Author Topic: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)  (Read 1198602 times)

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Re: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)
« Reply #1250 on: October 09, 2014, 03:45:08 PM »
Parker has been an avenger for at least 10 years now since Bendis jumped on the series.

Shield has gotten consistently better, and this episode shoddy effects aside was great. My biggest beef is using the term gifted for people with powers. Just use meta or super human.
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Re: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)
« Reply #1251 on: October 09, 2014, 10:39:15 PM »
Marvel is hyping "their biggest announcement of the year" to be announced sometime tonite

It was supposed to be at 4pm est, but they changed it to much later....
not sure what it is supposed to be, but Marvel did just announce that they are having a 75th Anniversary Special on ABC Nov 4th called: Pulp to Pop.

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Re: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)
« Reply #1252 on: October 09, 2014, 10:45:16 PM »
The big announcement was next year's big comic event will be another Secret Wars written by Johthan Hickman and drawn by  Esad Ribic.

Unlike the first two secret Wars which were heroes vs villians things this looks like a crisis on infinite earths type of deal and furthers the whole marvel will reboot next year train.
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Re: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)
« Reply #1253 on: October 10, 2014, 11:16:26 AM »
and furthers the whole marvel will reboot next year train.
Where in the Eye of Non-Discrimination all Male Heroes will become Female and if they happen to be White they will be switched to a Minority at random.

With that same Justification a random selection of Female Characters will turn into Males while keeping there names and Customes as Transgenderred equals.

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Re: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)
« Reply #1254 on: October 11, 2014, 09:29:09 PM »

The first photo reveals the "Boardwalk Empire" alum in full costume -- called by Marvel his "first costume" -- which the company notes was inspired by the version seen in "Daredevil: The Man Without Fear," by Frank Miller and John Romita Jr. The other image depicts the actor as Matt Murdock.

and for comic reference: (to save Shinji the trouble)
"As most of you know, Daredevil is the first of five shows we're doing with Netflix. After, we're doing Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, and then The Defenders.

"Just to clarify - neither the role of Jessica Jones nor of Luke Cage has been cast. Anything else is just a rumor," Loeb said definitively.
Quote from: Description of clip shown at NYCC - *spelling errors corrected*
Before bringing out any panelists, Loeb showed a clip of "something happening in Karen Page's apartment when someone stops by."

A woman slowly opens the door to an apartment (It's Page), there's blood on the floor and the room is dark. She finds something in a vent. Someone sneaks up behind her and attacks her, slamming her into the wall and knocking her to the ground. And in comes Daredevil, in what looks like is likely an early makeshift costume - yeah, it's all black, straight up ninja looking. Big fight scene commences, and both men go crashing through a window onto the rain-soaked pavement below.
Quote from: Rosario Dawson's character - Claire Temple, The "Night Nurse"
Loeb said that Rosario Dawson really wanted to be here but couldn't, as well. Cox said, "Yeah, she's really awesome, she's the heart of the show."

Loeb announced that Dawson is Claire Temple, "a Nurse who works at Night," as he said. In comics, Night Nurse's real name is Linda Carter but might have been too similiar to the real life Lynda Carter, who played Wonder Woman in the 1970s. In comics, Claire Temple was a nurse that worked for Dr. Noah Bernstein, the man responsible for the prison experiments which gave Luke Cage his powers. At the time she was a divorce of Bill Foster (aka Goliath), and had a short-lived relationship with Cage that ended due to Temple's displeasure with Cage's dangerous career. She went on to become a doctor working in New York, and appeared in Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev's Daredevil run. Given Temple's comic ties to Luke Cage, it's possible Dawson-as-Temple might carry over to the announced Luke Cage series on Netflix.

A clip showing Claire taking care of the injured Matt Murdock after pulling him off the street.

That's pretty awesome if true. I hope they have many crossovers between these 4 shows, like Dawson already knowing Cage, maybe Daredevil is responsible for Iron Fist's head scarf**, and whatever other connections that could happen and are already comic cannon I don't know about.

