Author Topic: Nintendo Skipping PAX East 2014  (Read 9263 times)

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Re: Nintendo Skipping PAX East 2014
« Reply #25 on: March 25, 2014, 05:40:38 PM »
They'll have something big to show, it's just likely not ready at this time so instead of PAX you'll have to wait until E3.

Offline Mop it up

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Re: Nintendo Skipping PAX East 2014
« Reply #26 on: March 25, 2014, 08:28:04 PM »
I will also be skipping PAX East.

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Re: Nintendo Skipping PAX East 2014
« Reply #27 on: March 25, 2014, 08:31:23 PM »
Yes, they did skip E3. Holding a little private show on the same week is like saying I was at the nightclub even though I just stayed home drinking.

Skipping events like these is LAST thing Nintendo needs to be doing. Over and over again we hear Iwata going, "Please just see what wonderful things we have on the Wii U!" and then skipping events with thousands of eyes and going for dinky internet shows that nobody outside the most die-hard Nintendo fans know or care about.

If I was the man in charge of getting a sluggish system to move units, events like PAX and E3 would be my Christmas.

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Re: Nintendo Skipping PAX East 2014
« Reply #28 on: March 25, 2014, 08:54:10 PM »
Yes, they did skip E3.
/infinite facepalm

Oh, hey, look. Here are a bunch of hands-on previews and off-screen videos from that E3 Nintendo skipped last year courtesy of some website.

Jebus, man... Nintendo had a booth; they just didn't have a press conference.

Offline Shaymin

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Re: Nintendo Skipping PAX East 2014
« Reply #29 on: March 25, 2014, 09:54:42 PM »
And Nintendo's reserved three rooms for E3 this year instead of the two they had last year.
Donald Theriault - News Editor, Nintendo World Report / 2016 Nintendo World Champion
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Re: Nintendo Skipping PAX East 2014
« Reply #30 on: March 26, 2014, 02:15:10 AM »
The third room must be for Quality of Life. :B
-the Game Sprite Archives-

Offline Ian Sane

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Re: Nintendo Skipping PAX East 2014
« Reply #31 on: March 26, 2014, 12:24:43 PM »
Not holding a press conference at E3 when I'm pretty sure they had held one at every single E3 prior to that was like waving a white flag.  That was the ultimate gesture to demonstrate how irrelevant the Wii U is.  They were there but dropping the conference might as well be the same as skipping it.  Console makers have a conference, only third parties have just a booth.  Nintendo Direct ain't the same.  It's preaching to the choir.  It's an ever increasingly irrelevant Nintendo retreating further from the rest of the industry.

In regards to PAX East, what justification is there to skip the show when they've been to it numerous times?  Like not holding an E3 press conference it comes across like Nintendo is irrelevant.  Their lack of promotion suggests that even Nintendo has given up on the product.  That doesn't mean that's the case but it sure LOOKS like it.  A console that is not selling that has no marketing presence is just going to sell worse because no one wants to buy a product they assume to be a failure.

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Re: Nintendo Skipping PAX East 2014
« Reply #32 on: March 26, 2014, 01:42:32 PM »
That's ridiculous and just comes off as a weak attempt at backtracking on the fact that you ran your mouth without doing a simple Google search to confirm anything. Nintendo was at E3 last year and if the floor plan was to scale, their booth was larger than Sony's. Don't act like none of this counts just because you have an ax to grind.

And really? Not having their large press conference is "the ultimate gesture" to demonstrate irrelevance? You, sir, certainly have a flair for the dramatic. If Nintendo was waiving the white flag, they wouldn't even have been at E3 at all. All those industry people got to demo new and upcoming Nintendo titles which is the entire point of E3.

Gamers think E3 is for them which it isn't. And a press conference is named after exactly who the audience is. Nintendo still held smaller, private E3 events for press and distributors. Nintendo had a Nintendo Direct for us. The Nintendo Directs are preaching to the choir, but Nintendo still addressed the people who attend E3. All Nintendo did was focus their message for press/distributors and then for gamers which makes sense. Us gamers sitting in front of our computer screens didn't have to sit through the fluff that typically makes up most of the press conferences.
In regards to PAX East, what justification is there to skip the show when they've been to it numerous times?
Does there need to be one? Apple stopped attending the Mac World Expo like five or six years ago. Nintendo Space World is a distant memory. If you still want to make a big deal over this, keep in mind that Sony isn't attending PAX East this year either.

Offline eggface123

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Re: Nintendo Skipping PAX East 2014
« Reply #33 on: March 26, 2014, 05:53:19 PM »
To elaborate, mind actually explaining instead of posting said condescending bullshit?

