Author Topic: What are you playing?  (Read 712866 times)

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Offline ClexYoshi

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #650 on: December 17, 2014, 03:15:00 AM »
Fire Emblem (GBA via WiiU):

I was hesitant on this, having never played a game in the series before, and also thinking I probably didn't have the patience to tackle a genuine strategy game at this point. But then four hours went by in a blur and I am now hooked on it in a way I haven't been with a game since, I dunno, Little King's Story? The core gameplay is streamlined just enough to keep you restarting checkpoints every time your crappiest dude/ette dies, while allowing for satisfying tactical engagements. The AI feels kind of sluggish and dopey until it smells blood and then all of the sudden a mage runs at a wall to wipe someone out you didn't realize was in range and that's 20 minutes of lesson learned. The options are surprisingly robust for a GBA game, too, text speed, game speed options, UI options. The dedicated explanation button also ensures that you're never in the dark about any stat category or item.

Some quibbles that I'm curious about whether or not they're cleaned up in later games:

-It's occasionally but very annoying when the cast swaps around and you lose personnel you've been keeping carefully leveled. I wish the cast was more stable and less redundant in certain categories (no thanks third axe guy/second crappy archer; where's my little dancing fife boy?!), but that would probably clash with permadeath.

-Attacks seem to whiff too often, even with no terrain or weapon disadvantages. Makes archers even more marginal.

-Random reinforcements from the edges of the map can screw you over if you haven't already played a scenario and know to expect them.

-Main avatars (Elliwood, Lyn) are unpleasantly weak and remain anemically leveled due to risk aversion. Not asking them to be Markuses, but they feel more like liabilities than protagonists most of the time.

-Speaking of which, Markus and a few others are ridiculously stronger and more versatile than anyone else. It's quite difficult at points not to just steamroll the enemies with your tanks and thus unbalance things even more.

MagicCow, welcome to one of my favorite games from my childhood! let me go over some things to try and better help you in your journey through Elibe!

-Attacks whiffing is a fairly standard thing, and it takes characters having high skill Vs. the opponent's speed stats to get decent hit rates. Still, the Random Number Generator in Fire Emblem is not to be trifled with. often times, if you feel a move is going to be too risky to rely on a roll of the dice, reassess the situation and maybe use somebody to draw the enemy to a choke point or a similar point of advantage?

-the cast swaps once in your transition from Lyndis to Eliwood's stories. there's an unlockable hard mode that centers around Hector, but that runs in paralell to Eliwood's story and has many of the same maps, but has the benefit of playing as Hector, who is actually insanely good for a lord character, who are traditionally best treated like your king in chess. even still, Lyn is passable due to having high speed and skill growths like a myrmidon, and her Mani Katti/Sol Katti give her advantage properties Vs. Units a normal Myrmidon/Swordmaster would struggle upon. Eliwood does suck, though. :C

-protip; take any and all weapons of of Maracus. do it now. seriously. don't let him kill any more enemy units. See, Fire Emblem's level up system is another layer that some people will reset a chapter over just like a unit death. each unit gets assigned what is called Growth rates. these will be the percentage that your character will get a stat point in a stat upon level up.

Maracus is a paladin, which is the promoted version of a Cavalier. as you were taught with Wallace in the Tutorial, a unit may go to a max level of 20, but can use an item to promote as early as 10, thus missing out on 10 levels of rolling the dice for growth.

Maracus' Growths:

HP: 65 %
Strengh: 25 %
Skill: 50 %
Speed: 25 %
Luck: 30 %
Defense: 15 %
Resistance: 35%

By comparison, let's look at say... Lowen? (Who's not super great by any stretch of the imagination but gets 10 extra chances to roll the dice for level ups as a Cavalier before becoming a paladin himself):

HP: 90%
Str: 30%
Skl: 30%
Spd: 30%
Lck: 50%
Def: 40%
Res: 30%

Keep in mind that if you want a more offensive cavalier than Lowen, you also have the option of Sain when he rejoins, as he has much better STR and Skill growths.

