Author Topic: Your most hated games?  (Read 12600 times)

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Offline Grey Ninja

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Your most hated games?
« on: August 24, 2003, 10:19:19 AM »
First, a foreword.  I am creating this thread because I want to know what elements it is that people think makes a bad game really bad.  I know that there are plenty of horrible games out there like Bible Adventures, Total Recall, and ET, but we don't generally hate them, because nobody plays them.  They are simply too bad.  I am more interested in games that you honestly hate, for whatever reason.  Generally, these games should be popular.  No doubt games that I really like, or games that YOU really like will be named here.  Let's just try to stay tolerant with eachother, ok?  It's not a crime to like a game that someone else hates, or vice versa.

#1:  Grand Theft Auto 3
This game gets put at the top of my list for the simple reason that it started a big riot that I didn't want to happen.  It was insanely popular, not for any of its good features, but more for the simple fact that you could pick up hookers then get your money back by running them over.  It's one thing to put that content into a cheap flash game and get a bunch of fans, it's quite another to make such a game into a system seller.  The game did do some things right, but it did far more wrong, and that's why it's at the top of my list.  I don't want games like this to become the driving force of the industry.

#2:  Chrono Cross
This game was a completely inappropriate sequel to one of my most beloved games.  The gameplay wasn't anything special, and NOTHING like the first game, the artwork was just crappy, and the story wasn't anything worth writing home about.  Worst of all, the characters had next to zero back story, and not a single one of them was worth a single bit of my feeling.  If you haven't played this game, you aren't missing out on much.

#3:  Metal Gear Solid 2
Like #2, this is a complete perversion of everything I loved about a game.  It basically took everything that was in Metal Gear Solid 1, and changed it around a little.  It took the same story, and made it suck.  It took the same characters, then made them insipid and unworthy of my emotion, but enhanced the graphics and the gameplay a little.  The end result is a game that is absolutely painful to play after the first hour.  This is coupled with the fact that Konami hid the facts when marketting the game that the tanker level is only a small part of the game, and is the only good part.  It just made the fans feel even more cheated when they sat down to play the game, expecting to play as the good old Solid Snake, and instead getting some little weakling named Raiden.  This game can rot in hell.

#4:  Parasite Eve 2
Bad sequels seems to be a common thing in my list.  This is another fine example of Square taking a fine franchise and making it suck more than you ever thought possible.  The first game featured a VERY good and very coherent story, and some great character development.  The gameplay was fresh and new, and something I had never seen before in an RPG.  The second game had a REALLY crappy story, next to zero character development, and the gameplay was a cheap Resident Evil knockoff with some of the most unbalanced gameplay ever.  The game just bored the hell out of me.  I hated it because it was one of my most anticipated games for a long time.

#5:  Final Fantasy XI
This list just wouldn't be complete without a Final Fantasy.  Although I hate VIII, IX, X, AND X-2, I still hate XI the most.  Even the IDEA of an online Final Fantasy pisses me off.  If they didn't destroy the franchise enough already, they just wanted to weld the coffin shut so that no gamer would ever trust them again.  I hate this game even more because I know without a shadow of a doubt that so many American gamers will buy this game and be ranting and raving about how good it is before you know it.  I shudder just to think of it.  This position also serves as a placeholder for my much hated VIII, IX, X, and X-2, which all deserve my hatred, but would consume too much space on this list.

#6: Halo
This game just irritates me because of its popularity.  It might be a decent enough game, but constantly hearing people yap about how great the graphics are just sort of annoys me.  The parts of the game I have seen aren't anything to write home about, and has some.... atrocious framerates in some areas, some horrible animations, and the most sparse levels you have ever seen.  I think the level designers might have been napping, or just plain lazy.  Also, I might mention that it's just another FPS.  There are 12 million of them on PC, and this one is going to be on it soon as well.  I really don't see why it should be a game that you would buy an Xbox just to play.  You can tell that I am not an FPS player from my attitude, but whatever.  If you buy a console to play an FPS, that's just a sign that you need to upgrade your PC instead of shelling out that money for an Xbox.  Sorry, but system seller this should not be.  However, this game is reasonably low on my list, not only because there are worse games, but because something good did come out of it.