**Daredevil's "first costume" looks a lot like Iron Fist**


Cast of Daredevil speaks:

[update on NYCC stuff coming as soon as I run across it]
« Last Edit: October 11, 2014, 10:02:22 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

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Re: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)
« Reply #1255 on: October 12, 2014, 09:06:40 AM »
On the Kingpin he just seems so Narrow for the character.  Though to be honest the Kingpin has the skin and head of a White Man and I body type that is only found on a Black Man in his animated and comic appearances.

I'm hoping this leads to an episode where one of Daredevil confidants convince him that he should have a True Costume and the whole episode revolves around a back and forth trying to nail the costume down w/ a disconnect between what he thinks he's wearing and what he actually is wearing.  Especially color wise since that is something his abilities can't really tell.  Have little cut scenes between them where he thwarts evil and does some market analysis of the costume.
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Re: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)
« Reply #1256 on: October 12, 2014, 01:35:31 PM »
Another Guardians Update: MoS couldn't fly around world fast enough to rewind this....

Domestic / WorldWide Comparison
[#. Movie: (Domestic Gross / WW Gross)]
GotG: ($326,076,904 / $687,000,000+*)
ASM: ($262,030,663 / $757,930,663)
DoFP: ($233,855,197 / $745,979,363)
Cap 2: ($259,746,958 / $714,063,958)
ASM2: ($202,853,933 / $708,689,160)
MoS: ($291,045,518 / $668,045,518)
Thor 2: ($206,362,140 / $644,783,140)
Ironman 1: ($318,412,101 / $585,174,222)
Ironman 2: ($312,433,331 / $623,933,331)

*Domestic & WW totals not updated on usual boxoffice sites
Domestic total from / WW total from ERC Box Office Twitter

Offline Ceric

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Re: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)
« Reply #1258 on: October 12, 2014, 09:19:23 PM »
Another Guardians Update: MoS couldn't fly around world fast enough to rewind this....

Domestic / WorldWide Comparison
[#. Movie: (Domestic Gross / WW Gross)]
GotG: ($326,076,904 / $687,000,000+*)
ASM: ($262,030,663 / $757,930,663)
DoFP: ($233,855,197 / $745,979,363)
Cap 2: ($259,746,958 / $714,063,958)
ASM2: ($202,853,933 / $708,689,160)
MoS: ($291,045,518 / $668,045,518)
Thor 2: ($206,362,140 / $644,783,140)
Ironman 1: ($318,412,101 / $585,174,222)
Ironman 2: ($312,433,331 / $623,933,331)

*Domestic & WW totals not updated on usual boxoffice sites
Domestic total from / WW total from ERC Box Office Twitter
I doubt we are making the Trillion to beat Transform.
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Re: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)
« Reply #1259 on: October 12, 2014, 10:29:49 PM »
I only listed what I thought it has a realistic chance of beating.

ASM2 & Cap 2 will probably be crossed off next weekend.

If China holds, they could all be crossed off within the first full weekend of next month.

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Re: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)
« Reply #1260 on: October 13, 2014, 11:36:15 PM »
RDJ to Join Cap 3 to kick off Civil War....!?

Quote from: article
Robert Downey Jr. is on the verge of signing on to “Captain America 3,” with Tony Stark’s Iron Man set to play a key role in bringing the Civil War storyline from Marvel’s comicbooks to the bigscreen and trigger the start of a new phase of movies from Marvel Studios.

The actor is in final negotiations to play the billionaire in the yet-to-be-titled third installment, that is slated to begin production in the Spring for a May 6, 2016, release. Downey suits up as the superhero in next summer’s “The Avengers: Age of Ultron” as part of a previous deal that also calls for him to reprise the role in “The Avengers 3.”