It doesnt seem like Nintendo thinks they need to fix anything. They just keep making stupid decision after stupid decision. I sold my Wii u launch console for a VITA and couldnt be happier! Maybe Ill get a Wii u again at the end of its life cycle. Which will probably be soon.

Re: Nintendo Skipping PAX East 2014
« Reply #34 on: March 27, 2014, 08:12:31 PM »
To elaborate, mind actually explaining instead of posting said condescending bullshit?

It doesnt seem like Nintendo thinks they need to fix anything. They just keep making stupid decision after stupid decision. I sold my Wii u launch console for a VITA and couldnt be happier! Maybe Ill get a Wii u again at the end of its life cycle. Which will probably be soon.

Wrong, Nintendo already admitted Wii U is a failure and needs fixing they just haven't done anything major yet to instil confidence that they are actually trying to fix it.

Also I have every right to bitch about the damn machine all I want, I have owned every fucking machine that company has ever made, I have NOT bought a Wii U and I am not interested in a Wii U. They don't have to exactly cater to my specific needs but they do need to listen to the collective voice of others like me who keep having the same issues.  The problem is there are less than 6 million Wii U units sold, there should be at least 9 million sold by now. As it stands the Wii U is not even living up to Game Cubes numbers it's looking closer to Saturn, which is not good.

Wii U has many problems lack of games is a big one but that alone is NOT the only problem that needs fixing. I can concede that there won't be the same level of 3rd party support as was hoped, they blew that and there is nothing they can do now to regain third parties, period end of discussion. BUT there are other issues they can fix that could bring more people who are either on the fence, or have written it off, people like me who should want one but just can't find the justification at it's current state.

Why do I care? Because I actually do love Nintendo and want them to make GAMES forever. I do not give a **** if they make money unless that money comes from and is invested in video games. I am not a share holder so I don't give a flying **** how much money they have in the bank that means **** to me unless they are willing to spend it to make their machine worth buying.

The same lame argument gets tossed out, people buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games, which is true but BUT that does not mean we have to A) buy EVERY game they make just for the **** of it, and B) if they aren't making the games we want then there is no reason to have faith in them, and C) there does need to be more than just Nintendo games because  some of us ALSO like varied experiences and no I am not talking multiplatform titles I am talking 3rd party exclusives that fit the Nintendo profile, something every previous console did well but so far the most Wii U has that fits the profile is Zombie U, a game that was not well received and isn't likely to get a follow up.

So when I voice my views on what I want them to do to make the machine interesting to me, and it just happens to be in line with what a lot of others are asking for, then maybe, just maybe Nintendo SHOULD actually listen because hello those are potential buyers they are ignoring. Right now they are getting real hate not just normal anti-Nintendo biased hate they always get their FANS< YES I count I am a fan so I can say this, their fans are getting tired of their ****, so they have a few cheerleaders left who don't care because they just buy everything Nintendo makes, good for you if that is what you enjoy but the reality is their portfolio is diverse enough they actually do attract, or at least used to attract, a wide array of gamers, now they all they have left are the cheerleaders who will buy their product no matter what, and guess what those numbers are not enough. They can't stay in business forever on diminishing returns that is why they are changing their approach and so far it's not working.

Either way you look at it, ignoring the hard core gamers, the people who live for gaming is a bad idea, and this notion that they already have that market locked in is bullshit as I can read plenty of others on here who express their disinsterest in the console also, people who bought their past consoles and enjoyed them, so there is still a segment of their CORE base that is not won over yet and doing stuff like this is not giving us much confidence to invest in their product that for all we know could be discontinued in a year or so. There is evidence that suggests Nintendo might be ready to drop Wii U in a heatbeat if they can figure out what to do next, they did it with GBA to DS, if they see a greener pasture that makes them money but shifts their focus away from US, why should we so good for them at least they have money in the bank? What kind of bull **** is that? You know why they have that money in the bank, gamers like me PUT IT THERE!
Trying to be a better person, honest.

Offline rlse9

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Re: Nintendo Skipping PAX East 2014
« Reply #35 on: March 28, 2014, 02:17:54 PM »
Gamers think E3 is for them which it isn't. And a press conference is named after exactly who the audience is.
Maybe 20 years ago that was true, but I'd say it's a stretch to say that's true now.  There's a reason they're broadcast on TV, that every website live blogs/tweets them, and the companies put so much effort into the presentation.  The press is still definitely a large part of the audience (the lack of coverage on non-Nintendo sites last year seems to suggest that without a press conference Nintendo was largely ignored by some) but the companies know that the consumers are getting the information directly now, too, and they're a large part of the audience as well.