Author Topic: What Nintendo could have done for year one (but can still implement!)  (Read 14443 times)

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Offline sweetfeathery

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Let me just note that my main point isn't made until half way through the post... please be patient or as I tie in everything together :)

Its hard for me to write this post. On one had I do not want to look like another ranting fan bashing a console that is less than a year old, but I have to remind myself how much I have stood by for Nintendo over the years and watched poor management decisions play into the current state Nintendo is in.

[/size]Nintendo set the world on fire when they launched the Wii. I remember working at GameStop monitoring the line of people go in and get their consoles. One guy had a power glove on and had it play a Zelda chime as he held the Wii system up above his head when his transaction had finished. I remember the months that followed getting the calls "Do you have the Wii in stock?" and "Why can't I find the damn thing?!" They launched it perfectly. The console came with Wii Sports, a game that once you picked up the tv style remote and realized that to swing the bowling ball on screen you made the motion yourself you just HAD to have one. Everyone wanted to get it for their work place, their kids, or college dorm rooms. This overwhelming success showed that Nintendo was not leaving the home console market to the many who had stated during the GameCube era that it was its only option.
[/size]The Wii was not the only product that they had in their catalog. They also held full control over the handheld market with the Nintendo DS, a system that not only could play Game Boy Advance games, but had, by that time, built up a solid amount of must have titles. The momentum kept going for Nintendo. They had launched Pokemon Diamond and Pearl in April of 2007 on the Nintendo DS which just about wiped any store clean that was carrying the console. Every kid had to own a DS for this game. They would go as far as to trade in their entire collection of games if it meant getting a high enough trade in credit to buy the DS and a copy of the new Pokemon.
[/size]From that time on I was still working at GameStop and saw the Wii continue its strong sales. Games like Super Smash lead the way and no one could get their hands on Mario Kart due to the game being printed in one part of the world and the wheel peripheral in another. Yet Nintendo dropped another "catch the world on fire" product on us known as Wii Fit. Another exercise product that would ultimately share a spot in the closet with all our other workout equipment, but still have made a big mark on the game industry as a whole. Now doctors wanted to have a Wii to put in their offices for kids to use, and elderly waned it for their retirement homes for something to do if they were not playing Wii Bowling or watching Jeopardy. Getting a Wii was still hard to get a hold of without having to call store to store, but now Nintendo had put this on the market?! We just had more to talk and joke about at work with how bad the inventory was coming through.
[/size]Microsoft and Sony eventually caught wind, Sony tried to cash in with the Move controller.... yeah I'm not going to say anymore there. But then Microsoft had launched the Kinect, which was a open attack on Nintendo's casual market. It was around that time people who had a Wii were getting "bored" with it and wanted something "cooler". If I can translate what this meant, it was the fact that kids who bought the Wii at launch were now in their teenage years, and the growing popularity of playing Call of Duty online was what was more appealing to them... not playing Wii Sports.
[/size]People were moving onto the more powerful HD consoles for experiences that were not capable on the Wii. Game "ports" were rubbish and the system was cluttered with party and music games. There were some third party developers who threw in the towel at delivering core games for the Wii due to the fact that the systems controls were now feeling more like a gimmick and with low preforming hardware specs, it was more appealing to make games on the Xbox and Playstation.
[/size]I am going to stop reminiscing about the past because it is this point in time that I want to discuss. Nintendo should have realized early on, that if they could not release a strong line up of year one titles then they would had to do something different. Nintendo has gained so much strength with the Wii and DS, but they chose to go into this fight playing it safe. It knew that the threat of more powerful consoles was coming. They knew that the biggest strength it had for convincing the consumer to invent in their new home console would be the fact Nintendo is the only console that can have Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon played on it.
[/size]Back when the decline began, Nintendo should have put together a team to approach and pitch their catalog of Nintendo IPs to outside developers, who had the experience needed for creating games on a HD console.They would offer to fully fund any game that was established from a current Nintendo franchise. Nintendo still has the money to heavily invest in developers who could explore new worlds within their established IPs. Imagine if you will if we had seen showcased at e3 2012 launch titles such as Star Fox, Metroid, Kirby, the F Zero series, Kid Icarus and even bigger properties from Nintendo like The Legend of Zelda and Mario (Super Mario RPG 2 anyone?).
[/size]I'm going out on a limb here, but Nintendo could have even have reached out to studios like Bioware, Bethesda, and Blizzard and offered to fully fund any game that they would come up with for the Wii U console. This could range from a western take on a Nintendo license or a new western IP that will only be found on the Wii U.
[/size]I am not trying to make this post into a "should have, could have". I want this to be a wake up call to Nintendo! Nintendo needs to stop sitting on their hands telling us that they don't know how to release a new F Zero! Now is the time to get aggressive! It's likely that the Wii U will pick up within the next year, but the first year could have been Nintendo's year. A year that the Wii U would have had to itself with potential system selling titles. A year to show that the drought we suffered through with the Wii had paid off. Nintendo missed this opportunity but it still has time to right these wrongs.

