Author Topic: The OFFICIAL E3 2015 Predictions Thread: Reel in those expectations!  (Read 29599 times)

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Offline Evan_B

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So since NWR has deemed the current time period worthy of hyping up the oncoming 2015 Electronics Entertainment Expo, I figured it was time we enjoyed our own thread for E3 discussion, with the first major subject, of course, being predictions.

I thought I'd do the honors since my predictions are bleak and most likely a good ballpark of want we'll be seeing this year, so let's get the ball rolling, shall we?

Wii U--

-More information and perhaps a Mother 3 appearance on Wii U virtual console in order to promote the character. Potential Wolf reveal.
-Starfox is revealed as an episodic series with a season pass, with each episode featuring one of Miyamoto's crazy Wii U ideas both in the episode and as a separated mini game. This is the Holiday release.
-Fatal Frame is given an October release date because reasons.
-Devil's Third occupies a late summer release date.
-Xenoblade Chronicles X is given a bizarre holiday release date because Starfox is episodic/Zelda U didn't make it OR is delayed until next year.
-Mario Maker is given an absurd amount of coverage despite its light amount of content.
-Animal Crossing Wii U is announced, releases early 2016
-A new and entirely bullshit Amiibo App launches.


-Nintendo laughs in the face of those who want first party support on 3DS. Something boring and easy is announced for the system and Nintendo gives no effort to justify the existence of the New 3DS.
-Okay, that's not entirely true. Nintendo announces an Amiibo Tap type program for N3DS and gives us a new Pokemon title.
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Offline King of Twitch

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That sounds about right. The Starfox announcement is kicked off with an Arwing drone controlled by Reggie. It hovers around a bit then crashes into Michael Pachter in the first row; Reggie just goes "guess you didn't predict that one, huh?" Cooking Dada is announced for 3DS (avant-garde art game that sells 0 copies).
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Offline MagicCow64

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Given how loosey-goosey Nintendo has been about announcing Wii U games to promote the idea that the console has legs, I'm betting this E3 will be pretty dispositive about the future. If we get the Evan_B presentation (don't forget ten minutes each on Splatoon and Wooly World!), it can be safely assumed that they stopped greenlighting major projects at some point in the last year-and-a-half/two years, and it will be a Wii-esque trickle to the finish line/breakdown lane, with the NX replacement in 2016. Maybe a few Captain Toad-esque projects to keep the lights on.

If we do end up getting a few major surprises, say a new Metroid/Retro game, a few surprise third-party releases, there may be more life in the Wii U yet, as it'll have to last until holiday 2017. I don't expect this.

As for 3DS, they pretty much have to have some additional New-spec games. Probably at least a Wii port. Other than that, they've kind of hit most of the first-party bases already. Other than localizations, the only thing that would really toot the core horn would be a new 2D Metroid

Offline NWR_insanolord

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The problem with Metroid is, since it's a series that's a lot more popular in the west, despite the efforts of Other M to raise its profile in Japan, I'd think if hey we're going to make a new one they'd probably want to do it on a console, and if they were doing that I think they might want to hold off for the next one.
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Offline Nile Boogie Returns

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Splatoon tournament.

Smash invitational II

Amiibo Support for EVERYTHING


Retro's game

Some sequel ending in 3

That's pretty much it.

Offline Triforce Hermit

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- Updates on all games coming out for the next year. Nothing new announced
- More Amiibo are announced. Cries for a resupply are ignored.
- New Nintendo award system/unified account system explained
- A remake of something

Wishful thinking:

- Amiibo Resupply
- Virtual Console receives a massive update. Gamecube games for the Wii U including Twilight Princess and Path of Radiance. SNES games for the 3DS Virtual Console including Super Mario World and Starfox.
- F-Zero game or Metroid game for the Wii U
Sometimes, you just want to play a video game.
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Offline Luigi Dude

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The problem with Metroid is, since it's a series that's a lot more popular in the west, despite the efforts of Other M to raise its profile in Japan, I'd think if hey we're going to make a new one they'd probably want to do it on a console, and if they were doing that I think they might want to hold off for the next one.

It doesn't really matter for Metroid since it's aimed at the more hardcore Nintendo fans who either already own a Wii U for Smash Bros, or would buy one for Metroid anyway.  Unless they completely revamp the franchise, it's never going to have mass appeal so it doesn't gain much being saved for a new console plus releasing a traditional Metroid of some kind would be a smart decision to help please all the core Nintendo fans who've been buying and own a Wii U. 

