Author Topic: 2014 E3 Impressions  (Read 19999 times)

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Online Khushrenada

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2014 E3 Impressions
« on: June 10, 2014, 01:48:43 PM »
Well, first off, I loved the humour in this year's E3 presentation. This year, they fully took advantage of the idea behind having a filmed digital event by putting in interviews and entertainment and really putting their own stamp on the message. With the way it began with the Robot Chicken E3 and then the Reggie/Iwata battle, it seemed Nintendo had gone full on crazy and was ready to become an instant meme generator. Just the way they seemed to be responding to complaints like the man in the crowd complaining that they were going to show another Mario game was awesome. It seemed like Nintendo knew what people were saying about them and were getting ready to fire back.

I laughed when the NFC, I mean, amiiba, was shown being used in Smash. Everyone's fears had come true. All in all, nothing really mindblowing came off it. There do seem to be a lot of different game modes shown in the 3DS clip and it is looking like a pretty deep experience.

I was wondering if the Toad Treasure Hunter was going to be an E-Shop release but maybe it designed to be in the same vein Luigi U.

Yarn Yoshi was definitely a highlight although it looks to be very close to a Yoshi Island game just in yarn. I could see flowers being discovered and wonder if it will follow the same path of collecting stars, red coins and flowers to 100% levels. The levels look pretty traditional of Yoshi design. Hopefully, there is still a lot more imaginitive stuff like in Kirby's Epic Yarn. I enjoyed just watching the videos play of it, it looks so nice.

Kirby! This was also a surprise. I made a comment in chat how it's funny that Canvas Curse was one of the first big DS games that was considered a must own for the system and really helped show the creative new ways games could be designed with it. And now they are using it to try and sell the Wii U. Still, I like the claymation look they've taken it and I look forward to playing it. It's not the 3D Kirby game I'd like to see most right now for the series but I look forward to seeing what comes from revisting the Canvas Curse world and what Rainbow Curse can do.

Pokemon was Pokemon. Nothing to report there.

Zelda is clearly still in a lot of development considering how little they showed. The look of it was pretty nice up until Link's reveal. Then is just seemed a bit too, I don't know, bright, flared, toonish? But it's early so I'm not going to get up in arms with it. Hyrule Warriors didn't show anything to really impress me more about the game after the recent news about it a month ago got my interest level in it piqued a bit. It was nice to see Zelda and Midna revealed as playable characters. Hopefully there are more reveals to come.

Nothing really new on the Bayonetta front although I did like the fact that the first game was also getting bundled with the sequel. For once, a Wii U game is getting the complete package unlike say releasing Mass Effect 3 only when no other Mass Effect games have appeared on a Nintendo system and the releasing the complete trilogy on other systems. The addition of Nintendo costumes is the same old ploy of hoping Nintendo fans will jump into purchasing the game. Does that work?

Xenoblade actually failed to impress me for once. I know, sacrilege. But at first, the blue computer screen made me think of Metroid Prime. Then I realized it was X but it was just about cutscense and random character dialogue that gave me no further idea as to what the game will be like or what the story is all about. I'd have prefered more ingame action. Plus, it didn't seem as visually impressive to me as other games being shown or by the impression it gave last year when it debuted.

Mario Maker I sort of missed out since I wasn't interested in it and used that time to type some chat responses.

Splatoon was interesting. At first, it seemed as if Nintendo might actually be doing a Mario Paintball game after all but then it was revealed to be a new IP. It's interesting and it's taking me some time to wrap my head around it. It definitely seems like I something I need to try to fully understand it but I applaud the originality.

All in all, I enjoyed how Nintendo handled the digital event this year and the evergrowing focus of showing the developers behind the games. I do think they still held back. For instance, with the last Robot Chicken sketch, the one guy in the crowd asks about Star Fox and they kill him but then they never do show Star Fox even though the game is in development. Kind of odd. Oh well, I think Nintendo wants to keep making announcements throughout E3 to keep them at the forefront of the E3 news cycle.
What did you think?
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Offline broodwars

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Re: 2014 E3 Impressions
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2014, 02:28:11 PM »
That was an unexpectedly great conference, especially after last year's. Smash continues to look good, even if I'm not fond of the Amiibo stuff. Palutena is a much-needed new female addition to the roster. I'm not sure yet if I care for Yoshi's Wooly Woods (I've never been able to get into the Yoshi's Island games), butbit looks good. Likewise, Kirby's Rainbow and Toad's Treasure Hunt don't do anything for me (the Toad stages in 3D World were by far my least favorite parts of that game), but they could be interesting expansions on previous experimental ideas.

