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Offline Gibdo Master

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Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #25 on: February 03, 2003, 03:08:42 PM »
I think Retro's idea with Metroid Prime is that it's a separate chapter (not necessarily a side quest) from the rest of the series.  The Metroid Prime chapter. So far we have just seen part one of this chapter and Metroid Prime 2 is going to pick up were Metroid Prime left off. Since Metroid Prime is its own chapter then I have a feeling that the rumors that the next game will be named Metroid Prime: With a Subtitle are true.  
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Offline Don'tHate742

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Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2003, 05:18:32 PM »
Metroid prime was hard, but after 5 trys I beat him. The Phazon super beam is awesome.

Samus should really be able to zoom in and out in any of the visor modes...that and difficulty were the only things that pissed me off.

A co-op would be awesome....I don't know about multiplayer battle arena type stuff though. I'm sure they could introduce another character if it is Metroid 5 and not 1.75 or whatever. Also, they could have two slightly different story lines, one for one player, one for Co-op and alot of different puzzles and even bosses to make replay value huge. Damn I would love that game.
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Offline Mingesium

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Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #27 on: February 03, 2003, 07:53:22 PM »
In N-Query today, Matt said that all of Retro is making Metroid Prime 2. Since they already have the engine, I was hoping they would split the team up and create a new game. Since it is the whole team, maybe Metroid Prime 2 can come out in late 2003.

Offline Game_Freak

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Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #28 on: February 04, 2003, 12:28:17 AM »

Offline RABicle

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Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #29 on: February 04, 2003, 03:20:29 AM »
Nintendo of Australia are quite hopeless. Dropping bombs like this without telling anyone. tch tch tch tch tch. They still have Animal Crossing on their release list too. I have a feeling they are just gonna adjust the holidays and flip the seasons and bring the game out here.
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Offline Hemmorrhoid

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Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #30 on: February 04, 2003, 11:28:18 AM »
I want to see a MAJOR graphical update even moreso than Halo to Halo2, I want a longer adventure, more beams and gadgets.
I want more Samus agility and a meelee weapon for her. A jetpack for her could be cool.

I want an optional 3rd person view, and additional gameplay like infiltration etc, so its not always action.
LZ 2005

Offline Matias

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Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #31 on: February 05, 2003, 03:54:04 AM »
I got jibbed...

I posted on this forum, and the main forum so i could at least get some credit on the "Official" announcement of Metroid Prime 2... but nothing.

instead they posted on the main page about the Metroid Prime 2 thing... but Nintendo of Australia had it heaps earlier. Why didn't they make an article about it?
---The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker--- May 3rd 2003 in Australia!

---Metroid Prime--- April 7th 2003!! Can't wait!

Offline egman

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Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #32 on: February 05, 2003, 05:40:19 AM »
Retro did an amazing job with Metroid Prime, but I'm not particularily happy that they are working on a Metroid Prime sequel, unless this game proves to be a major step up from Metroid Prime. Looking at some of second generation games we've been promised this year and next, it's certainly in the realm of possiblity.

To tell you the truth, I would rather have them save the new Metroid for the next Nintendo system. Part of the pleasure I get from Metroid stems from the fact that the large space between sequels make each new episode a major event. Sure, you run the risk of inflating expectations, but if the end result happens to live up to our dreams, then a new classic is born. It's alot harder to do that kind of thing when sequels are released in rapid succession. I feel the RE has lost a lot flavor because of this--none of the sequels or prequels have unseated RE 2 as my favorite of the series inspite of improved graphics and engine tweaks. Hopefully RE 4 will bring back some of the freshness that disappeared after RE 2.

I'm sure some people are going to say that Nintendo needs to release as many triple A titles as they can, and I would agree with that to certain extent. My wish is--after touching upon Mario, Metroid, and Zelda-- is that they will pay attention to other series. Like many on this board I would be the first in line to pre-order Mother 3 if it was confirmed. I would also like to see Fire Emblem on these shores. I also hope that Ninteno will give its second parties a lot of room to work on their own ideas, with Nintendo's supervision.

Offline LMSx

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Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #33 on: February 06, 2003, 02:22:45 PM »
What I would improve in the next Metroid game. Not all of them are important.


1. Rain- In MP, it hits the screen straight, like the visor wasn't there. However, it should wrap around the viewscreen more, and leave streak effects.

2. Cracks- The 'Game Over' screen gave me this idea. What if, so to say, at 10% health left, cracks started appearing around the edges of your visor? After being hit by x infinity fireballs, *surely* some wear and tear must take place. At 5% health left, cracks start splintering across the main portion of the screen. Should you get to a Save Station, it would 'heal' most of the smaller cracks. (Those lasers gotta do *something*) To get rid of the larger ones, a return to the Gunship would be in order to replace the visor fully.

Should this be carried to the extreme, there would be different levels of cracks. The smaller ones would be on top and easily healed by the Save Stations, while larger ones would reach down farther, and prehaps even split off a piece of visor. If a visor peice was chipped off and Samus went underwater, the water would pour in and give her a time limit as to how long she could stay under. Of course, the Gravity Suit would never crack.

Again, carried to the extreme.

