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Offline Bloodworth

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Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Review
« on: January 25, 2004, 01:10:45 AM »
Everything you need to know about FFCC, short of buying a player’s guide.

Review by Daniel Bloodworth

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles has been the object of much anticipation and debate ever since it was shown at E3, the centerpiece in all of it being the requirement for four players to use GBAs as controllers.  I’ve logged over thirty hours into the Japanese version in the past few months, and the following review breaks down the game in its entirety, including the solid integration of the GBA into its design, why it’s a great multiplayer game for those able to set it up, and how well it endures in single-player.

The basic concept of the game is that a poisonous miasma has settled on the world, and all that keeps it at bay are crystals powered by “myrrh”.  Every year, travelers must venture out from each village to find Myrrh Trees to rejuvenate their crystal’s power.  The group is protected by a special crystal chalice (more affectionately known as the bucket), which holds enough myrrh for the following year.  Unfortunately, Myrrh Trees are heavily guarded by monsters and only produce a small harvest once every few years, so players must get three such harvests every year, forcing them to journey farther and farther from home.  

You start out the game by naming your town and creating your characters.  There are four races to choose from (Yuke, Clavat, Lilty, and Selkie), and each race has four male and four female character designs.  Each race uses specific types of weapons and armor and as a result, has predispositions towards fighting close-range, using magic, etc.  Next you’ll choose your family’s occupation from eight selections such as merchant, blacksmith, or miller, each with special skills that can be of aid to your group.  You can create eight players on a save file, and the town’s population is made up almost entirely of those players’ families.  If you’re playing by yourself, the town will be pretty empty.

The overworld in FFCC is a simple globe with roads that only allow your caravan to move from point to point.  You can only see small sections of the globe at a time, which rotates when you pass from one area to the next.  Different sections of the globe are separated by caves storming with miasma, and the only way to pass through the storms is to change the polarity of the bucket in one of the nearby dungeons.  The storms change polarity from year to year, which, along with other obstacles, can prohibit you from reaching certain lands until a following year.  The globe is also where much of the story progression seems to take place.  As you travel, you’ll randomly encounter other adventurers, including caravans from other towns looking to buy rare treasures; rotten little bandits that hop in your wagon and steal apples when you aren’t looking; cute girls in straw hats handing out corn; and other more significant characters.  Since my Japanese is really only good enough to get me through the game, I can’t claim to understand all of the encounters, but the scenes seem to get lengthier and more significant as the years pass.

The meat of the game, however, occurs in the dungeons, where you’ll spend the majority of your time hacking away at dozens of enemies while searching for treasure and the Myrrh Tree.  The bucket forms a ring of clean air around your party, effectively keeping everyone together.  If any of you wander outside this protective bubble, you’ll eventually start taking damage.  Conversely, by staying inside the bubble, you’ll gradually regain health, which is represented by hearts.  Near your life bar is a command indicator, which displays the command you currently have selected.  The L and R buttons cycle through commands, and you execute them with A.  Attack and defend are you basic commands, but from the menu, you can also assign items and spells from your inventory.  Each player starts out with a rather small amount of hearts and command slots, but more can be obtained as you progress.  

Battles take place entirely in real-time.  Enemies are just sitting around the dungeons waiting for unsuspecting whelps like you.  Your physical attacks vary, depending on the character’s weapon, but timing your strikes appropriately can execute combos. You can also perform a more powerful attack by holding the A button for a moment, selecting a target with the cursor, and then releasing A.  Spells take the form of magicite orbs that are picked up along the way, and are cast using the same charge method described above.  Players can even cast unique combo spells by placing their cursors over the same target and releasing the button at the proper time.  Interestingly enough, there are no magic points to limit the number of times a spell can be cast, but it never seems to feel cheap, since you’re pretty much a sitting duck while you’re casting a spell and you can’t carry spells over to the next dungeon.

Your characters also don’t gain experience or level-up like in most RPGs.  There are only three stats (attack, defense, and magic), and they can only be increased by forging new weapons and armor or by finding artifacts.  Forging equipment is quite a task, requiring you to find “equipment recipes” and the materials required by those recipes to make the items.  In addition to this, you’ll also need to find a blacksmith that is able to forge that particular item, as smiths in different towns have different skills.  Artifacts have various functions, including boosting one of your stats permanently, adding a heart or command slot, giving you a special equipment recipe, or allowing you to keep a spell permanently.  Six of these artifacts are hidden throughout each dungeon, but you only get to choose one after you’ve defeated the boss.  Looking for more artifacts and equipment to strengthen your character serves as the main reason to repeat dungeons because as time goes on, new enemies creep into old haunts, and new paths open up, allowing you to find more valuable treasures.

