Author Topic: N5 = A Console and A Hand Held in one?  (Read 3728 times)

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Offline AgentSeven

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N5 = A Console and A Hand Held in one?
« on: September 21, 2003, 04:33:07 PM »
This is just a rumor, so treat it as such.  However, it's so clever, that I just had to mention it.
It's like the Zelda RPG rumor, almost too good to be true.  Still here it is...

What if the N5 was BOTH a TV Game Console AND a HandHeld system at the same time?

What if the whole thing was no larger than a DC controller?

Truthfully, I'm not sure if I buy this one, but it is intriguing.  I have heard other rumors, that the N5 controller will built in color screens.   Maybe this is what the rumor is refering to.  

If the controller is wireless and battery operated, possibly it is the controller that can act as portable game system?

This one is so crazy, I'm starting to get confused....
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Offline Ms.Pikmin

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RE:N5 = A Console and A Hand Held in one?
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2003, 05:55:11 PM »
AgentSeven, I am in no way trying to be rude or start any flaming.  I just wanted to ask if there was an article you read about this or something because what you have posted isn't very detailed in what the rumor is claiming.  I know this is just a rumor and not to be taken seriously, but it would help(me at least) to have more info.

Offline Grey Ninja

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RE: N5 = A Console and A Hand Held in one?
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2003, 06:06:07 PM »
Ms. Pikmin, there's an existing thread about this in GameCube discussion, as well as a link to the original source of the rumor.  The general consensus is that it's complete and total BS, and not to be trusted.

All BS aside though, I think it would be hilarious if Nintendo's next handheld was a portable GCN.  It would give the system the long life it so deserves.  But this is simply not technically feasable, so I will leave it at that.
Once I had, a little game
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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE:N5 = A Console and A Hand Held in one?
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2003, 06:15:26 PM »
Let's ask the Magic 8-Ball

*shake shake* (blatent Michief Makers pun ^_^)

Do not pass Go...Do not collect 200 dollars.

~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

Offline AgentSeven

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RE: N5 = A Console and A Hand Held in one?
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2003, 06:33:36 PM »
Actually, let me clarify what I was saying.  

First, I do NOT mean a "portable gamecube."  That story is BS and it's not what I'm talking about at all.

Next, let me just say that I have absolutely NO way of backing this story up with any kind of facts.  I'm not trying to mislead anyone either.  It just seemed so fascinating that I had to put the idea out there for discussion.

Recently, I attended the San Gennaro festival in Los Angeles with some friends.  One of them works on anti-virus software.  Now, that's a bit far from video games, but like me he has many friends.  This topic came up over dinner and althought I IMMEADIATELY thought it was BS, yet there was something about it that seemed intriguing.

So, let me clarify my earlier point.  What if the "NES-5" was a full fledged, high powered "Next,Next Generation," TV Game Console AND a portable game system at the same time?  

Or what if, just part of the system turned into a portable gaming device?  Like a wireless controller with a screen on it.

Also, what if that same controller could play "downloadable content" and cartridges/miniDVD?
What if that "downloadable content" was from Nintendo's massive back library of hits?  Everything from NES,SNES,GB,GBC,GBA, and even possibly the N64.  

In the end it's just a rumor. However like the Zelda RPG, it's so fascinating and incredible, that it seems to good to be true, and yet it if it were.....

Could be why the term "suprising and unique" has been thrown around lately.  It could also be the reason why the delusional $ony fanboys think a portable GameCube is on the way.  If anything that idea lacks more credibility than what I have said about the "NES-5."
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Offline KDR_11k

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RE: N5 = A Console and A Hand Held in one?
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2003, 08:21:47 PM »
Forget it:
1. Size. If you want to keep up with the opposition and their tech (you need home console standard tech in this thing if it's also a home console) you can't go THAT small.
2. Power consumption. Look at the PSP. 3-6 hours of battery life. If we take tech progression into account this thing would devour maybe the same (at higher specs, of course)
3. Heat. These times computers and consoles produce a LOT of heat. This heat must go somewhere. Nothing below active cooling will do and active cooling isn't good for a handheld. Laptops are notorious for causing severe burns, this thing won't be much different.
4. Cost. Nintendo is famous for its party games, which allow up to four players. However you need to have one controller per player and if the controller costs as much as the whole console... And don't expect the friends to bring their own, it won't work if N doesn't take the lead next round.

Offline AgentSeven

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RE: N5 = A Console and A Hand Held in one?
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2003, 09:42:27 PM »
It's not likely that the console itself would be portable, but it sure would be cool.

Still there is a company called DISCover that's producing stripped down PC's that play PC games on your tv.  Their smallest model is about the size of a compant disc player.

