Author Topic: Progressive Scan Issue  (Read 1502 times)

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Offline linkmaster02

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Progressive Scan Issue
« on: October 09, 2003, 01:30:24 PM »
I recently bought a Sony 46" widescreen projection HDTV, and a GCN component video cable. I plugged them in and enabled the progressive scan, but I am dissapointed. Everything looks And edges look too pixely (is that a word?). I don't know how to describe it, but it is not the quality I expected. Does anyone know how to fix my little problem, and can you tell me what it is supposed to look like (smooth, detailed, ...?)? Thanks in advance.

Offline grazzhoppa

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RE:Progressive Scan Issue
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2003, 04:19:54 PM »

Sony 46" widescreen projection HDTV

I wouldn't play games on a projection TV because you risk 'burning' images onto the screen.  But if you really want to, I suggestion turning the contrast down so your risk is a little less.

Your image might be looking pixelated because you're stretching the square GC image to fit a widescreen...if the image is in fact filling the whole TV.  If your TV or the game has settings for "widescreen" and "normal" modes try changing them.  And make sure your HDTV is showing the resolution it's supposed to be (1080 or 760)...there might be settings for the resolution on the TV. I don't own an HDTV and have no idea if there are settings like that.

But you can screw with your TV picture controls too, and see if it helps.

Offline PIAC

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RE: Progressive Scan Issue
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2003, 03:10:18 AM »
only games like soul calibur etc with graphics that are on the screen for lengthy periods of time are really a worry, which means fighting games (health bars) and Zelda (item icons) either way ever 1-2 hours you should switch your tv off for about 5 minutes, let it recover (go get a drink or some food) then continue your gaming.

speaking of burnt projection screens, its funny at arcades that have screens with imaged burnt onto them, they are usually in a different game, i was watching this racing game that had health bars partially burnt up the top, those screens musn't be cheep to repair