Author Topic: Last week it was M$, this week it is Nokia, next week it is some other loser  (Read 4044 times)

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Offline nonjagged

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Nokia says GBA is for 10 year olds and if you take one out of your pocket after hours they are trying to imply that you will get ridiculed for being a "kiddie". LOL maybe Nokia should release Xrated software for the Ngage-in-Frustration. Because their image right now is non-existant and they need to build up a gimmicky image real quick before the bombed-out launch.

Nokia just lost another customer. I am no longer interested in any future Nokia phones nor any future M$ O/S's or
PC-platforms-hidden-in-a-console for that matter.

When will these loser corporations wake up to themselves?

Offline Artimus

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While I wouldn't cut my nose off despite my face and stop buying Nokia products, I agree this comment was enraging. But let's think of it this way: The N-Gage will never sell 10-systems a minute. Never. And 10 year olds don't buy that many systems. It was a very unprofessional comment, and I'm disappointed in them.

Offline Ian Sane

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"If you're 20 or 25 years old, it's probably not a good idea to draw a GameBoy out of your pocket on a Friday night in a public space"

What the hell does he mean by "it's not a good idea".  What, are people going to gun you down if you pull out a GBA in public.  "Hey that guy's got a GBA!" "Get him!" *BLAM* *BLAM*

I think this is a REALLY dumb statement to make.  Though Nokia will claim otherwise a good portion of their potential customers probably already own a GBA so publicly bashing them likely isn't a good idea.

Doesn't matter what Nokia says anyway since I've never EVER read any good impressions of the N-Gage and it's already a guaranteed flop.

Offline aoi tsuki

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Regardless of how good (or bad) the system is, it's success will be limited by lack of cell coverage from compatible carriers. Granted, you could buy it just for the games, but at $300 only the insanely hardcore will apply.
"Snake felt a hunger for Meryl blossom within his loins."

Offline Grey Ninja

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Originally posted by: Ian Sane
"If you're 20 or 25 years old, it's probably not a good idea to draw a GameBoy out of your pocket on a Friday night in a public space"

What the hell does he mean by "it's not a good idea".  What, are people going to gun you down if you pull out a GBA in public.  "Hey that guy's got a GBA!" "Get him!" *BLAM* *BLAM*

I think this is a REALLY dumb statement to make.  Though Nokia will claim otherwise a good portion of their potential customers probably already own a GBA so publicly bashing them likely isn't a good idea.

Doesn't matter what Nokia says anyway since I've never EVER read any good impressions of the N-Gage and it's already a guaranteed flop.

I regularly play Pokemon on my GBA in public places.  I would really like to know why it's a bad idea, as nothing bad has ever happened to me.  I mean, I am not in elementary school.  People aren't going to throw rocks at me for enjoying a good game.
Once I had, a little game
I liked to crawl back into my brain
I think you know the game I mean

Offline Cube323

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Grey Ninja, you make a great point.  A good game is a good game.  

My 48 year old boss plays that Gba tetris on a regular basis.  Plus I have now hooked him on Wario Ware.  This whole idea of GBA being for kids is just corporate propaganda/mind control.  They spend millions to get you the consumer, to think what they want you to think.  This is one of my main gripes with a certain rival coproration.

Seriosly, the whole GameBoy phenonminon started because adults were buying the original GameBoy to play tetris.  To
this date their are over 200 million GB/GBPocket/GBC/GBA/sp's worldwide.  Those people are not all kids.

Resist mind control!  Thats all this sort of disinformation really is.  It's also nothing more than aggressive marketing spin.  Arm yourself with knowledge!

Offline Grey Ninja

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Near as I can tell, this guy is being ridiculed pretty much everywhere.  Nobody likes the N-Gage, and people like it even less now.
Once I had, a little game
I liked to crawl back into my brain
I think you know the game I mean

Offline Joey

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I think it should also be mentioned that the GBA SP is a nice looking device that would not likley be consider "kiddy" on sight and even if the game was something that may be considered to be (by some) I doubt anyone would be looking at the system closely enough to see it.  This was not as a good move.

Offline aoi tsuki

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Sounds like an error in translation to me. i think the comment was meant to say "it wouldn't be considered cool to play a GBA [but the N-Gage *is* cool]." i'd really like to see how playing Sonic on NG is any cooler than on GBA. Maybe they could team up with Pepsi Co. and use Mountain Dew ads to show how extremely cool it is to play NG while slamming a Dew while snowboarding down a mountain in your boxers.

i play my SP whenever and whereever i want. i get a few comments on it; some think it's a PDA, other think it just looks cool. i think the popularity of the SP with older gamers proves that the Gameboy isn't "just for kids".