Offline Kytim89

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I agree with the point of this topic. The thing that the Wii U needs besides a price cut is games. Nintendo needs to contract all of its western partners to make such games as Star Fox, Metroid, and F-Zero to name a few. They need to money hat certain strategic third party developers (T2/Rockstar and GTA V), but not the whole industry.
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Offline Spak-Spang

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Nintendo could and still could have released Wii U viritual console support by allowing all the Wii virtual console games to be played within the Wii U.  Then as they upgrade the game to allow Wii U features a friend message tells them an update is available for a small price.  Buying the games for the first time on the Wii U gives you the update free when it is available.

Instantly, makes the Wii U library tolerable.  Specially if they do it with Wiiware games as well. 


Nintendo could start seeing they have TOO many controller options and downsizing the options.  Make the Wiimote and nunchuk a combo for the same price as the wiimote now.  Then Offer Wiimote, Pro Controller, and Tablet are the only options. 


Nintendo could begin talking to 3rd parties and arranging them to design 2nd tier Nintendo IPs for the Wii U.  Announce the partnerships now and why the teams were hand picked for the projects.  Make it a huge announcement with several key games being developed.  Give the team 2 years to develop the game so people know it is coming sooner than later.  Some games could be made perhaps in 1 year.


Create a robust account and online structure to play games.

Offline Kytim89

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Here is a list of things off the top of my head that Nintendo needs to do to make the Wii U successful:
  • Cut the price down to $299.99
  • Money hat certain strategic game developers (Square-Enix with FFXV and KH 3)
  • Task Retro, Platinum, NLG, and Monster Games with revitalizing old franchises and IPs.
  • Purge the normal Wiis from retail shelves to avoid brand confusion.
  • Cut the price of the Wii U Pro controller from $49.99 to $19.99 or $29.99
  • Hire more staff to accommodate bigger game projects.
  • Extend an olive branch to third parties that have shied away from Nintendo consoles (Bethesda, for example)[size=78%] [/size]
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Offline TJ Spyke

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Cutting the price of the Pro Controller would have zero impact on sales of the system, plus $50 is standard for controllers (actually, $60 is).

Brand confusion is not a problem, and Wii still sells.

Bethesda would have problems with games like Elder Scrolls (which are notorious for being bug filled) passing certification.
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Offline pokepal148

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but right now a remote plus is a much better value then the pro controller

Offline TJ Spyke

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How so? Plus, more Wii U games support the Pro Controller compared with the Wii Remote Plus. Besides, the Pro Controller is a secondary controller aimed mainly at multiplayer. The Pro Controller is about the same price as other controllers.
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Offline Spak-Spang

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I kinda do agree controller prices are too high.  Seriously, I think it is completely possible to make the same quality controller at a good profit margin at 29.99 a classic controller and 39.99 for a full Wiimote nunchuk controller. 

And you say, that it won't help people decide what system to buy, but people add up the price of individual accessories all the time.  They know exactly what it costs to play the games with friends.  And this is vitally important for Nintendo, because they are trying to sell their system on the asymmetric gaming.  Which means to play it proper you need that multiplayer experience.

