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Messages - StRaNgE

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Nintendo Gaming / RE:Metal Gear Solid "the package?"
« on: May 29, 2004, 02:26:52 PM »
strange thing was after i found that out online, i looked all over the case  and still have not found it. thank god for walkthroughs.

Nintendo Gaming / Metal Gear Solid "the package?"
« on: May 28, 2004, 09:30:43 AM »
so i am still very early in the game i just beat revolver and i am told to contact her from the code off the package. but i do not have a package, no one gave me a package and i can not find any package anywhere on the game at all!  

anyone have any clue as to what package they are referring to.


Nintendo Gaming / RE:Zelda Coming This Year!?
« on: May 17, 2004, 04:37:47 PM »
well they did keep it pretty darn secretive all this time. who knows for sure when it's gunna actually be in our hands at this time.  would defiantly help boost cube sells for the last year if they had it out by this XMAS before NOV 1st.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Resident Evil 4 Discussion
« on: May 14, 2004, 10:24:11 PM »
Bruce cambell stared in Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2 and Army of darkness (evil dead 3)

TalkBack / RE:Possible Nintendo DS Price/Release Date?
« on: May 14, 2004, 10:15:21 PM »
at 149 i'll be picking up  a DS at launch. 200 well, i might wait a bit and see what happens.
if games are 20-30 i'll buy   quite a few. at 40 + i'll probably just buy more cube games instead.

« on: May 13, 2004, 04:46:20 PM »

And I think you are completely right to consider that you or all of us got gypped with The Wind Waker.

how can anyone think that way?

would you rather have never gotten to play that game?
not like you were forced to go spend money on it. you could have never bought it.

personally i prefer having both over one.

gypped,  it is a fun game cartoony or not.

« on: May 12, 2004, 05:01:18 AM »
all i can say is

I TOLD YA SO!!!! lol

When ww was announced, I spoke with  Nintendo through emails  for some time after. They hinted around that the spaceworld demo style was not dead but taking longer then expected. Giving us wind waker to fill the time or something along those lines.

Anyway,  years ago it now seems I tried sharing this info here to only be shot down and told  I was full of it. Well, now we got the best of both worlds just as promised.

Now all we need is a release date. damn I got lots of money I'll be spending over the next 365 days . time to sell off some of those old unused games finally.

anyone got a link to all the other movie footage ? none of the planet gamecube footage works for me. if only it was mpgs.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Resident Evil 4 Discussion
« on: May 05, 2004, 09:27:33 AM »
yes that does ring a bell,  and in 3-d  as well...

but i think it is even from a movie more grade B then that. if only i could remember. oh well. lol

Nintendo Gaming / RE:characters on mario melee?
« on: May 05, 2004, 09:25:44 AM »
thanks, i'll look through his game to double check , but  looks like from the above post he nailed them all. thanks again

TalkBack / RE:First GBA Video Run Ships to Stores
« on: May 05, 2004, 09:24:30 AM »
if these were selling for 10 bucks a pop i just might  load up a few for my son so he has something to watch on road trips in the car this summer.

Nintendo Gaming / spider man 2
« on: May 04, 2004, 08:34:08 PM »
anyone got the release date, i think it's this month but can not recall.

this game looks like it will be a blast, especially if you ever  liked spiderman at all.

i'm anxious to see how the new camera works out as well as that you can now go down and actually explore the city GTA style from what i hear?

Nintendo Gaming / RE:characters on mario melee?
« on: May 04, 2004, 10:01:20 AM »
no idea, seeing i never play it and he is just learning to read now so i figure when he 1st got it  he would not have been able to read he unlocked them all when that time came. lol

trips me out how a 3, 4, 5 year old can woop your butt on a game like this.
might be why i stopped playing, ha ha ha.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Resident Evil 4 Discussion
« on: May 04, 2004, 09:41:26 AM »
just watched the new footage, wow is all i can say. i really was anxious for this game but now it is top spot on my must have list.

although the chainsaw guy does not look like leatherface like some spoke of before.

he has a burlap sack on his face which  reminds me of something else. some b movie horror i watched ages ago, but can not recall the name off hand.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:characters on mario melee?
« on: May 04, 2004, 08:42:29 AM »
thanks, i figured that he had them all.

i will let him read this himself when he gets home from kindergarten today.
he has loved that game ever since the N64 version and he was like 2  or 3 years old. lol

Nintendo Gaming / characters on mario melee?
« on: May 04, 2004, 03:49:36 AM »
I got this for my son when it 1st came out and  as far as I know he has unlocked everyone.
Well the other day at  school some kid told him there was  a character he had yet to unlock.

