Author Topic: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (Quantum-Ant-Man-ia)  (Read 246504 times)

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #300 on: January 21, 2021, 11:06:18 PM »
Baron Von Strucker

Arnim Zola

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #301 on: January 23, 2021, 08:02:01 AM »
and here is a nice analysis of WandaVision Ep1&2 and shows Von Strucker at the end.

and after watching Ep3, it appears that Ep4 is where the outside is gonna be brought into the story more, considering Monica was just expelled to the outside world.

I also noticed that the Beehive guy had a SWORD symbol on his back, so it couldn't be AIM.... right?and Vision is definitely noticing that things ain't right.... 18hr pregnancy to birth kinda secured that though. And that Stork... WTF was up with that!? She kept trying to get rid of it, and it just refused..... Someone is messing with her.
I was also really hoping to see what Neighbors were too afraid to just come out and say to Vision, but I know they were also afraid of getting kicked out or worse it seems. Or maybe Agnes didn't want to ruin the fun, and and wanted to continue to let it play out as it has been?
« Last Edit: January 23, 2021, 08:08:33 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline Stratos

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #302 on: January 23, 2021, 01:38:46 PM »
I imagined the neighbor's hesitancy being not so much out of fear as out of them not fully remembering. Like they have an idea of what is wrong but it is clouded by the "world" created by Wanda.

Articles online are claiming that Geraldine is Monica Rambeau as an adult now. Did I miss something in the episode to clarify this or did the casting reveal it somehow? Or are people just assuming?
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Offline nickmitch

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #303 on: January 23, 2021, 06:22:38 PM »
I think the neighbors felts something was off because she was an outsider.  If she managed to sneak into the town, then there wouldn't be a place for her, yet Wanda's powers kind of shoehorned her into the setting she's created for herself.

Articles online are claiming that Geraldine is Monica Rambeau as an adult now. Did I miss something in the episode to clarify this or did the casting reveal it somehow? Or are people just assuming?

I believe it was the casting.  I think she had been previously casted to play Monica in some future MCU thing, so her showing up here is causing people to draw the connection.
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Offline nickmitch

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #304 on: January 23, 2021, 06:28:37 PM »
and a subtle speculation being that the colorized SWORD copter I mentioned earlier in the bushes, may have been the entry vehicle of Monica Rambeau into the fantasy world

I really like this analysis.  The loud crashing noise the couple dealt with in the episode being explained by the tree was probably Wanda hoping for some simple explanation, while not being accepting that this town she's projecting over has been breached by a crashing helicopter.  She then decides that because the best her powers could do with the helicopter was turn it into a toy (that was in color), she had to adapt her world into something that wouldn't allow the toy to stand out, hence the shift to a 70s sitcom in technicolor.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #305 on: January 23, 2021, 07:32:15 PM »
and a subtle speculation being that the colorized SWORD copter I mentioned earlier in the bushes, may have been the entry vehicle of Monica Rambeau into the fantasy world

I really like this analysis.  The loud crashing noise the couple dealt with in the episode being explained by the tree was probably Wanda hoping for some simple explanation, while not being accepting that this town she's projecting over has been breached by a crashing helicopter.  She then decides that because the best her powers could do with the helicopter was turn it into a toy (that was in color), she had to adapt her world into something that wouldn't allow the toy to stand out, hence the shift to a 70s sitcom in technicolor.

Don't forget the Blood on the hand of the blonde girl that broke the glass. that was in color too.

As for the neighbors, Agnes and the Black man both know something.
I don't know the comics that well, but speculation is that Agnes is actually Agatha Harkness... not sure who the Black man would be, but him cutting through the brick wall and then wanting to tell Vision something when he was away from Wanda, and Agnes whispering something to stop him, let's me know they are both very aware of what's going on, but for some reason have to keep playing along.

The doctor was trying to leave town, but was confused as to how hard it was to do that.... but Geraldine/Monica found out how easy it is to get (thrown) out the hard way.
Wanda almost had a Carrie moment once Ultron was mentioned. and the frame skip reset of Vision when he started to question ****, almost had me rewind because I thought something happened to my stream. LOL

We have now seen everything that the initial critics got to watch.
I think from here is were **** really gets good, but who do you think is the actual bad guy in this series?
Is Wanda creating all this on her own? Is she being manipulated by outside forces "for the children"? is there several forces at work, and all of this was Wanda's way to protect herself?

