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Messages - rodtod

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Nintendo Gaming / The N5
« on: July 16, 2003, 08:59:48 PM »
N5 does show that Nintendo's been in the business longer than Sony and Microsoft, but isn't "5" a step backward? As in, the last system to use that kind of name was the Nintendo 64, or N64.

64 > 5

Still, cool name. In the past, has Nintendo ever just ended up using the project name for the actual system?

Nintendo Gaming / Xbox 2 is doomed!
« on: July 16, 2003, 08:51:39 PM »
I bet developers will use current Gamecube dev kits for the launch titles of the next Nintendo system. After all, Nintendo seems to want to stick with their philosophy of "strictly games", so, like the Xbox 2, the next system may be nothing more than a GCN upgrade, to build upon the current userbase. Works for me.  

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo In Retrospect and Foresight
« on: July 16, 2003, 08:43:42 PM »
As I was waiting in line for the GCN launch, some parents were talking about all the new systems that were coming out at the time. Their main reason for being in that line with me, was because the GCN was the cheapest of the new consoles and, as they put it, "It's Nintendo after all".

I think the main reason Nintendo isn't trying to grow up with its gamers is because they know that the first generation of Nintendo gamers are now in a position to buy games for their kids. Which system are they going to choose? Nintendo, of course.

I agree with Super Mekman and Chode that Nintendo should release at least at the same time as the competition. And, in addition to that, if they do release with a system that's the least expensive of the bunch, they're definitely going to do well from the get-go.

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo In Retrospect and Foresight
« on: July 15, 2003, 09:44:52 AM »
It's a well-known fact that history repeats itself. So, on one hand it'd make sense that the next generation of videogames will bear many similarities to this one, the previous one, and so on. And yet on the other hand, the next generation could be totally different, if the industry learns from the mistakes made in this generation.

To figure out what might happen to the next Nintendo console, let's take a look at a time when the GCN was simply known as "Project Dolphin", the "Anti-64", etc.

Anyone remember this site? This was made Fran Mirabella III big. He's currently and editor at IGN Cube. Anyhow, by looking at the news and interviews floating around on the Internet prior to the Gamecube's launch, we can see that Nintendo delivered in some aspects, and failed to do so in others.

Things that changed:

For the worse:

Nintendo delays the launch of "Dolphin" from mid-2000 to late 2001, giving Sony's PS2 a huge lead.

Many anticipated games, such as Too Human from SK, a Pokemon rpg from Nintendo, a Jet Force Gemini sequel and Perfect Dark 0 from Rare, Thornado from Factor 5, and a car combat game, adventure-rpg, and more from Retro Studios were either cancelled or delayed indefinitely.

Many interesting features, such as built-in online compatibility, Q (the dvd-cube hybrid) making it stateside, putting your face on game characters (PD 0, anyone?), and more were either never realized, or delayed for more than a year.

Nintendo's marketing in North America went down the crapper. It has all but vanished from Western media (how often do you see Nintendo mentioned in the news anymore, even when it's about videogames?).

For the better:

In addition to updating old-school hits, Nintendo releases new franchises, such as Pikmin, Animal Crossing, Lost Kingdoms, etc., with sequels already available or well on the way.

Nintendo starts re-building its 3rd party support: Capcom, Sega, and even Konami show interest in Nintendo's hardware.

New management. Nintendo adopts a more offensive stance, rather than an indifferent one, and is now intent on competing with Sony and Microsoft.

The overall cycle:

Nintendo did not hold fast to its initial plans, and suffered. Developers come and go. Relatively low interest in the Gamecube, but stellar success with the Gameboy Advance and GBA SP.

How this can be applied in the upcoming generation:

Nintendo is fully aware of the consequences for releasing a late system. They'll push for an early launch. They will also capitalize on the portable market, this time aiming to squash the portable PlayStation and maintain their monopoly.

To go with what The Perm said about the hardcore fan factor, chances are the next generation is going to be pretty expensive for the consumer. Now who is it who's most likely to buy expensive games, the hardcore gamer, or the casual? I rest my case.

Nintendo Gaming / nes 2?
« on: July 13, 2003, 08:03:31 PM »
You're all doing a tremendous job pointing out the flaws in steve's design, but why not go a bit farther and make some suggestions as to how this idea could better be realized? Rather than risk halving the market or sucking up too much juice, there could be ways to market to both portable and console fans so that they'd buy the system regardless of the fusion, and as for battery life, that's always been a big thing for Nintendo. I'm sure they could pull it off.

