XB2 isn't supposed to lose money the way XB did, they can't afford that again. As for Sony being the sole owner of technology, I don't think it will hurt them much. And since there are so many companies involved with Blue Ray and already Blue Ray products available from a dozen companies I doubt there will be a similar situation for PS3 as their is for PSP.
I'm doubtful right now about the launches for the PS3 and the Revolution. I don't see how the Revolution is going to be released within months of XB2. Since development kits are not out yet (may have to do with it being so revolutionary and not wanting competitors to "steal" their ideas). As for the PS3 I think it will be released mid 2006 at the earliest, and for game development they may be okay if they get development kits out soon. The XB2 is supposedly gonna hit Xmas 2005, and they've had development kits out for awhile so they should have a good launch and continuous releases months after.
So if Xbox 2 launches Xmas 2005, I'd expect Revolution by March at the latest (if they stay by their word that they will release within months of the competition). And I tend to think Nintendo means that for the earliest of the competitors to launch since they've seen now that launching a year later of 1 system has hurt them badly. Xbox 2 has nothing to worry about launching early as far as hardware performance, it will equal or surpass PS3 if PS3 launches almost a year later. Sony doesn't have to worry about third party support because developers develop games for launch and a year within launch for the company that was most successful last generation. And their hardware sounds like it's going to be as good as XB2. What I'm wondering about is how good the Revolution hardware will be, if it will have online support at launch, and what it's revolutionary feature is. If it's hardware isn't atleast as good as one of the competitors it will have a tough time stealing market share, if it doesn't have online support at launch it will lose 3rd party support, and if the revolutionary feature isn't that revolutionary it will lose consumer respect.