Author Topic: Nintendo Switch Launch Lineup - About 17 Minutes.  (Read 64367 times)

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Offline supermario2k

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Re: NX Launch Lineup
« Reply #125 on: October 18, 2016, 10:28:19 AM »
« Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 12:30:30 PM by supermario2k »

Offline ThePerm

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Re: NX Launch Lineup
« Reply #126 on: October 18, 2016, 02:26:20 PM »
sm2k "NX is different" from wii u


It could be some gimmicky thing no one likes despite Ubisofts enthusiasm. It could be wonderful.

Even if it does well the first few years when Sony and Microsoft make their next move, will the third party support immediately jump ship?
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Offline supermario2k

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Re: NX Launch Lineup
« Reply #127 on: October 18, 2016, 04:00:46 PM »
Well I am basing this on the all but confirmed belief it is a portable and a console and will have a steady stream of games. At any past generation if the entire Nintendo library was unified on ONE console, Nintendo would have OWNED that generation, but when you look at the console side separate from the handheld side then yes we see a trend of 3rd parties snubbing Nintendo.

Sure if it's just Wii U 2.0 with a different name then nobody will care. If it's a new take on VR, something I would also expect and get excited about because the one thing Wii did right was get me excited for VR then they dropped the ball. If they see Sony doing VR right this time and they realize they actually have the better tech and better games then it could be interesting.

If it's a gaming tablet with detachable controllers and TV out with a unified eshop and VC it will still have a mass appeal. There is not losing scenario here with the information we have present.

There is also a difference between, enthusiastic support for a new console, and this thing is a game changer. I read from Ubisofts comments this sounds like a game changer, to me that is promising. Even if its a **** gimmick many of us bitch about for years, we're still likely to buy it if there is a steady stream of games and the price is right, that is ALL that matters in the end and its one thing Nintendo seems to forget.

Offline Ian Sane

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Re: NX Launch Lineup
« Reply #128 on: October 18, 2016, 04:32:09 PM »
To really sell a console you need at least one game that comes across as a must play where there really is nothing comparable to it on any other platform.  That's what Super Mario Bros did and that's what Wii Sports did.  The Wii U launch was such a failure at that.  NSMB U?  If I want a game like that, the 3DS has one, the DS and Wii had one.  Essentially the NES and SNES had one.  A new entry on familiar gameplay isn't a bad thing but it isn't something that gets people excited in buying a whole new system.  There was also Nintendo Land which is somewhat unique but it just wasn't a concept that was that exciting.  It failed on the "must play" part.

The NX is launching from a position of weakness.  The assumption already is that a Nintendo console is not worth your time unless you really like Nintendo games and feel it is worth your while to pay a premium to have a second console just for them.  The usual Nintendo franchises done in a typical way aren't going to change anyone's opinion.  If anything that will just confirm their biases.

Is Breath of the Wild a big enough deal to be an exception to that?  Well it's not actually an exclusive but then the Wii U isn't a widely owned console either so it isn't like that many are going to stick with their Wii U instead.  It's definitely shaking up the Zelda format and comes across as ambitious but is it ambitious by general standards?  It's really Nintendo branching into the open world genre that has already been done by everyone else.  I'm sure it will be an amazing game but will it stand out from its peers?

To me the ideal killer app would be the full 3D console Pokémon RPG Nintendo has for some reason sat on for 20 years despite it being such an obvious system seller that probably would have saved the Gamecube singlehandedly (and don't anyone try to pass off the Cube RPGs where you don't even COLLECT POKEMON as a legit attempt).  Or Nintendo needs to really knock everyone for a loop with something that's unique but also comes across as a big deal.  Novelties and gimmicks are unique but they lack substance.  This needs to be the sort of game that 30 years from now is brought up as one of the most important games ever released.  This needs to be Pac-Man, Super Mario Bros, Street Fighter II, Doom kind of stuff.  Of course I have no idea what that would be because I'm not some genius game designer that can come up with the next big thing.

Though I expect Zelda and some predictable stuff and some unpredictable but gimmicky stuff.  Though Zelda at least comes across as a big ambitious game and that will make a world of difference compared to the lukewarm Wii U launch titles.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: NX Launch Lineup
« Reply #129 on: October 18, 2016, 05:01:14 PM »
If it's a new take on VR, something I would also expect and get excited about because the one thing Wii did right was get me excited for VR then they dropped the ball. If they see Sony doing VR right this time and they realize they actually have the better tech and better games then it could be interesting.

