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Topics - vudu

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Nintendo Gaming / HELP! Problems with my Wii Sensor Bar
« on: June 28, 2009, 02:34:33 PM »
A few weeks ago I started to experience some problems with my Wii sensor bar.  I have to hold the Wii remote within 6' of the sensor bar or the remote won't recognize it and I lose all pointer functionality.  My Wii remote is approximately 9' away from the sensor bar during normal gaming, so this presents a problem.  I never experienced a problem with distance prior to this.

I've tried changing batteries in the Wii remote, using a different Wii remote, checking the sensor bar connection and nothing fixes the problem.  I've also tried moving the sensor bar from the top of my TV to the bottom and it still has no effect.  Ambient light isn't the cause, because it doesn't matter if I try in the middle of a sunny day or in the dead of night--I experience the same issue.

The problem started at the same time I bought a new TV.  I got a 46" Panasonic Plasma G10.  As far as I know, the TV itself isn't causing the problem.  As a test I turned off the TV (but kept the Wii on) and the same problems occurred.  I moved the sensor bar away from the TV and experienced the same distance constraints.  I plugged the Wii into a different outlet, thinking there was a slight chance the new TV was sucking too much energy and the Wii couldn't properly power the sensor bar, but that didn't work either.  My new TV is approximately the same height as my own TV, so it's not an issue with the sensor bar being too high.

As I already said, I don't think the TV is causing the problem, but since the problem started as soon as I got it, I can't figure out what else it could be.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Nintendo Gaming / DOMO DSi GAMES!!
« on: June 02, 2009, 08:32:41 PM »
Why has the Internet not informed me about these yet?   >:(

They're listed on the Nintendo Channel in the new video DSiWare Upcoming Title Lineup (currently on the 4th page).

Games shown so far are as follows:

They look totally sweet.   ;D

Here's a trailer of all 5 games--Domo starts at 0:24.

I swear, these are what will make me finally drop $170 on a DSi.

NWR Feedback / The first 100 days of the new administration
« on: April 30, 2009, 08:59:16 PM »
Yesterday marked the end of the first 100 days of the new administration.  I'm referring to Lindy's bloodless coup of NWR that took place in January (all smotherings).

What has changed since Lindy came into power?  Not much that I'm aware of.  Other than the rocking 10-year anniversary spectacular, I can't think of anything that's made the past three months stand out from any previous 3 months.

We were promised a transparent administration, with more accountability.  I have seen no such thing.

We were promised video reviews.  Other than a DSi-unboxing video I haven't seen anything even remotely close.  (Give me We Cheer or give me death!)

And has he finally gotten around to beating Super Mario Galaxy?  Not to know knowledge.

Previous dictators--er, directors--campaigning for their new comrade, promised us a new site layout.  100 days and nothing.  (Lock MegaByte in a closet and don't let him out until he finishes!)

Lindy wowed us with his silky smooth voice--and head--and we believed him.  (Well, not everyone was a believer.  But they have been silenced!)  And where did it get us?  Nothing but false hopes and a broken heart.

Re-elections are coming up in a mere 1,286 days.  If I don't see some drastic changes soon we will be singing Kairon in 2012!

I just read about an upcoming WiiWare game called Swords and Soldiers.  It's being developed by Ronimo Games, which is composed of the students who created the original de Blob game.  Apparently this game was announced back in August, but this is the first I heard of it.

It's a side-scrolling RTS game.  Your troops act on their own; your job is primarily to manage resources, deploy them at the right times and use special magic attacks to increase your odds of winning.

There are 3 races in the game--Vikings, Aztecs, and a third, unannounced race.  The artwork and sound effects give me a Zack & Wiki vibe.  Looks like it could be lots of fun! preview
Trailer #1
Trailer #2
N-Europe impressions from last August

General Chat / I hate iTunes
« on: March 26, 2009, 09:52:04 PM »
I recently inherited a used, first gen, 2 GB Nano.  I've never used iTunes before and I've quickly come to the realization that  it is the worst program ever.  There are so many retarded "features" it's unbelievable.  (I'm absolutely dumbfounded that the only way to switch libraries is to hold down the shift key when opening iTunes.)

Anyway, I have a problem.

I loaded an RFN podcast onto my iPod but it doesn't appear when I view the contents through iTunes.  (It's on the iPod and it plays just fine through the unit.)  When I select the device from the menu it shows that an audio file is on there, as evident by the capacity bar at the bottom of the following picture.

However, when I select the music tab, it's empty.

What the heck?  How do I get this cursed file off my iPod?!

General Chat / Can you name the Video Game Systems (released in the U.S.)?
« on: December 04, 2008, 04:44:07 PM »
Apparently there have been 69 video game systems released in the USA.  How many of them can you name?

Click here to take the test.  Once you begin you'll have 12 minutes to finish.

Granted, some of these are completely bogus, but it's a fun time-waster nonetheless.

I managed to name 33 systems without cheating.

NWR Forums Discord / Stogi is the worst poster ever
« on: November 13, 2008, 03:13:16 PM »
Seriously, four of his last nine topics have been locked.

Can we get a temp ban on this guy or something?  ;)  It might shake things up in an otherwise dull Funhouse.