- Rebecca is like... my favorite character and has something like the third highest speed growth in the game. But yeah. redundant classes is for having a back-up or an alternate set of growths to play with upon repeat playthroughs. you will NEVER get 2 bards/Dancers at the same time, because that'd mean they'd be able to rescue units, and recharge each other's moves for free experience and carry a unit across the map in a single turn to assassinate the boss for the cost of nothing.

That being said, you are spot on as far as a certain character or two. in one case, they have a guy whos' the only unit of his type you can get in the game and he has a class of weapons he uses all on his own. of course, this could be due to the fact that the game this is a prequel to has about 3 or 4 playable shamans.

-As a general rule of thumb, don't leave weaker non-merlinus units by the sides of a map, or by a stairwell.

Offline MagicCow64

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #651 on: December 17, 2014, 03:26:48 PM »
Thanks for the rundown! Here I was thinking that this game was bereft of the kind of opaque systems that undergird Ogre Battle, but I had no idea about the leveling growth rate stuff. Definitely would have made different choices had I been aware. So what I'm gathering is that you don't want to level people up to a higher class as soon as you are able, because you're permanently forgoing the stat boosts that come from levels 10-20 in the novice class? Drat, I was really itching to get another dread knight going with Oswin after Wallace went Mia at the act switch.

Also, good call with stripping Markus of his weapons, I totally hadn't thought of that, keeping him as a shield (plus you can always slip him a lance to take out a boss if you're in desperate straits).

Do you think it's wise/viable to just concentrate on levelling up a core group of 10-12 folks with the assumption that I won't allow any of them to die? I imagine I will have to whip out specific characters now and then for the narrative, but I should be able to just treat them like escort burdens.

Specifically: Is there a reason I should keep both Serra and Priscilla in rotation? Priscilla just seems better with the increased mobility.

Also: I realized I've been ignoring the affinity system. Is there a compelling reason to bother paying attention to this? It's definitely the least explained of the game systems and I can't tell if it affects battle outcomes, or how to build affinity or keep track of relationships.

Offline ClexYoshi

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #652 on: December 17, 2014, 04:55:13 PM »
Do you think it's wise/viable to just concentrate on levelling up a core group of 10-12 folks with the assumption that I won't allow any of them to die? I imagine I will have to whip out specific characters now and then for the narrative, but I should be able to just treat them like escort burdens.

Specifically: Is there a reason I should keep both Serra and Priscilla in rotation? Priscilla just seems better with the increased mobility.

Also: I realized I've been ignoring the affinity system. Is there a compelling reason to bother paying attention to this? It's definitely the least explained of the game systems and I can't tell if it affects battle outcomes, or how to build affinity or keep track of relationships.

That's generally how I do it. Besides the special arenas you'll be finding, the beauty of Fire Emblem is that EXP, Weapons, and money are a trifecta of resources that needs to be managed. Enemies are finite, as are your weapons, which in turn makes you want to ration out that sparse amount of EXP. This leads to you not wearing through one weapon type too quickly, and keeps you from having to go to shops as often. Also, that's how I feel the game gets a lot of it's replay value is that you want to use different combinations of folks, get them to support with one-another, etc. Serra and pricilla are kinda a preference thing. Serra probably becomes the best non-Athos user of light tomes after she promotes, while Pricilla does have all the advantages and disadvantages of being on a horse while gaining Anima Magic when she promotes. Pricilla also has the advantage of being a good pair-up with Raven, who is probably one of the better melee guys in the game.