VR would absolutely shock me. After the failure of the Virtual Boy, I just think Nintendo would be very, very cautious of trying to get on board that trend and any concept that involves users wearing a headset or tech like that. I just feel that VR is one of the last things Nintendo would try or jump on board for.
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Offline ThePerm

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Re: NX Launch Lineup
« Reply #130 on: October 18, 2016, 05:25:11 PM »
I was at a Best Buy in Phoenix and there was a crowd around the Occulus booth. All I could think about is "yeah, I did that **** with the Wii.  Look at this guy standing around with his head set on. You know what's great? Sitting down and relaxing to play games on a regular controller"

We all think Facebook is indestructible, but Occulus could really tank the company. I've never seen much in the way of VR designed game with depth. It's usually about as depthy as Wii Play or some 1 dollar smart phone game.

I hope Nintendo in no way follows this trend.

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« Last Edit: October 18, 2016, 05:27:19 PM by ThePerm »
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Offline supermario2k

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Re: NX Launch Lineup
« Reply #131 on: October 19, 2016, 12:37:32 AM »
I am going to assume your just joking or bullshitting as you normally do. You really think a FAILURE from over 20 years ago is in any way at all affecting their current decisions? If that was the case they would be doing everything in their power to replicate the SNES and they have done the exact opposite for basically that same amount of time.

Clearly I was ribbing, joking not being antagonistic. I am sorry you took it that way I didn't mean for it to be. Honest.

Everyone says they shouldn't buy support or pay for exclusives, I say why the **** not?
Okay that sounds harsher than I meant it to. Rephrase it like this, they did it before why can't they do it now?

The ONLY reason the SNES had the library it did was they basically forced developers to make games for them. They can't achieve that level of strong arming today but they sure as hell have the money to bride every developer in the industry including Sony to make games for them.

In the real world money talks, Nintendo is just to damn arrogant to give a **** they don't want market share, they don't want games they just want to play it safe and hoard their money. Nothing wrong with that from a business stand point, which is why if they ever go the way of Sega, Atari, or Coleco no skin of my back, you think I sit around crying that I can't shop at Radio Shack or rent movies at Blockbuster video anymore? Nope. Games are games, if Nintendo stops making games **** it the world will go on. Will it be the same? No but as Ian has pointed out time and again, New Super Mario series and Galaxy/Sunshin/Mario 64 are NOT the same thing so the world has already changed. There is no going back. Like it or not Wii was Virtual Reality, it didn't have the headset but it had the immersion. Why would I be more okay with a true VR experience and not the half assed Wii? Because in a full immersed VR set up where I am alone in my living room I can go into a totally exotic world and truly feel like I am there. With Wii I was just playing the same old games I always played but now I could wave the remote around. For all my bitching and groaning yes I did enjoy motion controlls, at first, and yes I had hopes they would eventually lead to VR, I am sure you could dig up my old posts where I pretty much claimed Wii would lead to VR but then that would make me right and we can't live in a world where I was ever right now can we?
This was all late night ranting nothing meant to be take so seriously I strike it from the record.

Okay maybe I was just overly optimistic but before this fucking you know what made all of us into pessimists I have always been more or less optimistic anyways. I usually become bitter after things don't live up to my unrealistic expectations, I just don't like to live in a bubble where I can pretend I give a **** about games with yarn mechanics. That's just me. Or is it? Nintendo has been shrinking every generation maybe it isn't ME that has been wrong all this time, maybe it's those of you, not all, but those that just eat up whatever Nintendo makes and forces yourselves to accept it no matter what.

This was rude, it was also belligerent and uncalled for, I concede that. Sometimes I say things to be blunt but I don't mean them to be rude or in anger they are said in jest or as venting.

If it isn't VR now the next one will be. Splatton pretty much proved Nintendo was not quite done with Moton Controls and considering it is one of their best selling games of the last few years and Pokemon Go is in the same ballpark as VR yeah I suspect they will continue down that path until they eventually settle.
Those of you still thinking VR is not going to take off have been ignoring the media blitz VR has been getting and all the positive reactions. This isn't virtual boy or lawnmower man, this is Wii controls with Playstation power and real dedicated 3rd party support. VR is not the future it is now, accept it.

Save this post come back in 5 years and call me a damn lunatic then or accept the truth I am right more than I am wrong even if I am an ass about it. I just don't usually care about the why things did or didn't work out, I am usually good at reading people and I have yet to meet someone in real life that thinks VR is bad. On the contrary they all are either really excited for it, or really hopeful for the next iteration. The only people I encounter that are against it are old school gamers that just somehow think it's nothing but Virtual Boy all over again. I don't even have to be proven right or wrong, I don't care, but I really truly believe it is here to stay for good this time and once it becomes standard all future consoles will come with some sort of head set until they can develop something better in the future.

The bold part was a joke, as in a reference to your constant digging up old posts, I assumed, incorrectly I guess, that you would have seen that as a reference to your previous banter and taken it as such. Since that didn't come across I apologize.