Zelda looks fantastic and Nintendo's saying the right things, but that game's REALLY early. It has 2016 stamped all over it. As for Xenoblade Chronicles X, well...I told you so. :p I told you guys that it wouldn't be out this year in NA, and it wont be. Still, I'm very hyped for that game. It's more Xenoblade, but with more giant robots and space opera. That's so totally my thing. Pity the character models are pretty lackluster, with low poly models and washed out textures that really don't hold up to close scrutiny. At least the 2015 release date will give me a chance to go back and finish the original game.

Bayonetta 2 coming with a Wii RemUstered version of Bayonetta 1 is a great deal. I might actually play that game now. Been meaning to get into the 1st Bayonetta for a while now.

Splatoon looks like a lot of fun, and I like how they've approached the MP shooter issue of long treks to get to the action. I don't know why they even bothered showimg Star Fox if a blurry off-monitor teaser was all they were going to show, but it's good to know we're finally getting a new one. I really hope it has traditional controls, though.

Overall, by far the best conference of the show. It was well-paced, funny, and showed a lot of games (though very few 2014 ones). Nintendo needed to bring the Thunder, and they did. I could have used a lot more New IP and Nintendo still hasn't shown the Wii U as a great "primary" console, but they showed it's a great complimentary console to the PS4. Well done.
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Re: 2014 E3 Impressions
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2014, 02:37:22 PM »
and showed a lot of games (though very few 2014 ones).

Yeah, that is the most disappointing thing and still the biggest blackmark against Nintendo's handling of the Wii U. We are halfway through year 2 and they still do not have a lot of games ready for market. With the other systems all suffering from game delays, the market was theirs to storm and grab with many multiple game releases but a lot of their interesting stuff is also coming out in 2015 (or later).
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Re: 2014 E3 Impressions
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2014, 03:03:00 PM »
I have to watch the entire direct. I've only seen pieces of it since I'm still at work.

As a Wii U owner, I'm pretty content with what was shown. Looms like Super Smash Bros. is being targeted for this year. The 3DS version is really going to hurt it as an October release (I was expecting August). Old habits die hard I guess. Still, the Wii U version is the one I care far more about. I wonder if I'll even bother with the 3DS version once the Wii U version comes out. The wait for the Wii U version becomes that much easier if it's only two months.

Zelda looks amazing. I still don't like early teasers though revealing that it's an open world game is a big enough deal to sort of justify it.

Bayonetta included in Bayonetta 2 is a big deal to me. That significantly increases its value to me as I only played the rough PS3 port. I'm looking forward to this game though I need to revisit and complete The Wonderful 101.

Hyrule Warriors looks surprisingly fun though I may be biased due to playable Midna. Giant Great Fairy bewbs in Link's face is excessive.

Amiibo is an odd name. I'm more interested in what the name means than anything. Otherwise, it is thus far everything I hoped it would be: something that compliments games, but I don't have to bother with.

More impressions once I watch the rest.

Offline broodwars

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Re: 2014 E3 Impressions
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2014, 03:11:07 PM »
Anyone else surprised that the version of Midna in Hyrule Warriors, a game Team Ninja's helping with, is NOT the one with giant breasts? O_o. Could say the same of Impa, too.
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Re: 2014 E3 Impressions
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2014, 03:11:17 PM »
Quite good conference video. Lots of .gif grist.

I was expecting another Smash character reveal, and am a little surprised about how the Miis have ended up. Are they going to have three slots? That would be lame. Also, is Dark Pit a joke from the 3DS game or something? There's no reason to assume he's anything other than a costume, right?

The figurine dealie with Smash is actually somewhat interesting. It's like having little Smash Bros. pets!

Zelda looked incredible from the glimpse, and I believe it will be even more impressive on release. Psyched up for that.