When Retro said they could have made a Metroid instead of Tropical Freeze and Nintendo has mentioned interest in making a new Metroid, I wouldn't be surprised if a Retro Metroid is announced at E3 this year with it being either Prime 4, or a 2D Metroid using the Tropical Freeze engine to help save cost.
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Offline Nile Boogie Returns

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2D Metroid using the Tropical Freeze engine

I never knew how much I wanted this until just now. I just got Tropical Freeze today and it is magnificent!

Offline NWR_insanolord

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I really don't want Prime 4. The Prime games were amazing, but I feel like they've done everything they can with that style. Even if it's Retro making it, I hope they go in a different direction. I think 2D in the style you mentioned would probably be the ideal way to go, since it'd probably be the most pleasing to the fans and it's been so long since they made a game like that.
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Offline MagicCow64

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Yeah that actually sounds damn skippy, especially given that the Freeze engine probably wouldn't get used again for anything, as it's highly unlikely that Retro is making DKCR3. (I guess there's a possibility Monster could use it to do a follow-up title, but even then I would wager it'd be for the N3DS and thus use their engine from the previous port.)

I'll reiterate my idea for such an enterprise, as I think it could work extremely well with the Freeze engine. Do a true 2.5 game, playing field is 2D, map is organized along three dimensions. Work that perspective into the gameplay design. You'd have to solve the navigational issues present in something like Fez or Lone Survivor, and have a much more effective map than either of those games. And figure out some way to deal with the opposite side of a corridor/work it into the gameplay.

The 2D "Metroidvania" formula has been done to death at this point with the indie influx, the genre needs a kick in the ass that isn't a total dimensional leap ala Prime. Other M was the worst of both worlds, but there might also be a best. I mean, the genre hasn't meaningfully evolved since Super Metroid. There have been standouts, like Fusion, Zero Mission, Circle of the Moon, and Shadow Complex, but nothing transformative. I actually thought Lament of Innocence was onto something, but those games got slammed. Lauded games like Guacamelee and Ori and the Blind Forest are just pushing different elements to the front of the Super Metroid shape: Guacemelee has a beat-em-up combat focus that ties progression to fighting moves; Ori puts a focus on precise Klonoa-esque platforming; both games have totally stale world design.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2015, 02:14:39 AM by MagicCow64 »

Offline ShyGuy

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Re: The OFFICIAL E3 2015 Predictions Thread: Reel in those expectations!
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2015, 03:55:34 AM »
I hope we get to see some Quality of Life products. I might buy one of those sleeping devices.

Offline TOPHATANT123

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Re: The OFFICIAL E3 2015 Predictions Thread: Reel in those expectations!
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2015, 11:09:15 AM »
3DS - Nintendo
Rhythm Tengoku The Best +, I doubt the game will show up at E3 but I swear to God I will weep salty tears if it slips due to the NX in 2016.
Girls Mode 3 - This may show up although I don't think the digital event is the right time and or place to announce such a game, may be stealth announced like Mario Party was last year.
Fire Emblem IF - I think this will be absent, it is too close to the Japanese release and too far away from the English release, will probably get it's own direct.
Mother 3D - Call me a conspiracist but I think Mother 3D is an absolute lock for E3. It has been teased at least twice by NCL/NOA, Iwata said to expect more remakes on 3DS and Lucas comes out in June, the month of E3. Coincidence? I think not.
The Great Detective Pikachu - Assuming this hasn't been cancelled this could show up in whatever hideous form it has taken.
Pokemon - There are 3 ways Pokemon could go at this point; Pokemon 7, Pokemon Z, Pokemon Remake. It'll probably be at E3, or they could pull another 2014 and announce it on May 7th.

3DS - Atlus
Etrian Odyssey Untold 2 - I'm sure this will be there just not in the presentation.
Legend Of Legacy - I'm sure this will be there, Nintendo gave it a big push in Japan and I assume the same will happen here.
Stella Glow - Not exactly main show material but you never know.
Etrian Odyssey 5 - Too soon.

3DS - Bandai Namco
Project X Zone 2 - This will certainly show up in some capacity since it comes out so soon.
Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butouden - Maybe? Who knows.

3DS - Square Enix
Final Fantasy Explorers - Considering how well MH4U did in the west it may come over, especially since it has the Final Fantasy name attached.
Bravely Default 2 - The first did well so I assume the second will come over in 2016.
Dragon Quest 7 - Nope.

3DS - Level 5
Yokai Watch - This will show up without a doubt considering it's being published by Nintendo and coming early 2016.
Snack World - I don't really see this leaving Japan to be honest.

3DS - Capcom
Monster Hunter Stories - We'll probably get a trailer on May 31st but not at E3.
The Great Ace Attorney - I really hope this gets localised but may faith is dwindling, Plz Capcom!