Ian, your flat wrong. Super Mario Bros. sold NES, Super Mario World sold SNES, Super Mario 64 sold N64, the lack of a real Mario game at launch hurt the Game Cube and by the time it hit it was not the Mario game people asked for. The New Super Mario games sell gangbusters and if not for them Super Mario Maker wouldn't exist. Super Mario 3D World needed to be at launch or closer to launch, but Nintendo wasn't ready for HD, they had no choice but to do what they did, they have grown since then I am 100 percent they know they need a real Mario game right away. But they need more than that, they need to get as many segments of their fanbase on board right away as possible. Add to that this time around there won't be two different Mario games like you are describing, which to your credit is a good point, this time around, if the rumors are true which at this point everything pretty much suggests they are highly likely, then there won't be two different games and there isn't a new 3DS on the way so that scenario doesn't fit. DS launched with Super Mario 64 DS and it didn't move systems it sold the fanbase on the console, they just needed to move beyond that die hard fanbase which Wii U failed to do, Wii did not.

This wasn't meant to be a personal attack, I see how it could be interpreted as such, I assume Ian shrugs these sorts of posts of by now as I have seen him do a thousand times. I didn't meant it to be personal just a specific reply to a person in the thread whose points I wanted to address.

At you know what, I am wrong to, we all are, because at the end of the day NOTHING EVER MAKES SENSE when it comes to Nintendo, they have never and WILL NEVER be predictable. That is part of why they stick around. Also news flash, there s no secret formula if there as the PS4 would have bombed because it broke ALL the rules and still continues to sell well.

I thought for sure this paragraph was enough to demonstrate I wasn't at all being confrontational but whatever. I guess it was buried too deep, glossed over, or whatever.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 12:40:31 PM by supermario2k »

Offline supermario2k

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Re: NX Launch Lineup
« Reply #132 on: October 19, 2016, 12:46:24 AM »
The short versions for those that don't want to read.

Rat says people are wrong, they say he is wrong everybody is wrong and we all move on. The gust was I think VR is here to stay and Nintendo will be as unpredictible as always. Ian I meant no disrespect. Oh and I stayed up way to late so its likely there are more spelling mistakes than usual, as per classic you know me. Stay cool everyone.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: NX Launch Lineup
« Reply #133 on: October 19, 2016, 02:39:00 AM »
supermario2k, this is not meant to be an insult but I would like to suggest that maybe you take a day off or two from the forums. You are starting to get yourself worked up a bit here and coming across like you feel you are under attack by everyone for posting your thoughts. You are not. Perhaps a little distance from the forums will correct your perception of how people are viewing you.

I am going to assume your just joking or bullshitting as you normally do. You really think a FAILURE from over 20 years ago is in any way at all affecting their current decisions? If that was the case they would be doing everything in their power to replicate the SNES and they have done the exact opposite for basically that same amount of time.

No, I'm giving my actual take on how I think Nintendo would operate in regards to implementing VR. Gunpei Yokoi was tarnished by the Virtual Boy failure and left the company and sadly died later by accident. He was a big piece of Nintendo's early success and many of the top decision makers at Nintendo are still there from when that all went down and so I think their view of VR is skewed negatively because of that. I think they would be the ones most skeptical of the possibility of VR gaming and very hard to convince in greenlighting development towards implementing it. I could be wrong but humans are not necessarily rational and we develop emotional responses to things that can be hard to overcome and shake.

Everyone says they shouldn't buy support or pay for exclusives, I say why the **** not? The ONLY reason the SNES had the library it did was they basically forced developers to make games for them. They can't achieve that level of strong arming today but they sure as hell have the money to bride every developer in the industry including Sony to make games for them. In the real world money talks, Nintendo is just to damn arrogant to give a **** they don't want market share, they don't want games they just want to play it safe and hoard their money. Nothing wrong with that from a business stand point, which is why if they ever go the way of Sega, Atari, or Coleco no skin of my back, you think I sit around crying that I can't shop at Radio Shack or rent movies at Blockbuster video anymore? Nope.

While the pros and cons of buying exclusives could be debated again here, I'm not interested in doing that. I have a feeling that countering as to why I don't think that is a good idea will just lead you to feel like everything you say is being attacked. To me, it seems like you are posting with a chip on your shoulder right now. "No skin off my back." "You think I sit around crying..." "just to damn arrogant to give a ****". Why so angry?

Games are games, if Nintendo stops making games **** it the world will go on. Will it be the same? No but as Ian has pointed out time and again, New Super Mario series and Galaxy/Sunshin/Mario 64 are NOT the same thing so the world has already changed. There is no going back. Like it or not Wii was Virtual Reality, it didn't have the headset but it had the immersion. Why would I be more okay with a true VR experience and not the half assed Wii? Because in a full immersed VR set up where I am alone in my living room I can go into a totally exotic world and truly feel like I am there. With Wii I was just playing the same old games I always played but now I could wave the remote around. For all my bitching and groaning yes I did enjoy motion controlls, at first, and yes I had hopes they would eventually lead to VR, I am sure you could dig up my old posts where I pretty much claimed Wii would lead to VR but then that would make me right and we can't live in a world where I was ever right now can we?