^ Topic

I vaguely remember seeing it in a movie, on TV or in a video game recently, but I can't figure out where.  Any help?

NWR Forums Discord / Welcome to our newest forum member: Stevey
« on: October 17, 2008, 05:44:04 PM »


Nintendo Gaming / Pale is the greatest mod!
« on: October 16, 2008, 01:39:15 PM »
When I try to visit Goatse via the Internet Channel I don't get the page I'm expecting to get.  Is the page down?  Is it off limits on the Wii?

NWR Forums Discord / Random poll of the week: fruit snacks
« on: September 12, 2008, 02:35:32 PM »
It doesn't matter as long as they change the color of your tongue.

Ever notice what his last name sounds like? "Demon" He should just figure out that we only play these games for fun, suck it up, sit down, and shut his trap. Playing Wii actually helps me release my anger when I'm pissed off. It's the brick wall which keeps me from killing someone. Why is the media, and NWR, intent on destroying video games?

CCR sux

Those of you who are paying attention know that my Wii is borked.  I'm looking for something to play for the next couple of weeks while it's gone.

I put a few options above, but feel free to "write-in" your own if my choices suck.  I'm limiting the selection to older PC titles or something for GameCube.  I haven't updated my PC in several years (since before Half-Life 2 came out, so I can't play most newer games.  The last games I played on it were Half-Life 2 and Psychonauts; both played fairly well, but it's not like I could crank the settings up to eleven or anything. 

Bioshock (PC):  I'm not entirely sure my rig can play this game very well.  I can buy the game from Steam for $30.

Deus Ex (PC):  I already have this game, but never played it.  I know some people on this forum feel pretty strongly about the game.  I heard there may be some compatibility issues with XP.

StarCraft: (PC)  I haven't played this game in almost ten years.  I don't remember a thing about it other than I enjoyed it when it first came out.

San Andreas (PC):  I played through GTA3 and Vice City on PC several years ago and liked both of them (both played fine on my system)I can pick it up from Steam for only $20.

PoP:  Two Thrones (GC):  I beat the first two Prince of Persia games, and I'm a little curious how the trilogy ends.  I hear this one doesn't suck as badly as Warrior Within.  I can get it used from GameStop for under $20.


Nobody likes Goof Troop, so I didn't even put it as an option.

Welcome to Shibuya UG.
Population:  vudu

The game hasn't even begun yet and I'm already dead.  Best Mafia ever.

EDIT:  In protest, I present you with my ubër-mature avatar.

NWR Forums Discord / Random poll of the week: Jim Carrey
« on: May 28, 2008, 11:15:29 PM »
If you choose The Grinch I'll punch you in the mouth.

NWR Forums Discord / S-U-P-E-R has forsaken us?
« on: May 23, 2008, 07:12:31 PM »
I heard a rumor that Ty quit.  Confirm/deny?

It appears as if my Wii is beginning to die.  :(

There are several lines/pixels that don't display the picture right.  It's most notable on a solid background color.  Here's a couple pictures I took of my TV tonight.

Notice the vertical lines on either side of the area directly below the A.

Another vertical line directly above the left side of the E and some more random pixels to the right of the R.

I'll probably give Nintendo a call this week to see what they can do to help me out.  Any advice?

I remember this happening to a couple other people on this forum when the system first came out.  My question to you is, did Nintendo repair your console or give you a new one?  If they gave you a new system, did they do any of the following for you?

- Transfer your console's friend code
- Transfer friend codes for your games
- Transfer your saves (I'm particularly worried about GH3 and Brawl, because those can't be copied to an SD card)
- Transfer your VC games

Thanks for any and all help!

Nintendo Gaming / Tiers?
« on: May 16, 2008, 04:47:04 PM »
(Wow, this forum has been completely dead for the past month.)

So the game's been out for over two months, and I haven't seen a single tier list.  So, will someone who cares enough to stay one top of these things please tell me who's generally considered to be 1337 and who I would have to be an idiot to use?

Two hours ago I finished my last final of my last class ever.  I am officially done with school.  Congratulate me.

BTW, champagne tastes good.

(Yes, I realize the last time I did this, it occurred in March.  I forgot about it until just now.  Cut me some slack.)

In order to celebrate our heritage (and the fact that we tend to know more about old video games than most people) I declare April 2008 is Semi-Obscure Eight-Bit Video Game Character Month!!

Pick a character (any character) from an eight-bit video game (NES, or otherwise).  Original sprites are encouraged, however, artwork and/or renderings (official or fan-made) are accepted.  According to the rules, you shouldn't pick major characters (no Mario, Link, Samus, etc).  A general rule of thumb:  if your mom knows who the character is, they're not obscure enough.


I hope to see lots of you participating!

NWR Forums Discord / I'm looking for a Pic....
« on: March 22, 2008, 11:00:43 AM »
I'm looking for a pic that someone posted some where in these forums.

It was a picture of a girl in a bathtub full of chocolate pudding.

I used to have this pic set as my background, but someone that came over decided it would be better to switch my background to a pic of her dog.

thanx in advance to anyone that knows what I'm talking about and can locate it for me.

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