Just my $0.02.  

General Gaming / Official *PS3 or Cell* News
« on: July 12, 2003, 09:44:48 AM »
I'm not sure which is more crazy, nonjagged bothering to type "$ony" and "M$", or manunited taking the time to count them all.

*cough* *cough* Heh, just messin' with you two.

About Sony being on top this time around, there's always room for surprises. Nintendo's philosophy has always been to stick to the basics and make games more-oriented towards hardcore gamers and to Nintendo loyalists. But with new President Iwata running the show, perhaps Nintendo is rethinking its strategy for the upcoming generation. Microsoft, meanwhile, has a small userbase, but a very successful online plan. Expect the Xbox 2 to not go quietly. Same goes for the Nintendo.

So really, we don't know who's going to take the lead in this next generation. One thing's for certain, this next generation is going to be very interesting.

Nintendo Gaming / The PS3 WILL release on schedule.
« on: July 12, 2003, 09:18:28 AM »
So either Sony will unveil the finished PS3 at E3 '05, or at some trade show prior to that. I can't wait to see the spec's on this sucker.  

BigJim, of course there will be killer apps for the PS3 launch. Just look at the Xbox's launch. Halo, anyone?

Nintendo Gaming / nes 2?
« on: July 12, 2003, 09:14:03 AM »
Perhaps an alternative is in order. Rather than make the console itself portable, make the controllers. The next generation of Gameboys could be designed to hook up with the next Nintendo as controllers.

Nintendo Gaming / nes 2?
« on: July 10, 2003, 07:37:38 PM »
I agree with Steve, in that I too think future Nintendo systems should be able to hook up to a home entertainment system, as well as be completely portable. Nintendo would be able to combine their portable and home userbases. And we all know that Nintendo's Gameboy line is extremely popular. By making the next Gameboy also the next Nintendo console, huge sales for both home and portable software would be guaranteed. And the software is where the bulk of the profits come in. What's to lose?  

Nintendo Gaming / Ideas for Features about Nintendo GameSphere/Nexus
« on: July 08, 2003, 04:49:06 PM »
The next Nintendo console better have a built in toaster oven and cupholders. Also, a blowgun should be installed in the front end of the console, to fire caffeine-tipped blowdarts at tired gamers.

Nintendo Gaming / Xbox 2 is doomed!
« on: July 08, 2003, 04:42:05 PM »
The Xbox2 isn't going to go down easily, that's for sure. It has been Microsoft's intent to use the first Xbox as a foundation for the Xbox 2 ever since they entered the videogame industry. The price drops of the first Xbox, along with the appealing Xbox Live plan, has given the system a userbase of millions. But there is no way the first Xbox would have been able to catch up with Sony's PS2. That is what the Xbox 2 is for. You can bet that Microsoft will use its resources to squash the PS3, or at least they will try.

But what do I care? I don't plan on getting either system.

General Chat / Software Piracy vs. Practicality
« on: June 16, 2003, 10:48:55 AM »
What is the point of piracy? I've often wondered how it can possibly benefit anyone. By pirating software, the developer gets ripped off and the pirate responsible either uses the software or sells it. The pirate is then benefiting from screwing the original producer. Where do people get the idea to do this sort of thing? Is it laziness? Is it greed? Is it because they're pissed at the producer for overpricing?

Imo, software piracy is not a solution to expensive prices, for piracy reduces a company's profits, thus resulting in the company raising prices to compensate! So really, where's the sense in pirating software? What's the reason?

Nintendo Gaming / What will Graphics Look like???//
« on: June 16, 2003, 10:38:57 AM »
The only way we would ever achieve "life-like" graphics would be if we were to hook ourselves up to a VR unit starting at birth, and never know what the outside world looks like. Then, to us, "life" would be what we see in VR. We wouldn't know any better.

Very Matrix-like, Termin8Anakin.

I think we're going in the wrong direction when it comes to gaming graphics. Why should we try to simulate real-world graphics, when the real world is around us to begin with? I think graphics should be an effective medium of a designer's vision, and nothing more. Would you rather have uber-realism, or something that isn't possible in real life? Something that human imagination can come up with, but isn't physically available in this reality.