It is alright with me if there is a matter where you are right and I am wrong. Who has said we can't live in a world where you were ever right? You seem to be lashing out at the world suddenly but I'm not sure why. No one is putting you down right now. You are also not the only one who thought the concept of motion controls could lead to VR. A lot of people thought that motion control gaming could be the first step to that path. Stogi made a thread talking about how he thought the future of entertainment would be gaming with immersive experiences like VR around the early part of the Wii U years, IIRC. I'm not quite sure what exact point you are making in this paragraph since you just seem to be ranting about a few issues at once. Again, why so angry?

Okay maybe I was just overly optimistic but before this fucking you know what made all of us into pessimists I have always been more or less optimistic anyways. I usually become bitter after things don't live up to my unrealistic expectations, I just don't like to live in a bubble where I can pretend I give a **** about games with yarn mechanics. That's just me. Or is it? Nintendo has been shrinking every generation maybe it isn't ME that has been wrong all this time, maybe it's those of you, not all, but those that just eat up whatever Nintendo makes and forces yourselves to accept it no matter what.

Breathe, man. It's just videogames. Who says you have to live in a bubble and pretend to like Yarn Mechanics? No one. You've never had to. Here you give another jab at the world in general to say that you are right and everyone else is wrong about.... yarn games, I guess? But, why? You're trying to tell people that you are right because you don't like some Nintendo products that others do and word it to sound like they are sheeple and you aren't. Why is that the only possibility? Why are you so upset that some people like something you don't? Why are you bringing up this stuff if you are talking about VR? Let go of your hatred for yarn.

If it isn't VR now the next one will be. Splatton pretty much proved Nintendo was not quite done with Moton Controls and considering it is one of their best selling games of the last few years and Pokemon Go is in the same ballpark as VR yeah I suspect they will continue down that path until they eventually settle.

That could very well be the case. It is all speculation anyways. Nintendo may not have fully given up on motion controls like other companies but they've definitely diminished the amount of games using them after the Wii. That's why I'm very curious to see what direction the NX is going to take in regards to controls.

Those of you still thinking VR is not going to take off have been ignoring the media blitz VR has been getting and all the positive reactions. This isn't virtual boy or lawnmower man, this is Wii controls with Playstation power and real dedicated 3rd party support. VR is not the future it is now, accept it.

Well, I would beg to differ about the media blitz since I have not heard much discussion about VR at all in my life aside from some passing talk about it here on these forums. Pokémon Go had a media blitz. News stories on it were inescapable for awhile and even complete non-gamers at my work were talking about for days. Whatever is happening with VR hasn't come close to that kind of media blitz or coverage. No one else in my life has mentioned it or brought it up. But that's just my take on it based on my anecdotal evidence.

If VR does take off, then so be it. I'm not leading a campaign against it. I'm not sure why you are crusading so hard for it. You've already posted that you become bitter when things don't meet your unrealistic expectations. I caution you to be careful about VR because you may be repeating that pattern again and might end up blasting VR and not liking it later just like motion controls. To me, VR and its future are still up for speculation. Nothing is concrete about it yet.

Save this post come back in 5 years and call me a damn lunatic then or accept the truth I am right more than I am wrong even if I am an ass about it. I just don't usually care about the why things did or didn't work out, I am usually good at reading people and I have yet to meet someone in real life that thinks VR is bad. On the contrary they all are either really excited for it, or really hopeful for the next iteration. The only people I encounter that are against it are old school gamers that just somehow think it's nothing but Virtual Boy all over again. I don't even have to be proven right or wrong, I don't care, but I really truly believe it is here to stay for good this time and once it becomes standard all future consoles will come with some sort of head set until they can develop something better in the future.

Well, sure. If something is a good idea and a proven success that sets a standard for game development then it will be adopted by the industry because that's what has always happened. I'm glad people you've met are excited for it like you seem to be. I'm cautious and less positive about it because I've seen other people reject VR concepts or be critical of their potential. VR isn't being determined based on your postings in favor of it nor by my postings skeptical of it.

On a different note, you say to save this post and come back to it in 5 years but then you later say you don't care or have to be proven right or wrong. Instead of contradicting yourself, why not just leave those sentences out of your post altogether? "I am right more than I am wrong even if I am an ass about it." Why do you have to be an ass about it at all? Instead of getting yourself worked up like you are with this post and throwing shade at all kinds of people, places and things in an angry tone, why not hit the pause button? Take a moment to read over your post first. You seem to have read it over after you hit the post button and then made a second post to just give the gist of it. Perhaps you realized on reading it that you could have phrased things better or that you included a lot unnecessary parts. There is an edit button. You can always go back and remove the parts that don't have to do with the topic on hand while leaving or possibly strengthening and adding to the stuff that is relevant and on point. You can fix up any spelling or grammar issues you see as well. I do this with many of my posts.