#7: Counterstrike
The game that defines lame.  I can tell if someone is a Counterstrike fan simply by the way they talk.  I refused to play any online games for years after I tried this one.  The game itself is good, but the fanbase is composed of the biggest collection of idiots and lamers you have ever met.  I don't think I really need to elaborate, as I am sure you all know what I am talking about.

#8: Legend of Mana
Last of the sequels on this list I hope.  This game is just boring.  I don't think it needs much more explanation.  It doesn't really do anything all that well.  In creating a completely open gameplay experience, they made the game suck.  It isn't THAT bad of a game I suppose, but I am just angry that the beta testers didn't tell the programmers that their game sucked before it launched.  

#9: Doom
Let's make one thing clear before I start off on this one.  I respect this game very much for some of the things it did for the industry.  It gave us true 3D graphics, it gave us a new genre, and it was a game that helped push video games into the mainstream.  However, I hate FPS games, and this one spawned all kinds of "me too" games, and I feel that it is one of the games that helped to push graphics over gameplay.  The main difference between Doom and Serious Sam is the graphics quality, and that really irritates me, and is one of the driving forces regarding my hating FPS games.  John Carmack is a great guy, and deserving of all our respect, but I just hate how much of what he does is for the sake of graphics, and I hate how much his games are copied in the industry.  It's why I scarcely play PC games anymore, because they are all Doom clones.

#10: Metroid Prime
This one will no doubt shock you all.  Although I own this game, and do play it now and then, I just find it uninteresting.  I was hoping for a system that was radically different from an FPS when I started playing the game, but I just couldn't shake the feeling that it was an FPS when I was playing it.  For some reason, the game also gives me motion sickness, making it very difficult for me to play.  It's strange, as I can play many other FPS games, console and PC alike without problems.  I am not a fan of FPS games, and this game just feels too much like one for me.  I will give it a thumbs up for graphics, level design, and programming feats though.  Truth be told, this game is only here because I couldn't think of a better #10, and I just wanted to include it because of its insane popularity when there are plenty of better games on GameCube that are frequently overlooked because of it.  I don't really hate it that much though.  I am mostly indifferent on this one, as I feel it does just as much right as wrong.  It could be that my enjoyment of it is dampened simply because I can't play it for long due to the inevitable motion sickness, and the cursed part of the game that I am stuck at.
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I think you know the game I mean

Offline KnowsNothing

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RE: Your most hated games?
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2003, 10:41:55 AM »
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

For the exact same reason as you, so i will post YOUR paragraph.

This game gets put at the top of my list for the simple reason that it started a big riot that I didn't want to happen. It was insanely popular, not for any of its good features, but more for the simple fact that you could pick up hookers then get your money back by running them over. It's one thing to put that content into a cheap flash game and get a bunch of fans, it's quite another to make such a game into a system seller. The game did do some things right, but it did far more wrong, and that's why it's at the top of my list. I don't want games like this to become the driving force of the industry.

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Offline Aretak

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RE: Your most hated games?
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2003, 01:35:17 PM »
Super Smash Brothers Melee.

I know most people seem to love this game more than life itself, but I just couldn't stand it. Once the novelty value of fighting with Nintendo characters wears off, the game itself just isn't that good. I still have PowerStone 2 for the Dreamcast which is the same type of thing as SSBM, and I find it infinitely superior, and a lot more fun to play. Just can't figure out what all the fuss about SSBM is about...  
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Offline kennyb27

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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2003, 01:45:02 PM »
Donkey Kong 64
This is the absolute perfection of the "collection" genre.  Unfortunately for Rare, that's not really a genre and the collection aspect of this game--hell, just the game in general--gets real old, real fast.  

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Offline manunited4eva22

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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2003, 01:50:00 PM »
Well actually Castle Wolfenstein was the first FPS, so blame it not doom

Games I hate:

Tribes for PS2
I hate ports. I mean the game was destroyed without voice chat. It really hurt the games value.

Gee, you guys missed the memo, we still wanted Team Death Match. Also don't like how insanely fast the gameplay is, just too fast for games with more than 14 players.

