003, 01:52:12 PM »
Well, it was called a conspiracy.  Someone else doubted because of a lack of proof.  I just posted 3 sites.

Oh, and here's 4 links in one: LiNk

General Chat / RE:Important! Read and bump!
« on: August 13, 2003, 01:42:00 PM »
It's not a conspiracy.  If your dad was killed by his boss and there were no concequences, you wouldn't be very happy.
Kiss my link.  And my other link.

EDIT: and another link.

General Chat / RE:Important! Read and bump!
« on: August 13, 2003, 01:37:35 PM »
2x post.  sorry.

General Chat / RE:Graffical Nurds, Help
« on: August 13, 2003, 01:30:24 PM »
I know it isn't with 'f's, it's just how I spell it on boards.  In the same way, it isn't spelled 'nurd', but you didn't point that out.  I don't in anyway assume that since you failed to point that out that you don't know how to spell it, because it's just assumed.  Now, if I constantly didn't capitalize my 'I's, used really horrible slang, and talked 1337, I can realise how that would be annoying.  But I just have these few quirks.  I'm sorry it offends you.

General Chat / RE:Important! Read and bump!
« on: August 13, 2003, 01:25:44 PM »
You guys must be on drugs yourself.  I never once said that they put drugs in their stuff in Colombia.  My problem isn't that they have a plant in Colombia.  If you would just read my original post, you would realise that they are KILLING people, and THAT is my problem.  Unions are meant to ensure that people have fair wages.  They are entirely legal.  Hiring assasins to kill your emloyees is in no way legal.  Please, use some thought before you post, and don't say I was saying something I wasn't.
Coke products are labeled in red for a reason.  The blood that they have shed has stained them.

General Chat / RE:Graffical Nurds, Help
« on: August 13, 2003, 11:12:13 AM »
Wow, that was a fast responce.  Much appreciated.  Nevertheless, if anyone else wants to help, go ahead.  2 is better than one ... and soforth.

General Chat / Graffical Nurds, Help
« on: August 13, 2003, 08:39:58 AM »
I used to make gifs.  I used to do graffical art.  However, my computer with all of the amazing programs and etc died.  Boo hoo.  If someone found it in their heart, could they possibly make an avatar for me (prefferably with Ness - I can get you pics if you want)?  It would be muchly appreciated.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:FF:CC does well in Japan
« on: August 13, 2003, 08:34:34 AM »
APE are obviously the best RPG developers around ... Yay earthbound.

Anyway, I would have expected the sales to be a bit higher, but I suppose that thats still really high.  I have to go play Evo Worlds.

General Chat / RE:Important! Read and bump!
« on: August 13, 2003, 08:29:24 AM »
My girlfriend's Mother is the international head of Mennonite Conference Canada.  In the past year she has visited 10+ countries in the southern hemisphere.  One of these was Colombia.  She also works closly with CPT, or Christian Peacemaker Teams, which is a huge North American missionary organization.  Some facts about colombia:

There are 3 armies at eachothers throats
The US pays for the Military to have more people, weapons
The US sells them cheap wheat, which causes wheat farmers to start growing drugs
When the US finds these drug-growers, they are either killed or jailed.  Those who arent usually join one of the other 2 armies.
The US (not the government) buys the drugs colombia grows, insuring them more money if they continue to grow drugs

My only proof is 3rd hand experience, and a note I got explaining the boycott.  If you choose not to believe it, you are ignorant and stuck in a box that says "If it doesn't hurt me, I don't care."  I can't believe you would continue to drink blood ... erm, Coke, after hearing about this.  The fact that some of you would go right out and say it drives me to believe you are merely adolescant immature boys who are trying to get  a rile out of me, which is a waste of time.

TalkBack / RE:$ega?!
« on: August 13, 2003, 01:23:37 AM »
Blargh.  I like sega.

If I had 3 apples, I would give one to sega.  YAY SEGA.