The big walls of text I posted before in this thread detailing why I didn't think it was wise to launch with Zelda, Mario, and Mario Kart while also describing my version of a good NX launch were edited a few times before posting. I read what I'd written a few times over. I checked the formatting to try and keep what I could in smaller paragraphs and to make sure my points were clear. I'm doing it with my reply to you. Sometimes, I've written a lengthy post and then as I re-read it, I've wondered whether it is even necessary and backed out without posting it. I've kept myself from posting some fast rants or getting involved in flame wars because of it. It's not a fool-proof solution as I've still got into such a situation but at least doing that limits the amount of times I've gotten involved in it.

Making an effort to be diplomatic, to try and read your posts from the viewpoint of someone else who can't see the emotion behind them, may be difficult and take some extra work to post something but the end result will usually be better for it and you may end up happier with what you are contributing. Moreover, the more you keep doing it, the better you'll get at it and it will just become routine. Frankly, you also seem to also be upset with your own postings and how you post in addition to these other things you mention in the post. Perhaps if you try changing the way you are currently posting and slowing it down, you may find your mood improving.

That's just some of the stuff I thought about when reading your post. I thought I'd take the time and share it with you to give you some insight on my perspective and because you may find it helpful or beneficial. There will be no short version. Not my style.  ;)
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline supermario2k

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Re: NX Launch Lineup
« Reply #134 on: October 19, 2016, 10:11:33 AM »
Maybe because I wasn't angry. :P: : : I know you seem to think I always am even when I am not. Maybe nobody ever explained the nature of a rant to you, it is a stress release measure, in other words it is something people do to blow off steam. Also in case you still haven't learned, I am not as angry as you keep making me out to be, I am blunt, which often makes me come off as rude, but blunt and rude are also not equal to angry. So please stop anlyzing me and pretending you know when I am angry even when I am not, thanks.

As for the NX library, I am not looking at it from the perspective it will be a sequel to the Wii U or a repeat of their previous console practices. I am trying to look at it broader than that, from the perspective of the shared library concept.

SO I see it being like this, to Ian's credit yes looking at the Wii U games and 3DS games side by side on the same shelf it would be hard to pick the Wii U. But if you combine all of those games into 1 console, yes you get a couple less games total because you just have the 1 Mario game instead of three, fair enough, but you end up with more games total.

They could launch with Mario Kart right away, but they have never done that, ever. No console or handheld has ever launched with a Mario Kart. Do they need it out sooner rather than later, yes but they don't necessarily need it at launch. At launch they need as much variety as they can get, both from the different factions within the Nintendo fanbase, also the casuals and lapsed gamers or the ones that have moved on, they certain can win a chunk of them back they seem to do it often enough to suspect they can, and from the gamers that remember Nintendo fondly but want more games.

Even most of the die hard Sony gamers who snub the Nintendo CONSOLE still pick up or consider the Nintendo Handheld, and for good reason even when the console library does suck, the handheld always complements that. So if there is just ONE device on the shelf but instead of having 5 console games and 12 handheld games you end up with 17 total games, suddenly the system looks better.

Khush, fair enough you think VR is a joke but everyone in the industry is behind it, everyone in the industry is doing something with it.

Also, um how can anyone say VR is only good for one or two games? The entire industry is built on the First Person Shooter, the ENTIRE INDUSTRY revolves around Halo, Call of Duty, Doom, and a few other copy cats. Those games are perfect fit for VR. Even if only half of the Call of Duty and Halo players adopt VR that is still MORE than the entirety of Wii U gamers and 3DS gamers combined. I mean you would have to be really skeptical to think that the same gamers who propped up the entire Xbox division on 75 percent or more FPS games is not going to fall in love with a machine that makes the FPS experience more immersive.

Not to mention the elephant in the room, the thing everyone I know and you too if you stop lying to yourself, the dirty stuff is going to sell VR.
Skype is going to make VR a hit too. If Facebook can let a user create a virtual living room to invite their family over during a virtual sit down then the grandmas and grandpas are going to get behind it. This is not the 90's VR where it was blocky 32X style graphics, this is the immersive experience the world that FLOCKED to Avatar for that fake 3D experience has been waiting for.
If Nintendo was not working towards a VR system eventually why did the Wii exist at all? What about the DS or even adding that 3D to the DS for the sequel? Their entire corporate platform has always been centered around allowing gamers to touch their games and interact with them in new ways. Hello Rob the Robot, Zapper, Wii remote, when Nintendo is at their most successful it is when they have a simple integrated interactive experience.

The difference is Mario isn't a perfect fit for VR to someone that hated Mario 64 but try to picture that game in VR, where you get to experience the rush of running and jumping and seeing the world from that guys perspective, and then tell me there isn't any reason to pick it up. I mean I think the people resisting are only doing so for the typical fear of change reasons which is odd coming from a bunch of fans that embraced the Wii in the first place.