3. 'Condensation'- The condensation effects were a tad underwhelming, since a generic breath pattern emerged every time. Random, maybe?


1. More Wind- Our only glimpse of wind in Metroid Prime is the room leading to Chozo Plaza. Blowing sand, snow, dust-anything more would be nice. Also would affect the rain.

2. Footprints- Samus doesn't leave foot prints in the snow. A minor quibble but one nonetheless.

3. Higher elevations. Metroid Prime seemed like you were buried in canyons in Phendrana, Magmoor, (well...) Chozo Ruins, and the overworld. I really wanted to go to the top of a Windmill Tower, like the one in Phendrana Canyon. Looking around the terrain, seeing Quarantine Cave...Anyway.

4. "AI"- The Flying Pirates were pretty stupid. Make them hide behind buildings and such, instead of idly waiting for me to switch to the Plasma Cannon and blow the crap out of them.

5. Nature's cycle at work- More Metroids sucking the life out of Space Pirates!

6. Some sort of bump-mapping- 'nuff said

Well, that's what I can think of. Anyone else?
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Offline Perfect Cell

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Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #34 on: February 06, 2003, 04:20:54 PM »
Id love to see them make a game after Metroid Fusion... It would be cool to have Samus's Fusion suit actually working and not a skin in the game. Maybe it was a hint that the next MP would be the new Samus? I havent finished the first one Lol so really there arent that many improvements i could see, just more stuff! I also wish they could split the team to see more stuff from Retro.. Posibly a normal FPS and not a FPA?

Offline Odin

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Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #35 on: February 06, 2003, 09:02:09 PM »
Next Metroid Game Wish List:

1. Expanded cutscenes.
2. Longer gameplay time.
3. Addition of Multiplayer. Not during regular game. No coop, or counterop play!
4. Expanded world(s) as well.
5. More weapons, preferably ones that shoot small, cylyndrical, metallic, fast moving objects.
6. Musical score similiar to Metroid Prime.

I love you Retro Studios. Thank you for Metroid Prime.
This has been a post by ODIN.

Offline nolimit19

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Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #36 on: February 06, 2003, 09:09:46 PM »
srcew metroid 2.....the next zelda is in the planning stages according to the
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Offline Hemmorrhoid

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Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #37 on: February 07, 2003, 04:36:36 AM »

To tell you the truth, I would rather have them save the new Metroid for the next Nintendo system. Part of the pleasure I get from Metroid stems from the fact that the large space between sequels make each new episode a major event.

Agree, id like Retro to start working on Metroid for the GCN sucessor. I want to see a HUGE evolution in the game series. I mean it would be Metroid like SUPER large(probably 5 times as big as Prime) with photorealistic graphics that make prime look like, well, N64 does now.

But a MP2 would be ok on GCN, and as I said, the graphical evolution should be like Halo to Halo 2.
LZ 2005

Offline Razex

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Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #38 on: February 07, 2003, 09:37:41 AM »
Really cool ideas LMSx, the one with the visor cracks and stuff would be unbelievably amazing. I'm imagining all that stuff in my head. But I think I'm one of the people that hoped they would save the next Metroid for the next Nintendo system. Make it the best launch game ever made. Anyway, I hope they make MP2 afer Metroid Fusion...which would be Metroid 5 I think. They should expand on the new abilites that Samus has...I can only imagine what Retro can think up. And those visor ideas that LMSx made up would be so damn cool.

Offline marcos

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Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #39 on: February 08, 2003, 05:06:02 PM »
Ive got a few suggestions for Metroid Prime 2:

Make it longer- the game was excellent, just a bit too short for my tastes

harder difficulty

better puzzles- I was disappointed with the puzzles in Prime.  

better story- Prime's story was interesting, but after playing Fusion which has a much more captivating story it seemed they could have done this with Prime.

Those are really my only quabbles about the game.

Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #40 on: February 08, 2003, 05:25:20 PM »

Originally posted by: marcos
Ive got a few suggestions for Metroid Prime 2:

Make it longer- the game was excellent, just a bit too short for my tastes

harder difficulty

better puzzles- I was disappointed with the puzzles in Prime.  

better story- Prime's story was interesting, but after playing Fusion which has a much more captivating story it seemed they could have done this with Prime.

Those are really my only quabbles about the game.

1 - I agree it should be longer than Prime 1, but Prime 1 was long enough.

2 - Yeah, it should be a bit harder next time.

3 - Mmm... Metroid isn't really about puzzles, there weren't that many in Prime to begin with. The exploration elements should be deeper in Prime 2 though.

4 - I think Prime's story was much better than Fusion's. The fact that Samus had to interact with a computer thing was very lame, she's always been a lone character and I think it should stay that way, not talking with a bunch of people and such.

Offline Gamefreak

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Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #41 on: February 08, 2003, 11:28:45 PM »
As much as I love Metroid Prime, I'd rather see the next Metroid on the next system. Retro should make something else for now. A new franchise would really help, especially one by Retro. Maybe start Raven Blade again (although I think they have lost interest as many orig. people have be fired). I would be happy as heck if they brought Thunder Rally (Car Combat) back. Face it, everyone loves car combat games, and one by Retro? And throw in online and you've got the next smash bros. (in terms of multiplayer madness). What's better than pitting link against pikachu? Driving around in cars shooting rockets at your friends of course!