Episode 3 breakdown anyone - from New Rockstars

« Last Edit: January 24, 2021, 07:53:34 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline nickmitch

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #306 on: January 24, 2021, 05:40:19 PM »
and a subtle speculation being that the colorized SWORD copter I mentioned earlier in the bushes, may have been the entry vehicle of Monica Rambeau into the fantasy world

I really like this analysis.  The loud crashing noise the couple dealt with in the episode being explained by the tree was probably Wanda hoping for some simple explanation, while not being accepting that this town she's projecting over has been breached by a crashing helicopter.  She then decides that because the best her powers could do with the helicopter was turn it into a toy (that was in color), she had to adapt her world into something that wouldn't allow the toy to stand out, hence the shift to a 70s sitcom in technicolor.

Don't forget the Blood on the hand of the blonde girl that broke the glass. that was in color too.

As for the neighbors, Agnes and the Black man both know something.
I don't know the comics that well, but speculation is that Agnes is actually Agatha Harkness... not sure who the Black man would be, but him cutting through the brick wall and then wanting to tell Vision something when he was away from Wanda, and Agnes whispering something to stop him, let's me know they are both very aware of what's going on, but for some reason have to keep playing along.

The doctor was trying to leave town, but was confused as to how hard it was to do that.... but Geraldine/Monica found out how easy it is to get (thrown) out the hard way.
Wanda almost had a Carrie moment once Ultron was mentioned. and the frame skip reset of Vision when he started to question ****, almost had me rewind because I thought something happened to my stream. LOL

The blood is another good moment of showing Wanda's power over the town slipping.  She clearly had lost control with the radio of someone clearly trying to reach her.  Then she slips and the woman cuts her hand, something else unexpected, so more reality breaks through.

Interesting take on Agness.  I was thinking something was up with her because of the husband that's frequently referenced but never seen.  However, I'm not sure if I buy that both of them are in on whatever's going on, since they both had to be aware of the weirdness of the outsider.  They may also suspect something is wrong with the world around them.

The doctor being unable to leave town is hilarious.  There was also a moment where someone comments that no one leaves their small town, but idk if that was the same guy.
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Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #307 on: January 25, 2021, 10:04:59 AM »
Wandavision episode 2.  I would also like to point out that the blood color was the bright red color that is usually used for blood back then that is obviously not the color of real blood.  It was a nice touch. 

My second thought is that WandaVision really nailed the 3rd episode and really landed a fan.  I think the premise and show provide itself with that episode being both genuinely funny.  A perfect retro feeling TV show and satire, and mysterious. 

Offline Stratos

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #308 on: January 25, 2021, 12:37:12 PM »
Read this set of theories online, sharing them here:

After Avengers Endgame, Wanda suffers a mental breakdown from the loss of Vision.
>She looks for a way to revive Vision without the Infinity Stones, and befriends Agatha Harkness, who mentors her with her powers.
>Through Agatha, Wanda learns of Mephisto, and despite Agatha's warnings, she contacts him
>Mephisto offers to bring Vision back and to let the couple live the life she dreamed of when she was a child watching American sitcoms. Wanda accepts
>Mephisto seals off the entire town they're inside in some kind of reality-altering field, to appear like a sitcom.
>However, Mephisto's side of the contract is that he gains possession of their children, who are massively cosmically powerful.
>Meanwhile, both the FBI and a new organisation, SWORD, investigates cosmic-tier issues like Thanos and are trying to penetrate the field
>Jimmy Woo, Kat Denning's character and Monica Rambeau are all involved here.
>Monica Rambeau (Geraldine) flies a helicopter in, but it's transformed into a toy, while she gets assimilated into the story and her memories get wiped.
>Other agents in hazmat suits enter but get transformed into beekeepers.
>As the pregnancy and raising of the children advances, so too does the era of sitcom.
>Eventually, during a Halloween episode, Vision regains his memories and tries to snap Wanda out of the program.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #309 on: January 25, 2021, 03:18:47 PM »
If you look at the Loki trailer, there is a stained glass window with a "Devil" as the centerpiece. That could be Mephisto as well.