Also you seem to forget Virtual Boy was NOT VR, it was a weird experiment so that whole emotional thing might not apply, they might actually be able to separate the odd experiment from the current reality did you ever consider that?

Also I will say this again, as I skimmed your post earlier, I was not angry so stop trying to read my posts like I was. If you do that you might not be so antagonistic towards me. Also you can disagree with me and I won't see it as a personal attack, I pointed out past true personal attacks and those people either backed off or have left the site so I never accused YOU khush of that, never not once. I accused you only of stabbing me in the back, confiding in you things I shouldn't have, assuming we were friends only to see you take my vulnerabilities and make them public and pile on whenever everyone else does make fun of me. But I shrug it off.

I was not saying they should buy exclusives I was merely pointing out that would be their ONLY want to get back to SNES levels of support, considering the SNES only had that support because they forced people to make games for them in the first place, which incase you forgot history that pre-dates the virtual boy, Nintendo used to bully companies hence why they fled them en mass and have yet to return. Maybe all those people at Id, Midway, Capcom, EA, Rockstar, etc, are just as irratonally emotional and that explains why Nintendo never gets support in which case they never will unless they buy it.

You seem to forget the same Nintendo that refused to go HD when the entire industry begged them to, refused to go CD Rom when the entire industry begged them to, refused to give 3rd parties the time of day when making Wii U and did their own thing is the same Nintendo that pissed everyone off in the 90's and early 2000's and apparently is still doing it today. We can rationalize every decision we want all day long but if the potential for money is slim to begin with and companies are made up of emotional people, which I agree can motivate them, then there is NOTHING Nintendo can do to make amends shy of BRIBING. Would it be the smart move, no but it would be SMARTER than the path they have been on for 35 years pushing the ENTIRE industry away from them.

Will they embrace VR, YES just like they did embrace optical, HD, and online, will they do it the same as everyone else, probably not which is why YOU are not excited for it, because YOU know the VR THEY implement will suck and thus VR will suck, to YOU. But the rest of the world will embrace it, enjoy it and push it forward while Nintendo sits in the corner pouting nobody likes them. :P:
« Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 10:22:49 AM by supermario2k »

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Re: NX Launch Lineup
« Reply #135 on: October 19, 2016, 11:49:43 AM »
Maybe because I wasn't angry. :P: : : I know you seem to think I always am even when I am not. Maybe nobody ever explained the nature of a rant to you, it is a stress release measure, in other words it is something people do to blow off steam. Also in case you still haven't learned, I am not as angry as you keep making me out to be, I am blunt, which often makes me come off as rude, but blunt and rude are also not equal to angry. So please stop anlyzing me and pretending you know when I am angry even when I am not, thanks.

Regardless of your emotional state, your post was rude and confrontational, and you've gotten yourself in trouble with that kind of thing on here before. I don't want to have to ban you again, so be more careful with that.
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Re: NX Launch Lineup
« Reply #136 on: October 19, 2016, 12:21:53 PM »
Wait, just to be clear because I am legit asking, it's against the rules to be rude? If it is fine, I will be more respectful but I thought being blunt was perfectly fine. I thought the issue was personal insults which I have kept in check.

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Re: NX Launch Lineup
« Reply #137 on: October 19, 2016, 12:30:12 PM »
I didn't intend it to be confrontational so I apologize for that, I should have edited it instead of posting a reply I knew nobody would read. I'll try harder.

I was trying to say that none of us can be right, we're all just guessing.

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Re: NX Launch Lineup
« Reply #138 on: October 19, 2016, 12:38:30 PM »
Maybe because I wasn't angry. :P: : : I know you seem to think I always am even when I am not. Maybe nobody ever explained the nature of a rant to you, it is a stress release measure, in other words it is something people do to blow off steam. Also in case you still haven't learned, I am not as angry as you keep making me out to be, I am blunt, which often makes me come off as rude, but blunt and rude are also not equal to angry. So please stop anlyzing me and pretending you know when I am angry even when I am not, thanks.

Ok. Good to hear. Like I mentioned before, one can't hear the emotion behind a post or text so when reading it, it had an angry tone to me and you have to admit there are times you have gotten upset here and posted things to get yourself banned. I was just concerned you might be heading towards that and wanted to help walk you back from that if possible. Since I was mistaken, I apologize for misreading your tone and I'm glad to hear all's well.

Also I will say this again, as I skimmed your post earlier, I was not angry so stop trying to read my posts like I was. If you do that you might not be so antagonistic towards me. Also you can disagree with me and I won't see it as a personal attack, I pointed out past true personal attacks and those people either backed off or have left the site so I never accused YOU khush of that, never not once. I accused you only of stabbing me in the back, confiding in you things I shouldn't have, assuming we were friends only to see you take my vulnerabilities and make them public and pile on whenever everyone else does make fun of me. But I shrug it off.