MOH: Spearhead, and frontline.

This is what happens when you try to milk a franchise that has just reached near perfection.
Moh: allied assault reached near perfection in the multiplayer. Spearhead and frontline are horrible changes.

Frontline attempts to be a normal console fps, but medal of honor was never set up to be a console fps. You don't have good snipers, or rifles in consoles, because no one can aim fast enough. Spearhead tried to copy UT2003, made what what would have been a decent game into a bad game.

I mostly play FPS, so thats all for now.

Offline manunited4eva22

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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2003, 01:51:01 PM »
Well actually Castle Wolfenstein was the first FPS, so blame it not doom

Games I hate:

Tribes for PS2
I hate ports. I mean the game was destroyed without voice chat. It really hurt the games value.

Gee, you guys missed the memo, we still wanted Team Death Match. Also don't like how insanely fast the gameplay is, just too fast for games with more than 14 players.

MOH: Spearhead, and frontline.

This is what happens when you try to milk a franchise that has just reached near perfection.
Moh: allied assault reached near perfection in the multiplayer. Spearhead and frontline are horrible changes.

Frontline attempts to be a normal console fps, but medal of honor was never set up to be a console fps. You don't have good snipers, or rifles in consoles, because no one can aim fast enough. Spearhead tried to copy UT2003, made what what would have been a decent game into a bad game.

I mostly play FPS, so thats all for now.

Offline Berny

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RE: Your most hated games?
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2003, 02:03:49 PM »
Ok, probably 3 people have heard of this one but Buck Bumble. Been a while since I played but I THINK the problem was the controls. And I despise Sonic Adventures 1 and 2. Sonic should stick to 2d.
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Offline KnowsNothing

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RE: Your most hated games?
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2003, 02:05:37 PM »
Another game that everybody seems to love is

Madden 2003

Somethign about bad graphics makes a sports game better.  Unfortunatley, Madden 2003 was too realistic.  I loved the two Madden games for the N64, I even loved madden 2002 for GC, which wasn't much different.  But somehting about 2003 makes the game unenjoyable.  I can't realy put my finger on what i hate, i just do.
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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2003, 02:43:37 PM »
Super Mario and Sonic Adventure DX are the worst games to my eyes. But unlike Berny, I think Sonic Adventure 2: Battle was great.
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Offline Gup

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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2003, 02:43:44 PM »
Suikoden - it didn't live up to its sequel's everything(I played 2 then 3 first).
The Legend of Dragoon - an FF7 ripoff.
Kingdom Hearts - it's such a bad game that lives off the Final Fantasy and Disney characters.
Parasite Eve - this and probably it's sequel are some of Square's worst games.
JetForce Gemini - I liked it, finished it, but the teddy bear collecting was such a bad idea.
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Offline Hostile Creation

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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2003, 05:00:06 PM »
You guys have some dumb worst games, no offense.  You should see sh!t like Darkened Skye before you even start talking about stuff like Metroid Prime and SSBM.  Then again, Metroid Prime is my favorite FPS ever (though, unlike Grey Ninja, it didn't strike me as being much like one) and SSBM if the best fighting game ever.  Period.  I don't know why you found it boring, but I played that game and no other game for a whole six months, always pretty regularly, and I STILL love the game.  And my friends and I still play it quite a lot, though I've sort of slacked off on it single player-wise.
HC: Honourary Aussie<BR>Originally posted by: ThePerm<BR>
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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2003, 05:04:39 PM »
I see your point Hostile Creation(ex. 1st post).  Maybe this topic should've been called most overrated games.
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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2003, 05:09:35 PM »
I'm not going to type a huge paragraph or anything, but suffice it to say I absolutely despised Soul Reaver (and this was before I had played Blood Omen or any other SK game, or had even heard of SK). It hurt my brain so much I could only play it for 20 minutes. Luckily I got it as a Christmas present and didn't pay for it.