So know he is very determined to try and get this  one open.

Personally I think that the kid who told him you could unlock  mew  was referring to mew two but am not sure so I come to all you hoping that we could put together a factual list of ALL unlock able characters on the game.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:For those who didn't buy Beyond Good & Evil...
« on: February 18, 2004, 06:43:03 PM »
just got to play this game tonight for the 1st time,  it is so much fun i have been putting off everything i should be doing for the last  3 hours this evening.

it is a must play,  has a great fun story so far  which makes the game even better.

Final UPDATE 2-18-04

Gamecube was shipped back today as scheduled.
all seems to be woring with it as should be. there is a small  bit of scratches that were not there when i shipped it out on the top door window but no huge deal.

anyway, Nintendo customer service was  very good and they shipped the cube back using UPS.

i threw in beyond good and evil for the 1st time tonight to try it all out and damn , this game is Awesome. a great story that pushes it even further.

if you have not played it and you enjoy Zelda type games, get it ASAP...

another update.

Friday the 13th.

checked status today and it has been shipped, went out yesterday and is due in by the 18th/

here is the real catch... it is being shipped by , that's right you guessed it UPS.

guess my complaint with Fed Ex set up actually made a difference.

Update for Tuesday Feb 10th:

Today at work i received a call from NOA. i was surprised to hear from them. They called to apologize for my bad experiance friday with fed Ex and to make a formal letter about the system. Turns out Nintendo  has just recently started using this system with Fed Ex within the last 4 months to 6 months. They guy sounded very concerned to get the story of what gappened and he made a note in his computer about it and then surprisingly offered me  a free players guide.

i did not really need one at this moment so i opted to go ahead and take a metroid prime as i  have only been able to complete it with about 89% over the years.

anyway, i again have to give two thumbs up on Nintendo's customer service . A follow up cal  call was not expected and showed that  a huge corperation can go  that extra mile  for the little guy.  My package was verified as being sent and should be in the hands of Nontendo sometime today, (wed).

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Resident Evil 4 Discussion
« on: February 10, 2004, 07:12:15 AM »
speaking of Re-make....

it scared me most due to atmosphere, the house, the fog, the soundtrack..

then again i grew up  being brought as a child to a small country house where my grandparents lived, and us kids would all tell horror stories of zombies, dracular, and creatures out in the woods waiting in the quiet. so this  series is very much along that, specially that journey past the pool and down the path. looked right out of the land we used to go to way back when...

Nintendo Gaming / RE:New Miyamoto interview over at IGNCube
« on: February 09, 2004, 09:45:10 AM »
Sequel or rehash?   from what I have read  here it seems most of you actually just want Mario 64 recreated  in a sense. Not really a squeal at all. But a big land with snow, fire and mushrooms to jump around on.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Resident Evil 4 Discussion
« on: February 09, 2004, 09:27:24 AM »
The last Aliens?  I guess you have not seen Alien VS. Predator previews that is due out this summer???

looks as if it has much potential ...

Update  for Monday  Feb 9th.

i decided to wait till after the weekend to email Nintendo to tell them of my wasted day last Friday. This way the letter would be sincere andd not just a ball of anger towards Fed Ex.

I really hope  that they do consider a switch to UPS as that would make this process so much easier for anyone in the future.

my cube is still in travel  from what i can tell on mynintendo account.

I do give props to the website and  set up so far.

i'll update again in a couple days.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:4 New Zero Mission Vids.
« on: February 07, 2004, 04:23:22 AM »
what is the release date on this again?

soon,  right?

General Gaming / RE:2 cubes in less then 6 months? why me?
« on: February 07, 2004, 03:50:36 AM »
I guess I must be coming off wrong, I so much patience it is sickening, lol.

Just think the system fed ex is using is  ridiculous and so do the people that  work  at the suggested mail centers. One even lost his cool with fed ex and canceled the service right there and just gave me a phone # to call.

Just  sucked wasting an entire day trying to ship it out when I should have been able to walk in and walk out in 5 minutes.

I used the Nintendo web site and my Nintendo account to do this whole process so far, the Nintendo side of things seems smooth enough so far. Just would have been smoother using ups as they have this type of system down better from what the mail centers  say as well as from what I have used in the past is all.

Now I wait, it will probably be a week or more before the next update.

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