Crystal Chronicles is designed from the ground up as a multiplayer connectivity title.  Each player needs a Game Boy Advance and GameCube to GBA link cable to play, but it’s not just a gimmick that could have been handled differently; connectivity is integral to multiplayer and worked into the gameplay in multiple ways.  The most important use for the GBA is the player's menu.  You’ll frequently need to equip spells to command slots, use healing items, and select items to trade with other members of the group.  The Game Boy screen allows each player to do that at will, without slowing down the action while the others continue to fight and explore.  While you’re in the menu, your character will even move on to keep up with the rest of the group, although you will be defenseless if an enemy attacks.  Each screen also displays different information to help you on your quest, increasing the need for your team to communicate with each other.  The four screens show map data, monster locations, treasure locations, and detailed info on the current enemy.  These screens change players as you move through different sections of the dungeon, so it’s important for you to keep up with each other.  Finally, the GBA also fosters competition between the players by giving specific goals to each.  Goals include avoiding damage, using magic, not using magic, picking up items, or even things as tough as not curing yourself or not curing teammates.  At the end of the dungeon, each player will be rated on how he met his goals, and whichever player did the best will have first pick of the artifacts.  If you ignore your goal, you may find yourself left with nothing more than a measly +1 stat raise.

Aside from all that, playing a multiplayer RPG together can be a great experience.  There is room for eight characters on each file, so players can join the quest randomly, but the best scenario is to have a consistent team of four willing to go through the game from start to finish.  Eventually, even the early dungeons start getting too tough for a new player to join in without being a hindrance to the rest of the group.  With a reliable team, however, you can learn each others’ strengths and start coordinating attacks - trading off the bucket, deciding which members are going to heal, which will attack up-close, etc.  At first, arguments may arise, as one player may just want to plow through the stages and another grabs every bit of treasure while the rest are fighting off monsters, but eventually everyone starts to learn the importance of gathering treasures and sharing them among the group.  At blacksmiths’ shops, you’ll all start looking through item lists and organizing trades with each other to try to get materials needed for new weapons and equipment.  Boss battles require particular coordination since each boss is joined by a pair of endlessly re-spawning standard enemies.  One of the party members needs to take care of these nuisances, while another casts cure spells, another focuses on the boss, and another keeps track of the bucket to make sure the others are within range of their goals.

I spent most of the game playing single player, and although it isn’t as frantic or exciting as multiplayer, it’s still a good game.  A Game Boy Advance isn’t a requirement for single player, and in fact, you have to use a GameCube controller -- with the GBA only serving as an optional secondary display for maps and the like.  As a single adventurer, you’re given a moogle side-kick to carry the bucket for you and to assist with casting combo spells.  At special moogle houses, you can spray paint this little buddy to change the type of information displayed on the GBA, but most of the time your best bet is to keep it set to the map screen.  Single player has some advantages over multiplayer.  You’re always in full control, so you can explore freely, and the enemy AI becomes a bit easier to predict and counter-attack.  Jumping to the menu pauses the action on-screen, so if you’re in trouble, you can quickly hit Y and eat a fruit or fish to heal without worry. You also get to keep all the spoils along the way, but the game’s inventory system turns out to be its biggest flaw.  There is a very limited number of slots to store items, and in time you have to start throwing things away.  As the years wear on, you start to gather a rather large collection of recipes that you need materials for and materials that you don’t quite know whether you’ll need or not.  Eventually, it gets to the point that you’re tossing out food, extra spells, and anything else you can think of (basically wasting a lot of time in the menu) just in case that griffon claw turns out to be something you need to forge your next weapon.  Another disadvantage you’ll have in single-player is that the annoying little sidekicks bosses have can become more of a problem, since a lot of time is spent either on getting them out of the way or dodging them to get a clean hit on the boss.

It would be an injustice to talk about this game without giving due respect to the gorgeous graphics and soundtrack.  The art style is clearly more fantastic than the main FF series has been in the last few installments, but not quite as extreme as FFIX.  It has a style all its own, and manages to avoid looking too cartoony.  There are tons of glittering details throughout the game such as subtle reflections on marble floors and passing shadows from the clouds above.  The ring surrounding the party traces over the surrounding environment like a laser, and fur shading on moogles and other characters looks wonderful.  The only downside is that there aren’t any camera controls to let you zoom in and gawk at the graphics up-close.