Otherwise I completely and utterly disagree with Grey Ninja, for reasons I'm sure a thousand other people will flame him with.
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Offline PIAC

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RE: Your most hated games?
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2003, 05:47:53 PM »
i join in on the hateing of Donkey Kong 64 i was expecting a brilliant 3D rendition of DKC, but nope! it took mario 64, banjo kazooie, donkey kong and about 3 kilos of lame mashed them all togeather, carefully strained out the good ingredients, and was left with a big sticky smelly pile of lame... and monkey fur.. whats worse is it got good reveiws in magazines, so there for i figured it would be good and got it, bupbow! the graphics were great, the gameplay wasn't.

heres a shock for you, The Wind Waker not for the actual game, which is an absolute joy to play, a glimps of heaven if you will, but the reaction it got from 90% of the gaming public, it was written off FAR too early, and further pushed nintendo into the ITS KIDDY ROFLIES WTF LOLZ! section of peoples minds, i wouldn't have wanted the graphics done any other way, they are stunning, its just the reaction of the public that causes me to hate it. if there was some way for it to be released and not have every man woman and CHILD flame it to a crisp then that would be alot better. did that make sence?

other than that i can't really name anything else, besides GTA 3/VC for their popularity for the 'wrong' reasons (wrong in my eyes anyway) and halo because people wont shut up about it (i haven't played it so i wont pass judgement)

Offline Molobert

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RE: Your most hated games?
« Reply #14 on: August 24, 2003, 06:23:09 PM »
Donkey Kong 64 as well. This game just blows. I bought it on Ebay with the expansion pack, and even for Ebay prices it wasn't worth it. As PIAC and KennyB said it's just a collection fest. Too many items, characters, and things you have to do. Bleh.

I strongly dislike the 3-d sonic games. The series just wasn't meant for 3-d.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein for PS2 (the most recent one). I played this on my friend's PS2. It is pretty much a clone of every other FPS, except it was very boring, the graphics were bland, the level layout was confusing, and it had bad control.

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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2003, 07:07:09 PM »
Damn, sounds like we have picky players in our midst. But hey, to each his own. Now on the bashing:

Star Fox Adventures
Where do I begin? I bought this game, completely unaware of its devolopment story. Only after a week or so did I get the skinny on how this game was made. I believe Rare had just been purchased by Microsoft when I bought it, so I came in with the expecatation of Rare going out with a bang with this.

I was incorrect. It had eye-poping graphics for sure, but its gameplay didn't wow me as much. I let it slide for a while but it really hit the wall with a few situations

1) There was a portion where you had to outrun and destroy reptites(?) on speeders. You had to memorize the entire track (7 minutes worth) and if you didn't get ALL of them( 4 or so), you had to start over.

2) There was a part of the game where you had to to do a "test of strength" with a tribes champion. This test was simply how fast you can mash the A button. I tried this for WEEKS, mashing, mashing, almost bashing my controller. My thumb went stiff for a few days after this incident, and when it healed, I left Star Fox to rot. Then my best friend comes to town who possesed a turbo controller. I loaned the controller and beat that segment I was working on for weeks on end in a few seconds. I literally cried after I succeded.

3)This was the kicker which led me to resell the game at Gamestop. This portion involved in focusing on the top part of your screen, keeping a little  dot in the center while so much action was happening below the screen. It was an interesting design I'm sure, in practice was impossible for me. While an object flew by the left side, your thumb almost naturally tilted left, going off center. Same thing for the right. Now imagine that, but in mere eyeblinks, in many directions. I threw my hands in fustration and resold the game. I used to that money to Pre-Order Zelda (with the Zelda 64 bonus) and was a happy camper. (Except for Wind Wakers difficulty but that's another story.)

Generally I'm forgiving with games, but this one just threw me for a loop. But at least its now Microsoft's problem
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Ma ma se, ma ma sa,
Ma ma coo sa

Offline Termin8Anakin

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RE: Your most hated games?
« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2003, 08:21:32 PM »
My most hated games? These aren't in order, btw:

Most of Sony's popular games, like Tomb Raider, Pandemonium, Croc, Crash Bandicoot, Destruction Derby, Gran Turismo and Grand Theft Auto. The PSOne had so many below par games that I am surprised any of them were bought.