As for affinity, all it really does is give a small stat boost to whoever matches the tactician's affinity, and determines what a character conveys stat-wise to someone else whom they have support with. As for support, it's a system that was introduced in Fire Emblem 4 and probably my favorite part of the series. essentially, if you have units spend turns next to each other and they're compatable, they'll slowly gain points towards a support rank up. support ranks are gained by taking a turn to perform what is essentially a mini-dialogue between two characters that often reveals telling things about their character. after the support conversation, when those two characters stand adjacent to each other, they will give each other certain stat bonuses. each character is only allowed a certain ammount of support conversations per playthrough, and the game records what conversations you've unlocked previously.

Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #653 on: December 19, 2014, 01:14:58 AM »
Lara Croft: Temple of Osiris (Steam):

Sequel to the great Guardian of Light. I planned to come over to my friend's and play it there but apparently the game requires DirectX 11 and his videocard can't do it. We played some other games instead and next day we went to my place to actually play the game.

First striking impression is how small characters are:

Obviously game is four players now and environment and camera accomodate for that but sometimes this just makes it hard to find your hero on the map. It wouldn't be so bad if only the game didn't add "depth of field" filter on top of things so if you're far away from the camera you will turn into a blurry mess and will barely see yourself:

Otherwise it's still the same game. Despite that the game is playable with four players in co-op, you only have two characters with distinct abilities. Modern people: Lara and Carter have torch and a rope and egyptian gods (Horus and Isis) have magical staff and shield. If you're playing by yourself you get a mix of both sets of abilities -- enough to complete the game and solve all puzzles. It feels like Temple of Osiris is designed around two players just like Guardian of Light, if played with three or four players some people will be kinda redundant...

The same smart design that allowed levels and puzzles scale up and down depending on number of players is still there. Obviously co-op is preferred but the game is great even in singleplayer.

Loot system is kinda weird -- you collect points and jems (i still can't grasp if jems are a separate currency and how exactly they are converted between each other) and you can pay some amount of jems to open chests at the end of the level and in the hub for unlocks.

The game now has a hub world instead of a simple level select like it was Guardian of Light. It's cool i guess.

System of per-level challenges is still more or less the same: "beat level in X minutes", "collect 85 000 points", "do one particular thing". There is quite a lot to do if you care to get them all. Even hub world has some challenges.

Overall -- it's pretty much more of Guardian of Light -- and that's exactly what i wanted.

Crimsonland (Steam):
This was the game we played when my friend's PC coulnd't run new Lara Croft.

Playing it in co-op is cool, but the game wasn't designed for it, it mostly feels like you're playing by yourself. You can't revive each other when you die or give health or something, there is no in-game interaction between co-op partners.

Probably the most interaction you get in co-op is when you choose perks in survival mode because perks are shared between all players.

Ater i got the game on Steam, i was mostly playing campaign, and forgot that the actual meat in the game is survival mode when you just try to survive for as long as possible and keep getting perks all the way. I remember how after first million points the game was less about shooting and more about being lucky and grabbing the right perks (mostly nukes and ion lightnings).

Even before that the game depends of luck and randomness a lot -- which weapon you're gonna get basically determines how long you will last.

Also we played some Gang Beasts and Samurai Gunn -- both are super fun.

Ghost and Goblins (MAME):
I laughed when saw the second part of 6. Red devils spawn out very close to each other so if you try to run away from the first you will only spawn second one. You need some careful traversin to despawn them both -- thankfully level 6 is very vertical so despawning red devils is as easy as jumping down the put in the middle. It's easy enough but requires a lot of time luring both of them out, running away from them and then coming back after they disappear.

After that are two big red devils previously one of them was a boss of level 5. Individually they're not hard to deal with, but two of them at the same time and not having much horizonthal space is pretty hard.

After some save scumming (only for training though, i fully intend to do proper run from the beginning later), i managed to kill them and then came the best part: i died because apparently i was using the wrong weapon. Game said: "this weapon has not effect try again with shield".


Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag (Wii U):
Finishing up. I captured all the forts, got around 80-90% of all collectibles and only have three chapters to go in the story.

