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Offline azeke

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #525 on: September 13, 2016, 01:18:12 PM »
Batman: Arkham Asylum (Steam):
After enjoying Arkham Knight i decided to revisit original game and collect everything this time. Weird, i don't think i did 100% first time but i vaguely remembered the reward for 100% completion (i probably just looked it up and downloaded audio file or something)...

Coming back to the first game after so many years is weird. It has very much "Unreal game" look: plasticky models, texture visibly loading in and overall muddy look.

And overall UI and man these designs are weird:

I think the idea was to make it look more like a comic book with yellow ink and sepia-like filter during pause.

Still it's impressive how many things they got right from the get go: signature death animations, DC fanservice, detective mode, grappling hook, cape flying, various gadgets. You can only grapple from the ground and that makes flying like in Arkham City onwards impossible but what is there is still very cool.

Also it is nice to play a Batman game in 60 fps for once -- all other Arkham games i played had much lower framerate. Fluidity of the action still doesn't fix stiff by design combat but it is something.

They were quite proud of the combat, because they even made up a name for it and emphasized it with combat challenges. And while it must have been good for western game standards for the time, it has huge problems (still does): keeping "freeflow" ™ up is much harder than it needs to be: if don't do anything for longer than .7 of a second -- it drops. If you whiff and Batman strikes at empty air because mook fell to the ground -- it drops. If you expect nearby enemy to attack after you finish the animation and you press parry button in advance but he doesn't in fact attack -- it drops.

All this makes completing combat challenges more of a grind of repetition until you luck into the sequence where everything goes your way instead of proper accumulation of skill.

At least after almost a decade i finally realized how critical hits in Arkham games work.

Hard mode where enemy incoming attack markers are disabled is kind cool but i don't think it makes much of a difference because after spending some time in combat challenges you start to recognize which goon is gonna attack you even before the marker even appears because he will be running towards you. This "removing enemy attack marker" mode is similar to Viewtiful Joe's hardest mode with the similar gimmick.

Predator challenges however i genuinely enjoyed. They're more like a puzzle and figuring exactly how and in what order you need to do to hit all three medals was very interesting.

Completing 100% Riddler secrets was kinda disappointing though. There were all placed either right there in the open, or behind destructable wall or in the form of "aligning puzzle":

That's just three types of puzzles across 243 secrets. Good that City started to bring much more variety to puzzle solution rather than just "enter Detective mode and rotate camera until you a question mark". On the other hand City also doubled number of secrets and introduced rather annoying AR missions.

Also because of the way levels are constructed it was annoying to spend 10 minutes going inside the building to pick up last 2 secrets and then spend 10 minutes going back outside because there is only one way in and out and you need to climb that very high elevator shaft.

I also made sure to look at Arkham City tease in Warden's office. I even remembered exactly which wall needs how many explosive charges to get access to it.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2016, 01:20:06 PM by azeke »
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #526 on: September 17, 2016, 11:48:05 PM »
7th Dragon III Code: VFD

I really like the visual direction this game took. It’s certainly not beautiful in the same way as something like Bravely Default and Bravely Second, but that’s to expected since this all the environments are 3D in this game. What I really liked about the visuals, and the world in this game in general, was the attention to detail. One example of this is your party’s home base, Nodens, which is originally meant to be the building of a wealthy corporation. There are a lot of nice touches that make it feel like what you’d imagine a building like this to feel like; cafes and cafeterias on some floors, vending machines and benches on others, sunlight pouring in through the windows on the higher floors, a city skyline seen through a window in the Skylounge. There are a lot of NPCs scattered throughout the building as well and, with some fantastic music also present, it ends up feeling like an endearing place. The same attention to detail is extended to the other overworld locations, dungeons, and battle backgrounds as well. The first place you travel to outside of Tokyo in particular looks great.