3DS - Koei Tecmo
Atelier Rorona Plus - I imagine James would have fun reviewing this.

3DS - Others
Zero Escape 3 - This will most likely be announced at E3 since it has been teased heavily and sold better in the west.
Langrisser - So niche it'll probably never come, but we'll see.
Lord of Magna - We know it's coming but not exactly E3 material.
Corpse Party 3DS - XSeed will most likely bring this over.

Wii U - Nintendo
Xenoblade X - This game will be released on the 20th November 2015, it is Nintendo's biggest game this year and needs prime time if they want to recoup costs.
Mario Maker - Will be released September, playable but not show.
Yoshi's Woolly World - Absent, nothing to show or tell any more.
Star Fox - Miyamoto's glorious return to form. December 2015.
Retro Studio's New Project - Way too soon, maybe teased but won't be shown.
Next Level's New Project - This studio has been too silent for too long, whatever they are working on it's big, announced at E3 released 1st half 2016.
Devil's Third - Itagaki said the game is finished so it'll certainly show up.
Animal Crossing Wii U - Probably in development to be released 27th May 2016
Zelda Wii U - Absent, the more they show this year the less they can show next year. Release 18th November 2016.

Wii U -Atlus
Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem - This will certainly be at E3, new trailer and treehouse demo. November for Japan, sometime in late 2016 for the west.

Wii U - Bandai Namco
Project Treasure - A very intriguing game, It must be funded by Nintendo and probably release 2016.
Pokken - Will be announced and released in 2016 I think, too early for a console port.

 Wii U - Square Enix
Dragon Quest 10 - Nope, not even anything on the virtual console outside of Japan.

Wii U - Level 5

Wii U - Capcom
Monster Hunter 4UU - They sent out a survey gauging interest in a Wii U version but I doubt anything will come of it.

Wii U - Koei Tecmo
Fatal Frame 5 - People seem to have forgotten this but there is going to be a western fatal frame movie by the Resident Evil director. The movie and game will most likely be out in September 2015.

Wii U - Other
Rodea the Sky Soldier - Out in September by Yuji Naka and Prope. Hopefully Nintendo put some advertising behind it and don't just sent it out to die.
Tantalus's Wii U Project - No idea.
Fast Racing Neo - Confirmed for E3
Guitar Hero Live - Will probably be mentioned once.
Lego Games - **** tons of lego games as far as the eye can see.

That's about it, but I am also interested in the account system DeNa is setting up. Hopefully there is a reward program similar to digital deluxe where the more games you buy the cheaper the games become.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2015, 02:34:12 PM by TOPHATANT123 »

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: The OFFICIAL E3 2015 Predictions Thread: Reel in those expectations!
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2015, 02:04:33 PM »
Zero Escape 3 - This will most likely be announced at E3 since it has been teased heavily and sold better in the west.

What? Since when did this happen? Last I heard, this game was not in development. "Due to the low popularity of the Zero Escape series in Japan, as well as budget and financial matters, the game is currently put on hold." When did that change and teases start to happen?

Overall, a pretty solid and realistic list. Not a whole lot I'm that interested in but on the 3DS side, I'd go for Rhythm Heaven, Mother 3D, Fire Emblem, and the Great Ace Attorney. I could be tempted to pick up Pikachu Detective depending on how that game turns out. I've yet to buy or try Bravely Default but it's still on my interest list and if I do get around to it, then I'd probably want the sequel. On the Wii U side, Yoshi's Woolly World, Star Fox and Xenoblade are all games I'm interested in. Sure I'm interested in Zelda or Retro's Next Project but I doubt they will be released in the year from E3 so I'm just sticking with titles that have the chance to come out in that time period. Other than that, I should probably look up some more info on Rodeo to see more what it is about but it is the only other title there that grabs my interest. I wish we were getting Rock Band for Wii U instead of Guitar Hero. I'll continue to hold out hope.
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Offline TOPHATANT123

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Re: The OFFICIAL E3 2015 Predictions Thread: Reel in those expectations!
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2015, 03:44:17 PM »
Yes, it is true that in February 2014 Zero Escape director Kotaro Uchikoshi announced that the series would not continue due to poor sales. However during an interview with 4gamer in December 2014 he said that "It's looking like 2015 will be the year where everything I've built towards over the years will come together and be let out into the world in one fell swoop". And then in February 2015 he updated his Facebook profile to working on "You-know-what" and has since deleted it. The most conclusive evidence though is the teaser site it gets updated regularly and is acknowledged by the director on twitter. Another thing to note is that Nintendo now owns shares in Dwango, the owner of Spike Chunsoft, so this may have something to do with the project being un-cancelled, although that is a bit of a stretch.

Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: The OFFICIAL E3 2015 Predictions Thread: Reel in those expectations!
« Reply #14 on: May 03, 2015, 04:15:01 PM »
Might as well not even have Wii U at E3.
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Offline Shaymin

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Re: The OFFICIAL E3 2015 Predictions Thread: Reel in those expectations!
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2015, 04:34:57 PM »
The countdown on that 4infinity clock runs out at Anime Expo, not E3.
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Offline NWR_insanolord

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Re: The OFFICIAL E3 2015 Predictions Thread: Reel in those expectations!
« Reply #16 on: May 03, 2015, 04:49:53 PM »
It's been two years since Mario 3D World, so that team at EAD Tokyo may have something to show unless they're holding that back for the next system.
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Re: The OFFICIAL E3 2015 Predictions Thread: Reel in those expectations!
« Reply #17 on: May 03, 2015, 05:36:30 PM »
I can't begin to guess what Nintendo will present at E3, which is great.  I have low expectations, which means it'll be really hard for me to be disappointed this year from their presentation.
The only thing I truly expect is a heavy emphasis on Amiibo integration for their upcoming games, which will be a minor disappointment if true, but not enough to sour me if they've got some good unexpected game announcements.

Offline MagicCow64

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Re: The OFFICIAL E3 2015 Predictions Thread: Reel in those expectations!
« Reply #18 on: May 03, 2015, 11:41:10 PM »
It's been two years since Mario 3D World, so that team at EAD Tokyo may have something to show unless they're holding that back for the next system.

I think Miyamoto said in an interview that the 3D Mario team won't have another mainline game out until the next generation. That said, they seem to have enough manpower to keep smaller-scale side projects cooking. Along the lines of keeping the WiiU on life support for at least the next year and a half, I wouldn't be shocked to see a Luigi 3D World challenge expansion to parallel NSMBU, though you wouldn't have the new controls gimmick. If they built DLC hooks into NSMBU, can't see why they wouldn't leave that option open for 3D World, though Captain Toad might have superseded that option.

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Re: The OFFICIAL E3 2015 Predictions Thread: Reel in those expectations!
« Reply #19 on: May 03, 2015, 11:54:56 PM »
crazy fantasy prediction:
NX will be similar to the wii u controller, yet standalone,  you'll be able to buy it and it will be compatible with Wii U and Xbox One, and Nintendo bought the Xbox division. Banjo Kazooie will be in smash bros. dlc/ mario kart. Retro will finally show the new metroid they've been working on for 5 years, it will be on wii u and xbox one. Shadow of the Eternals will re-emerge as Eternal Darkness 2: Shadows of the Eternals.
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Offline NWR_insanolord

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Re: The OFFICIAL E3 2015 Predictions Thread: Reel in those expectations!
« Reply #20 on: May 04, 2015, 12:31:50 AM »
It's been two years since Mario 3D World, so that team at EAD Tokyo may have something to show unless they're holding that back for the next system.

I think Miyamoto said in an interview that the 3D Mario team won't have another mainline game out until the next generation. That said, they seem to have enough manpower to keep smaller-scale side projects cooking. Along the lines of keeping the WiiU on life support for at least the next year and a half, I wouldn't be shocked to see a Luigi 3D World challenge expansion to parallel NSMBU, though you wouldn't have the new controls gimmick. If they built DLC hooks into NSMBU, can't see why they wouldn't leave that option open for 3D World, though Captain Toad might have superseded that option.

With the way the Wii U is designed I don't think games have to specifically have hooks for DLC built in. Games are patchable at the system level, so they could probably decide after the fact that they wanted to do that. And a faster, harder level pack for 3D World sounds pretty good to me.
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Re: The OFFICIAL E3 2015 Predictions Thread: Reel in those expectations!
« Reply #21 on: May 04, 2015, 01:52:25 AM »
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline NWR_insanolord

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Re: The OFFICIAL E3 2015 Predictions Thread: Reel in those expectations!
« Reply #22 on: May 04, 2015, 02:13:18 AM »
I think UncleBob's mostly on the money there, though I might disagree with one or two of his predictions.
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J.P. Corbran
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Offline Khushrenada

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Re: The OFFICIAL E3 2015 Predictions Thread: Reel in those expectations!
« Reply #23 on: May 04, 2015, 03:24:16 AM »

Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Evan_B

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Re: The OFFICIAL E3 2015 Predictions Thread: Reel in those expectations!
« Reply #24 on: May 04, 2015, 07:58:17 AM »
Whoa whoa whoa. What is this third party predictions nonsense? And a Metroid game? Come on, the tread title is "REEL IN" those expectations, people. Stop kidding yourselves!
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