Author Topic: Nintendo Free Radio 53: Comedy = Tragedy + Time  (Read 1263 times)

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Nintendo Free Radio 53: Comedy = Tragedy + Time
« on: March 31, 2015, 03:27:51 AM »
If that's true, then this episode's going to be a laugh riot in 10 years.


Honestly, we weren't even sure if this episode would even record because of various circumstances, but we're kind of glad it did so we could get some things off our collective chest. For New Business, Stephen and Donald have both fallen down the Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate rabbit hole - including the dreaded mutual hunts - and their responses are pretty much what you'd expect. Donald follows up with another New 3DS showpiece in the free trial of Ironfall Invasion, followed by a dab of payola and a cheap shot at Nintendo's future plans before getting his ink on in Kirby and the Rainbow Curse. Austen finally has a chance to go off on The Order: 1886, and apparently he's the only one who bought that full freight and liked it (ed. – Weekend Confirmed Alumni Jeff Cannata & Christian Spicer have my back. :P ). After quick-ish stops with the Screamride Demo and the 2nd of Resident Evil's many Revelations, it's time for a not-for-children's card game in Hand of Fate, and the 2nd part of a long discussion of Baten Kaitos Origins (continued from 52). Warning: Here be spoilers.

For Whatcha Watchin', Donald finds out if they're doing phrasing anymore thanks to Archer Vice, while Stephen has been answering the immortal question of How The States Got Their Shapes. Amazingly, the History Channel produced something recently that doesn't involve aliens (we think). Austen reports on the horror and boredom of the 2015 Academy Awards, and also lets us in on if Tiger & Bunny fared better Rising than the Dark Knight. Finally, there are the obligatory DC/Marvel comic book TV minutes with Marvel's Agent Carter, The Flash, and The Arrow.

With the controversial release of The Order fresh in our minds, we turned the Feature towards the dilemma of determining game value in an era of steam sales, flash sales, $20 price post-launch price drops, used games, and economic recession (and yet a time when games are cheaper than ever). The Mushrooms, well, kind of summarize why quarter 1 of 2015 should be declared non-canon as soon as is humanly possible (with maybe two or three exceptions), but also why there could be hope yet for Kickstarter. Finally, we top them off with a celebration of the late, great Leonard Nimoy, who passed away the day before recording.

We promise the next episode will be much happier, especially since we'll be caught up from the backlog, so why not drop us a line so we can drive 55? You can email us (, tweet @NFRPodcast or drop it below. Until then, live long and prosper.

This podcast was recorded on February 28, and was edited by Donald Theriault and Austen Parkin. Fear is their bacon bits.
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