Splatoon is a bizarre left field reveal, which I doubt I'll ever play, but nonetheless looks like an interesting foray into the competitive online shooter space, for people into that.

The double Bayonetta pack and new trailer has pretty much sold me on the game.

Wooly Yoshi looks great aesthetically, but yeah, that there is a Yoshi's Island game, so probably a pass.

New Kirby looks pretty good, I've been waiting for Nintendo to pull the stop-motion card for years.

Captain Toad's game looks sick, will definitely be picking that up.

If they can trickle out a few more announcements over the next couple of days Nintendo will be looking pretty damn good. I'm assuming we'll at least get another Smash newcomer and some veteran confirmations.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: 2014 E3 Impressions
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2014, 03:26:41 PM »
So from an unbiased perspective, who won the E3 presentation war?

MS, Sony or Nintendo?
« Last Edit: June 10, 2014, 03:59:27 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

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Re: 2014 E3 Impressions
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2014, 03:35:44 PM »
In terms of presentation, Nintendo. I think the Nintendo Directs are more effective than the big press conferences.

In terms of content, I can't rightly say Nintendo even though personally, I was content with what was shown. Despite scoring an exclusive in Devil's Third, Wii U third party support is so bad it went past good and back to bad again. Even though it's not my kind of game, Sunset Overdrive really wowed me so good for Microsoft for getting exclusivity. Still, Sony was more balanced so I'd probably give it to them.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2014, 03:40:47 PM by Adrock »

Offline broodwars

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Re: 2014 E3 Impressions
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2014, 04:28:31 PM »
So from an unbiased perspective, who won the E3 presentation war?

MS, Sony or Nintendo?

I felt like Nintendo won the "war" as a "press conference" in terms of pacing, humor, and variety of games.  However, in terms of software I have to hand it to Sony on this one. They had 1st party games; they had 3rd party games; and they had Indie games, all of which looked pretty good. The irritating thing is that if Nintendo had actually bundled up all the stuff they showed off after the Direct and put it into the Direct itself, they could have a strong argument for winning the software lineup battle as well.  For the life of me, I don't understand why they left so many things out of their conference, and then showed them immediately afterwards.
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Re: 2014 E3 Impressions
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2014, 04:42:49 PM »
Overall Nintendo had the best showing but I still think they failed to address the third party issues.  Just two games from third parties, just dance and skylanders?? 

Starfox was somewhat a shocker to me, the series is never a big seller so I figured Nintendo would have gone with something like Metroid.  Speaking of which Retro was a no show?  Wonder what they are working on?

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Re: 2014 E3 Impressions
« Reply #10 on: June 10, 2014, 04:46:21 PM »
Prior to E3 someone here mentioned that they wanted to see Nintendo not hold back on announcements.  They didn't and that was good.  It's especially good when you look at what's due for 2014.  The only surprise was effectively Toad's take on Super Luigi U.  I wasn't impressed with 2014 before E3 and I'm still not.  It seems like Nintendo's getting caught off guard by the complications of HD development that they warned everyone else of is still impacting the Wii U's development.

But 2015 (assuming everything doesn't get delayed) seems much more promising.  And it's much more interesting.  Nintendo announced some new IPs.  I expected Nintendo to make a response here and they effectively did.  It didn't knock my socks off or anything but it isn't just the status quo.  We didn't just get a mountain of the same old bullshit that hasn't sold Wii U's.  I don't think Nintendo has shown anything that can turn the Wii U around but it looks like Nintendo is at least trying.  They're not at the point where I think they know exactly WHAT to do, but they know they need to do something different.

Right now I can think of three Wii U games that have my interest: Pikmin 3, Xenoblade X and the new Zelda.  One game has been released, one doesn't come out until next year and one is still far enough off that it may end up on the Wii U's successor.  So I'm still not excited about the Wii U and with the third party support being as rough as it is I wonder how it will do for the rest of 2014.  To turn it around Nintendo needed a big surprise for this year and they didn't have it and won't.

Still I'm glad Nintendo is hip enough to the situation to know that they needed to show damn near everything they could in development.  If they did the type of E3 they've done for the last several years what would this have been?  Just that Toad thing?  They saved their presentation by loading it with future projects.