So I've seen a lot of the theories posted above, but didn't want to dive too deep into them as it's kinda getting ahead of the story (lots of them been around since the 1st week), but if it creates conversation, why not. I've seen other theories not mentioned above, but some are relying heavy on comic lore that I'm not familiar with, so I wasn't about to go there.

I also noticed that the beekeeper had a SWORD Logo on his back.

Offline Stratos

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #310 on: January 25, 2021, 05:30:16 PM »
I wonder if the whole "bee keeper" deal will turn out to be SWORD folks in special suits that are supposed to allow people to enter the reality relatively unaffected, but Wanda is still able to push them back out via her "rewind" ability even if the mind-altering properties are blocked.
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Offline Shorty McNostril

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #311 on: January 25, 2021, 10:41:31 PM »
I believe Strucker was killed in AoU.
I think he was in that base Tony raised in the beginning

He was arrested in that opening raid. He's killed later offscreen by an Ultron goon. The report and aftermath of the murder is shown in the movie. If I recall correctly.
Whelp, my MCU knowledge seems to be getting rusty. Probably high time I re-watched some of the earlier stuff. Haven't seen AoU or Winter Soldier in a long while.

Though this is generally considered to be the "worst" of the Avengers movies it has one of the best fight scenes in the whole MCU in my opinion. That slow-mo sequence when the music ramps up is a joy to behold.

I was hoping for something like that in the Endgame final battle but it never came. (Not a complaint because it was still glorious, but still hoping.)

Offline nickmitch

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #312 on: January 29, 2021, 12:31:57 AM »
I wonder if the whole "bee keeper" deal will turn out to be SWORD folks in special suits that are supposed to allow people to enter the reality relatively unaffected, but Wanda is still able to push them back out via her "rewind" ability even if the mind-altering properties are blocked.

I'm thinking it's like a hazmat suit or something and Wanda is projecting the bee keeper look on to it.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #313 on: January 29, 2021, 09:34:32 AM »
Yo, Agent Woo, Dr. Darcy, Monica Rambeau, the reveal of whats going on, and DEAD VISION!!!

This episode was both funny, and a bit disturbing.

The Darcy Woo combo was pretty good. Both of them delivering separately and together.
See Wanda realize her reality illusion had slipped and seeing Dead Vision for a few seconds was kinda disturbing....

Made me think of some old movie I can't remember the name or many details of, where there was a dead family and the mom was just pretending they were all still alive, as if all was normal and everyone wasn't at the dinner table as rotting corpses.... Except Vision is the only dead actor here... everyone else appears to be involuntary actors.

Black guy is John Collins... I tried to google search that in the Marvel Wiki... came up with no characters, but the same name of one of the Art Directors of WandaVision. was hoping for a clue

The Harts = Todd & Sharon Davis 
Norm = Abilash Tandem
Jones = Harold Copter (guy with think lip catepillar)
Beverly = Isabel Matsueida
Herb = John Collins
Agnes = "unidentified" (but I'm sure it's Agatha Harkness)
Geraldine = Monica Rambeau (obviously)
full pic of the Character Wall was at 18:19

Funny thing is they are asking a lot of the same questions we are, except they already know who the Bee Keeper was. I like how the rope that was tied to him turned into an old school jump rope with the plastic tubes on it.

But they don't get to see what happens behind the show censorship when Wanda... or someone... is making it time skip.
They didn't see the glass shatter in the radio scene, they didn't even catch that the radio trick worked. They probably didn't see Vision question the show before he was scene reset, they didn't see Geraldine get the boot and the scene get repaired.

Really looking forward to the next episode.
I wanna know how much Monica can remember if anything at all.
Assuming she remember everything, I want to know if she was forced to play along, or was that just a moment of clarity where she was able to break character. I wonder how she reacts once the show is played back for her to watch.

Is Wanda the creator of the show!? Or just it's "Executive Producer"!?
Has she reanimated the corpse of Vision? or is this the hand of the "devil" at work?