Full sync is very easy for the most part, but a few missions in chapters 8-reminded me of the crazy full sync requirements from II/Brotherhood. Like there is a long mission and at the very end there is one condition that you need to fullfil as you're killing the last guy. And if you mess up, cutscene where you talk to him as he lies dying starts immediately and you can't press menu from that so if you messed up you can't retry from the last checkpoint and have to restart from the very beginning of the memory.

I even had to exit into Home menu once and then restart the game when i killed one guy "the wrong way".

Once you upgrade your ship naval battles stop being annoying and become boring instead. Now i mostly avoid boarding and just sink all ships because boarding takes too much time.

RPG leveling systems bolted on naval stuff was a huge mistake -- it made it too hard in the beginning and too boring in the end...
« Last Edit: December 19, 2014, 01:17:02 AM by azeke »
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Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #654 on: December 19, 2014, 01:24:16 AM »
Ghosts 'n Goblins = awesome. AVGN beat it on his show once (NES version).
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #655 on: December 19, 2014, 05:23:22 PM »
I been playing Watch Dogs on PS4.
Trying to be a better person, honest.

Offline ClexYoshi

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #656 on: December 19, 2014, 07:55:24 PM »
I'm playing... FF9 for the first time since it was new. it doesn't quite take as long as I remembered to hit it's stride, although I did spend 2 hours of in game time playing a stupid ass jump rope mini-game! so much for Excallibur 2!

other than that, I've been trying to practice for when I eventually record Armored Core to commentate over that. warming up to dark souls agian after lending that to my sister's boyfriend, and uh... yeah.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #657 on: December 20, 2014, 05:23:50 AM »
Got bored with Watch Dogs, started Destiny last night. Also going to check out Minecraft today and see what all that hype is about.
Trying to be a better person, honest.

Offline ClexYoshi

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #658 on: December 22, 2014, 01:32:13 AM »


I really, REALLY hate Chocobo Hot and Cold.

Offline Triforce Hermit

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #659 on: December 22, 2014, 07:33:37 AM »
CoD: AW- Actually really fun though the only CoD games I've played online are this and MW.

Half-Life: Opposing Force
- New weapons are nice, new ideas are great, new enemies are cool, seeing Black Mesa after Xen is awesome, the game is all around harder, and other new features are added. This expansion is better then the base game!

@Clex- Would you believe me if I told you I invested well over 80 hours into that mini-game just to get everything? Because that mini game is a nightmare.
Sometimes, you just want to play a video game.
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Offline lolmonade

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #660 on: December 22, 2014, 08:08:23 AM »
Got bored with Watch Dogs, started Destiny last night. Also going to check out Minecraft today and see what all that hype is about.

I like Destiny, but it's mostly because I have people to play with from time to time.  Some of the best content is gated to people who have enough high level friends to play the strikes & raids with, which is really unfortunate.

Offline Ceric

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #661 on: December 22, 2014, 09:44:51 AM »
Got bored with Watch Dogs, started Destiny last night. Also going to check out Minecraft today and see what all that hype is about.

I like Destiny, but it's mostly because I have people to play with from time to time.  Some of the best content is gated to people who have enough high level friends to play the strikes & raids with, which is really unfortunate.
Yes, yes it is.

I've been playing Civilization Beyond Earth.  It feels like a mess compared to what I'm use to in a Civilization game.  Man it is Slooooooooowwwwwwwwww.  I've been playing on Standard.  To put it in perspective there is only 1 speed faster and then there I think 3 more modes that are slower...  Technology doesn't feel as varied.  Affinity system takes forever to kick in.  Cities are well there bad.  Easily my least favorite city layout of any civilization game.  There are tons of logical but arbitrary feeling constraints.  I finally beat a map and the victory was just like getting a wonder which is like having an encyclopedia read to you.  Water Aliens are so strong to the point of making Naval units almost useless.  Spy systems ramps up so slow that you've probably won in the time it takes it to become actually useful.  UI is placed where the hot locations are to move the map.  Finding all you military units is more complicated than it should be.