Taking the story for what it is, it’s executed well and I enjoyed it. It’s fantastical and ridiculous, but that’s par for the course. I appreciate the fact that there was barely an attempt at trying to adequately explain a lot of the things that most games try (and fail) to explain; instead, the narrative just kept getting pushed forward and it kept the story interesting for me. I did feel like I was missing a lot of references, especially towards the end, since I haven’t played the previous games in the series, but the story is self-contained enough that I was satisfied with it in the end. I would like to see this series, or another series that is born from it, continue, as I think the overarching theme of hunting dragons across a futuristic Tokyo (and going back to the past to hunt them in Atlantis and to the future to hunt them in Eden) was really cool. I do wish they did more to expand the story and the background regarding the latter location I mentioned though. As for the characters, there are a lot of typical archetypes you’ll see in anime and JRPGs, but for the most part all the characters are likable (even the ones that you know will inevitably betray you to some extent) and I wanted to see them succeed or redeem themselves in the end.

Overall, the gameplay is great. It doesn’t do anything drastically different, but the team mechanic adds an interesting layer to the combat. Timed correctly, enemies can be debuffed in several ways, your team can be buffed in several ways, and fallen allies can be revived with team supports in the same turn, all without sacrificing any of your primary team’s actions. Buffs/debuffs do make a difference in this game and you’re limited to three primary party members in combat (as opposed to the standard four), so it’s a nice way to speed up the combat and a layer of strategy at the same time.

The dungeon crawling in this game is also very satisfying. There are random encounters, but the real fun of the game comes from hunting dragons, which can be seen roaming in the dungeons. The number of dragons (around 250, though I don’t remember exactly) seems daunting at first, especially since you don’t have a lot of fights against dragons under your belt when you first see it. However, once my team become stronger and I started to form strategies for beating dragons efficiently, it made it all the more satisfying to enter a dungeon and see that I’d knocked the number down by 30 or 40 a few hours later after clearing it.

There are some gameplay elements that I wasn’t as much a fan of. Instant kill moves are present in some boss battles and those are easily in the top five of things I dislike most when I come across them in JRPGs. The game also does a poor job telling the player what kind of other status ailments to expect when heading into a boss fight. Many JRPGs can get away with this, to some extent, but there’s really no reason for it in this game. There are no “surprise” boss battles; it’s blatantly obvious every time a boss battle is about to occur. Your team also has a navigator who is providing analysis and support from your base of operations on every mission, so there’s an obvious explanation in the story that could have been used to give the player a hint of what to expect (in fact this does happen in two or three of the boss fights, which makes it even more puzzling why it doesn’t happen for all of them). It may seem a little unfair to hold these things against this game specifically since they’re so rampant in the genre, but a poor decision is a poor decision no matter how often it happens. However, these are ultimately minor nitpicks.

The sections of the game where the party is split up into separate teams is probably going to be hit or miss for people, but I’m glad these parts of the game exist. As someone who grows irrationally attached to party members in JRPGs, I would have rolled with the same three party members I started the game with all the way to the end had it not been for these sections. It was fun to learn and use classes that I otherwise would have not used, and it was a nice change of pace from the classes my first team was comprised of. Because the second and third team party members also receive the same amount of experience and skill points as the first team in every battle while all your teams are together (which is for the overwhelming majority of the game), it’s also amusing to see how broken some classes become in between these sections. My third team struggled a bit when I first had to use them as my primary team, but when another one of these sections rolled around towards the end of the game, I was able to level up two of the party members’ skills so much that they were able to one-shot dragons by themselves with certain moves. Given that every class feels distinct and has its own style, it also greatly changes up the gameplay. What works for the first team will be different from what works with the second and third teams if they’re a mix of different classes, so the approach to combat has to vary from team to team in these sections depending on the team’s collective set of skills.

All of that is made true largely by the level of depth and versatility to the classes in this game. For example, during boss battles, one class (Duelist) can spend most of the fight setting up traps that don’t do a lot of damage, but can inflict useful status ailments. If you manage to set up all three traps within four turns, then a powerful attack is triggered at the end of that turn which deals a huge amount of damage. Given that the preparation required to create this scenario can take a lot of turns, you’re taking this class from playing a minor support role for most of the fight to being your hardest hitter. This is probably the most extreme example of it, but every class in the game has a varied enough set of skills that they can switch between playing of offense, defense, or support and remain useful in some manner.