So many questions still need to be answered.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2021, 09:40:55 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline Shorty McNostril

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #314 on: January 29, 2021, 03:56:51 PM »
I was so happy to see Darcy back. I've dearly missed her. Now we just need a "meaw meaw" from her (no idea why that would happen here but I can dream) and it'd be complete.

Also great to see that Woo has mastered his magic tricks. I did love that little detail.

And what a cracker of an opening. Wasn't expecting to see anything around that time.

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #315 on: January 30, 2021, 12:52:50 AM »
Aw, gawd. It's all connected!

Episode 4 was the best one so far. I'm going to need a Dr. Darcy Lewis/Agent Jimmy Woo miniseries, just solving mysteries. They play really well off each other.

My only nitpick is the show completely skips Monica grieving her mother or coming to grips with the way world is now. One can make the argument that Wandavision is not the space for this (since it's Wanda's story, not Monica's). The only other post-Endgame live-action media we have is Spider-Man: Far From Home, and it didn't go far enough in addressing just how much the world has to change again after half the population is brought back. It feels like everyone is acting like everything is fine.

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MAJOR WandaVision SPOILER are in the WILD - be careful
« Reply #316 on: January 30, 2021, 02:46:54 AM »
:siren::siren: WARNING: There are apparently MASSIVE leaks in the form of footage from episode 6 & 7 that reveal what I'm assume it's a character amd or Plot twist we weren't expecting. :siren::siren:

Avoid the future spoilers. Please don't post them here if you happen across them, until after the episode airs.

Thank you
« Last Edit: January 30, 2021, 10:18:39 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #317 on: January 30, 2021, 10:14:11 AM »
I was so happy to see Darcy back. I've dearly missed her. Now we just need a "meaw meaw" from her (no idea why that would happen here but I can dream) and it'd be complete.

Maybe she meets the Fluerken
Darcy: Ahhhh, look at the cute wittle kitty kat ::reaches out to touch it::
N.Fury: I wouldn't touch him if I were you, he's not a cat, and Goose doesn't like to be pet by strangers
Darcy: Does he not meow? what do you mean his not a cat? ::procced to make cat noises:: "meaw meaw, meaw meaw"
N.Fury: He's a Fluerken, not a cat. He may look cute and cuddly, but you don't want to get on his bad side, and certainly not on his inside.
Darcy: ::confused face::

Also great to see that Woo has mastered his magic tricks. I did love that little detail.

And what a cracker of an opening. Wasn't expecting to see anything around that time.

I hope to see more references to the Blip in some of the other shows as that's a very MAJOR event in the MCU. It has to have affected everyone in some way. From watching loved ones disappear, to those very loved ones coming back and realizing they've missed 5 years, and don't even remember fading to dust. And I'm sure some people came back... different.
Or maybe some people were replaced by Skrulls, and then the awkward moment where the real them blips back, and that exposes that a Skrull/Imposter has been among the ranks for the last 5 years.

and speaking of the missing 5 years, I saw some speculation that maybe Carol's haircut in Endgame was a tribute to the passing if her friend Maria Rambeau. I would expect some minor detail like that from Feige, so I believe it.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2021, 10:16:04 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #318 on: January 30, 2021, 08:15:11 PM »
I hope to see more references to the Blip in some of the other shows as that's a very MAJOR event in the MCU. It has to have affected everyone in some way. From watching loved ones disappear, to those very loved ones coming back and realizing they've missed 5 years, and don't even remember fading to dust. And I'm sure some people came back... different.
What do you mean by different? Some people knew they were turning to dust so I imagine that would freak out most people. I was under the impression based on Peter Parker's dialog when he reunites with Tony Stark that everyone who was blipped, came back thinking that just happened. Monica Rambeau briefly saw herself get un-dusted then kind of didn't know what was going on because she was sleeping when The Blip® happened. It's something to explore though I'm more interested in the aftermath of Endgame from both the perspective of those who lived through the last five years and those who returned to the world having to catch up.
Or maybe some people were replaced by Skrulls, and then the awkward moment where the real them blips back, and that exposes that a Skrull/Imposter has been among the ranks for the last 5 years.
Interesting concept, not sure that's the direction Marvel takes. Skrulls need to see the person they're simulating in person to copy their DNA, recent memory etc. A Skrull would have to simulate a person before The Blip®, that person get blipped, then the Skrull just assumes that person's identity for the next five years. It could happen. Seems unnecessary though. Why would they need to impersonate someone for five years? With the world in panic, I feel like any Skrull could accomplish whatever they needed to then putz off, largely undetected. Also, I presume a bunch of Skrull got blipped too since it was supposed to be random. Any "good" Skrull probably went looking for Carol Danvers.