Offline broodwars

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Re: 2014 E3 Impressions
« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2014, 04:52:09 PM »
I do love that they opened on a "we don't have any Mario games today" joke...and then proceeded to show off 2 new Mario games: Mario Maker and Toad's Treasure Hunt. -_-'
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Re: 2014 E3 Impressions
« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2014, 04:58:55 PM »
According to Reggie, Nintendo doesn't feel having a 2 hour conference is the way to go so they are breaking thing into parts and spreading them around throughout e3. That's why they are waiting to show more stuff not only tonight after the smash tourney but later in the week. So far, all of the big three press events have been most solid. MS moved at a great pace and showed just games. Sony had a great start but stalled in the middle plus no The Last Guardian. Nintendo probably had the best presentation, just lacked 3rd party support. Not bad at all!

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Re: 2014 E3 Impressions
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2014, 05:01:42 PM »
I do love that they opened on a "we don't have any Mario games today" joke...and then proceeded to show off 2 new Mario games: Mario Maker and Toad's Treasure Hunt. -_-'
Ehh, neither are traditional Mario games (particularly Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker) and unlike the past two years, Mario wasn't headlining Nintendo's E3. Zelda seems to be getting the most buzz and they should like 40 seconds of it unless you count the minute Link and Epona were just standing in that field.

Online Khushrenada

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Re: 2014 E3 Impressions
« Reply #14 on: June 10, 2014, 05:19:02 PM »
What I found great the second time watching Link and Epona in the field was how the land darkened as clouds passed in fron of the sun in the sky. I love that it had touches like that already.
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Re: 2014 E3 Impressions
« Reply #15 on: June 10, 2014, 05:29:17 PM »

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Re: 2014 E3 Impressions
« Reply #16 on: June 10, 2014, 06:41:45 PM »
I just finished watching the Play Nintendo - Nintendo E3 Digital Event. It's very good albeit heavy on nostalgia. Nintendo went all in with their own fans, not that they really had a choice. Since I'm a Nintendo fan and Wii U owner, I would pick this as my favorite of the three presentations because they hit so many high notes and more importantly, games I'm far more interested in. Still, viewing them with an unbiased eye, I'd give the edge to Sony again for a more balanced presentation (though all three are continuing that terrible habit of "Look at all these new games you can play........... next year"). If you aren't a fan of Nintendo's games, there's nothing here for you, except maybe Splatoon since it's new.

Speaking of, Splatoon looks pretty cool. This is Nintendo's take on shooters. When people were talking about Mario Paintball, I was opposed to the idea and this is why. Mario doesn't belong in a game like this. Mario games should be Mario games. Nintendo gets to do so much with this concept by making an original IP. I think someone started a Splatoon thread so I'll post more about it there. In terms of E3 Impressions, I'm surprised and impressed that Splatoon is the last game Nintendo discussed on the Digital Event (the Palutena debut trailer was more like the after-credits scene). It shows Nintendo has confidence in the game and they want people to notice it because they could have easily ended with Zelda.

Nintendo did a much better job going with a digital presentation this year. If you're going to go the pre-recorded route, take advantage of it. That's exactly what they did. The Robot Chicken-esque segments were surprisingly pretty good, the Dragon Ball Z Iwata-Reggie fight was good, and they even threw in a Luigi Death Stare. It's strange that this is the same company that spent an obnoxious amount of time on Nintendo Land and as the end of their press conference. This is one of those rare occasions where it feels like Nintendo "gets it" and I hope this isn't a fluke.

