Author Topic: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?  (Read 528274 times)

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #400 on: February 18, 2016, 10:18:52 PM »
I got through the first tower and never went back to the game. I just never felt the urge to go back to the game. It came out at the worst possible time.

I did beat Axiom Verge. Man, that game just failed to leave a mark on me. The first 2 hours were really good, but then the game fell apart after that. I got lost way too many times, the boss battles were pretty infrequent after the initial set of bosses (including the cheap ones like fighting yourself and the "boss battle" that follows it) and the upgrades just failed to deliver. At to the fact that the final battle is a bit on the cheap side (though I was able to exploit it a bit) and that you need to surpass a certain % of items and map discovery to see the "true" ending and I have a hard time coming back to this game with the backlog I currently have. Major props should go to Tom Happ for making this game, but I feel like this will go down as one of those early indie titles in a new console generation: pretty good but ultimately unmemorable.
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Offline MagicCow64

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #401 on: February 18, 2016, 10:24:42 PM »
Unfortunately the final glitch is fucking severe and can be impossible to overcome, as was the case in my run as I had been doing all the scenes with the waifu and thus had nothing to fall back on for the workaround. If you do give it a shot take special care to avoid interacting with her too much.
All you have to do is save before you leave the observatory and reboot the game before heading to the next tower. Every time you go back, but yeah.

Wait, you talking about just for the last two towers or every time throughout the game? Because I just want to emphasize that you can get completely stuck no matter how you try to work around the final freeze glitch depending on what you do up to that point in the game.


Yeah, I completely agree. I was initially super enthused about the game and posted as much here, but the back half really falls apart. It becomes clear that the areas are mostly just tile set changes, and there are hardly any bosses at all. At one point the game leaves you with no direction and it becomes a real pain to trudge around trying to find something to do. The drone upgrades later on are interesting on paper, but the game doesn't really utilize them to a notable degree.

So just for posterity, I do not consider it on the tier of legit good Metroid clones. That tier is still only occupied by Shadow Complex.

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #402 on: February 18, 2016, 11:02:03 PM »
The drone upgrades later on are interesting on paper, but the game doesn't really utilize them to a notable degree.

So just for posterity, I do not consider it on the tier of legit good Metroid clones. That tier is still only occupied by Shadow Complex.

Yes! I kept waiting for something cool to do with that little drone but aside from a few main weapon upgrades you can get after you initially get him (which are more tests of endurance than anything else) he's kinda worthless. I only got the necessary upgrade to progress the story so maybe I'm missing out on something else.

There were a few "oh ****, nice!" moments (the first time you discover a secret world, the first time you fast-travel through Indi with Oracca, the hallucination in Ukkin-Na) but those are few and far between all the dull parts.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #403 on: February 18, 2016, 11:19:07 PM »
Wait, you talking about just for the last two towers or every time throughout the game? Because I just want to emphasize that you can get completely stuck no matter how you try to work around the final freeze glitch depending on what you do up to that point in the game.
In what way? I never had the game freeze up or glitch on me up until the last two towers.

I also caved and repurchased Black Flag. Here we go again...!
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #404 on: February 20, 2016, 04:01:39 PM »
I started The Last Story yesterday then decided I really needed to just finish Shantae and the Pirate's Curse. I only had one full level left and some extras to collect to get the good ending.

The game was fine, nothing to write home about. It suffers from Wayforward Technologies' occasional annoying game design. I liked the pirate gear Shantae gets over the transformations. I would play Shantae and the Pirate's Curse again.

Next up: The Last Story

Offline azeke

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #405 on: February 21, 2016, 10:18:44 PM »
Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks:
Great ending:

Final sequence used train theme in a very cool way and final boss was epic in usual Zelda fashion.

Also before that, fight with Byrne was pretty exciting as well (great use of 3d camera):

Both these boss fights and later dungeons used controlling two characters at once gimmick. In some puzzles it was almost like RTS with level of multitasking required.