On the audio front, Square-Enix has put together a wonderful soundtrack. Composed, produced, and arranged by Kumi Tanioka, the music consists almost entirely of ancient instruments, such as the hurdy gurdy, psaltery, and crumhorn, played by performers from Roba House.  Overall, the soundtrack is more cheerful than Uematsu’s grand compositions, but it does have its somber and ambient moments and it perfectly fits the style and charm of this game.  Although I can’t say how well this has been dealt with in the US version, the Japanese game features vocalist Yae on the opening and closing songs, and she also gives narrative introductions to each dungeon.  If you’re interested in picking up the complete Japanese soundtrack, our partners at Video Game Depot have both the standard edition and even the limited edition CDs in stock.

Before wrapping this up, it would be good to let you know that one of the more significant disappointments is that the means of getting to the last stage seems entirely random.  Unless it’s specifically mentioned by a character in the game and I missed it due to language differences, you’ll likely finding yourself spending additional hours wandering back to the same old dungeons over and over trying to figure out what you missed.  For those that don’t mind spoilers: there’s a storm blocking your way to the final stage that none of your standard crystal polarities can override.  The only way to get past this storm is to go to a desert on the opposite side of the world and start casting specific spells on random objects like cacti and rocks.  After a bit of this, a flower will appear, and casting the right spell on it gives you a rainbow polarity that will override any storm and grant you access to the final stage.

In all, FFCC consists of about fifteen dungeons, which last about an hour each.  You could probably beat the game in six or seven years (around twenty hours in real life), but the final boss battles will likely send you back to familiar territory to look for better weapons.  You may also end up going back to the first stages extra times to introduce new friends that join in.  If you can get a group together that’s willing to take on the whole game, FFCC is a great cooperative adventure that’s easily worth picking up.  Single players can enjoy this title too, but nothing can replace the energy of working together with friends.

  • Best use of GBA connectivity, which is actually integral to multiplayer
  • Excellent graphics and soundtrack
  • Multiplayer adventure with both cooperative and competitive aspects
  • A really cool-looking sailboat!

  • Limited slots for inventory - yuck
  • Entirely random path to the final stage
  • Bosses have annoying little friends that constantly re-spawn

    Graphics: 10
    From the art style to the distortion and water effects to the detailed animations, Crystal Chronicles is truly one of the most beautiful games on GameCube yet.

    Sound: 9.5
    While the sound effects really aren’t anything special, the soundtrack, performed almost entirely with ancient instruments like the crumhorn and bagpipe, is pure joy to the ears.  Yae lends her crisp vocals to songs and narrations in the Japanese version, but for the US, her tracks have been replaced by another vocalist.

    Control: 8.0
    There are fewer buttons to worry about on GBA, but scrolling through commands takes time and can cause you to mistakenly waste items.  Characters also seem slow to swing their weapons, and combos are hard to pull off.

    Gameplay: 8.0
    It’s a dungeon-hack RPG through and through.  You’ll spend most of the time navigating dungeons and looking for treasures to make your character stronger.  Playing as a team and cooperating brings a lot of energy to the game, but single player isn’t quite as compelling.

    Lastability: 8.5
    It seems that old dungeons always hold new treasures and tougher enemies, giving you a good reason to venture back into familiar territory.  Even without repeating anything, there are fifteen dungeons total, which are all fairly long.  There are a few other things hidden out there as well, including hidden moogle caves that give you access to mini games.  

    Final Score (Not an average): 8.0
    Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles is designed as a multiplayer game, and that’s where its main appeal lies if you can gather the people and GBAs.  Those looking for a single player quest may not be as enthralled with it, but it’s not a bad game in any respect.  The English version of FFCC is available for preorder from our partners at Video Game Depot    
  • Daniel Bloodworth
    Managing Editor

    Offline rpglover

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    RE:Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #1 on: January 25, 2004, 02:15:26 AM »
    this is a really great review- it actually helped me to decide if i am going to buy this game or not (i will buy it definately now)- i always knew the single player wasnt going to be that great, but it is good to hear that it isnt that bad- but once again a great review
    i call the big one bitey.

