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Messages - Shorty McNostril

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Movies & TV / Re: Disney+
« on: August 24, 2019, 05:11:26 PM »
I have read somewhere they will release the first couple of episodes together and then change it to a weekly release.

I imagine Marvel will go with someone younger. Nothing against Harmon. She still looks good at 47, but she’s, you know, 47.

I don't think that'd be a problem. Paul Rudd manages well for his role.  And he's still extremely energetic.  But we'll see in all good time.

In far more pleasant news, three new D+ MCU series announced.

Ms Marvel
Moon Knight
She Hulk.

I wonder if Angie Harmon will get the opportunity to play Ms Walters like she's been wanting for years?

Movies & TV / Re: Disney+
« on: August 24, 2019, 12:08:56 AM »
Looking very good.  I'm in.  I'm very curious to see how IG-88 functions.

Movies & TV / Re: Disney+
« on: August 08, 2019, 04:25:38 PM »
I'll be very surprised if this launched in Australia any time soon.  I'd never heard of Hulu until recently.  It'd damn well better be out by the time the first D+ Marvel project arrives or I'll be forced to look elsewhere for it.

He is a future Bruce Wayne from some other dimension, so he presumably will be.  I wonder what his acting chops are like?

I've always wondered why the hell Skye (I can't stand calling her Daisy) got promoted up to the 2ic?  Seriously?  Agent Melinda May has a far longer history and is renowned all throughout Shield and somehow this jumped up hacker that's only been with them for 10 minutes ends up outranking everyone except the Director?  Was there an explanation that I just missed at some point?

As for Deke, yeah I can see that.  Admittedly, he was a lot better in the finale episodes.  But everything up to that he served no purpose and was just being annoying.  I feel that the writers had a plan for him in the finale but no idea what to do with him leading up to that so they just threw him over with Fitz and Simmons to do nothing in particular.  But yeah he was decent in the finale so it softened my annoyance for now.

I don't know why, but I can't help but like Mack and I'd be sad if he left.  (Might I also add that Mr Henry Simmons is such an unreasonably large man).  To me he comes across as flawed, but usually quite level headed.  Like how he locked Skye and Yo-Yo in that room until they figured out who Izel was inhabiting. 

As a side point that makes no real difference here or there, I find it interesting that all the Chromicoms have biblical names, usually of minor prophets.  I wonder what inspired that decision.

Something I haven't seen discussed yet is the location of Fitz in the new.....timeline, something, whatever that was.  We heard him.  I actually reckon they've built him into the Zephyr.  The new Coulson reveal isn't the only bombshell to see I think.


Also The Rock has been hinting towards an MCU role now as well.

Oh please no.   

I only watch the crossovers.  You might miss a couple of things here and there but it'll make sense (well as much sense as it can for an Arrowverse show) overall.

Well I have to say I found AoS season 6 was quite disappointing.  I think it peaked beautifully at season 4.

The ending few minutes aside, I found that "explosive finale" to be by far the worst finale they've had.  It was Arrowverse level bad with the terrible decisions made and oversights.  Though I will admit that Fitz probably has the best exasperated yells I've ever had the good fortune of hearing.  Every time he did the block I was having a great laugh.  Hopefully Deke is out for season 7.

Who would we want for the next villain?  Assuming there are no Sony crossovers it won't be symbiote based.

Kraven seems to be a popular choice but I don't know if I'd like to see him as a main villain. 

Maybe Chameleon?  He'd probably potentially be a bit too similar to Mysterio. 

Having thought a bit more about it, maybe Alistair Smythe would be an interesting way to go?  Bringing in the Spider-Slayer.  Maybe they could also bring Black Cat into it.  Has Felicia been cast in the MCU yet?

It didn't pander, didn't preach and if the lesbian line pulled out of context is all that you could come up with Ryan did a damn fine job. Thank you Canada.

This is precisely my point. That line made sense in the conversation. It was done and they moved on with the story.  If they do something similar in Love and Thunder it'll be fine. 

So Thor Love and Thunder, Thor goes on a dating game and has to choose between Jane, Valkryie, and Lady Sif?

Well it won't be Valkyrie.

While I have no problem with this in itself, just have it in the movie but don't make a big song and dance about it.  Don't shove it in my face.  This is a big reason why I bailed from Supergirl.  I am not watching this stuff to be fed political messages.  I want to be entertained. 

I think that's the one thing I actually approved in Deadpool 2.  They had a lesbian couple, but there was no pushing it.  It was just there.  No fanfare, no flag waving or drawing attention to it.

Movies & TV / Re: Star Trek
« on: July 21, 2019, 02:18:38 AM »
Must be layering on that make-up nice and thick to cover all the wrinkles lol.

I am stoked with all these reveals.  At the moment I'm pretty indifferent about Eternals because I know nothing about them at all but I have no doubts that it'll be an entertaining movie.  All the other stuff is great though.  I'm most excited for Thor.  I can't wait to see how Ms Portman handles the role. 

I don’t love the Thor: Love and Thunder title or logo. Movie premise sounds great though!

Out of all the Disney+ shows, I’m looking forward to Falcon and The Winter Solider the most. There is a part of me that’s holding out hope we get live-action Peggy Carter as Captain America. Really just want more Hayley Atwell in the MCU.

I wonder if Marvel plans to fold Loki back into the main timeline somehow.

Mahershala Ali as Blade?! Give me that all day, every day. He was so good as Cottonmouth (and everything). Easily the best part of Luke Cage.

I agree with the Thor name and logo. Reminds me of some 80's Flash Gordon era stuff, but that's probably the intent.

I adore it.  I don't think there could have been a more appropriate subtitle for Thor 4 given Mr Waititi is directing.  It's him to a 'T'.

Burt Ward is going to be in the Crisis crossover......

Movies & TV / Re: Star Trek
« on: July 20, 2019, 05:21:24 PM »
*drool*  Jeri Ryan.....

I'm certainly intrigued about the series.  I'm far from a trekkie.  The only series I've ever seen is Enterprise which I enjoyed enough.  I have seen the Next Generation movies quite some time ago so I'd be going into this largely ignorant of the happenings of Picard's captainship.  I have picked up various highlights though because the missus watches them all (including the horrific 60s series) on an annual basis.  I'll probably give it a go, though a lot of the references to events and stuff will no doubt be lost on me.

Captain, what is that?! LOL.

I really hope they keep any CGI down to the most absolute minimum.

Tom Cruise said that everything is real in his appearance at Comic Con.  It looks it too.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Super Mario Maker 2 - Did anyone here get it?
« on: July 19, 2019, 04:26:41 AM »
I *would* pay them if I were interested.  That's why I choose "would" and not "will" :P

Makes sense to me anyway lol

Top Gun: Maverick trailer

I am sold.  Looks awesome.  And the music...... *chills*

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Super Mario Maker 2 - Did anyone here get it?
« on: July 18, 2019, 03:16:33 AM »
I'm afraid Maker holds no appeal for me at all.  I'm not really into Mario platforming, and I have no interest in making levels.  That's what would I pay Nintendo to do for me lol. 

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