Speaking of two characters, Zelda in this game rocks. The animation where she shrieks at the sight of mice is kinda cute, especially because she is in the body of a huge armoured knight.

Dark dungeon near the end was annoying and confusing. Especially because if you died you had to climb entire tower and then some just to enter it again. Which is weird because otherwise game is very respectful of my time as a portable game and has very generous checkpoints.

Just like with Phantom Hourglass i loved how game used map drawing as game design element. Touch controls worked fine just like with PH, even dreaded flute segments took a minute each -- you just had to pay minimal attention. I highly suspect that people who had problems with them dearly need some gud to git.

Overall, a solid game. I do wish train was faster in overworld. Enemy spawns on overworld are supposed to diversify moving around and make it less boring but it was more annoying than anything especially with the way game chugged when tanks appear. Just for that alone i enjoyed Phantom Hourglass so much more.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #406 on: February 21, 2016, 11:24:05 PM »
I finished Firewatch, but that's not a game you can talk about without spoiling it. Suffice it to say that's impeccably written and performed excellently by the voice actors. It's a very good game as well.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #407 on: February 21, 2016, 11:26:38 PM »
But isn't it like $20 for 3 hours of gameplay?
Made you look ****.

Offline MagicCow64

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #408 on: February 21, 2016, 11:51:03 PM »
But isn't it like $20 for 3 hours of gameplay?

It has close to zero gameplay. I would also disagree about the quality of the writing.

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #409 on: February 22, 2016, 12:29:11 AM »
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Offline MagicCow64

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #410 on: February 23, 2016, 12:06:00 AM »
Ha, I mean, there's two parts if I remember correctly where you have to following a homing beacon. I think that qualifies as gameplay.

Otherwise I ignored every conversation I could because I found the voice actors annoying on top of everything. From what I understand this does not alter events at all. It also ran kind of terrible on my decent laptop for no reason that I could discern. Come to think of it, The Witness also ran like ass for a game with simple effects and geometry, although it had a larger scope.

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #411 on: February 23, 2016, 12:18:20 AM »
Continuing my swing through the games of 2013, I just finished up Super Mario 3D World. Not much to say beyond just marveling at how good EAD Tokyo is at making platformers. I think their level design has improved with every successive game in the series, and I'm really excited to see the next one, which I have to figure is going to be an NX launch title.
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Offline azeke

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #412 on: February 25, 2016, 10:52:35 AM »
God Hand (on PCSX2 emulator):

What a game. A very special and unique game in so many ways.


There is no jump button.

Dynamic difficulty. The better you do, the harder game becomes. Get hit few times and game drops AI level to make it easier. And it's not hidden from you, each time AI level changes there is a big screen prompt and behind the screen audience sighs or applauds depending if you go up or down.

Customizable controls with a pool of 100+ of moves and you can set them to face buttons and put them in attack string in any order depending on what you need and who you face.

And probably the most unique feature -- tanks controls and camera that is fixed behind and just above Gene's head. This even gave me motion sickness at first.

That camera is indefensible. The way how i can't push stick in any direction and JUST GO in that direction is maddening because it works that way in literally all other game. If you want to run away it means you will be turning your back to enemy and won't see what they are doing. There is a radar but it doesn't REALLY fix visibility problems at all -- it simply existing confirms that camera is such a problem they had to address it somehow.

Camera goes from bothersome to outright terrible when you face more than one enemy because they can and will encircle you and could even launch projectiles from behind your back. It might not have been that terrible if game had more distinct sound cues like Bayonetta that inform what enemies are doing even when you can't see them, but God Hand also has a bug which drops sound effects if there are too many, which leads to some attacks being  silent.

Tank controls stunt not only camera and visibility but also movement. You can only move forward/back, to go left/right to you have to rotate and THEN go in that direction. There is a side dodge but: 1) side-dodge is NOT strafe because it's works with lock-on and you are basically circling around the closest enemy instead of just going sideways in a line 2) it's on a right stick, which means you have to move your thumb away from face button and then back.