    Offline kennyb27

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    RE:Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #2 on: January 25, 2004, 04:09:42 AM »

    I spent most of the game playing single player, and although it isn’t as frantic or exciting as multiplayer, it’s still a good game.
    Like rpglover said, this is very good to hear.

    Only question I have is if it supports Dolby ProLogic II.

    Great Job on the review.

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    Offline SearanoX

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    RE: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #3 on: January 25, 2004, 04:12:57 AM »
    This is the kind of review that I was expecting from you guys.  Most people are saying that it's good, but the GBA requirements really do put down the score quite a bit.

    If Nintendo can get rid of that in the English version, I'll gladly buy it, but for now, I'll stick to my "Play Metal Gear Solid Until I Die" plan.  

    Offline Polemistis

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    RE:Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #4 on: January 25, 2004, 05:03:25 AM »

    Originally posted by: SearanoX
    This is the kind of review that I was expecting from you guys.  Most people are saying that it's good, but the GBA requirements really do put down the score quite a bit.

    If Nintendo can get rid of that in the English version, I'll gladly buy it, but for now, I'll stick to my "Play Metal Gear Solid Until I Die" plan.  

    Ya sadly I won't be having no multiplayer fun. I'll probably still buy the game but I wish that they could have the option to use GBA as a control for extra stuff but also have the option to use GCN controller. All my friends who play video games (6) have a PS2

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    RE:Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #5 on: January 25, 2004, 06:13:34 AM »
    I still haven't decided if/when I'll get this game.  The GBA requirement for multiplayer isn't what's keeping me away.  There are just too many other Cube games out there I want, I don't have the time or money to get them all.

    There is one question I have, what is the game like with two players?

    Offline Jonnyboy117

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    RE:Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #6 on: January 25, 2004, 06:26:55 AM »

    Originally posted by: SearanoX
    If Nintendo can get rid of that in the English version, I'll gladly buy it, but for now, I'll stick to my "Play Metal Gear Solid Until I Die" plan.  

    Sorry, the English version has not changed in that respect.  You still need GBAs for multiplayer.

    Offline gwgtrunks

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    RE:Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #7 on: January 25, 2004, 06:39:49 AM »
    Considering there are over 20,000,000 GBA's out there in the US now, I don't see why it would be so hard to find 3 friends with them, and the GCN-GBA cables are only 10 bucks most places, free with a $10 deposit on the game.... It just seems kinda strange that people are having problems with setting up a group to go through the game with.

    Offline kennyb27

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    RE:Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #8 on: January 25, 2004, 06:49:35 AM »

    Considering there are over 20,000,000 GBA's out there in the US now, I don't see why it would be so hard to find 3 friends with them, and the GCN-GBA cables are only 10 bucks most places, free with a $10 deposit on the game....
    That's faulty logic.  Just because they are out there doesn't mean its the easiest thing to set up.  Sure I know three friends who have GBAs, but to get them to give me 40 hours of their time just doesn't seem likely.  And in order to get a free cable, one must reserve the game.  Now why would each one of my friends (me included) go out and reserve this game when we only need one copy of the disc?  

    I'm not saying I'm against this game using this multiplayer mode.  In fact, I'm glad to see someone using it as more than a "gimmick."  I'm just hoping the singleplayer experience is equally as gratifying.

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    Offline Bill Aurion

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    RE: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #9 on: January 25, 2004, 06:49:43 AM »
    I don't see how people can think the game would work without the use of the GBA...
    ~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

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    RE:Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #10 on: January 25, 2004, 07:35:41 AM »
    already preordered it, cant wait, i own gba and 2xgba sp. will be playing with my wife n my lil brother. it will be fun!!!

    Offline Rize

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    RE:Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #11 on: January 25, 2004, 08:55:01 AM »
    My most likely friend who would play the game with me does not have a GBA and hates portables.  Sucks.

    I need to make new friends.

    Offline Bloodworth

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    RE: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #12 on: January 25, 2004, 09:35:15 AM »

    Only question I have is if it supports Dolby ProLogic II.

    I'm pretty sure it doesn't.  The only options in the menu were mono and stereo, and there's no Dolby logo on the box.


    There is one question I have, what is the game like with two players?

    The biggest difference with two players is that you'll likely be dropping the bucket more so both of you can fight, whereas in four player, one person can just be holding the bucket and moving with the fighters.
    Daniel Bloodworth
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    RE:Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #13 on: January 25, 2004, 09:38:03 AM »
    I have some questions.