I've played a lot of JRPGs on the 3DS this year and while this may not take the top spot among them, it doesn't feel out of place mentioning it alongside the likes of the Fire Emblem Fates games and Bravely Second. Overall, for me, 7th Dragon III Code: VFD is a great game.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2016, 11:50:10 PM by Oedo »

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #527 on: September 18, 2016, 04:46:53 AM »
Hey! Oedo! you're in luck! the original 7th Dragon for the DS which got fan translated is all about Eden and the original Group that stabs Haze in the face!

I'm glad you liked this game more than me. I felt like I took a gamble on something I wouldn't normally and got burned for it. Go read my review of 7th Dragon III Code: VFD earlier in this thread~!

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #528 on: September 19, 2016, 07:51:53 PM »
Ah, sorry to hear that you didn't like it as much Clex. I remember seeing your post a while ago, but I decided to wait until later to read it since I was planning on playing the game soon. It sounds like a lot of where the game let you down was in the story. I tend to be a lot more forgiving of JRPGs in that respect, but I can see how some parts of it might put people off. I found the whole "dragons are the ultimate form of evolution" explanation kinda questionable too, as much as I did end up enjoying the story in the end.

Thanks for the heads up on the original 7th Dragon fan translation! Seems like importing used copies of the game is still reasonably affordable, so I'm definitely going to look into that since this current flood of JRPGs won't last forever.

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #529 on: September 20, 2016, 04:08:31 AM »
it was the story, and just... not really liking Nodens being the real only place to explore that isn't a dungeon.

As for the original 7th Dragon, it's really quite good and has more traditional JRPG flavor in how it handles towns, overworld, and dungeons. the more Etrian bits of the system are still there too.

The one thing that isn't exactly great is the fact that in the original 7th Dragon, Dragonsbane flowers are actually poisonus, and your party takes damage every time you walk on a tile with Dragonsbane on it. it also destroys the flower if you stamp it, but it can respawn in dungeons (on the overworld, you can actually get rid of it forever on the overworld by eating the damage from stepping on it.

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #530 on: September 20, 2016, 03:26:16 PM »
So speaking of dragons, I just finished up Yoshi's Woolly World (on Wii U).

As a relatively recent Wii U owner I've missed out on a lot of the 2D platformers the system offers. Rayman and DK are all still in the pipeline for me. All 3 looked gorgeous, but picked this one up first. I'm pretty bad at games so figured I'd start out easy.

Partial mistake there though; the later levels get pretty tricky still. It offers things like extra ability badges and even a mode where you get wings to compensate, but those still don't cover things like spiky pits or those damn blocks which flattened me constantly. Did really appreciate the winged "mellow mode" though, for co-op with someone who's never played a platformer before. Kinda too bad you can't have one player in mellow mode and the other in normal, but oh well.

Game looks amazing of course, and sound is decent too. I miss the saccharin song from N64 Yoshi's Story though! There's a ton of levels, well over 50, a decent amount of fun, but kinda easy bossfights, and absolutely endless collectibles. Collect yarn to unlock new Yoshi's, collect flowers to unlock more levels, etc. Kinda wish these things would stack perhaps though, I've got a bunch of flowers in every world but you need ALL of them for the extra level. Same with Yoshi's; I can't count the amount of levels where I got 4/5 yarnballs - not enough for a new Yoshi, since they don't combine with yarns from other levels.

Level designs vary nicely too, the last 3 worlds contain a host of standouts in particular. The earlier ones are a little samey perhaps though. If one is kicking your ass you can always pay to skip it in mellow mode, which is nice. I hate the checkpoints though, they're too sparse for a game this kiddy, and routinely having no checkpoints right before a boss is some real garbage. Also why no Kamek bossfight!?!

Overall I would recommend it, it's creative with its world, controls well, has fun boss fights, tons of stuff to collect. Have some nitpicks in terms of streamlining the experience, perhaps they can do that for the 3DS version. Rating: 7.5/10

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #531 on: September 22, 2016, 04:40:25 PM »
it was the story, and just... not really liking Nodens being the real only place to explore that isn't a dungeon.