GTA3/VC: Everyone has said what I have been saying to my friends, who worship this game - that it is popular for all the wrong reasons. But because there is so much freedom and, dare I say, depth to the game, kids will use that as a reason to get it frmo their parents, and continue to kill innocent bystanders for their cash and weapons.

Star Fox Adventures: This game was great. It had great gameplay, the coolest and clearest graphics this side of Metroid, but there are just some parts that are rediculous, and shame goes to Rare for having even put them in - that snow speeder chase at the beginning of the game is impossible. I thought you had to kill the Sharpclaws, but noooooo, you just have to simply OUTRUN them. And you know what? Even when you do, you STILL fall down the waterfall, except instead of starting over, Tricky is there. The second is the Test of Fear. Keeping the line in the green area is an ok idea i guess, but given the weak tension of the GC stick, when teh line shoots over to one side, it is impossible to stop.
For Rare's last game on the GC, this was a stinker. But as a game in general, it was great.

Donkey Kong 64: As with SFA, a great game. Cool level design, detailed graphics, and fun humour made me love this game. And the music! Wow! Rare had a knack for making great midis (see JFG, Banjo and Diddy Kong Racing), and this was just pure heaven. But the collecting? Nooooooooooooooo!
EVERY kong has to collect 100 bananas EACH, 75 coins EACH, Banana medals, instruments, weapons and ammo! UGH! Its good to have parts of the level that only one kong can get through, but the collecting was rediculous.

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron/Rogue Leader: The first one had the most rediculous learning curve of any game i've ever played. Play 'Raid on Sollust' and the last level (with the World Devastators), and you'll see what i mean.
Rogue Leader remedied this, but it was the abilities and features of the ships that pissed me off. Aren't Slave 1 and the Falcon meant to be the fastest ships and have 100 times more shields than the Y-Wings? Play a level with Slave 1, and you'll see that is is slower than an ant with bricks on its back, with shields weaker than a TIE (which has none). Also, I'd like to be able to glide smoothly around the asteroids and friagtes like in Empire Strikes Back and RotJ with the Falcon. A quicker turning circle when pressing Z should do the trick.
All in all, both these games make it so that you need cheats to be good (for me, anyway).

There are more games I hate, but it would take up twn more pages of this thread, so I think I'll leave it there.
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RE: Your most hated games?
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2003, 11:20:49 PM »

Well actually Castle Wolfenstein was the first FPS, so blame it not doom

Actually, there was at last one FPS before that. The one that first comes to mind was an EGA wonder which escapes me at the moment. i can't even remember the developer, but they were big back in the DOS gaming days. Could be Apogee... must Google it.

While there's several games i don't like, the only game i can think of that i hate would be Tao Feng. The characters' names are extremely generic and the female character designs are diddle candy for boys. The controls are sluggish and way too complicated. Add to this an unforgiving AI and gameplay that's seriously combo-heavy.

i almost forgot Enter the Matrix, which was actually enjoyable at times, though i don't think this was Shiny's intention. While the fight animations were decent, common animations like those for running and climbing looked clumsy. There were parts of the game that were unabashed shootouts, and parts for some stealth, but if you tried to inject stealth into an action sequence or vice versa, you paid dearly for it. There were times when you could shoot an enemy at point blank range with a shotgun, and they'll give you a Hollywood elbow (one which looks like it connected but missed by a mile) for your troubles, sometimes even killing you with it. There wasn't always a clear indication of where to go, despite an arrow which points to your next objective, Crazy Taxi-style. Sometimes taking an alternate path meant avoiding enemies, but usually it meant falling to your death or running into a dead end with an invincible agent on your back. Some areas were scripted, so there was only one way to approach them, but there's no way of knowing that until you've died multiple times in vain, plotting the deaths of Shiny family members all the while. Think you're being smart by sniping a guy in the distance? Surprise! You can shoot him because he's in an area you've gotten to, even though he's clearly within sniper rifle range. The driving scenes were fun at first, but got old quick. The worst moment in the game, was definitely at the end. You have to escape the waves of sentinels in the tunnels. As Niobe you "pilot" the Logos. Note that i use the word "pilot" in the same sense that crap is "piloted" through the sewer system. You really only have to hold the R trigger down and occasionally hit a direction. You can't die. As Ghost, you have to fire upon the sentinels as Niobe pilots, which is dificult because of the twists and turns in the tunnels and also because there's no targeting reticule. So you have no idea where to aim until you fire your stream of infinte ammo, which may or may not have any effect on the swarms. You can actually die here, but you have to literally leave the controller on the floor, make a sandwich, and come back.
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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2003, 01:53:07 AM »