The new pact is significant for the Marvel cinematic universe considering the plot will pit Stark against Captain America’s alter-ego Steve Rogers, played by Chris Evans, as they feud over the Superhero Registration Act, which forces anyone with superhuman abilities to reveal their identities to the U.S. government and agree to act as a police force for the authorities.

Stark supports the program, but Rogers does not, saying it threatens civil liberties, causing sides to be taken and Rogers, among others, to go on the run to avoid arrest. The moral question and battle with his Avengers teammate essentially makes Stark a villain of sorts in “Captain America 3,” providing Downey with a meaty role he could play out into future Marvel films, including a fourth “Avengers.”

The recent Marvel even was announcing a new Civil War comic....

recent rumors have Sony and Marvel in talks to share Spiderman....

another event with Inhumans or something is also coming up....

Civil War and Inhumans all before Infinity Guantlet!?
Phase 3 is gonna be a BEAST.

and that's not even including DD, JJ, IF, LC & The Defenders on Netflix.

I don't know much about Civil War, I just know it pits Cap vs Stark and centers on Spiderman.
Civil War has been been hinted at for the end of A2, and speculated on even further back than that.
Spidey connections were almost made in A1. Sony is in dire shape at the moment and is much more likely to be willing to share the IP for the free publicity and HYPE leading into whatever their next spidey-verse movie is, even if they 2 spideys are very unconnected.

it's an interesting article for all those that read it.
But the deal for Downey to return as Iron Man almost didn’t happen.

Originally, Marvel wanted to hire Downey for a small role, which would have required just three weeks of work. But Downey wanted Stark to have a more substantial role in the film’s plot, which would give him more screen time and naturally a bigger payday. This angered Marvel Entertainment chief Ike Perlmutter, who ordered the screenwriters to write Iron Man out of the script entirely, according to sources with knowledge of the situation.

Even though the deal appeared dead, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige and Downey’s reps at CAA continued talks in hopes of working out their issues. Feige was bent on executing his grand vision for extending the life of the Marvel characters over many years.

The executive needed his boss to see the big picture, considering the introduction of the Civil War story is seen as a way to drive the plots of sequels and new franchises for the next seven years, given the dramatic possibilities it offers for future films. The fallout from the government and Stark’s actions would factor into a new “Avengers 4″ film and beyond that will assemble new characters being introduced like Ant-Man and Doctor Strange, among others, in their own movies.

Downey getting paid once again... poor Evans...
Downey, who earned $50 million for “The Avengers” alone, will collect around $40 million plus backend participation for “Captain America 3,” said sources, and will get an additional payout if “Captain America 3″ outperforms “Captain America: The Winter Soldier’s” $714 million worldwide haul. Since the actor did not appear in the first two “Captain America” films, the thinking is that if the third installment surpasses the last movie, its success could be attributed to Downey.

It’s also worth noting that Evans is clearly a bigger star now, evidenced by the fact that “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” grossed nearly twice as much as “The First Avenger’s”” $371 million in 2011.

I'll turn it over to Shinji now to explain in laymans details what the Civil War is all about.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2014, 11:45:19 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline shingi_70

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Re: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)
« Reply #1261 on: October 14, 2014, 12:20:38 AM »
We should here more about no more mutants in the next two week followed by a book about quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. My guess is we won't see SW and QS as inhumans until after secert wars.

I'm still under the impression that were going to see the first push of the inhumans on Agents of Shield making it more of a much watched segment of the MCU. The current Inhuman book and Inhumanity has been adding new inhumans where ever they can.

As for Civil War it makes alot of sense. It allows them to give an in story reason for why Thanos wrecks earth and we see the big three get back togther. But pushing it so far allows them far more time to open the scale of the Marvel Universe on the hero side.