As for the original 7th Dragon, it's really quite good and has more traditional JRPG flavor in how it handles towns, overworld, and dungeons. the more Etrian bits of the system are still there too.

The one thing that isn't exactly great is the fact that in the original 7th Dragon, Dragonsbane flowers are actually poisonus, and your party takes damage every time you walk on a tile with Dragonsbane on it. it also destroys the flower if you stamp it, but it can respawn in dungeons (on the overworld, you can actually get rid of it forever on the overworld by eating the damage from stepping on it.

So I guess the fact that this happens in Code: VFD in Eden is kind of a nod to the original game? It's stuff like this which makes me sort of hesitant to jump into a series with a second, third, or later entry without playing the games that came before it, because I always think seeing references to older entries like this is really cool and it's easy to miss them if you're coming in later. On the other hand, I guess I might not have even been interested in the original if I hadn't played this game first and playing the games in the opposite order will offer an interesting perspective too. Thanks again for telling me about this game!

Offline MagicCow64

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #532 on: September 28, 2016, 06:08:25 PM »
Joined the Team Known as Codename STEAM (3DS):

After taking a break a few hours in, I resumed this game last week and powered through to completion. This is an unusually difficult game to parse my reaction to and I would be hard pressed to give it a number rating. I found some elements of it to be frustrating throughout and some only frustrating until I had sufficiently figured the game out and/or gotten access to better characters/weapons. This is tough though because I think the point of the game is to keep you feeling pressured and moving decisively under adverse circumstances.

More granules:

-It's continually irritating not being able to see the whole map, walking into overwatch traps, etc. But this makes information a resource in the way that it isn't in the Fire Emblem games, and you gradually learn the right cautionary procedures. You've basically got to get in the game's headspace.

-Getting overwatched by enemies can be extremely annoying. Sure, you can do this to them, too, but I felt the triggers on your behalf are inconsistent and I generally did not find it advantageous to play the game in that kind of methodical/trappy way. Also, it's very annoying that you can't see how much "steam" or whatever the aliens have, or if they have that restriction at all while on defense. You can seemingly get overwatched by them until you die. Information restriction is one thing, but I feel like once you have a bead on alien health you should also be able to see how much juice they have for their overwatch/next turn. As is, I felt like semi-informed blitzing was the only way to play the game.

-As a result, easily half the characters are worthless gimmicks. I stuck with John Henry, Henry, and Lion as my core three members, and they are also the first three you get. The excitement of getting new characters wore off pretty quick when it turned out that they mostly suck after the initial stretch. Somewhat conversely, I was irritated that I didn't have a sniper character up until they introduced the sniper character, and then the game clicked much more. With properly equipped Fox on the team you can pull off some sick **** and depending on the map I leaned heavily on her for much of the game.

-Unpredictable enemy reinforcements are super annoying. But again, this keeps pressure on and ensures that you can't just creep forward and wipe out alien formations.

-One-time use specials per character is a cool feature that adds personality and flexibility in a pretty harsh game. But most characters have terrible personal radius special attacks that you rarely use because you really don't want to get up in an enemy group's face. Henry is not a particularly good character, but I used him in every mission because he had the only truly good special. In fact, I beat the final boss in a clinch when it exposed its weak point after seemingly endless hammering, allowing second-to-last man standing Henry to shoot his patriot rocket for one million damage. But in a way this only partially makes up for the fact that I almost never used the specials of the rest of team (John Henry, Lion, Fox).

-There is functionally no character progression. You can unlock new subweapons and steam boilers, but most of them suck. Your steam allotment always feels kind of weak, and most weapons don't do a satisfying amount of damage. The imprecise aiming and enemy wobble also makes hitting weak points frustrating. But I still managed to beat the game. So I'm not sure how I feel. Though I definitely hit a few points where I was like "If I die near the end of this 30 minute map, with a fucked save point, I'm just not going to play this game again." But each time I squeaked out a victory, at least twice with nearly dead last-man-standing Lion leaping into the goal zone while surrounded by enemies. Which was exhilarating.

So all in all, an odd duck. I feel accomplished for having beaten it, mostly not having a good handle on actual strategy, but the ideal strategy might have been the antic fumbling that I employed.