Resist mind control! Thats all this sort of disinformation really is. It's also nothing more than aggressive marketing spin. Arm yourself with knowledge!

Advertising/marketing is often a form of programming. All companies do it to get you to buy their products and/or services. The main thing is that there's some companies we don't mind doing it compared to others.
"Snake felt a hunger for Meryl blossom within his loins."

Offline BlkPaladin

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Yes it is. I found it really interesting when it comes to advertising. A group of beings that claim they are so individual and undependent on others for there decision seem to like to be herded to the next thing that is cool and popular.
Stupidity is lost on my. Then again I'm almost always lost.

Offline nonjagged

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Originally posted by: Artimus
While I wouldn't cut my nose off despite my face and stop buying Nokia products, I agree this comment was enraging. But let's think of it this way: The N-Gage will never sell 10-systems a minute. Never. And 10 year olds don't buy that many systems. It was a very unprofessional comment, and I'm disappointed in them.

Im not implying I will spam bomb the silly fool's email address with hate.
Nor will I file off my nose as a protest.
Was implying that next time I consider upgrading my mobile phone, you can probably rest assured that an insulted customer like me will not consider the options of purchasing a Nokia and will look elsewhere.
Fair and Simple. Not radical. To think that in the late eighties Asian companies introduced ethical/fair/respectful promotional slogans like "please consider" etc to then decades later have mediocre companies like M$ or Nokia attack its competition, just proves the "new world IT order" is run by arrogant insulting aggressors.
I simply forgoe their services because they dont deserve me as a customer.

Also it just proves Nokia etc is clueless about gaming. Gaming is about having fun. Not about dictating Image Perception.


Offline VariantX

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They're right..... what self-respecting 10 year old has 500 bucks to plunk down on a over blown cel phone with crappy games?  Then again... what self respecting adult has 500 bucks to plunk down on an over blown cel phone with crappy games?  You can buy both for less than half of what that thing costs and still have cash for games left over out of that 500 bucks.  Since they couldnt sell it in any other way they use gaming as a way to get the tech-heads excited about it which is where the hype comes from mostly.  Oh, god i cant WAIT to see this thing crash and burn just so I can stand over its charred remains and laugh at it.  When the first half decent competition for the handheld market comes along (PSP I guess) then i can get excited.

Offline Infernal Monkey

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Originally posted by: aoi tsuki
Sounds like an error in translation to me. i think the comment was meant to say "it wouldn't be considered cool to play a GBA [but the N-Gage *is* cool]." i'd really like to see how playing Sonic on NG is any cooler than on GBA.

Because to play Sonic on the NG, you have to fart around with the battery cover, and break your wrists trying to press those piss small buttons. That's hardcore. Only cool people buy a phone for games. Who wants a dedicated hand held system when you could be wasting your phones battery by breaking your wrists on Tomb Raider 45.3?

Offline HolyPaladin

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Dang, I never did get around to replying to this thread when I read it the other day.  That Ilkka Raiskinen fellow needs a good foot in the crotch just for being stupid.  I wanted to personally slap him silly.  It sounds like I might not be the only one.  Man, if only Nokia could hear people's thoughts about it.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

- Edmund Burke

If whatever I just posted sounds rude/hateful/whatever then you probably read it wrong, but I will insert apology here, anyways, just in case.

Offline Sabres Fan

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With the price of N-Gage you can buy a GBA SP, a quality phone, and a game or 2. It's rediculous. I'm on another gaming message board, and there's someone there who is well into his forties, maybe even fifties I can't remember, who says he's not ashamed to sit in a mall playing his GBA SP with headphones on while he's waiting for his wife. It is clear that Nokia is out of whack.
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Offline mouse_clicker

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Meh, I'm sure the guy got blasted with tons of hatemail since Gabe over at PA wrote up his "opinion" on the subject. You know how rabid PA fans are.
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Offline JB

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This is a page with a picture of the guy that said it.
AC Name:Jan

Offline Matthew

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This is a page with a picture of the guy that said it.

Yeah, and he really looks like the absolute epitomy of coolness. I don't think he's hanging around with 25 year olds playing N-Gage on Friday nights.