Offline GoldShadow

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Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #42 on: February 09, 2003, 08:32:50 AM »
"Face it, everyone loves car combat games..."

Wrong, I hate car combat games.  The exception is Mario Kart battle mode.


I was just thinking.  There are two small things that would've made Metroid Prime much more enjoyable:  Teleports and map notes.  Teleports would be done in the style of OoT or Castlevania.  I'm sick of having to walk back through tons of areas I've been before to get to where I need to go.  I don't think the teleports would hurt the explorative gameplay.  It'd just be a shortcut.  I like the idea of uncovering a secret in an area I've been before, just not backtracking through areas with nothing new.

Map notes would also be extremely handy.  I realized this when playing Baldur's Gate II.  In that game, you can customize your map a bit by putting note icons on it to remind you where something is.  This would be extremely handy on a Metroid game.  You could mark where that energy capsule or grappling hook point is so that you could come back to it later.  I never remember where any of the secrets are.

Offline telaris

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Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #43 on: February 09, 2003, 09:04:49 AM »
I'd also like to see more aggressive Metroids. They shouldn't just fly around for 30 seconds then go into an attack dive. They should rush at you like they did in the sidescrolling Metroids. Halo's Flood gave me this idea. Retro should just play Halo for 3 or 4 hours, then they could come up with some nice ideas.

Offline Hemmorrhoid

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Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #44 on: February 09, 2003, 09:22:34 AM »
Well, Metroid isn supposed to be a Halo Killer, but I certainly wouldnt mind some more action

But at the same time I want some stealth like parts, or parts with no action at all, i want a 3rd person perspective option. (and first only during action) although that isnt a must imo, maybe wouldnt even work?

I want MUCH better graphics, Halo to Halo 2 like advances.

I want it to be way bigger, more stuff, weapons, moves, enemies etc.
ANd also new environments(although the variation in MP was near perfect).

Naming all these improvements reminds me of HOW INCREDIBLE AWESOME MP was.
LZ 2005

Offline Icons by Size

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Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #45 on: February 09, 2003, 10:23:37 AM »

Naw, they should make the hard difficulty in MP 1, and use that as an easy difficulty in MP 2.

I agree, metroid prime was way way too easy.
Deftones own.

Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #46 on: February 09, 2003, 11:07:10 AM »

Originally posted by: Gamefreak
As much as I love Metroid Prime, I'd rather see the next Metroid on the next system.

Hopefully not. I wouldn't like to wait four more years for the next Metroid game, and the Gamecube hasn't yet show its full potential. There were a bunch of graphical issues in Prime 1 I'd like to see fixed on Prime 2.

Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #47 on: February 09, 2003, 11:12:55 AM »
One thing I'd like to see in Prime 2 is FMV sequences for the intro and the ending. The intro in Prime was awesome, but I was a bit disappointed with the ending, which wasn't even on the same level of quality as the intro, specially when Samus removes her helmet she looked so weird, with a FMV she'd look great.

Offline Sean

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Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #48 on: February 10, 2003, 01:16:36 PM »
What I love about Metroid Prime, primarily is how there isn't a story laid out in the conventional sense.  The story is hidden in the details, which you piece together.  The whole game is one big cutscene, if you look at it a certain way.  You land on this planet, and you begin to gather details about the Chozo (whose story has this awesome atmosphere and sense of ancient history around it) and the Pirates' experiments, etc.  

This needs to be continued with the next Metroid--I don't expect this concrete story-line that unfolds with Samus talking to people and Samus sitting at a space-bar and Samus in the shower at her apartment at home.  As much as many of you might be pining for this sort of thing, do you really think it belongs in Metroid??  (By the way, someone--I don't recall the name--expressed fears about having another Metroid game so soon.  This I completely sympathize with, as I would hate to see this "sequelized" into mediocrity.)

It all goes back to the joke going around about when Samus's volleyball game is coming out...haha.  I mean, the last thing I, for one, want is a game where you control Samus's exciting adventures with the resident island hotties, whilst duking it out in a game of cricket or something.

I like the silent hero[ine], and no one does it much better, if at all, than Nintendo.
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he has created him in his own image and likeness."
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Offline epicac

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Metroid Prime 2
« Reply #49 on: February 10, 2003, 01:48:43 PM »
I understand the fears some have of another Metroid title coming out for the Cube, but I do not agree that it will be a bad thing. Metroid Prime is an amazing achievement. For Retro to use the same engine to continue it's excellence is perfectly fine with me. If anyone else other than Retro Studios was making it, I'd object. If they drastically change the game design, I'll object. Otherwise it's almost like we're getting the next level in the Metroid legacy. MP2 will be like Majora's Mask to OoT. I don't think releasing more games in a series makes them any less 'special,' because, like the Zelda series, you can group the games by console so that they're less like games and more like chapters to an unfolding story.

Yeah, I think Retro Studios developing another Metroid title for GCN is a good thing.