Like I said before Marvel is being smart about building up different parts of the MCU, while DC is dropping the ball hard by not connecting thier TV and film properties. Just adding the Flash and Arrow would put them at the same amount of story development the MCU has had at his point.
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Re: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)
« Reply #1262 on: October 14, 2014, 12:38:49 AM »
With the rumors that Marvel is cancelling the Fantastic Four series and downplaying mutants in the comics, I can't help but wonder how much of this is Disney playing hard-ball, running a scorched earth tactic to get these properties back.
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Re: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)
« Reply #1263 on: October 14, 2014, 12:56:41 AM »
With the rumors that Marvel is cancelling the Fantastic Four series and downplaying mutants in the comics, I can't help but wonder how much of this is Disney playing hard-ball, running a scorched earth tactic to get these properties back.

Not a rumor its already been announced that next year Fantastic Four is ending, it was announced during the same panel as the No More Mutants. My main guess is that Se cert Wars ends with a new 52 styler reboot with the universe is changed to be more like the MCU and Civil War is apart of retelling old events for the new universe. Xmen and Fantastic Four will be be pushed into thier own universe so they can still make money off the books with out them touching the mainline stuff.

Currently most of Marvel's book announcements has either been for characters related to the MCU, or for bussiness purposes. SOme of the Avengers Now books announced.

Angela: Assassin of Asgard - She's now a big deal in the MU getting her own mini series dedicated to her being thor and loki's sister and she's pals with the guardians. Marvel now owns the rights to her fully and I could see her being in Thor 3.

Bucky Barnes: Winter Solider- He' the man on the wall protecting the earth from Alien threats and we know Winter Solider is going to be a big deal in the MCU.

Deathlok- A new version of the charcters based on his MCU version who will probably be back this season.

SHIELD - its using the cast of AOS, nuff said.

Hawkeye - he's playing a big part in AOU.

Ant-man - Scott Lang is the main charcter of a book lanching a few months before the movie.

Gamora - This gives all of the non brick members of the guardians a book.

Inhuman - techincally not Avengers NOw but Medusa is on the promo art along with Inferno the new Scott Summers analog.

Operation Sin - a mini series starring Peggy Carter and Howard Stark in the 50s, launching the month that agent carter is out.

The only two charcters on the promo art that haven't gotten books announced yet are Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch.
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Re: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)
« Reply #1264 on: October 14, 2014, 01:26:27 AM »
Not a rumor its already been announced that next year Fantastic Four is ending, it was announced during the same panel as the No More Mutants.

Hm.  Wasn't aware that the F4 cancellation had been set in stone.  Disney is evil. :D

Angela: Assassin of Asgard - She's now a big deal in the MU getting her own mini series dedicated to her being thor and loki's sister and she's pals with the guardians. Marvel now owns the rights to her fully and I could see her being in Thor 3.

Aside from the giant FU to McFarlane, I still don't get this.  The new character has ZERO relation to the old character - why not just create a new character?  It's not like the Angela character really has much brand awareness.  Like, if they got the rights to Superman, then created a new character that really had nothing in common, but still called him Superman, I'd understand because Superman is probably the biggest superhero ever.  But Angela?  No one knows who she is - and those who do don't really care (except, perhaps, some die-hard Spawn fans who really won't care about her as some Thor supporting character)...
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Re: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)
« Reply #1265 on: October 14, 2014, 09:58:06 AM »
Anglea is a bi product of the whole annoucning a ton of female led books in the wake of complaints of not too many female books and movies. The problem so the xmen have most of all the have high profile female characters. Its all good as the books coming out of the act like the Marvels, she-hulk and inhuman are great.

The mini series bringing Angela into the Thor family is pretty good and would make for a third thor movie.

Still unsure how Marvel will do civil war with the small amount if heores and no real secret identities.
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Re: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)
« Reply #1266 on: October 14, 2014, 10:30:03 AM »
To be fair, the Fantastic Four are pretty uninteresting. Their powers were cool when they were invented...these days they're all pretty lame, aside from Human Torch.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)
« Reply #1267 on: October 14, 2014, 01:52:51 PM »
Well I think AoU and Cap 3 are supposed to setup Civil War, all the movies and TV shows after that leading up to A3 or A4 are introducing lots of new characters.