    1.  Can u play 2 players (1-4 players)
    2.  In single player do u still command a party?
    3.  If i decide to play mulitplayer but then say my friends leave can i play single player and keep my data and move on without them?
    4.  How hard is the game, so far the videos i have seen make the game look way too easy

    By the way Blooworth great review it cleared up about 3/4 of the questions i was gonna ask.

    Offline Bloodworth

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    RE: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #14 on: January 25, 2004, 09:47:48 AM »

    1. Can u play 2 players (1-4 players)

    Yeah, you can, see my comments above on 2-player.


    2. In single player do u still command a party?

    No.  You are playing alone, and you have a moogle to carry the bucket or assist with combo spells.


    3. If i decide to play mulitplayer but then say my friends leave can i play single player and keep my data and move on without them?

    Yeah, it's very free in those regards.  That's why you can have eight characters on a save file.  You can have different groups progressing through the same quest, depending on who's available.


    4. How hard is the game, so far the videos i have seen make the game look way too easy

    I actually felt like multiplayer was more difficult than single player because the actions of your team and the enemy were a lot more unpredictable.  In single, you can learn the enemies' patterns and counterattack.  Overall though, it was a bit on the easy side until the last dungeon, which is incredibly difficult if you haven't gotten some strong weapons.


    By the way Blooworth great review it cleared up about 3/4 of the questions i was gonna ask.

    Thanks for everyone's compliments here.
    Daniel Bloodworth
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    RE:Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #15 on: January 25, 2004, 10:01:31 AM »
    If your friends don't have a GBA I doubt they'll enjoy a game like Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles anway. All of my friends are huge Nintendos fans and they all have GBA's, and most of them link cables, some 2, so I'm set.

    Also, I have to agree with everyone else, great review Daniel. I've already preordered the game (yesterday, in fact), but this makes me feel a lot better about the purchase.
    "You know you're being too serious when Mouse tells you to lighten up... ^_^"<BR>-Bill

    Offline joshnickerson

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    RE:Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #16 on: January 25, 2004, 10:57:08 AM »
    I won't be getting it, but one of my friends is, and he's already recruited me along with some others to be in his party once he gets the game.

    Offline Bloodworth

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    RE: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #17 on: January 25, 2004, 11:20:25 AM »
    We're going to be directing any further questions to our Q&A Thread.  Please use it, and leave this thread for specific comments on the review.
    Daniel Bloodworth
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    RE: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Review
    « Reply #18 on: January 25, 2004, 11:20:27 AM »
    I'm in the same boat as joshnickerson. ^_^

    Bloodworth:  Great review.  Alot of the reviews I read are too vague, and with some it actually seems like the person was looking for all the bad details and ignoring the good.  Nicely done.
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    Offline nolimit19

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    RE:Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Import Review
    « Reply #19 on: January 25, 2004, 01:20:28 PM »
    it will be a good game for those that have nerd friends willing to play with them. thankfully i have 1 that will be willing to play, so i probably will get this game.
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    RE:Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Import Review
    « Reply #20 on: January 25, 2004, 01:40:41 PM »
    Argh...why couldn't they leave the song alone? >.<
    Songs sound even worse when dubbed than voices do...maybe they'll have an option to select the Japanese version of the song (though I doubt we'll be that lucky...)
    Oh well...(searches for MP3 of Japanese version)
    "Friends don't let friends watch dubbed anime."

    Offline Jonnyboy117

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    RE:Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Import Review
    « Reply #21 on: January 25, 2004, 01:57:30 PM »
    There's no option to select Japanese voice unless it's unlockable (which I doubt).

    Offline Bloodworth

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    RE: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Import Review
    « Reply #22 on: January 29, 2004, 03:20:54 PM »
    Seriously, buy the soundtrack.  I listen to it all the time.
    Daniel Bloodworth
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    RE:Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Import Review
    « Reply #23 on: January 30, 2004, 05:17:30 AM »
    Bloodworth: If you were to review the game modes single-player and multi-player seperately, do you think you would give the multi-player aspect a higher rating?

    I mean, of course I haven't touched the game yet but the multiplayer aspect sounds almost revolutionary to me which makes 8.0 seem pretty low.

    Offline Bloodworth

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    RE: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Import Review
    « Reply #24 on: January 30, 2004, 05:52:26 AM »
    If I were to review them separately, I would probably give a lower score to single player and maybe another half point or so to multi.  

    In any case, 8.0 is a great score.  
    Daniel Bloodworth
    Managing Editor