Author Topic: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)  (Read 1190432 times)

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Offline nickmitch

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If they do a Ms Marvel movie, it's gonna be Carol.  There's zero chance they do it with Kamala.  At least not at first.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Wright leaves Ant-man after 8 years of stalling :(

Visionary differences is the reason.
I guess Marvel made too many changes to the Ant-man script for Edgars liking.
But what do you expect when your movie was supposed to happen 6+ years ago!?

This kinda deflates Ant-man hype, but maybe the new director will make sense too.

edit: and this was from earlier this week...

Can only wonder what happened.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2014, 09:01:24 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline shingi_70

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If they do a Ms Marvel movie, it's gonna be Carol.  There's zero chance they do it with Kamala.  At least not at first.

Nah they're going to go straight to Cap Marvel carol. One of the reasons why she got the promotion is that Marvel doesn't have that many iconic female avengers.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Regarding Wright not being Right for Ant-man

rumor has it that after 8 years of stalling, after the past few years of reworking the script to fit in to the MCU, after allowing Wright to skip Phase 2 in order to finish his Cornetto Trilogy, after finally setting a firm date of July 2015, after giving Wright time to get pre-production and test shots how he wanted them, Marvel finally had to make the tough call and let Wright go since even after all that, he was still VERY BEHIND on production.Which put him in danger of not making the date & being over budget, 2 things Marvel doesn't like.

This info comes from one of the actors (Young Pym) on set.

Joss Whedon responds as well:

edit: Borys Kit (Hollywood Reporter) says that Namor is back at Marvel.
In an interview with IGN, Fiege says that it's complicated.

Which could mean a few different things... shared rights? exclusive distribution? who knows.
or maybe the rights have fully reverted in the last month or so.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2014, 10:33:36 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline Ceric

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Regarding Wright not being Right for Ant-man

rumor has it that after 8 years of stalling, after the past few years of reworking the script to fit in to the MCU, after allowing Wright to skip Phase 2 in order to finish his Cornetto Trilogy, after finally setting a firm date of July 2015, after giving Wright time to get pre-production and test shots how he wanted them, Marvel finally had to make the tough call and let Wright go since even after all that, he was still VERY BEHIND on production.Which put him in danger of not making the date & being over budget, 2 things Marvel doesn't like.

This info comes from one of the actors (Young Pym) on set.

Joss Whedon responds as well:

edit: Borys Kit (Hollywood Reporter) says that Namor is back at Marvel.
In an interview with IGN, Fiege says that it's complicated.

Which could mean a few different things... shared rights? exclusive distribution? who knows.
or maybe the rights have fully reverted in the last month or so.
Wow that seems more than generous.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Latino Review has a different take:

Says that Disney/Marvel execs demanded rewrites to fit the movie better into the overall MCU as it stands now, the rewrites were apparently not to Wrights liking, so he exercised his option to walk.

The prep on this film has been forever and it was impossible to be behind schedule because the entire production was out on hiatus by Marvel for duration of the script's rewrite. Families left homes to work on the movie in Atlanta and were now suddenly in limbo.

So about the rewrite...

About 3 months ago, Marvel had notes. The meat of the notes were about the core morality of the piece, must include franchise characters. etc., These notes came from the big four at Marvel. Joe Cornish and Edgar Wright did two drafts to try and answer the notes without compromising their vision.

6 weeks ago Marvel took the script off them and gave the writing assignment to two very low credit writers. One of the writers were from Marvel's in house writing team. Edgar stayed cool, agreed to stay on the project, and read the draft.

The script came in this week and was completely undone. Poorer, homogenized, and not Edgar's vision. Edgar met with Marvel on Friday to formally exit and the announcement went out directly after.

Edgar & Joe were upset by the sudden, out of nowhere lack of faith in them as filmmakers. Fiege had always batted for them but this felt like it came from the higher ups.

Where does this leave the cast? Well, it is believed they don't have the option to walk like Edgar did.

Regardless of what happened, we still have to blame Wright for not getting it done sooner. The movie the way he wrote it probably would have worked as is if it was released years ago (it was in works before Ironman.... it had a 2nd chance right after The Avengers), but now things have changed. The script would need to change to fit in with recent developments, can't fault fully Marvel for that.

Wright has delayed for far too long, but I would hope that Marvel informed Wright of the outline they have for future MCU movies and how Ant-man should fit into that, the work together to get the script to fit. Either way I have to shoulder most of the blame on Wright for not delivering after 8 years of Marvel generosity... unfortunately, Marvel has to answer to Disney now, so it may not have entirely been their call, but the MCU as a whole is NOW alot bigger than one directors vision for one character for one movie.