I don't know the storyline, but there should be plenty of heroes to divide before Thanos shows up to crush them all into reuniting again for the greater good.

edit: BadassDigest claims to have been scooped on this story, and offers more insight into everything surrounding it.

I've been sitting on this for a couple of weeks now, waiting to get an ok from my sources to run it... and I got scooped. Well played, Variety.

Well, here's the story: Robert Downey Jr hasn't been negotiating with Marvel for Iron Man 4 - he's been negotiating for Captain America 3. Yes, Iron Man will be co-starring in Cap 3, which is either going to be called Civil War or Fallen Son - I've heard both names getting tossed around.

And this isn't some small bit. This isn't a cameo. Downey will be shooting 30 or 40 days on the film. He's basically co-starring. When Marvel heard that DC moved Batman v Superman off their Cap 3 date they wondered if they had heard the story and knew that Batman versus Superman wasn't going to match up to Captain America versus Iron Man.

I'm not clear on how the Civil War story will play out, since the Marvel Cinematic Universe doesn't have secret IDs to reveal, but I can tell you this: the fallout of Avengers: Age of Ultron is going to be huge in this movie. There is a lot of destruction in that film. It makes an impact.

More than that, Marvel is looking at Cap 3 as Avengers 2.5. It's going to be another ensemble picture, and it could feature Cap's new team from the end of Age of Ultron. Last I heard (and they haven't shot this scene yet, so it could change) that team is Falcon, War Machine, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Black Widow, as well as probably The Vision (although I have been told Black Widow will not be much of a presence in Cap 3). And once again the events of a Captain America movie will reshape the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Remember when I told you Cap wouldn't be in Avengers 3? This is why. At the end of Cap 3 the Marvel Cinematic Universe will be in a tough, dark place, with the heroes scattered and defeated. That will continue through Avengers 3, and it will leave the world open to the threat of Thanos in either Avengers 4 or the big universe-wide team-up movie, whichever comes first.

How closely will Captain America 3 tie in with Avengers 3? I've been told that the Russo Brothers are in talks to direct Avengers 3 and possibly 4. Sources tell me that they're the favorites of Marvel right now and that they are the guys Kevin Feige want to pick up the mantle from Joss Whedon.

tl;dr version:
-RDJ had been negotiating for Cap 3 not IM4
-Cap 3 will be called either Civil War or Fallen Son
-Ironman will NOT be a cameo, but will practically co-star, like BW in Cap2
-Marvel wondered if DC moved BvS because they heard Cap 3 was Cap vs IM....
-Huge Fallout from AoU leads into Cap 3 which is basically Avengers 2.5
-Cap's speculative Team will be (Falcon, War Machine, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and Black Widow, as well as probably The Vision)
-Cap won't be in A3 and Thanos won't happen till A4
-The Russo Bros. are in talks to direct A3 & A4, due to how much Cap 3 ties into those 2 movies.
-*Speculation as to how Civil War will playout*:
at the end of Age of Ultron Tony Stark retires from The Avengers and possibly even from being Iron Man. He feels very responsible for what happened in that film, as the Ultron project was his brainchild. Here's my guess for Cap 3: with that in mind, and aware of the destruction his out of control robot caused, Tony thinks that the Age of Miracles is too unregulated. With the fall of SHIELD there's simply no one keeping tabs on everybody. That scene of Black Widow in front of the Congressional committee in The WInter Soldier was a late addition, and it speaks to this - these super beings are answering to no one. And Tony decides that's wrong. Which brings him into direct conflict with Captain America, who is still leading a team of Avengers. I don't think this will follow the exact outline of the comic book story, but simply take the concept and the beloved Marvel idea of heroes battling.