Offline nickmitch

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #319 on: January 30, 2021, 11:04:31 PM »
I hope to see more references to the Blip in some of the other shows as that's a very MAJOR event in the MCU. It has to have affected everyone in some way. From watching loved ones disappear, to those very loved ones coming back and realizing they've missed 5 years, and don't even remember fading to dust. And I'm sure some people came back... different.
What do you mean by different? Some people knew they were turning to dust so I imagine that would freak out most people. I was under the impression based on Peter Parker's dialog when he reunites with Tony Stark that everyone who was blipped, came back thinking that just happened. Monica Rambeau briefly saw herself get un-dusted then kind of didn't know what was going on because she was sleeping when The Blip® happened. It's something to explore though I'm more interested in the aftermath of Endgame from both the perspective of those who lived through the last five years and those who returned to the world having to catch up.

I don't think we have a possible "Pet Cemetery" situation here, which is what I thought BnM was getting at, if not the Skrull thing.  Although, some people could have died in the chaos and got replaced by Skrulls or came back when they were blipped during a flight and. . .landed near a Skrull. I dunno if that would work though.

Speaking of Monica recovering pretty quickly, I also thought that was weird.  At first, I wondered if more time passed than I had thought, considering Wanda would need some time to set all this up, but I'm not really sure.  The people working in the hospital all kind of seemed to understand what was happening, which was a bit weird.  I didn't really believe people would be busily answering phones (as opposed to calling someone in a panic), nor do I think the one doctor would be able to calmly talk to Monica about what happened.

The Darcy Woo combo was pretty good. Both of them delivering separately and together.

I'm shipping them so hard.

Episode 4 was the best one so far. I'm going to need a Dr. Darcy Lewis/Agent Jimmy Woo miniseries, just solving mysteries. They play really well off each other.

Same. That chemistry is too good to pass up.
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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #320 on: January 31, 2021, 12:42:05 AM »
Felt like they were just making medical staff a bit more bad-ass since they regularly deal with wild incidents on the fly, but my wife is a nurse so I may be reading too much into that.

It was only three weeks since the un-blip if I caught the dialogue correctly. It does look like we'll be gleaning more of the side effects from the blip as we get more shows, though I suspect it won't take center stage because of just how truly messy and rough the situation is. Feels a lot like a narrative minefield.

It actually gets me wondering if they won't eventually try to completely undo the effect in the future. Maybe a sort of way to do an MCU 'reboot' with totally new actors an such if things just get too messy, maybe make it from an alternate multiverse to explain it away to a point. The MCU is already a deeply nuanced universe and I question how far we will be able to go before things get too deep and too heavy to carry on as-is.
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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #321 on: January 31, 2021, 08:37:48 AM »
When I said "different", I meant, we know everyone came back safely, but did they all come back completely same? The Infinity Stones may be infinitely powerful, but life is complex. Reassembling everyone back perfectly all at the same time seems like a complicated task.
I just think that those coming from the Blip may have some side effects that will be the excuse/cause for something else in the future. Not necessarily mutants or increased potential for an "Xgene" anything, but who knows. I'm still pretty sure we get the opposite of "No More Mutants" from Wanda at some point in the near future.  (The "different' thing is just a random thought that may not ever be a thing, just overthinking)

edit2: extra theorizing... just hear me out: re: coming back "different" i.e. the Snap(s) causing change
(What if Mutants were already a thing, but extremely rare and kept a secret from the public for the most part <outside of myths that people obviously just thought of as "stories">. X-gene being not too common, just extremely rare to have an active "x-gene", Wanda and Pietro being two of it's possessors, had the genes altered with the radiation/manipulation from the Mind Stone, which unlocked their powers.
seeing in ep4 them talking about radiation, and science, and knowing that all things in the MCU are related, such as Magic just being science we don't understand yet. what if the use of the stones, the release of a "magic cosmic radiation" across the universe, and the unsnappening, a second release of "magic cosmic radiation", further altering the existing X-genes in the the snapped, and those left behind, causing the more rapid appearance of Mutants across the universe. This sets up Wanda for a "More Mutants" call out and activating the x-genes on earth, starting a boom of mutants emerging out of the wood works in the MCU creating a public safety/discrimination and human rights crisis)