Offline TJ Spyke

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Again, the Pro Controller is the same price as the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 controllers, so they essentially cancel each other out.
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Offline Spak-Spang

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Not the point.  The point is all consoles are ripping the players off with the price of extra controllers.  And if you could show potential customers that your product is an all around value in every aspect of gaming, extra accessories included you may get more buyers...and you may get more support for traditional games and multiplayer games as well. 

Offline pokepal148

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Re: What Nintendo could have done for year one (but can still implement!)
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2013, 01:20:59 AM »
not really because currently for every pro controller you will want a wii remote plus as well.

in order to have the best possible multiplayer experience you would need 4 pro controllers, 4 remote plus controllers and 4 nunchucks

on the ps3/360 you only need to purchase 3 more of their respective controllers

Idk about you but I'm getting some copies of flingsmash on black Friday

Offline TJ Spyke

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Re: What Nintendo could have done for year one (but can still implement!)
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2013, 01:23:52 AM »
um, wrong pokepal. Not sure what games you are playing that support 9 players. For maximum multiplayer, you need 3/4 extra Pro Controllers OR 3/4 Wii Remotes (sometimes Nunchuks). Most multiplayer games give the option of a Pro Controller and/or Wii Remote. Not sure what makes you think you need 4 of each. Plus, my experience shows that most gamers will bring a controller to a friends house.
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Offline pokepal148

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Re: What Nintendo could have done for year one (but can still implement!)
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2013, 01:35:40 AM »
Nintendoland does not support the pro controller(neither did nsmb before the patch) and I'm sure there will be plenty of multiplayer games that don't support the Wii Remote

also how many gamers currently own a wii u ;)

Offline TJ Spyke

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Re: What Nintendo could have done for year one (but can still implement!)
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2013, 01:38:26 AM »
That is FAR from typical, and you know it. Especially as those were launch games, and most Wii U owners at launch likely had Wii systems (and thus plenty of Wii Remotes). Still doesnt explain why you think Wii U owners would need so many controllers (especially as I doubt the number of people who will play with 4 other people in person at once is miniscule).
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Offline pokepal148

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Re: What Nintendo could have done for year one (but can still implement!)
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2013, 02:48:08 AM »
the fact is to completely support a second player costs more on the wii u then it does on the ps3/360. that is what I'm trying to get across while you keep dancing along to the tune of the old chewbacca defense.

Offline Ymeegod

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Re: What Nintendo could have done for year one (but can still implement!)
« Reply #15 on: July 18, 2013, 09:27:48 AM »
"Nintendo needs to contract all of its western partners to make such games as Star Fox, Metroid, and F-Zero to name a few."

Well handing over IP's hasn't helped Nintendo in the past, Namco's Starfox or Team Ninja's Metroid ended up hurting the IPs image and future sales.

Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: What Nintendo could have done for year one (but can still implement!)
« Reply #16 on: July 18, 2013, 10:04:01 AM »
Yet, giving Retro Donkey Kong and Metroid helped raise their image.  It isn't who is developing it.  It is the quality of the developed game.

Offline Ceric

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Re: What Nintendo could have done for year one (but can still implement!)
« Reply #17 on: July 18, 2013, 10:15:05 AM »
So someone want to rename this thread to:

"Gamers Feel Molested over Controllers Costing the same as 1 Game"?

Getting the full Kingdom Heart series as a collection or similar would be a big win for Nintendo.  I think that series actually fits well with Nintendo Demographics.

They need more games plain and simple.

More Downloadable games.
More VC Games.
More Retail Games.

They are just lacking at the moment.  In the Internet age we all know with barely any effort when something is released throughout the world.  NoA region needs to have release date Parity with the rest of Nintendo and with other consoles.  We are getting Cloudberry Kingdom last.  Its only by a few days but still last for nothing more then administrative reasons.  Early or Parity.

Stop holding the VC hostage.  Its stupid to have to go to Wii Mode to get most VC Games.  I don't have to go to DSi Mode to buy DSiWare games.

Wii on Gamepad.  I'm sorry but I refuse to believe that you couldn't just pipe the output that is going to the HDMI Port to the Gamepad.

Updates in a more timely manner.  We are still waiting on things that were announced early in that launch Window.  Come on now.
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so, I don't have to edit as Much.