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #533 on: September 30, 2016, 10:55:07 PM »
Balloon Kid is an odd but enjoyable game that's well worth your time.

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #534 on: October 01, 2016, 10:55:51 AM »
So speaking of dragons, I just finished up Yoshi's Woolly World (on Wii U).

Love the review. Mostly agree with it. I do think Rayman and DK Tropical Freeze are the two of the three best platforms on Wii U. So you probably won't go wrong with any of the two you pick to play next.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #535 on: October 02, 2016, 02:39:03 PM »

Just finished up Severed, which was recently added to the Wii U eshop.

Released earlier on Vita and iOS, this is now on 3DS and Wii U too. Gorgeous game from Drinkbox (they did Guacamelee) which has you starring as Sasha (pictured above) who loses part of her arm when her family gets attacked. A creepy spectre-figure hands you what looks like a living blade, and we're off to get our family back!

You move through the world in a way that reminds me of Killer7, in that you point a direction and press forward, but don't actually have complete movement freedom. On rails a bit? You find puzzles, secrets and fight all in first-person view on the Gamepad, using a stylus. The fights are really cool here, you swipe to hack away at gruesome enemies and parry their attacks. If you land a bunch of succesful hits you get in a brief trance-mode and can kill the enemies by severing (titledrop) their limbs. Those limbs are used to upgrade your blade.

The good: looks and sounds great, sparse storytelling that still manages to convey emotions without spelling things out for you. The Mesoamerican-inspired setting is relatively novel too in games! The fighting is cool with the touchpad, and having the giant map up on the TV really helps once you've taken care of all enemies in an area and want to explore for secrets.

The bad: you can't walk backwards, which isn't super annoying but sometimes you overshoot and then turning is a little cumbersome. Also I feel like the upgrade system is kinda janky, I had like 1600 spare giblets left at the end with nothing to spend them on. Maybe because I played on the easy mode, but yeah. Also if you're playing the whole thing in one go, touch controls might get tiring. I took my time though.
Last nitpick is the credits song. The whole game has moody pianos and then it ends with almost Sonic-esque rock? WHY? I get that they wanted a song called "take my hand" but did it have to be so jarring?

Last note: it's cool to have a main character with an obvious physical disability in a game. Don't see that a ton, I feel like. They almost ruin this in the final area, but then turn it into a situation where Sasha needs to accept the loss of this limb, so that's nicely done.

Severed is a tremendous game in my opinion. If you want something moody, bloody, pretty short (7.5 hrs for 100% on easy), and heavily using touch controls this comes highly recommended. 8.5/10

Love the review. Mostly agree with it. I do think Rayman and DK Tropical Freeze are the two of the three best platforms on Wii U. So you probably won't go wrong with any of the two you pick to play next.

Thanks! Yeah I'm thinking Rayman might be next, since I'm not great at games and get stuck easily on difficult platformers haha. But DK will happen eventually for sure, love the atmosphere in those games.

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #536 on: October 09, 2016, 08:00:01 PM »
I rage quit Grabbed by the Ghoulies midway through the second chapter. Something about getting the egg back from a skeleton. I got tired of the janky controls and the arbitrary conditions in every single kill room and the arbitrary health in each room of the freaking mansion. It just wasn't fun at all.
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Offline azeke

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #537 on: October 10, 2016, 06:02:08 AM »
10 000 000 (Steam):
Finally got the last achievement.

It's a match-3 puzzle game but you need to match certain things to go past monsters and other obstacles and do it fast because game gets faster and faster.

I was kinda hoping to get more skill based gameplay akin to Puzzle and Dragons but it's closer to PuzzleQuest it it's randomness where pieces falling from the ceiling filling up empty spaces largely determine the outcome. Ah well.

I got to the end relatively quickly, but the last challenge to achieve 10 000 000 points on Explorer level took me a month of playing on lunch breaks. I even thought of clearing save and restarting it the game, but today i finally lucked into the win.

Randomness situation is worsened by controls forbidding to move pieces while your combo is still going. You need to match pieces constantly not to die because game doesn't stop as more pieces fall. Very often you might just die in the middle of a 5+ chain match without even a chance to even do anything because of this.