-Not sure if Cap "dies" or just hangs up the Shield (allowing Evans to take time to do his directorial stuff), but he will be back for A4
-**Spider-man is coming to the MCU - ink has dried on that deal
« Last Edit: October 14, 2014, 03:54:55 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

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Re: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)
« Reply #1268 on: October 14, 2014, 05:22:29 PM »
I am personally glad that they are splitting MCU, X, and FF Universe.

MCU just doesn't fit Marvel's First Family anymore and there just isn't enough room for the X Universe to thrive.

The X Universe really needs the room to play and the room to not have to take another marketable segments into account.
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Re: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)
« Reply #1269 on: October 14, 2014, 06:30:23 PM »
Why wouldn't F4 fit into the MCU?

the only reason Marvel is killing the comic, besides it's supposed terrible sales, is to not give Fox any more story ideas, free advertising, and stop spending time on it when they can't leverage that to Box Office (or merchandising) Bucks for the foreseeable future.

X-Men on the other hand has a plethora of chracters and stories that just wouldn't fit into the MCU as is right now anyway, so it's best if Fox keeps it, takes it seriously, and expands their X-verse as best they can. F4 on the other hand needs to return to Marvel. Same with Spider-man.

If Marvel can't figure out a way to get Spidey back outright, then at least take over the creative and profit share with Sony.

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Re: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)
« Reply #1270 on: October 14, 2014, 09:39:38 PM »
I think F4 will be back in Marvel hands by the time AOU comes out. It will just take the flop of the new film at this point.

Hoping the rumor of Spiderman getting into the MCU are true. I have been boycotting everything Spidey in hopes of seeing this happen. Marvel needs to gather back it's wayward children.
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Re: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)
« Reply #1271 on: October 14, 2014, 10:30:07 PM »
F4 comes out between AoU and Ant-Man, so you must mean by the time of Cap 3.

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Re: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)
« Reply #1272 on: October 14, 2014, 11:23:20 PM »
I think F4 will be back in Marvel hands by the time AOU comes out. It will just take the flop of the new film at this point.

Hoping the rumor of Spiderman getting into the MCU are true. I have been boycotting everything Spidey in hopes of seeing this happen. Marvel needs to gather back it's wayward children.

F4 isn't coming back. Even if F4 bombs fox has another seven years to make another and to **** with marvel they can out out a shot in one day direct to DVD joint to keep the lisence.
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Re: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)
« Reply #1273 on: October 15, 2014, 12:15:21 AM »
Ladies and Gentlemen, Pym in Pink

and T.I. talks about his role in Ant-Man

When the radio host stereotypically asked if the American Gangster actor will be playing a gangster in the Marvel adaptation, T.I. said he was not and that he "can't really talk too much about it.... but I will say I play a superhero's homeboy."

Who is T.I. possibly playing?

Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)
« Reply #1274 on: October 15, 2014, 12:55:06 AM »
Here are my two cents.  Having several definitions for super powered beings is confusing. 

A)  These people are mutants because they were born with an X-gene that gave them enhanced powers.
B)  These people are not mutants because they have no X-gene, but they have enhanced powers from some other source  IE:  Spiderman, Captain America, ect.

I think the Inhuman term could be used as a catch phrase for all "Super powered characters" this would allow the universe to be defined simply.  It would give Marvel their characters back...and it would actually broaden the idea of them vs us world.  The funny thing is, though it would bring Marvel closer to DC in that sense.  DC only has Humans, Meta-Humans, and Aliens. 

This is how I could see Captain America 3 and Avengers 2 playing out.  Inhumans are introduced to the world.  Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver known mutants in Marvel Comics are labelled as inhumans.  While trying to define the term Captain America realizes he would be classified as an inhuman and is offended, and realizes that any actions against the inhumans is much like segregation, which is an issue Captain America is more sensitive too than the modern world.  He breaks off from the main Avengers and forms an in-humans team of Avengers.

If Spiderman is in the movies he will be introduced in Captain America 3, with the famous seen of Spiderman revealing himself to the world.  It will be a shock as there will be no publicity for it...and Marvel will try to keep it extremely secret.