Offline shingi_70

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According to Latino review Drew Goddard is off of Daredevil.

Think that's going to be a mistake on his part.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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I just came to post that. I'm guessing money came into play, because Daredevil was a passion project of his and he was super excited to do it as he idolized the character since he was a child.

Edit: Looks like they already replaced him though
« Last Edit: May 24, 2014, 04:26:02 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline Plugabugz

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Latino Review has a different take:

Says that Disney/Marvel execs demanded rewrites to fit the movie better into the overall MCU as it stands now, the rewrites were apparently not to Wrights liking, so he exercised his option to walk.

The prep on this film has been forever and it was impossible to be behind schedule because the entire production was out on hiatus by Marvel for duration of the script's rewrite. Families left homes to work on the movie in Atlanta and were now suddenly in limbo.

So about the rewrite...

About 3 months ago, Marvel had notes. The meat of the notes were about the core morality of the piece, must include franchise characters. etc., These notes came from the big four at Marvel. Joe Cornish and Edgar Wright did two drafts to try and answer the notes without compromising their vision.

6 weeks ago Marvel took the script off them and gave the writing assignment to two very low credit writers. One of the writers were from Marvel's in house writing team. Edgar stayed cool, agreed to stay on the project, and read the draft.

The script came in this week and was completely undone. Poorer, homogenized, and not Edgar's vision. Edgar met with Marvel on Friday to formally exit and the announcement went out directly after.

Edgar & Joe were upset by the sudden, out of nowhere lack of faith in them as filmmakers. Fiege had always batted for them but this felt like it came from the higher ups.

Where does this leave the cast? Well, it is believed they don't have the option to walk like Edgar did.

Regardless of what happened, we still have to blame Wright for not getting it done sooner. The movie the way he wrote it probably would have worked as is if it was released years ago (it was in works before Ironman.... it had a 2nd chance right after The Avengers), but now things have changed. The script would need to change to fit in with recent developments, can't fault fully Marvel for that.

Wright has delayed for far too long, but I would hope that Marvel informed Wright of the outline they have for future MCU movies and how Ant-man should fit into that, the work together to get the script to fit. Either way I have to shoulder most of the blame on Wright for not delivering after 8 years of Marvel generosity... unfortunately, Marvel has to answer to Disney now, so it may not have entirely been their call, but the MCU as a whole is NOW alot bigger than one directors vision for one character for one movie.

Somehow i think this will affect Wright very little going forward, versus how Terrence Howard has been on a downward slide since being dropped from Iron Man 2.

Offline Ceric

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At this point I think they should just drop Ant Man.  He be way confusing to really introduce at this point.  Disney should have insisted that they keep the original time line.  That would have worked.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Latino review is doubling down in blaming high up Disney execs for meddling in the movies, and that it's only going to get worse going forward.
It will be a sad day for me if that turns out to be true.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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According to Latino review Drew Goddard is off of Daredevil.

Think that's going to be a mistake on his part.

Despite all the other "DOOM & GLOOM" Marvel news of the day, I'm gonna stick with thie was a money and directing opportunity for Goddard.
He already wrote the 1st 2 episodes of Daredevil, and is staying on as "Consultant" while working on Sony's Sinister 6 movie that he will also direct.
So he will still be involved, just not as directly as before, and his replacement is supposedly really good with lots of proven track record. So all should be fine when it comes to Daredevil.

Ant-man is a whole different story. We have to wait to see what's real from whats BS and who is taking over the directors chair.  Hopefully it will be Joe Cornish, who also helped "Wright" the script and has been practically part of the movie since the beginning. Hopefully it was all a time tables thing where Disney Exec decided to swing the Pimp Hand over continued missed deadlines and not a re-scripting issue like has been reported.

I remember an interview with Fiege a while back stating that he was enjoying working with Wright on retooling his script to fit in more nicely with the current MCU and that it was coming along great. I can't see them suddenly scrapping all that to go left field on everyone involved, especially after casting, and pre-production has mostly been done, for a last minute rewrite that changed everything... unless it was retconning Ultron into the story somehow so that it call back to A2 right before it.

Offline UncleBob

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Latino review is doubling down in blaming high up Disney execs for meddling in the movies, and that it's only going to get worse going forward.

I can't help but think this would be really, really stupid of Disney.  Marvel has a proven track record at this point.  The only thing I can thing would be Marvel saying "Yeah, give us more money so we can do all this super-crazy stuff." and Disney saying "No."...
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Offline Ceric

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I think all the Higher Ups will really do is stop Marvel from Creating 1 offs that don't fit into the Universe under the Marvel brand.
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Offline nickmitch

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If they do a Ms Marvel movie, it's gonna be Carol.  There's zero chance they do it with Kamala.  At least not at first.