Whatever, i'm glad it's over.

Also got last achievements on Legend of Korra game (felt kinda sad) and Brothers: Tale of two sons -- funnily one of the last achievements was to sit on one bench that i missed, because back when i played the game i kept sitting on every bench i could see, but i missed one single one that actually leads to achievement.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #538 on: October 10, 2016, 11:02:46 AM »

Posts like this are why I'm not a fan of "achievement" chasing. Sit on all benches, have some random and wildly unlikely thing happen, and get "rewarded"?  No thanks.

Finished Pikmin: New Play Controls (Wii) this morning. Not bad considering it's Canadian Thanksgiving and I'm sick as a dog.  The game was easy but totally charming. Didn't do very well with the final boss - but had lots of spare days and enough Pikmin in reserve to just brute force the battle.

My kids want to move on to Pikmin 2 right away, but I think we'll play something else first.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #539 on: October 10, 2016, 12:18:53 PM »
It doesn't count as beating it but I crashed Minecraft! I created a pillar that goes way up into the sky made out of stone and then started a lava fall over it then I created a water fall to put out the fire and that only turned into that ugly **** that lava turns into when you pour water on it, and then I had a huge water fall so I tried to pour lava over the water to kill it off, in an endless cycle because the physics are weird in that game and I crashed my save. I had to disable autosave and go in and delete the entire pillar of destruction to restore that map.

Then I created a water world, where I flooded the entire world one water bucket spill at a time, and crashed the game again now I can't get back into that save. Apparently if you have too many water squares in a map it will crash. Sorry Kevin Costner I tried.

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #540 on: October 10, 2016, 07:46:47 PM »
How **** is your computer rat? XD
Made you look ****.

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #541 on: October 10, 2016, 09:28:40 PM »
It's actually brand new, bought it a month ago. But I am playing the game on the PS4 dumb ass so nice try.

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #542 on: October 11, 2016, 08:13:26 AM »
Finished off Scurge: Hive (GBA) last night. Most of the game was very easy - enemies drop so much health when killed that it's almost hard to die on normal mode; in retrospect I should have upped the difficulty before starting - but the final boss took a few tries before figuring out a working approach.

Not quite sure what to think about the game now that it's finished. It's quite good except for one issue: there is simply too much repetition for my personal liking. Every stage used the same progression (get power-up, find keys, activate nodes, fight boss). The game would have benefited from variance at some point to keep you on your toes.

That said, the game is well designed and accomplishes what it sets out do. Scurge: Hive is a solid action game and remains easy to recommend.  The ending claims that the adventure is: "to be continued..." but I have my doubts the game sold well enough to live up to that promise - which is a shame, really. I'd be up for some more of Jenosa Arma's story.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #543 on: October 11, 2016, 11:02:05 AM »
Finished off Scurge: Hive (GBA) last night.
Not quite sure what to think about the game now that it's finished. It's quite good except for one issue: there is simply too much repetition for my personal liking. Every stage used the same progression (get power-up, find keys, activate nodes, fight boss). The game would have benefited from variance at some point to keep you on your toes.

Sounds a lot like that Streetpass space shooter game, Mii Force. I got bored fast with that one.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #544 on: October 19, 2016, 02:24:06 AM »
The Legacy of Kain 2: Soul Reaver or Soul Reaver 2: The Legacy of Kain, whatever (PC):

I've glanced at this series before, but couldn't be bothered to figure out what was going on with the different titles and chronology or whathaveyou, but I saw this one for $2 or so on a GOG sale and it looked like the Dreamcast game I saw in EGM as a kid and thought looked cool. And I was jonesing for an actual full-fledged action adventure game, and had the notion that this series was well-regarded.

But looking in to it afterward, it seems like this game/series is mostly revered for its story, which would have been a big warning sign. This might be the talkiest non-RPG I've ever played, with frequent and agonizing chunks of time devoted to two verbose try-hard characters babbling gobbledygook exposition about some ongoing plot I could not care less about.

