Author Topic: Blowout  (Read 2416 times)

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Offline redsky76

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« on: March 05, 2004, 06:39:13 AM »
I don't normally write alot of reviews but I felt I had to for this game. Ok, first of
all this game has not been getting alot of attention. It's budget priced at $9.99-$14.99,
depending on the store. I know that when I see a new game so cheaply priced, I assume that it's because the game sucks. That's not the case with Blowout, however and I'm glad I picked it up.

Blowout is a throwback to old-school gaming, most noticably Contra. It's 2-d with some decent graphics and a satisfying difficulty. The point of the game is simple, kill aliens and get power-ups. You have a variety of weapons at your disposal, once you find them all, ranging from a  shotgun to a flamethrower. There's no jumping in this game, instead you get around via a jetpack.

There's not much variety in the levels but I don't feel that this takes away from the game. Blowout's level design is closer to Metroid's than Contra's, however. The levels are big, with numerous eleveators and color coded doors to open.After you complete a level, you can save and replay the level whenever you want. So, if you are afraid you might have missed something on a previous level you can go back.

Personally, I was happy to see a game like this and I probaly like it a little better than it deserves. But this is just my personal choice. I prefer 2d games over 3ds for the most part.

Some of my favorite games of all time can be found on the original NES. I'm not knocking new games, I have plenty of these too. But games like this give me a smile.

Another game I like quite alot is the far superior Viewtiful Joe. But both Viewtiful Joe and Blowout do have something in common, they both have a retro feel to them. While Viewtiful Joe raised the bar on old-school style gameplay, Blowout stays pretty safe. Blowout can be challenging at times but never gets overly frustrating. It's not going to amaze you, but it's a decent game that I feel is getting overlooked. I hope more people will be aware of it and will pick it up. Yes, the game is not for everyone but if Contra-style shooters appeal to you then I think Blowout is worth checking out. And for the price, it's really a great choice.


My overall Score......7.5    


Offline The Omen

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« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2004, 03:23:12 PM »
I'll check it out, along with the budget priced Bomberman:Jetters and Metal arms(19.99) this weekend.  3 games for the price of one...woo-hoo!  
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Offline ib2kool4u912

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RE: Blowout
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2004, 12:14:15 PM »
I haven't played the other two games Omen, but GET METAL ARMS! Its a very fun game especially if you like FPS's. I was gonna write a review for it, but i suck at writing.  Actually i realize The Omen already said hes gettting Metal Arms but everyone else who reads this should get it too.

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
"But if that extra slot under the gamecube isn't for a hard drive then what the hell is it for?"

The Gamecube waffle iron.

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