Just wanted to take a moment to also comment on this part also. I'm not aware of being antagonistic towards you. Is there something you are thinking of or can point out to me on this because there is nothing that comes to my mind of being that way to you. Same thing with the last statement. What vulnerabilities have I made public or stabbed you in the back with? I think you are misreading or misremembering something there. That said, this subject is off-topic so I'm not going to pursue it further and let this thread get back to its original intent of what the NX might or should launch with. If you want to discuss this other stuff further, pm on it.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

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Re: NX Launch Lineup
« Reply #139 on: October 19, 2016, 01:20:26 PM »
They can launch it with whatever they want, if it's over priced I am out.
Unless they give me ten free games to offset the cost. Or I win the lottery and money no longer matters.

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Re: NX Launch Lineup
« Reply #140 on: October 19, 2016, 01:35:01 PM »
Wait, just to be clear because I am legit asking, it's against the rules to be rude? If it is fine, I will be more respectful but I thought being blunt was perfectly fine. I thought the issue was personal insults which I have kept in check.

It's not outright against the rules, but it's discouraged. We want this to be a place for civil discussion, and I don't want people to make too much of a habit of posting that way.
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Re: NX Launch Lineup
« Reply #141 on: October 19, 2016, 02:42:16 PM »
Well fair enough. I concede. Sorry I posted late at night, I usually am.

TO those I offended, I don't mean to sound like Mario Kart is not important or shouldn't be on the system, it should. But I think more important games should come first. One of the reasons Mario Kart games sell so well is there is a huge build up to release to build hype. The newest game is not that old, a new entry needs time to gain hype. Mario Bros. games are no the same, they tend to be expected earlier on by a large number of people, myself included.

As for VR, whatever, I think it's going to be big based on my own observations. If I am wrong so what I will get the machine that meets my needs and leave it at that. If it is big and the games do deliver then great I will surely be happy.

To get back on track here is my dream list, feel free to pick it apart if you want.

*new* New SMB game at launch
Zelda Breath of the Wild, 2-3 months post launch, it hasn't been confirmed as a launch title just it will be on NX, supposedly.
Some casual game in the style of Nintendo Land/Wii Sports/Nintendogs. I am not likely to care about but others will.
Some portable game that usually graces the handhelds that isn't Pokemon
A Metroid game, even if it is just a remaster of Super Metroid in the style f MEtroid Zero.
A new 2D Kirby game
a new Luigi's Mansion
A new Wave Race or similar style of game
A download code and patch for Smash that offers Ice Climbers as free DLC. OKay wishful thinking. Have they added the Ice Climbers yet I haven't checked in a while.
Some Tetris type game or a Dr. Mario update.
2-3 surprises that get certain people excited but everyone else shrugs off
a Splatoon spin off
A new Captain Toad, the next 3D World game might take longer to make, it will probably be a sequel to SM3DW maube SM3DW2?
If there is VR related to this thing there will be at least 3 games formatted to "convince" everyone of their use of it. I expect Nintendo will go VR a generation behind everyone else. Considering Sony is the only one really invested Microsoft might half ass their attempt next year giving Nintendo 6 more years before they even have to really seriously consider it. That's all I have gotta get back to work.

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Re: NX Launch Lineup
« Reply #142 on: October 19, 2016, 03:05:24 PM »
I agree with Mario Kart being something that sells well, but not something people will buy hardware specifically for. They sold 30 million copies of the Wii version, but I'd wager they were pretty much all to people who'd already bought the console for other reasons. It's still a nice thing to have in the lineup, though, as it's popular and relatively easy to produce. I expect to see it out by the end of 2017.

With VR, I'm still not convinced it's going to be more than a fad, and if that's all it is it's too late for Nintendo to get in on it.
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Re: NX Launch Lineup
« Reply #143 on: October 19, 2016, 03:42:02 PM »
I think VR has some interesting analogs with the 3D revival that enthusiasts aren't really willing to acknowledge. The line goes that 3D movies, 3D TVs in particular were forced on the consumer from the top down and never took off. To some extent this is true, but there were also plenty of big-name filmmakers who wanted all-in on 3D, and for a time there was a huge consumer response (chiefly around Avatar and to a lesser extent the Beowulf period). In my view the problem was ultimately that it's not actually 3D, it's in most cases a fairly underwhelming illusion that is mediated by crappy glasses. Even more so at home. Now, if they had actual 3D projection, aka holograms, that would be super interesting and game-changing, but we're nowhere near that kind of technology.