Nah they're going to go straight to Cap Marvel carol. One of the reasons why she got the promotion is that Marvel doesn't have that many iconic female avengers.

I guess so. 
TVman is dead. I killed him and took his posts.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Latino review is doubling down in blaming high up Disney execs for meddling in the movies, and that it's only going to get worse going forward.

I can't help but think this would be really, really stupid of Disney.  Marvel has a proven track record at this point.  The only thing I can thing would be Marvel saying "Yeah, give us more money so we can do all this super-crazy stuff." and Disney saying "No."...

I'm not sure what to make of it, but until there is more proof, beside the prior meddling in Ironman 2 to include more Avengers stuff, which ultimately paid off in the long run even if it hurt that movie, Disney has more or less stayed out of it and let Fiege call the shots.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

The Daredevil thing is due to needing to choose a mini-series on Netflix for your favorite character, or a BIG paycheck tasked with writing and directing a big budget theater release related to Spider-man... not a hard choice to make for someone trying to make it in this industry, and he was immediately replaced with someone just as competent and able to provide a good show.

This Ant-Man thing just reeks of Wright dragging his feet for too long, and now that things need to change to fit into the overall landscape, Wright had to get with the picture or move on. He chose to move on. I don't think it's all related like L-R was trying to push in their "Marvel Is DOOOOMED!!!" article(s).

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Latino-Review broke this earlier as a rumor, but Variety now confirms that Charlie Cox (Stardust/Boardwalk Empire) will star as Daredevil in the Netflix series.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Sounds like the Latino Review "Marvel is DOOOMED!!" article may have been complete bullshit.

Wright apparently left due to changes that needed to be made to the script to line up with the current and future MCU (pour out a little liquor for the Ant-man that could have been 2-8 years ago...). But he ain't mad, his next movie is a Disney movie.... and now it's starring Johnny Depp
remake of Kolchak: The Night Stalker

edit: Hollywood Reporter is backing this too (which lines up with my original thought of the MCU being bigger than Wright/Ant-Man now) and they also have this interesting quote:
Ant-Man's tone might have been too quirky for the Marvel universe. Insiders say Marvel feels it already might have gone outside its comfort zone with August's Guardians of the Galaxy, a space adventure heavy on odd humor and featuring a talking raccoon.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 10:23:12 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline nickmitch

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Sounds like they're nervous about how GotG is gonna do.
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Offline Ceric

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Sounds like they're nervous about how GotG is gonna do.
They be crazy not to be but, from everything I've seen so far I think they'll be pleasantly surprised if they don't expect Avenger Character sized money piles.  I have yet to see anything that makes me think that his will not meet the Pedigree of the Rest of the MCU.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Fiege & Whedon have both commented on the cut of GotG that they have seen and both agreed that the only fault they see is that there wasn't more Gunn in the movie. Meaning they loved it and wouldn't mind an extra scene or two tweaked with a little more James Gunn humor/style

Having said that, we have all known that GotG was going to be their biggest gamble to date, being in space and with a relatively unknown crew and no direct connection to The Avengers or cameo's by anyone in the previous movies (outside of Thanos). But I can guarantee you that the budget was probably less than $175M (~$150ish maybe) and that it will only need to make $400M WW to be considered a successful gamble. I think on the Marvel studios name alone, it will pull that, and assuming word of mouth is any good, it will pull at least $500M WW, which is really good for a new IP in the MCU stable.

If this movie succeeds, then that paves the way for quirkier heroes like Ant-man and fantastical experiences like Dr. Strange. and what it really paves the way for is the balls to the wall GotG sequel that will follow in 2017/18 with Mantis, Warlock, Dick Rider/Nova and who knows what other space/celestial characters.

Offline nickmitch

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Well, Ant-Man is coming (at least I hope so).  What I'm hoping Guardians does is allow Marvel to go "out side the box" and let characters thrive in their own environments (e.g., Black Panther being entirely in Africa, or Ironfist being a straight up Kung-Fu Flick).
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Offline Ceric

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Black Panther has to come out of Africa for some of his character.  Ironfist should be a Kung-Fu Flick.  If Memory serves doesn't he do a buddy cop detective type thing later.   Memory could just be fuzzy.
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Offline nickmitch

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Luke Cage and Iron Fist in a buddy cop "Heroes For Hire" movie would be AMAZING.

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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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That will be their season 2 making room for The Punisher to get his own show too.