However the idea of the wireless controllers also doubling as the next Gameboy would be very interesting.
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Offline PIAC

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RE: N5 = A Console and A Hand Held in one?
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2003, 10:04:20 PM »
only if there is the option to have pure handheld/controller versions aswell, anything much bigger than my GBA/SP and it would be too bulky to take to work and play during lunch, which is all i do at lunch (come on camerupt, one more level )

it has the posibily to anger too many parties, the portable gamers that dont want a home console have to front up extra cost, the home console owners that have no need for a portable machine, and the gamers who own both and rather have them seperate (like me). i think its best if they just leave things seperate.

Offline Grey Ninja

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RE: N5 = A Console and A Hand Held in one?
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2003, 07:31:03 PM »

Actually, let me clarify what I was saying.

First, I do NOT mean a "portable gamecube." That story is BS and it's not what I'm talking about at all.

Let me make something clear, right here and now.  I am a programmer.  I have programmed video games.  I am a gamer.  I have been playing games for over 15 years, which is longer than some of you have been around.  I have designed microchips for a school project.  I build computers, and research hardware for a hobby.

Nothing I have even seen in my life makes me think that making GameCube equivalent hardware feasably portable is even possible.  What makes you even bother to post this rumor that the next console will be a handheld?  You know just as well as I that this was just copy and pasted from the GameCube discussion forum, and I move that this thread be locked, simply because it serves no valid purpose other than to perpetuate a stupid rumor that should have never been started in the first place.
Once I had, a little game
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I think you know the game I mean

Offline AgentSeven

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RE: N5 = A Console and A Hand Held in one?
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2003, 08:34:29 PM »
Grey, I don't think you understood my post.  Seriously, check your reading.

Again, for the 3rd time, I DO NOT mean a portable Game Cube!  (Arrrgghhhh!!!!)  This is also NOT the same topic as that stupid thread in the GC forum.  If you had read either, you would know this.

What I'm saying is that, what if NES-5 has a controller that also doubles as the next GameBoy?
It would be wireless, and of course, you could buy one seperately.  However it would act to enchance the gaming experience of almost every title from sports games to rpgs.  Plus, what if you could download games from Nintendo's massive back library of hits and then play them on the go with your handheld controller/GB?

Truly it would be a vision of the future.

As for your assertion that yo have played games for 15 years.  I've had a console since 1977.  I shook hands with Miyamoto when Donkey Kong was out.  I even have an underground game title that has surpassed 10,000 copies world wide.  Brother, you're preaching to the converted.

ps. DISCover produces a pc that is smaller than a compact disc player.  A portable GameCube probably is technically possible, but it won't happen and who would wan't one.  I have SERIOUS doubts about handhelds that use optical disc mediums...
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Offline Grey Ninja

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RE: N5 = A Console and A Hand Held in one?
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2003, 08:49:33 PM »
Once I had, a little game
I liked to crawl back into my brain
I think you know the game I mean

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: N5 = A Console and A Hand Held in one?
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2003, 11:07:43 AM »
I have no idea what hardware actually is in those DISCover things, but I can assure you that the minimum hadware required to play modern games on x86 PCs plus a drive is larger than that. Maybe you mean one of those web browsing devices (if not, provide a link) that can be hooked to a TV. Those aren't full PCs and can't play games. You'd need better (larger, hotter) hardware to make a game system.

Offline Ian Sane

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RE: N5 = A Console and A Hand Held in one?
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2003, 12:58:45 PM »
"Cost. Nintendo is famous for its party games, which allow up to four players. However you need to have one controller per player and if the controller costs as much as the whole console... And don't expect the friends to bring their own, it won't work if N doesn't take the lead next round."

Well they could always sell controllers without the screen for multiplayer support.  The Sega Nomad was a portable Genesis and I believe you could hook up regular controllers to it for mulitplayer.

I like the idea of a console and portable in one.  It's like how laptops and PCs use the same software.  However like many people have said it just isn't feasible to have a portable with not only Gamecube hardware but hardware beyond that.  Remember if the next console is to be successful it has to be more "powerful" than the Gamecube.  So either the home console is severely underpowered so that it can be portable or Nintendo events some sort of miracle technology.

"What I'm saying is that, what if NES-5 has a controller that also doubles as the next GameBoy?
It would be wireless, and of course, you could buy one seperately. However it would act to enchance the gaming experience of almost every title from sports games to rpgs. Plus, what if you could download games from Nintendo's massive back library of hits and then play them on the go with your handheld controller/GB?"

What's the real advantage to this?  You already can use the GBA as a "controller" in some capacity and it doesn't really add anything worth buying a console over.  A screen would be a good idea but having a full fledged controller that can play GBA quality games is just a rather unnecessary extra expense.  I'm sure most people would be royally pissed if they had to pay extra money and be forced to buy a portable system with their home console.