It's just a hot mess.
Need a Personal NonCitizen-Magical-Elf-Boy-Child-Game-Abused-King-Kratos-Play-Thing Crimm Unmaker-of-Worlds-Hunter-Of-Boxes
so, I don't have to edit as Much.

Offline lolmonade

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #662 on: December 22, 2014, 10:39:48 AM »
Got bored with Watch Dogs, started Destiny last night. Also going to check out Minecraft today and see what all that hype is about.

I like Destiny, but it's mostly because I have people to play with from time to time.  Some of the best content is gated to people who have enough high level friends to play the strikes & raids with, which is really unfortunate.
Yes, yes it is.

I'm a horrible e-friend.  I've told you several time's id be up for running strikes with you, and haven't gotten around to it.  I'll send you a team invite next time I see you online.

Offline ClexYoshi

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #663 on: December 22, 2014, 10:56:27 AM »
@Clex- Would you believe me if I told you I invested well over 80 hours into that mini-game just to get everything? Because that mini game is a nightmare.

yes, yes I can. I put in 5 last night trying to get the river chocograph. yes, I knwo this is a foolish endeavor for trying to get excallibur II, but I'm the kind of person who lets the game clock run while i do errands or check tumblr.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #664 on: December 28, 2014, 09:47:13 AM »
started Knack, its more my type of game liking it so far. also addicted to minecraft
Trying to be a better person, honest.

Offline Triforce Hermit

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #665 on: January 05, 2015, 10:27:27 AM »
Persona Q: Choose Persona 4 cast because they are from the better game and I like them more. Second dungeon was pure fanservice. You are supposed to answer questions to find your soulmate from the cast. I thought the questions had right and wrong answers until like question 9 when they told me it didn't matter. Surprisingly, I ended with Rise, who I actually choose in Persona 4 as a girlfriend anyways. Going into the third dungeon which is supposed to be the usual obscurely hard Shin Megami Tensei type.

And I fucking hate Teddie in this. Why did they make him so annoying?

Fantasy Life: Grinding as a Paladin, Miner, and Woodcutter was fun. Now I'm doing Carpenter/Blacksmith and all the materials I sold, I now need. Fun game though.
Sometimes, you just want to play a video game.
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Offline MagicCow64

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #666 on: January 05, 2015, 06:52:15 PM »
New Year's catch up! Bear with me!

The Swapper (PC):

I was skeptical of this one given reports of it having fiddly physics-type puzzles, which I dislike (thought Trine 2 was awful), but came away pleasantly surprised. The puzzle apparatus is a bit limited with the light color system (which also makes no sense), and there is some dexterity involved, but there are also concrete solutions to the puzzles, which can get pretty diabolical. I'm not super enthused to finish out the back half of the game, but I think it's pretty decent. Also can't imagine using a controller for this, I wager it could negatively impact the experience, especially with the "jumping" system.

Shantae and The Pirate's Curse (Wii U):

Never played on of these before, and the price tag gave me pause, but I am really digging this game, probably the best Way Forward joint I've played. The sprite work is gorgeous, and the colors pop beautifully. It reminds me of Capcom's Disney SNES games, particularly the ones you can't, erm, play in the States:

There's a good amount of variety in the "missions" on the islands, which keeps the core experience feeling fresh. Some of the hidden stuff must be pretty damn well hidden too, given my current completion of some of the islands. Getting some Zero Mission vibes off the dash boots I just acquired. This game really makes me want Nintendo to do a lush sprite-based game again. Enemy design is hit or miss, with some generic bosses particularly, but so far it's feeling like a 9/10. Probably will get 10-12 hours out of it.