As for the other games... I have no interest in Kirby and the Rainbow Curse. I'll be surprised if Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker gets a retail release. Looks fun though, Captain Toad's levels were a fun distraction in Super Mario 3D World. I would never spend $60 on it. Same goes for Yoshi's Wooly World though it looks way more interesting that Kriby's Epic Yarn. Xenoblade Chronicles is about what I expected. Unless it gets a limited release, I probably won't buy it on release day. I'm not sure what to think of Mario Maker. Do you edit in Super Mario Bros. style then play in New Super Mario Bros. style? If so, ew. I'm not creative enough to make my own levels (or at least make good levels), but I would probably buy the game to play other people's creations.
Is that a good or bad thing?
« Last Edit: June 10, 2014, 09:25:30 PM by Adrock »

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Re: 2014 E3 Impressions
« Reply #17 on: June 10, 2014, 11:03:07 PM »
So looking at what we know exists... they could go one WiiU game a month from now until after next E3. They won't (August and January look to be the gaps, Zelda's definitely holiday), but we know the following:
- Wii Sports Club 7/25
- Hyrule Warriors September
- Bayonetta 1/2 October
- Smash and Captain Toad in November/December
Then 2015 has Devil's Third, Mario Maker, Game of the Year Xenoblade Chronicles X, Kirby, Yoshi, Splatoon, Star Fox and Zelda. 8 out of 12 months covered off the hop. That's not counting what they could announce as eShop exclusives, future Directs, or even next year's E3. (And that also gives you things like Pushmo World next week.)

Nintendo was told repeatedly to wind down the WiiU in 2015, and they're doubling down instead. I like this move.
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Re: 2014 E3 Impressions
« Reply #18 on: June 10, 2014, 11:17:08 PM »
This is the Nintendo we been waiting for the company that plays to their strengths. GAMES, the thing people remember about Nintendo is their damn games, make the games good and people will forget how much they hate the hardware. i LOVED the video you can tell those two guys love their jobs. Who wouldn't want to be the top dog at hands down the best video game developer in the world?
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Re: 2014 E3 Impressions
« Reply #19 on: June 10, 2014, 11:30:39 PM »
I had to stay up all night watching Treehouse stream after Digital Event. It was awesome.
Thankfully Gamepad (i watched all E3 conferences on Wii U on twitch and youtube) has headphone jack so i simply muted my TV and watched it all with headphones so that i won't wake up anyone.
Yoshi looks FUN and very nice. I noticed collectathon nature on Yoshi's Island is reduced and you're collecting flowers and Epic Yarn style crystals. No yellow stars and red coins BS.

Smash Bros tournament was great!
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Re: 2014 E3 Impressions
« Reply #20 on: June 11, 2014, 01:10:47 AM »
By the way, I see Zelda Williams appearance was for the Smash Bros. tourney and she entered with a Majora's Mask which further continues the trend people have commenting on about the tease of that game all the time. Still no word on a remake though. However, has it been announced yet what the mystery 3DS game presentation is yet? Perhaps this reveal may yet come tomorrow.
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Re: 2014 E3 Impressions
« Reply #21 on: June 11, 2014, 01:27:19 AM »
I for one, applaud Broodwars for his Nintendo positivity. Maybe he is more balanced and reasonable than I took him for...

Offline broodwars

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Re: 2014 E3 Impressions
« Reply #22 on: June 11, 2014, 01:32:14 AM »
I for one, applaud Broodwars for his Nintendo positivity. Maybe he is more balanced and reasonable than I took him for...

Eh...I've mellowed over the years. Old age and being partially responsible for a podcast has made me soft.  :P: :

In all seriousness, I'm a cynical bastard to be sure, but I'm still a Nintendo fan. This E3 certainly drove that home, that's for sure. I was pretty damn depressed by most of Monday's Press Events, and Nintendo's stuff on Tuesday made me happy. It wasn't entirely what I wanted and I still have more than my share of issues with Nintendo, but after Monday I was glad to see something different.

And Nintendo, to their credit, is slowly but surely changing into more of the company I've wanted them to be. This E3 showed them more self-aware and just more open to having fun with their North American fanbase.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 01:33:50 AM by broodwars »
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Re: 2014 E3 Impressions
« Reply #23 on: June 11, 2014, 01:38:06 AM »
Overall, Nintendo won this year's E3 because it was the best they have had in nearly a decade. As soon as I saw the Zelda trailer Nintendo won the show in my heart. As for X and Bayonetta, those two games alone would be enough for me to buy a Wii U. Sadly no mention of a new Metroid or F-Zero game was a let down.
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Re: 2014 E3 Impressions
« Reply #24 on: June 11, 2014, 01:46:10 AM »
Well, there's still the 3DS event tonight.