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Topics - xanrastafari

Pages: [1]
Nintendo Gaming / Wii Motion Sensing Precision
« on: July 18, 2007, 07:29:43 AM »
So as new games come out, I've become increasingly worried about the motion sensing aspect of the wiimote.  While the infared pointer and the tilt seem to work rather well, basically every game involving hacking/slashing/stabbing or some other three-dimensional movement of the wiimote that's more complicated than just detecting movement, seems to have had a mass response of having imprecise controls.  I personally found this to be very true with Zelda, though that by no means screwed up the experience for me (though I had a damn hard time getting a vertical or horizontal slash to happen as i wanted it).  My limited experience with other games makes this seem true as well.  And I've seen it in tons of previews for e3 games.

So here's the question:  is the software recognition of gestures still in a primitive stage, and can we hope for awesome, precise gesturing in the future, or is the wiimote's motion sensing really just not that good?  It's an important question, and to me, makes the difference between the wii being gimmicky without a lot of long term potential (because, honestly, flailing and hoping it comes up with the right motion isn't immersive), and something that will change gaming.

Nintendo Gaming / Tommorrow's VC Games...
« on: December 10, 2006, 09:54:51 AM »
Any news on what they will be?  Is the Big N not keeping up on releasing schedules?

Nintendo Gaming / 1st Quarter 3rd Party Support...
« on: November 30, 2006, 05:04:26 AM »
So there's been extensive discussion about the kinda light 1st party support during the 1st quarter next year, but I'm interested in knowing what's coming from 3rd parties.   Anything interesting outside of Sonic?

Nintendo Gaming / Best Buy Shipment of Wiis...
« on: November 21, 2006, 12:51:09 PM »
So I asked a couple of salespeople at my local Best Buy when the next shipment of Wii's was coming in, and they said that they're holding them until Sunday.  Can anybody confirm/deny this?  I've read online that they may be shipping for Black Friday, and when I called Best Buy they told me nothing.  What gives?

Nintendo Gaming / Next Wii shipment??
« on: November 19, 2006, 05:38:26 AM »
So we've determined that a bunch of us didn't get a Wii.  Here's the new question:  When does the next shipment go out?  Anybody have ANY info on this?

Nintendo Gaming / So I decided to wait on getting a Wii
« on: November 18, 2006, 01:09:59 PM »
As of 6 PM all of the stores doing midnight launches were overbooked.  As of 7 PM the Wal-Mart that opened at 7 the next morning had 24 people lined up to wait for 30 consoles.

I'd rather wait a few months than spend 12 hours in the freezing november cold for the console.

Nintendo Gaming / Getting a system launch day...
« on: November 11, 2006, 07:34:54 PM »
Hey all...

How early do you think I need to camp out to get a system on launch day?   For example, if I get to a Target (which seem to have a lot of them and not have taken pre-orders) in a non-urban area at around 3AM, do you think it's likely I'll get one?  5am?  Midnight?

I have no experience with attempting to get systems on launch day, so I'd love some experienced input.

General Chat / Random thought
« on: November 25, 2003, 12:46:23 PM »
I haven't posted here in a LONG time, but a thought, relating to videogames, just occurred to me and I decided to use this as an outlet. The most straightforward argument against videogames being an artform is that the sales figures often actually have to do with the quality of the game.

Compare that with books, movies and music.  The best never sells in those.

Comments?  Responses?

Nintendo Gaming / VGA Adapter
« on: July 10, 2003, 01:56:59 PM »
Hey, I'm looking for a VGA Adapter for Gamecube, so I can use my GCN with a computer screen.  Does such a thing exist?  Even better, is there one that works for all systems (takes an RGB signal and converts it?).  Thx lots.

Nintendo Gaming / Is it just me, or is 1080 fugly?
« on: February 17, 2003, 03:52:48 AM »
The latest set of screens ( looks shockingly like an N64 game....

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