Author Topic: The Ad Blocker Argument  (Read 3736 times)

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Offline UncleBob

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The Ad Blocker Argument
« on: September 07, 2013, 12:25:48 PM »
I use an ad blocker.  Period.

I know that many websites operators hate this.  A lot.  Some sites will ban you if they find out you're using an ad blocker.  The HUGE increase in various ad blockers is getting a lot of press lately, so I figured I would explain why I like ad blockers - and, just maybe, change a mind or two out there.

1.) Limited data plans: Many cell phone providers (and some home internet providers) only provide for limited data.  They limit your data by one of two ways - first, they may only allow you to use X amount of data before you have to pay more money.  Let me assure you, I will NOT pay money to look at your ads.  Second, they may cut your speeds (or cut you off completely) if you reach certain data thresholds.  Granted, those thresholds aren't likely to be anything most users (myself included) will hit, but why risk having to deal with it?

2.) Tracking: I use an ad block program that removes all those annoying social media buttons.  I'm not a huge Facebook or Twitter user and I *don't* like the idea of anyone following me everywhere I go on the internet.  I mean, we all get up in arms when the government does it - but we're supposed to just sit there and be happy when Facebook follows us around everywhere?  Bullshit.  Remove those damned social media trackers from your website, then we'll talk.  Oh, wait, you can't do that because it'll hurt your internet rankings.  Pretty awesome scheme that these companies have.  They build an empire based on advertising, track users so they can better target their advertisements, then blacklist any sites that don't want to play along with their tracking schemes.

3.) Types of ads: You know, back when there used to just be banner ads, things weren't too bad.  Then, there was animated ads.  Then, ads with sound.  Now, full video ads.  Damn advertisers have figured out an exploit that will force your iOS or Android device to launch the store and bring you to specific download pages (oh, and it still hasn't been fixed!).  This is complete bullshit.  Keep it up with annoying ads and I'll keep using an ad blocker.

4.) Content of ads: I'm no prude, but I had checked into my Facebook account on my phone the other day (using the browser, not the battery-sucking, life draining app) and what am I greeted with?  A Budwiser ad that consists of a close up photo of a woman's breasts next to a bottle of beer.  This is while I'm out to lunch with my boss.  How awesome does this look?  I don't need this **** and the ad blocker keeps me from having to deal with it.  Then, there are the ads that are just blatant scams, which leads to...

5.) 'Not my problem': When you approach the hosts of a particular site about the content of ads, you generally get virtually pre-written statement along the lines of "We just use X service for our ads and don't have control over what kinds of ads they show."  Guess what - I do have control, and that control is none.  Take responsibility for the content of your site if you want me to view all of it.

Content providers - you need ads to survive.  I don't.  Therefore, it is up to you to cater to me.  Non-intrusive, tasteful ads that aren't used to track me all over the internet and aren't data heavy.  I don't ask for much. :D
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: The Ad Blocker Argument
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2013, 03:19:02 PM »
Yeah I use adblock on Chrome, and adfree on Android.
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Offline Ceric

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Re: The Ad Blocker Argument
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2013, 05:50:56 PM »
I actually wanted to follow a Printer ad the other day on here and ... The ad didn't work.  I clicked it and it didn't work at all.  That and I get ads that aren't relevant for me 80% of the time.  With all the data I think ad  targeting is worse now then when I was a kid.  So most of the time I do block ads.
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so, I don't have to edit as Much.

Offline Plugabugz

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Re: The Ad Blocker Argument
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2013, 10:14:14 AM »
You didn't mention the elephant in the room, that everyone skips:


Some adverts are so SO intrusive they send my firefox into a massive hissy fit (and i have 16gb ram to play with) and its nearly always full screened flash adverts that did it.

Now i have had to double up with flashblock on top to get them all.

Offline Gwellin

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Re: The Ad Blocker Argument
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2013, 01:59:01 PM »
I actually supported the AdTrap KickStarter (a router with built-in ad blocking), and should be getting my unit within a couple weeks. I love AdBlock in Firefox, however that doesn't help me with my iOS devices. I intentionally avoid viewing websites on my iPhone and iPad because I know I will be inundated with ads. Ads is also a big reason why I lost any little interest I had in getting an XBox 360, and the subsequent XBone.

UncleBob, I agree with the entirety of your arguments, but have to add that FaceBook is by far the worst of the social media buttons. It causes something around 25 requests, just for that little button on any given page. Twitter isn't so bad, due to their embracing of the Do Not Track setting in browsers (look around your options to enable that, though many sites, including Google and Facebook, ignore it).
« Last Edit: September 15, 2013, 02:02:13 PM by Gwellin »

Offline UncleBob

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Re: The Ad Blocker Argument
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2013, 02:07:58 PM »
I wasn't even aware of AdTrap.  Hm.
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline Gwellin

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Re: The Ad Blocker Argument
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2013, 02:28:24 PM »
I wasn't even aware of AdTrap.  Hm.
This is their website:
I think I paid around $80 for it via KickStarter, but had to wait a year to receive it. It is suppose to support VPN as well, so your phone could have its data pass through your home internet, blocking ads even when away.

Offline lolmonade

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Re: The Ad Blocker Argument
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2013, 05:12:32 PM »
I don't use ad blockers because I can't be bothered to install plug-ins for my web browsers.  If I find a website I frequent gets too obscene/user unfriendly with the ads they have, I simply stop going to the website.

I don't particularly care for the changes made to the forums here to get more ad space since I started visiting, but it hasn't been offensive enough for me to quit visiting NWR yet.