As for the Skrull situation, I figured that since the Skrulls have been around already impersonating people covertly, in the chaos, they may have seen opportunity to take over important/powerful figures long term w/o need for worry of detection, because they witnessed that person turn to dust.
For instance, a Skrull may have infiltrated the White House and been an aide to the President. Possibly even impersonating the President himself to gain access to certain areas and info. Maybe the President got dusted, in his first first year of his first term, and the Skrull took over full-time, even earning a 2nd term..... only to have the real President return, and all of a sudden we have a National Security situation at the White House as the President is in 2 places at the same time, or even face to face, or on TV at a press conference, or whatever. Just thought it could make for an interesting situation.

But back to the actual show itself....
we've had 4x 30 minute episodes so far, for a total of 2hrs of content
we've been led to believe there are only 9 episodes for a total of 6hrs of content
How does the rest of this play out?

ep5 = 30m (80's episode)
ep6 = 30m (90's)
ep7 = 60m (2000's and Outside the bubble action)
ep8 = 60m (outside the bubble)
ep9 = 60m (finale)

or maybe the next 3eps are all 40 minutes w/ some some in & out the bubble action
and the last 2 are 60m each?

Aw, gawd. It's all connected!

Episode 4 was the best one so far. I'm going to need a Dr. Darcy Lewis/Agent Jimmy Woo miniseries, just solving mysteries. They play really well off each other.

Woo & Darcy homage to a Mulder and Scully in Marvel's "X"-Files might make for an excellent ongoing D+ series. Not sure where they take it, but it could be fun.

X-Files, with the sci-fi of Fringe (and Dr Selvig guest appearances), but the MCU connectivity of AoS.
I think I really really want this now.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2021, 11:31:57 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #322 on: January 31, 2021, 09:17:01 PM »
BnM:  I like your assessment of the Mindstone unlocking a mutant X gene that may be in people but without some sort of outside force activating it it does nothing.  This could then lead to a massive X-gene activation with the Blip, and that would be very cool.  We are first seeing it activated with Scarlet Witch, but it could be happening other places at the same time.  Or you know, we could get the MORE Mutants element. From Scarlet Witch.  Maybe we have an accidental magic spell from Scarlet Witch.

Person:  What are you sort of freak?  A mutant, a monster?  You need to stop this.  You are hurting everyone.

Scarlet Witch in grief and anger:  A mutant?  If I am a freak, a monster...maybe we need more mutants!

We are already seeing that she is accidentally doing her chaos magic.  What would be pretty crazy is if they explain that her magic actually pulled character from an alternative universe, leaving that universe void of heroes and mutants.  That would be a fun thing to play around with, with Doctor Strange and Wanda together in his movie. 

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #323 on: January 31, 2021, 09:33:25 PM »
Remember Wanda's "No More Mutants" moment?

I'm thinking she does the opposite and that starts the Mutant revolution since the Snappening primed the X-genes for unlocking with all that "magical cosmic radiation" being released.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2021, 09:40:37 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline Shorty McNostril

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Re: SPOILER ALERT: MCU Thread (MCU on the TV-View: WandaVision)
« Reply #324 on: February 05, 2021, 03:44:36 AM »
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I am so angry and disappointed with the reveal at the end of the latest episode. Since this is a spoiler thread I'm just dropping it out there.


I mean, it's intriguing as hell and the implication are huge. I just didn't think his Quicksilver was interesting at all and much preferred Johnson's iteration. Talk about an emotional roller coaster. I was bouncing on my couch of excitement before his face was revealed. Then everything just crashed.