Originally posted by: Grey Ninja
#7: Counterstrike
The game that defines lame.  I can tell if someone is a Counterstrike fan simply by the way they talk.  I refused to play any online games for years after I tried this one.  The game itself is good, but the fanbase is composed of the biggest collection of idiots and lamers you have ever met.  I don't think I really need to elaborate, as I am sure you all know what I am talking about.

You just summed up my friend!  He plays CS all the time and thinks CS is the best game since sliced bread.  He is even a member of a clan.

Anyway, on to my hated games:

FPS - Okay, not a game, but a genre.  If there's a genre that has made me play less and less PC games over the years, this is it.  I am sick to death of the amount of FPS on the PC and I get bored quickly of just running around shooting enemies.  Although Medal of Honor: Allied Assult was a rare FPS that I enjoyed, I haven't brought another one since.

RTS - Again, not a game, but a genre.  I am sick of the all C&C, Warcraft games and clones, and people buying them.  Another reason why I'm sick of most PC games.  Thank god for Nintendo and Miyamoto, Pikmin was a innovative and refreshing RTS to play.

Super Smash Brothers Melee. - I'm with Aretak on this game.  Thank god I gave it a rent before buying.  I didn't like it and don't understand (and never will) what's so great about it.

Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II - The only GameCube game I've regretted buying thus far.  I don't understand what's the fuss about this game is.  Sure, it had great graphics for a launch title, but Factor 5 are no god.  The missions were lame and boring.  And can someone please tell me why the f**k I had to fly a X-Wing to destroy 2 Star Destroyers.  That's the B-Wings job.  That mission pissed me hell and back.  I loved X-Wing and TIE Fighter (one of my top 3 PC games ever) on the PC, and Rogue Squadron II is not even close to these games in terms of gameplay.  And a memo to Factor 5; please stop it with these Hoth missions.

Final Fantasy series - I shouldn't make any judgments about this series because the only FF I've played is the FF8 demo (which I found to be boring and the game took itself too serious, thus taking away the fun).  But what really makes me dislike FF are the fans.  A lot of them play the games because it is hyped and cool.  And it reallys annoys me that they think FF is the only good RPG around and the only RPG they know (besides Kingdom Hearts).

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RE: Your most hated games?
« Reply #19 on: August 25, 2003, 04:18:40 AM »
Hoth is the best level of them all!
I can't wait to play the FULL Hoth experience in RS3!!!!!

I'm actually drawn to Final Fantasy, though only the FMVs. I played FFVII, and well, got bored when i hoped off the train at the beginning.
FFVIII and FFX draw me in the most cause they're like love stories in fantasical worlds.
The trailer for FFX on NextGen's E3 2001 DVD is absolutely beautiful. I love the 'To Zanarkand' piano song. And if anyone knows what the 'battle' music in the trailer is, would you please tell me what it is?
Comin at ya with High Level Course Language and Violence

Offline rpglover

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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #20 on: August 25, 2003, 04:19:58 AM »
"#2: Chrono Cross
This game was a completely inappropriate sequel to one of my most beloved games. The gameplay wasn't anything special, and NOTHING like the first game, the artwork was just crappy, and the story wasn't anything worth writing home about. Worst of all, the characters had next to zero back story, and not a single one of them was worth a single bit of my feeling. If you haven't played this game, you aren't missing out on much."