That's my $0.02  

Nintendo Gaming / NINTENDO FANBOYS
« on: June 16, 2003, 10:33:32 AM »
Lol, you're right Grey Ninja. I've just been spoiled by all the pretty FMV's.

I actually think it's high time that the videogame industry goes through a revolution or whatnot. Companies like Square, EA, they've gotten way too big to be able to go back to old philosophies in game-making. Now it's license this, license that...simply little to no creativity.

It's not just Squaresoft that needs to fire some people. It's the whole freaking industry.

...What was the original topic again?

manunited, way to spoil the fun

These reports may be just misinformation, but imagine what it's doing to nVidia's reputation. Saying Microsoft is going to dump them, and that they no longer have a license to work with Intel. Methinks nVidia is in big trouble...Go ATI!

It's possible, but not plausible. Microsoft acquires; they do not form alliances with competing companies. And Nintendo has stated several times in the past that they would like to remain first party. An alliance between Big M and N would result in a merging of philosophies, yet Microsoft and Nintendo have totally different marketing and development strategies. Microsoft is into all-in-one production, while Nintendo is about one-function systems. This collaboration would be a contradiction in the extreme.

Nintendo Gaming / NINTENDO FANBOYS
« on: June 14, 2003, 04:14:12 PM »
Being one who hasn't played the pre-3d Final Fantasy games, I think Square's more recent additions are not that bad. With the exception of VIII, Squaresoft has yet to disappoint, for FFVII, FFIX and FFX were superior games imo. True, VII had plot holes, IX had a rather disturbing cast of characters, and X abandoned a lot of the old FF features (no navigatable airship, instead you select a destination and you're there)...but my point is for a company that's definitely at risk of taking the easy route and marketing towards casual gamers, Squaresoft (or Square-Enix I should say) still makes tough rpg games...ones that require lots of patience by the gamer.

Whoo, sorry for that off-topic post. To avoid any further tangent-making, I'll just say that I think it greatly benefited Squaresoft (financially-speaking) to leave Nintendo in the N64/PSX generation. But for Nintendo fanboys, it meant a lack of additional Mario RPGs.

TalkBack / RE: 3DO Files for Bankruptcy
« on: June 01, 2003, 05:09:03 PM »
So what does this mean? That 3DO was a crappy publisher, or that today's acceptable-quality-level for videogames has just become too high for some studios?

Nintendo Gaming / ps3/xbox to get crush by GC2?
« on: May 13, 2003, 05:44:08 PM »
with regards to the next-generation of consoles, which would be easier to render: a bump-mapped brick wall or a brick wall consisting only of flat textures and polygons (yet with enough polygons to imitate a bump-mapped appearance)?

or do I have the whole bump-mapping thing confused?

anyways, I'd like to see character-user interactivity improve, before the graphics do. so far, most games use scripted conversations to try and simulate interaction, but it'd be nice if a game just had a database of versatile response phrases, voice-recognition, etc.

Nintendo Gaming / RE: NINTENDO FANBOYS
« on: May 13, 2003, 05:34:29 PM »
[lame]It's DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball![/lame]

I'm certain that if I got an Xbox and started playing that game, my social life would all but disappear.

Nintendo Gaming / ps3/xbox to get crush by GC2?
« on: May 10, 2003, 11:01:41 PM »
Well, there definitely will be major improvements in what the next-gen systems can do graphics-wise, but I think in GC2's case, one of the highest priorities should be making the operating system extremely efficient. You can only go so far with the graphics until you encounter a bottleneck. If the next Nintendo system has a really streamlined built-in engine, or some way to help developers make really efficient code, then the system will be able to render better and with far less load time.

Do dev kits for consoles usually have a built-in development engine, or does the developer usually make one up from scratch or use a third party's engine?

Nintendo Gaming / NINTENDO FANBOYS
« on: May 10, 2003, 10:50:57 PM »
that reminds me, originally my brother and I were each going to get our own Gamecubes. but then we decided not to...resulting in me getting a lot less game time than I should

speaking of Nintendo fanboys, who's the biggest fanboy of them all?

oohhboy, that doesn't sound right

Usually I'll just use one of those compressed-air cans and clean out the insides of the NES whenever a game isn't loading properly. I'm sure rubbing alcohol would work too, but wouldn't that corrode the metal conductor strips after a while?

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