I think Nintendo's currently connectivity is pretty close to the ideal linkup between home and portable consoles.  All it really needs is for the portable to interface with the console without the usage of an extra cords.  Either use a wireless hookup or have the next Gameboy come with the f*cking cord.  A built in GB Player would be a good idea to.

Offline AgentSeven

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RE:N5 = A Console and A Hand Held in one?
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2003, 11:47:11 PM »

This is a link to the DISCover website.  I found this little machine in the dubious "Kentia Hall" at this years E3.  Basically, it's a "game console" that allows you to play PC titles on your living room tv.  As an added bonus, the machine uses an "auto boot script" that makes all PC game "plug and play" rather than having to install each one.  This makes playing the games more like a standard game console, as opposed to a PC, where you must install each game individually.

The system comes in three sizes.  The medium sized unit is featured on their top page.  It is slgithly larger than Sega's brilliant CD-X system.  The largest is the size of a regular, cube shaped pc case.  The smallest unit, which is also quite stripped down, is about the size of a large compact disc player.  And just in case you are interested, I did play the system and it did work quite well.  This isn't "Vapor Ware" like the phantom or $ony's "cell chip."

As for the cost of controller with color screens, I must say this.  First the cost of making the original GBA is amazingly low.  Second if you could keep your costs low on the console itself, you could make up for any loss on the controller.  Plus Nintendo's in a good position, it has never released a $300 console.  If the next system cost $250 or $275, but it came with it own handheld, they could easily justify a price increase on their systems.  
"I am not a number, I am a free man"    "$ony=Atari Circa 1984"

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Offline PIAC

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RE: N5 = A Console and A Hand Held in one?
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2003, 12:56:29 AM »
yeah i saw that DISCover thing, i stuck a link in the other forums err forum a while back (around the time of e3) i thought it was a great idea for the people that cant necisarilly afford a good pc but still want to play PC games (ones that arn't on xbawx anyway) it obviously has its limitations, but it is a great idea.

ill go grab the link *gets out pokeball*

yes! i got it! the thread on said DISCover

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: N5 = A Console and A Hand Held in one?
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2003, 04:37:01 AM »
How would that "Plug and Play gaming" work? The installation is by no means standardized among games and cannot be automated (CD Key, anyone?). To make the games run properly you'd need Windows (or a DAMN good emulator, which is illegal under the DMCA). Then there are those nasty things like IE (some games need it for some weird reason) and DirectX which want to be kept up-to-date. Also I'm not sure how kindly MS would speak to a competitor asking them for a certificate to sell Windows. And I still insist that the small ones are much lower specced than a standard PC for space reasons. Most mini-PCs work with VIA C3 processors and mini-MBs made for them, resulting in a really bad game performance. What games did you play on the system?

A tiny screen on the controller should be feasible. It wouldn't fit the idea for a controller I had recently (a triangle with an analogue pad, a trackball and buttons that you can turn around to reach different controls) but it should be able to enhance party games a lot.

Offline ghostVi

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RE: N5 = A Console and A Hand Held in one?
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2003, 06:54:28 AM »
KDR, it's in their FAQ...... it's actually running Windows XP embedded. About automated installs...... hmm, IMHO you've got a point there, but still, let's wait and see what they will come out with...

Offline AgentSeven

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RE: N5 = A Console and A Hand Held in one?
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2003, 01:24:19 PM »
I heard some REALLY HEAVY gossip from this company reguarding Microsoft.  I'm not sure I should post if however...

As for the controller/handheld concept.  I recently heard that the "cost of goods" on the original GBA was $25.  Can anyon confirm it?
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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE:N5 = A Console and A Hand Held in one?
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2003, 06:21:42 PM »
Spill it...Nothing better than rumors during pre and post-tradeshow times
~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

Offline animex

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RE:N5 = A Console and A Hand Held in one?
« Reply #19 on: September 27, 2003, 10:21:06 PM »
i hope it wont be like "stupid 64y multimedia all purpose thing" just like the other 2 64y $hitstems

Offline Yuji Miyamoto

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RE:N5 = A Console and A Hand Held in one?
« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2003, 07:28:16 PM »
this agent seems to know a secret
I'm not a doctor but I play one on t.v.

Offline rainmanx2

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RE:N5 = A Console and A Hand Held in one?
« Reply #21 on: October 07, 2003, 10:48:38 AM »
this topic seems to have no truth. why come out and say that you have information about something and not say what it is?  should i start a thread and put what i say the next system will be like and also say that i heard it from a good source yet dont disclose you source?