Ducktales Remastered (WiiU):

Bought this for $6 and change from an eShop sale. This is the dark side of Way Forward. Maybe the original NES game just sucked, but I really cannot get into this one. It's way too unforgiving on normal. I died on the final boss of the mine level and was shocked to see that I'll have to do the whole damn level over again. Also, the cheap low-poly 3D backgrounds were a horrible choice. It makes the plane of interaction feel really rinky dink and clashes horribly with the pretty-good sprites. Cranky's cane from Tropical Freeze is also a much better iteration of Scrooge's movement schtick.

Shadow of Mordor (PC):

I'm ashamed that I finished the side missions on this game. This is seriously like 1/3 of a title. They built the environment and combat system but missed 1/3: actual structured missions to comprise a non-laughable campaign and 1/3: anything to fucking do besides combat. Like, Batman combat is fine and all, but it's just one of the things you do in that game. I don't understand how someone came away from the Arkham titles and was like "these are good, but lets cut out all that padding in the form of varied gameplay and environmental interaction". I guess the nemesis "system" is supposed to make up for it, but good lord, it's a complete joke. There's almost nothing to it. I feel like to be impressed by it you would also have to find furbies and tamagotchis impressive. It is the blandest form of procedural content imaginable for a game of this type. And the command chain just repopulates rapidly, so there's not even a temporary sense of accomplishment, it's pure grind for the sake of it, with generic loot drops to boot. Blech. I really don't understand how this is getting game of the year nods.

Rhythm Heaven Fever (Wii):

Got this sealed "used" copy for about $8 from Gamestop. I've never tried the series before, but was interested conceptually. Good lord, is this game hard. It took me the better part of an hour to beat the first monkey golf level, and I've thus far only been able to get three medals with about 2/3s of the levels unlocked. Monkey Clock almost broke me. Unlike pretty much any other music game, though, I think this is actually instilling a sense of rhythm into me. I'll probably never be able to finish it, but I'm lightyears ahead of where I started. Also, fun to break out with drinking company, it really flummoxes the hell out of people while having the simplest input method possible.

Offline azeke

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #667 on: January 06, 2015, 01:32:54 AM »
The Swapper (PC):
Also can't imagine using a controller for this, I wager it could negatively impact the experience, especially with the "jumping" system.
Controller support on PC did felt tacked-on (felt like a simple XPadder profile), but it was workable.
I wonder if Curve Digital retooled controls for console ports.

Rhythm Heaven Fever (Wii):
Good lord, is this game hard. It took me the better part of an hour to beat the first monkey golf level...
Check your TV settings, set it to "Gaming mode" if available. By default, modern TVs add various postprocessing filters which add lag that destroys games based on accurate timings.

Also i have no concrete proof, but i have a feeling that Wii mode on Wii U lags by itself. Punch-Out!! for example feels more responsive on Gamepad than on TV while i am in Wii mode.

Bayonetta 2:
Collecting Pures:

The biggest roadblocks are Masked Lumen fights so far, i somehow managed to Pure Platinum the first one, but now i am struggling against second one and it's a nightmare.

First battle against Masked Lumen is an overload on all your senses. It's probably the most epic encounter you ever face in the game and on the most amazing looking and sounding duel fights in gaming. From rather regular fight in the city it escalates into a cataclysm of Biblical proportions culminating in flying sequence where you fight Lumen between huge angelical and demonic entities as they also fight each other.

This visual overload makes it very hard to keep track of Lumen especially with variety of teleporting attacks he has. His attacks are just too hard to discern in the chaos, especially in the later flying segment.

To get Pure Platinum you should get no damage AND get enough combo points. No damage on Masked Lumen is already one of the hardest challenges i've ever faced. The problem is Masked Lumen's has both instant AND super delayed type of attacks and both are extremely hard to dodge. Sometimes he activates his summon AND immediately attacks by himself. His summons are huge and can cover the entire screen obstructing the view so even if you dodge his summon you may still get hit by Lumen himself in a attack that you had no chance of seeing. One particular attack (spear throw teleport) even has no wind-up and no audio tell. You just have to expect that at any second he can chuck his spear and it will instantly hit you, ruining your Pure Platinum.