VR is supposedly a grass-roots technology, bubbling up from enthusiasts (although much of this is actually driven by massive investment from large corporations who are terrified of flatlining consumer tech categories), and I think we're going to see a pretty tepid response from average consumers once this shakes out. Like how 3D movies aren't actually 3D, current VR headsets aren't actually VR in the way anyone would truly hope/imagine (i.e. the Holodeck or the Matrix). It's an illusion created by screwing a screen really close to your face. There are a multitude of problems/limitations with this approach that can't really be fixed on a consumer level. So it's depending on the "presence" illusion to outshine the many mechanical and practical handicaps. I doubt it can.

Another point is that in the case of VR and 3D movies, they're kind of solving problems that don't really exist. Your brain doesn't have a problem understanding depth when watching a 2D image. You also don't literally need to jam your head inside of a first-person view to feel engaged in a video game. One might argue that this is what the imagination is for!

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Re: NX Launch Lineup
« Reply #144 on: October 19, 2016, 04:32:11 PM »
I'm too cheap to invest in VR. That's really where my interest begins and ends. Even if it were more affordable, I don't play enough video games to justify it and when I do play, I usually like the shared experience of gaming with my brother or a friend. VR just isn't for me, but I absolutely think it has a place in the market. The technology is finally available to do some really cool things. I'd like to see more standardization though. I recently read an article on Ars Technica comparing Playstation VR, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and Gear VR. The whole thing looks complicated to me.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 05:22:31 PM by Adrock »

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Re: NX Launch Lineup
« Reply #145 on: October 19, 2016, 07:58:50 PM »
Ok.  Then lets ask this question:
What do you think the NX Launch Lineup should be assuming a March/April launch.  And then what should the rest of the year for NX look like?  Keep in mind realistic expectations and try to look at current game releases and try to predict real possibilities. 

For me I can see the logic of not having Super Mario Kart as a launch game...or even perhaps in the first year.  So let me think differently.

Zelda Breath of Fire NX
Smash Bros NX Definitive Collection (With added Ice Climbers and one other new character) 
Racing Game:  I will throw F-Zero a bone because of Khush, but I will add Nintendo will try to do something new with the franchise.  I think they will add more car combat elements, and a new game mode.  This game and Smash Bros will be their online selling points for multiplayer games.
NX Play:  This is like Wii Play or Wii Sports, it will be packed in and try to sell the concept of the new gaming experience. 

Finally, Virtual Console Online:  Nintendo will want to get on the subscription service to play online...and Nintendo will add something new.  Virtual Console games online.  The service will add 4-5 new games a month to play and as long as you have the Nintendo online service you can play them. But will launch with a large selection of games 5 from each console NES, SNES, Gamecube, and Handhelds.  Perhaps they will be streamed, or downloaded.  But they will also add online play to the games.  This service will be priced slightly more expensive than it should be.  Maybe $7.99 -$9.99 a month.  Nintendo will get bad press but people will accept it in the end. 

For the rest of the year.

Nintendo will release Splatoon 2 in the summer.  This will include a new mode with 4 teams playing against each other and team based story mode.

Metroid will be the fall release, and have a multiplayer element to it as well as a traditional story element.  The Multiplayer element will have the hook of upgrading your character in the level, and when you kill an upgraded character there is a mad rush to gain their powerups. 

Finally, Mario will be launched as the Winter game. 

2017 will see very few if any new 3DS games launched. 

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Re: NX Launch Lineup
« Reply #146 on: October 19, 2016, 09:18:12 PM »
Mario is in the NX teaser tweet on NOA's feed so I'm going to guess Mario Maker 2 at launch. Can't wait. Only one more day until the rat is proven wrong about VR for another 5 years.

I take it back, too early for another MM. Put me down for Marionette NX. It makes sense with all the puppet stuff they've had in their NinDirects lately. It'll be a wacky experimental game like Wii Music combined with NintendoLand. If you disagree, then you just accept it and stop persecuting me because it's what made the SNES so popular.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 09:31:28 PM by Va-Va-Voom! »
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Re: NX Launch Lineup
« Reply #147 on: October 19, 2016, 09:52:07 PM »
According to Laura Kate Dale a big indie developer who released a N3DS exclusive game already has a dev kit. Not hard to figure out, it's probably Nicalis.

She also mentioned 3 developers who are waiting for the NX to be revealed to announce software for the system. I'm wagering that those devs are Ubisoft, Squeenix and Sega.
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Re: NX Launch Lineup
« Reply #148 on: October 20, 2016, 01:03:03 AM »
A knock it out of the ball park lineup would be

Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Mario Galaxy Successor
Pokemon Red and Blue 3D (i heard this rumor earlier today)
Beyond Good and Evil 2
Chrono Trigger 2
Final Fantasy 7 HD

Christmas titles
Metroid X
Donkey Kong Punch
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Re: Nintendo Switch Launch Lineup
« Reply #149 on: October 23, 2016, 08:21:57 PM »
add skyrim remastered to that list.
Made you look ****.