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Episode 88: Podcast Hard: With a Vengeance

by Jonathan Metts - February 28, 2008, 2:24 pm EST
Total comments: 16

Right now I'm training in the mountains of Siberia, like Rocky did in Rocky IV.

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Lindy to podcast: "I must break you."

This week, we return to the standard lineup and pull out a leaner, meaner episode. A quick New Business segment covers: Jon's new car that will totally kick your ass and get 55 MPG, Greg's wait for the mail, and James's unsettling discovery that Dungeon Explorer smells like paint thinner (an aroma all too familiar to our resident "Staff").

In the Community segment, we pull a heady Star Fox discussion from the forums and also spend some time arguing about Denis Dyack's "One Console Future" theory. Then we launch into a rare News segment, going through several interesting announcements from the recent Game Developers Conference.


This podcast was edited by James Jones.

Music for this episode of Radio Free Nintendo is used with permission from Jason Ricci & New Blood. You can purchase their new album, Rocket Number 9, directly from the record label, or download it from iTunes, or call your local record store and ask for it!


ShyGuyFebruary 28, 2008

Yay, my question is asked! will listen 2NITE

kraken613February 28, 2008

I just started listening. Nice opening! LOL

that Baby guyFebruary 29, 2008

I'll have to listen.  Am I in this one?

Armak88February 29, 2008

Am I the only one who can't get this on iTunes yet? I've had this problem with the last couple podcasts also, as I haven't been able to get them until some time after the podcast is up on the site. I've started listening to on mp3 anyways.

PS. I'm glad that there is some starfox discussion, as it's one of the few threads i've been compelled to participate in.

ShyGuyFebruary 29, 2008

Excellent podcast, glad to know you guys think this one console future thing is as flawed as I do.

that Baby guyFebruary 29, 2008

Kirby Super Star remake/sequel:

Kirby Wii game:

Star Fox special:

walkingdead2February 29, 2008

wha hoo im famous... my thread is talked about...

PaleMike Gamin, Contributing EditorFebruary 29, 2008

I just laughed quite hard at the great comedic timing of you all "thinking" about what genre the new TG release was.

Props for that.  :)

PaleMike Gamin, Contributing EditorFebruary 29, 2008


I just want to throw in one disagreement here...

People shouldn't be so quick to harsh on Pokemon Ranch.  It appears as if the game could be considered the next Pokemon Box.  For those that don't know, Pokemon Box was a popular GameCube release (among hard core Pokemon fans) because it was a way of managing monsters in one place.  This is a huge deal for those fans that play multiple Pokemon games.  Box had no fancy visuals at all.  It was basically exactly the same as the storage features from within the portable games.

So, with that frame of mind, I think it's obvious that Nintendo wanted to try out a retro feel in order to give what is essentially a storage game a bit more charm.  So yeah, don't judge it on the looks, judge it on whether or not you have any use for a Pokemon storage helper (which I'm sure most of you don't =P )

Edit: Ok, I just got to the point that Jonny brought up Box, so nevermind.  :)

PaleMike Gamin, Contributing EditorFebruary 29, 2008

Quote from: Armak88

Am I the only one who can't get this on iTunes yet? I've had this problem with the last couple podcasts also, as I haven't been able to get them until some time after the podcast is up on the site. I've started listening to on mp3 anyways.

PS. I'm glad that there is some starfox discussion, as it's one of the few threads i've been compelled to participate in.

I had this problem on my PSP, and I switched over to the MP3 feed instead of the AAC, and have had no problems since.

XanderFebruary 29, 2008

Haha, I actually own Psychosis.

When TG16 died, you could pick up games for 5 bucks.  And to be honest, it's not actually a throw away theme.  Most of the graphics look very organic in nature, though admittedly, I didn't know the story until you talked about it on the Podcast.  It all makes sense now. :P

that Baby guyFebruary 29, 2008

Tell me this is just coincidence, PLEASE.

Nick DiMolaNick DiMola, Staff AlumnusFebruary 29, 2008

GoNintendo are thieves, Confir ... oh wait, we already knew that.

I think Pokemon Ranch looks more like the Mii channel than Pokemon Box.  That said, if I get to review it I will go into it with an open mind.

The Dailga Ho-Down will just be an extra feature... unless the thing is terrible then it's gonna be all Dailga all the time.

walkingdead2February 29, 2008

Quote from: thatguy

Tell me this is just coincidence, PLEASE.

i had nothing to do with that. this is the first i have heard of that site.

Oh snap, wait until you hear what we did on Ep. 89!  I was the only regular this week...

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