The actual game is only about 8 hours long, and a big portion of that is going back and forth through the same linear corridorish game world in "different" time periods, desperately trying to avoid participating in the awful combat system. There aren't any sidequests, there aren't any secrets, there's no inventory, and there are only 4 short dungeons and a handful of traversal obstacles between them. There is a "dark world" mechanic that is smoothly integrated, but it's severely underused to the point where I got stuck a few times because I forgot it existed.

The actual dungeons are decent, though, for what it's worth. Now I just want a goddamned real Zelda game. ::Looks into emulating Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy::
« Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 02:28:46 AM by MagicCow64 »

Offline supermario2k

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #545 on: October 19, 2016, 11:45:54 AM »
I hate this thread. You all suck. I never even have time to play very many games let alone beat any of them. That settles it this weekend I am locking myself in my apartment and playing at least one game from start to finish. Probably going to be Super Mario 3D World, its about time I finish that one.

Offline ejamer

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #546 on: October 19, 2016, 02:10:31 PM »
I hate this thread. You all suck. I never even have time to play very many games let alone beat any of them. That settles it this weekend I am locking myself in my apartment and playing at least one game from start to finish. Probably going to be Super Mario 3D World, its about time I finish that one.

I usually have to make a concerted effort to beat games - it usually takes an ongoing investment of time over a month or two because I usually don't have a lot of gaming time on a day-to-day basis.

It's funny how my approach to a game changes as I'm nearing the end.  Depending on how much I like a game, my reaction can be totally different!
* Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii) - the end was approached with trepidation, and sometimes I will choose to ignore the main quest (or even play a different game) because I loved the experience and don't want it to end yet
* Scurge: Hive (GBA) - just grinding to finish; even though I enjoyed the game a good deal, I've had my fill and want to be done with the game
* Pikmin 3 (Wii U) - simple satisfaction; the game is done, I'm ok with that; no rush to end or wasting time to delay myself from moving on
* Daxter (PSP) - pure spite; I've already wasted too much time with this game already and just want it to end, but am not willing to quit before finishing because the time invested is too high to back down now
NNID: ejamer

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #547 on: October 19, 2016, 02:16:00 PM »
Finished off Scurge: Hive (GBA) last night.

Sounds a lot like that Streetpass space shooter game, Mii Force. I got bored fast with that one.

I didn't get bored with Scurge: Hive. The challenge increased close to the end and I still think it's a good design overall.

But (as mentioned above) it had started to feel like a grind eventually instead of a natural progression or exploration of the environment.  Maybe the game was too drawn out and should have tried to cut an hour or two off the playtime?  Maybe one level should have included a mini-boss battle added midway through?

Still recommended, despite failing to live up to the "might be better than Metroid Fusion" feeling that it generated early on.
NNID: ejamer

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #548 on: October 19, 2016, 07:11:45 PM »
The actual dungeons are decent, though, for what it's worth. Now I just want a goddamned real Zelda game. ::Looks into emulating Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy::

Oh wow that Sphinx & Cursed Mummy game is a deep cut right there. I remember kind of wanting to try it during the 3D platformer heydays. IIRC there's a pretty annoying gamebreaking glitch after the... second? Mummy stage, where if you save behind a door that's supposed to open and then die the trigger to open the door no longer exists, leaving you trapped forever with no solution but start a new game.

I hate this thread. You all suck. I never even have time to play very many games let alone beat any of them. That settles it this weekend I am locking myself in my apartment and playing at least one game from start to finish. Probably going to be Super Mario 3D World, its about time I finish that one.

Haha hey man don't turn it into a chore. Play what you want, when you want to. I once read that only ~15% of games get completed. While I'm definitely one of those "but if I don't finish it I can't check it off my list!"-people, it's useful to remember that completing games shouldn't be the goal, the goal should be to have a fun/enriching experience during your free time. (Altho Mario 3D World is great and the last main level is pretty stellar.)

Offline supermario2k

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #549 on: October 20, 2016, 11:02:43 AM »
I know that man, I been gaming since the 80's. But I never have time to even do small gaming really. I work 50-60 hours a week and I have school on the side. I do my best but it's not easy. I do game, but mostly just Minecraft because it's easy to pick up and play and easy to put down and move on.