YES YES and YES- i agree with you here- it was most definately the most dissapointing rpg i have ever played in my life- the main thing i hate about it the most is that most web sites and gaming magazines go gaga over this game- they make it like it was the second coming or something- if you dont believe me- go to i like their reviews a whole lot but it got a PERFECT 10 on that web site- horrible- as for gameplay, too many characters were in that game, so it just was not fun- i love the suikoden series, which has 108 characters in each game, but chrono cross was just not fun- i dont know how to explain it besides what grey said, but it just isnt worth your time, especially if you loved chrono trigger (which is miles ahead of cross)

i too agree with gta- to me it just gets too old- the missions are alright, but once they are done, i just could not get into the game at all- halo is a good game, but once again too many web sites and magazines made this game out to be like the second coming again (which would be the third coming now if you count chrono cross.....) but halo is a good game on its own right- it does a lot of things good, but it just is like every other shooter out there

i dont like FFX that much either though- it was an alright game on its own merits, but i just think the series has lost it since FF6- 7 was alright, but that could be my only exception- i dont like the new ones out on the ps2 that much- i hope FF12 can take the series back to were it should go and feel more like the snes rpgs than these new games with more focus on graphics than gameplay
i call the big one bitey.

Offline thecubedcanuck

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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2003, 04:57:33 AM »
I will only use games from this generation of titles THAT I OWN, OR HAVE PLAYED

1 - Mario sunshine
As a huge fan of mario 64 this game just stunk. I truly hated every aspect of it, from the repetativeness of it, the lame theme, FLUDD, only seven levels and so  on. IMO this game had the worst camera of any game I have ever played, and after 10 minutes I was searching for the gravel pills.

2 - Wind waker

I really dont understand all the fuss about this game, it was to easy, too boring, and just didnt appeal to me at all.

3 - Luigi's Mansion

Sunshine in a castle with a vaccuum instead of a water pistol. Just not for me.

4 - SSBM

This could almost be number 1, why did anyone like this game? Then again I hate fighting games.

5 - 007 AUF

What the hell was EA thinking

MY favorite games this generation, again that I OWN OR HAVE PLAYED

1 - Grand theft Auto 3

1 - Eternal darkness

2 - HAlo

3 - Timesplitters 2

4 - tiger woods 2003

5 - madden 2004
Having sex when your 90 is like shooting pool with a piece of rope

Offline Grey Ninja

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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #22 on: August 25, 2003, 05:59:25 AM »

Originally posted by: aoi tsuki

Well actually Castle Wolfenstein was the first FPS, so blame it not doom

Actually, there was at last one FPS before that. The one that first comes to mind was an EGA wonder which escapes me at the moment. i can't even remember the developer, but they were big back in the DOS gaming days. Could be Apogee... must Google it.

I believe that would be Blake Stone.  I have a copy of that game somewhere I believe.  I realize that Doom was not the first, but Doom was the flagship FPS game.  It also created the idolization of graphics that I so hate.  It didn't really change much from Wolfenstein 3D, save a different environment and better graphics.  It was with this game that iD started selling their engines to make lots and lots of clones just like Doom.  A smart business move, but eventually killed the PC gaming world in my eyes.  It just irritates me that there are never more than 2 genres existing on PC at once.

RPGLover, you sound a hell of a lot like me.    I too am hoping for a revival of Final Fantasy with XII.  Since Quest is making it, I hope they can relive the magic of FFT
Once I had, a little game
I liked to crawl back into my brain
I think you know the game I mean

Offline rpglover

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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #23 on: August 25, 2003, 06:22:13 AM »
"RPGLover, you sound a hell of a lot like me.  I too am hoping for a revival of Final Fantasy with XII. Since Quest is making it, I hope they can relive the magic of FFT"

excellent  they say great minds think alike.....but yes i just want a good final fantasy again- some games just should not be changed in my mind- personally i like the dragon quest series how it is- i like how they have kept the same gameplay in tact since the first one with little touches here and there for each new one- i would have liked to see the newer final fantasy's stick to how the old ones were designed- the graphics may be nice in FFX but that is all it has going for it (for me anyway)- they forgot to add in good gameplay- its hard to explain but i hope that FFXII FEELS like a snes final fantasy
i call the big one bitey.

Offline Gup

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RE:Your most hated games?
« Reply #24 on: August 25, 2003, 06:37:55 AM »
It's funny how people keep trashing the Final Fantasy series since it left Nintendo. . . uhhh, I meant since VII.  Did I pull a feel strings?
"You can't act like your opinion on something is the way it IS."-m_c