General Chat / RE:Important! Read and bump!
« on: August 13, 2003, 01:02:35 AM »
If I put "Don't Buy Coke' or somesuch in the thread title, fewer people would read it.  I considered it, and decided against it.
And Mario, if you don't feel guilty, thats just scary.  I don't even want to touch upon that.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:I want a gamecube!
« on: August 13, 2003, 12:43:13 AM »
Write too much?  Check out this thread.  It's crazy.  And then check the times of the posts.  They've all been this morning.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:NINTENDO PLANS TO BUY SEGA!!!!!
« on: August 13, 2003, 12:25:57 AM »
You know, I tried to withhold myself from joining in, but you've really done it to yourself.  I hope you realize how immature you sound right now.

Anyway, I sent an email to, and this is what they said:

Yes, we did send an email specifically to peewee.  We told him that Sega was making a game called Sonic Heros for the Gamecube, Playstation 2, and XBOX systems.  However, we do not know why you say he had reported that Nintendo was buying Sega - he must have read between the lines.  Possibly the lines "Peewee, calm down, and stop spamming.  If it was real, you would have coughed up a reliable source" and "Do you expect your reputation on these forums to ever get better after this?  They can if you admit you made it up".  We are sorry it has caused you any confusion.

mariodoesntnoshit from

Post Script: Please visit our site

General Chat / Important! Read and bump!
« on: August 13, 2003, 12:17:05 AM »
In Colombia, Coca-Cola has some of its most major manufacturing plants.  If you guys don't know the situation, there is the colombian military, the para military, and guirilla groups all fighting eachother, and its a crazy mixed up place right now, and the US is making it worse.  Anyway, the workers at these plants have a Union.  However, they don't make enough money to live.  So, being in a union, they have tried to gather together to strike.  However, the officials of the plants have "allowed" (read=hired) assasins to kill some of these people in an effort to stop them from gathering and striking.  9 workers have already died, and 45 are on a death list.

Starting July 22, a little-known boycott has started for coca-cola products.  To participate, simply don't by Coke, Frutopia products, Sprite, and other such Coca-cola owned companies.  We have to stand against these corperations if we want 3rd world countries to step out of the dust.

General Chat / RE:Munching@Gaming
« on: August 13, 2003, 12:11:16 AM »
Two floors between my kitchen and my cube room, but it makes little difference.  Usually if I get a new game, I'll spend 5 bucks at my corner store for a big bag of chips and a 2L bottle of pepsi/coke.  Pepsi for now tho.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Zelda Series Time Line Explanation
« on: August 13, 2003, 12:05:14 AM »
The analogy of WoT works very well, since there is the Dragon Reborn and in zelda there is the Hero of Time reborn.  Anyway ...

This is just a copy + paste of something from another thread but I believe it is quite relevant to this ...

As to the 'new Hyrule ... In my opinion, Wind Waker was just a continuation of the future in OoT. You see, when time travel occurs, new continueum are formed. These must be caused because all time happens at the same time. So, when Link defeated Gannon while he was a late-teen, that continueum contined. However, that continueum was continued in the form of Wind Waker. In the history of WW, they say that the hero left the plane entirely, and that is because Link went back in time. Many people asume that when the history says that, it is reffering to Majora's Mask, but in MM Link comes back.

So, Wind Waker continued the continueum where Gannon was semi-defeated. Does anyone else recall that at the end of WW, it says 'The Legend of Zelda The End'? It didn't bother saying Wind Waker in there. That is because that is where the Legend of Zelda stops. At least, in that continueum. Now, they can continue the continueum where Link was just a child, and met Zelda at the end of OoT. Since Gannon was banished into a temporal plane, it removed him from all time, past and present, and so he was no longer in that continueum. Thus, a new story starting at the beginning of OoT, without Gannon.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:NINTENDO PLANS TO BUY SEGA!!!!!
« on: August 12, 2003, 11:40:11 PM »
Peewee, at first you seemed kind of reputable, but now you're just making yourself look more and more foolish.  Please, I'm not trying to be annoying, but do a favour to yourself and stop the sarcasm and defence of this thread.  If you have a source, post it.  If not, then just leave it be.

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