And dodging Lumen's attacks is just the half of the challenge. Getting Platinum combo on him is even harder. The only way to damage Lumen is to enter Witch Time, in normal mode Lumen is either ethereal (attack just go right through) or he dodges and instantly retaliates. That makes combo points requirement extremely hard to hit, because you only get combo points when you hit an enemy and Lumen dodges everything unless in WT.

Making bosses vulnerable only during Witch Time is one of the worst design decision of this game. This ruins flow of the battle where you are basically doing the same thing whether you're in normal or witch time. Now you have to behave completely defensively when in normal mode and completely offensively during WT. Because WT is rather short that makes you switch between two strategies constantly and this ruins the flow of the battle turning it into an epyleptic seizure instead of a fluid dance-like encounter without interruptions.

I am currently stuck on second battle with Masked Lumen. Been trying to Pure him few three days now. My thumbs hurt.

Also played some Tag Climax online co-op mode. It's kinda cool, but bosses AI and isn't really designed around it. Me and my partner managed to saw Rodin to death simply by constantly stunlocking him with chainsaws.
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Offline ShyGuy

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #668 on: January 06, 2015, 04:58:26 PM »
Also i have no concrete proof, but i have a feeling that Wii mode on Wii U lags by itself. Punch-Out!! for example feels more responsive on Gamepad than on TV while i am in Wii mode.

I know they did tests early on and the signal to the Wii U Gamepad did have less latency than to a LCD.

My friend used to have a 27" HD TV CRT, I bet it would be valuable to some nowadays, with the lowest latency being on CRT.

Offline MagicCow64

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #669 on: January 06, 2015, 06:54:43 PM »
Also i have no concrete proof, but i have a feeling that Wii mode on Wii U lags by itself. Punch-Out!! for example feels more responsive on Gamepad than on TV while i am in Wii mode.

I know they did tests early on and the signal to the Wii U Gamepad did have less latency than to a LCD.

My friend used to have a 27" HD TV CRT, I bet it would be valuable to some nowadays, with the lowest latency being on CRT.

Huh, had no idea. I couldn't find any kind of game mode on my TV, but I'll give Rhythm Heaven a shot on the gamepad and see if I notice a difference. If there's any game to test it with, it'd be this one.

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #671 on: January 07, 2015, 03:20:27 PM »
Also i have no concrete proof, but i have a feeling that Wii mode on Wii U lags by itself. Punch-Out!! for example feels more responsive on Gamepad than on TV while i am in Wii mode.

I know they did tests early on and the signal to the Wii U Gamepad did have less latency than to a LCD.

My friend used to have a 27" HD TV CRT, I bet it would be valuable to some nowadays, with the lowest latency being on CRT.
I probably still be using my CRT if it had an HDMI port...
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Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #672 on: January 10, 2015, 01:37:23 AM »
Playing quite a few things right now actually...

Assassin's Creed Black Flag (Xbone)
Dead Rising 3 (Xbone)
MGSV Ground Zeroes (PS4)
Rayman Legends (Wii U)

I let Rayman get away from me for too long. Such an awesome game.

And the CRT HDTV probably wouldn't be worth that much (check eBay), probably around $50. CRT HDTV's can't display 1080p (or 720p, at 720p) and don't have HDMI. The only value they have these days is being able to play light gun games on them (or actual NES/SNES/N64 hardware, but emulation on an HDTV with shaders will look better).
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Offline ShyGuy

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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #673 on: January 10, 2015, 06:43:37 AM »
Yes, but the CRT will have the lowest latency for things like Punchout.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #674 on: January 10, 2015, 07:21:02 AM »
still addicted to Minecraft, took a break to try a Tetris game on PS4, Tetris Ultimate or something like that, it was alright typical Tetris didn't play it much but was glad to have it.
Trying to be a better person, honest.