Offline Ymeegod

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Re: What Nintendo could have done for year one (but can still implement!)
« Reply #18 on: July 18, 2013, 12:20:08 PM »
Retro Studios is 1st party developer, meaning Nintendo had fully control over the quality which is a lot different that allowing an 3rd party team at it's IP.

Sega's Fzero was the only one that developed an "Nintendo" quality game.  1 for 3 isn't that great in terms of odds.

Offline NWR_insanolord

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Re: What Nintendo could have done for year one (but can still implement!)
« Reply #19 on: July 18, 2013, 12:44:09 PM »
And Miyamoto doesn't seem to think F-Zero GX was any good, so in the eyes of Nintendo all three of those were failures, although that's not counting stuff like Luigi's Mansion and Punch-Out from Next Level Games, who Nintendo seems to be very high on.
Insanolord is a terrible moderator.

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Offline Ian Sane

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Re: What Nintendo could have done for year one (but can still implement!)
« Reply #20 on: July 18, 2013, 01:34:05 PM »
The overall issue seems to be that the Wii U needs games and Nintendo cannot crank them out fast enough.  So obviously expanding their teams and outsourcing to other devs is the way to improve that.

I feel that giving their own IPs to other devs has had inconsistent returns.  But then publishing other dev's games, like they're doing with Platinum, will expand the Wii U library without any risk of damaging existing Nintendo IP.  Nintendo could even work a deal were they own the IP that the dev creates while Nintendo is footing the bill.

In regards to the controller thing - no one is not buying a Wii U because the controller is too expensive.  Having cheaper ones than the competition would be a good thing (and they should NOT have controllers that are more expensive) but wouldn't cause a sudden spike in sales.  It's all so minor compared to the lack of games.  Let's take care of the plank before the sliver.  If the Wii U gets the games and still doesn't sell then we can start looking at the little things.

Offline sweetfeathery

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Re: What Nintendo could have done for year one (but can still implement!)
« Reply #21 on: July 18, 2013, 07:22:57 PM »
The overall issue seems to be that the Wii U needs games and Nintendo cannot crank them out fast enough.  So obviously expanding their teams and outsourcing to other devs is the way to improve that.

I feel that giving their own IPs to other devs has had inconsistent returns.  But then publishing other dev's games, like they're doing with Platinum, will expand the Wii U library without any risk of damaging existing Nintendo IP.  Nintendo could even work a deal were they own the IP that the dev creates while Nintendo is footing the bill.

Couple of points I would make Ian. Wouldn't you like to see titles get another shot at life that Nintendo isn't going to make themselves? We already heard Miyamoto come right out and say that they don't know what to do with F Zero, so why not let another developer take a whack at it?
Nintendo funding outside devs to make new IPs for the Wii U is a win-win situation for everyone. A company like Bioware, for all we know, has a new game idea locked away they would love to make but can't get the green light from EA due to it not being another guaranteed blockbuster title. What if Nintendo knocked on their door and said "We want to see those ideas and we are ready to give you the financial support you would need." Granted, this would mean that Nintendo would have heavy control over the final product, but to have Nintendo giving the devs the financial backing to make something out of the ordinary for them has to be appealing.

Offline sweetfeathery

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Re: What Nintendo could have done for year one (but can still implement!)
« Reply #22 on: July 18, 2013, 07:26:49 PM »
....can anyone tell me while we're here how I can quote someone, then break out of the quote? I tried quoting Ian and then couldn't get my response out of the quote box :(

Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: What Nintendo could have done for year one (but can still implement!)
« Reply #23 on: July 19, 2013, 12:28:13 AM »
....can anyone tell me while we're here how I can quote someone, then break out of the quote? I tried quoting Ian and then couldn't get my response out of the quote box :(

After you hit qoute.  You you have to start your writing outside the [/quote

If you only want to quote part of the post you can delete the text inside the [quote  and /quote[ brackets just make sure you don't delete the actuate code.  Parenthesizes added by me for code purposes.

Offline shingi_70

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Re: What Nintendo could have done for year one (but can still implement!)
« Reply #24 on: July 19, 2013, 07:43:02 AM »
stop catering too only the child demographic which I think would be hard to do. Nintendo has had at least three times two make games that appeals its aging fanbase but hasn't.
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