This is a problem with dealing with attacks that are so wide there is no time to side dodge them until you get hit let alone taking your time to rotate yourself 90° and start moving left. There is a trick that allows you to side-dodge super fast but you have to press face button and push right stick in a very quick succession repeatedly which is impossible unless you're using "claw" fingers setup or move second thumb over to right side.

Because camera refuses to work with multiple enemies active, highlight of the game is bosses that you fight 1 on 1. The game kinda sorta turns into 2d fight with weird perspective, like "dynamic", over the shoulder perspective on 3DS version of Super Street Fighter IV:

You kinda can overcome too many enemies problem by luring them to you one by one by taunting or throwing boxes at them. But later parts of the game feature areas with up to 8 enemies ALL activated instantly the moment you enter the area and it's a complete cluster.

And many bosses come in varieties of three, or even five! All of them attacking you and with the way camera works half of them will be behind you often readying to fire their projectile attacks while you can't see them.

Aside from clunky movement, the combat is fantastic. It's very different from other action games, mainly because enemies are more "solid" than in other games and various states of enemies and your own are extremely important here (staggering, stun, dizzying, guarding, guard blocking, anger and so on). In Bayonetta, you stagger everyone, mash attacks and when they connect -- enemy can't do anything because they're stunned from now as long you keep pressing buttons. In God Hand it's not a given your attack even flinches an enemy if it connects and most likely it is you who will get hit instead.

The key is to do so called counter-hits -- time your attack so that they connect in enemy's certain frames of attack animations. I am not good to at it, so i can't juggle crowds of fools and kick them all into each other, so my personal dumb strategy is to manage my bars to maximize God Hand usage.

I used moves like Yes Man Kablaam, Granny Smacker and/or Chain Yanker.

Granny Smacker is a move that can put enemies in dizzy state very fast (otherwise takes a LOT of hits OR guard breaking and my reflexes are not fast enough to do it) by bonking him/her on a head in extremely exaggerated fashion.

Once they're dizzied they can't retaliate and pummel QTE will activate near them. You can now safely execute Yes Man Kablaam move which raises your God Hand meter. If you're fast enough (pummel QTE lasts only 4 seconds) you can hit enemy with YMK twice. And just as you're finishing second hit you instantly activate QTE to start wailing on an enemy and get even more God Hand meter.

Chain Yanker move enters this system because it can pull any enemy from any distance and puts them in dizzied mode instantly. Then again, do Yes Man Kablaams and pummel for more meter.

I absolutely can't fathom people getting so good at this game that they can beat it without activating God Hand or roulette move even once (so called "Kick Me" sign challenge).

My puny game clear result above looks pitiful compares to these guys. I tried to to make it no death playthrough, but gave up on the last boss. Just couldn't muster enough motivation because it was exactly that  -- the last boss -- what's the point? I know i can beat him -- because i did, it just took me several continues, so after several days i just ate 1 death and left it at that.

At least credits sequence was well worth it. The game in general is absurd and hilarious:

You will be facing gorilla wrestlers, mongolian wrestlers, punks, mohawk punks, robot mohawk punks, dominatrices, zebra dominatrices, spiked traffic cone dominatrices, fat clowns, midgets, power ranger midgets, wizard midgets. It is an insane and unapologetic circus of mooks and villains all lining up to savour the taste of your fist.

Out of all bosses Great Sensei was probably the hardest of them all. He has a sword that is like 5 meters long so he can easily reach me from way afar AND his attack come extremely fast AND he can clone himself into 5 clones with the most obnoxious attacks where you are basically stunlocked to death if any of them as much as touch you with the tip.

Azel and Elvis bosses were also very good. Gorilla was just funny.

Some later levels were even harder than bosses. With huge crowds of enemies that you had somehow to deal with despite inadequate camera. The way how later enemies become very stun happy makes it even harder.

Case in point -- midgets! Midgets Five boss fights is probably the most annoying boss fight in history of videogames because of those little midgets screaming in their voices, thrashing about stunning you constantly and shooting lasers from all over the place.

As game progresses you unlock more and more versatile and powerful moves, it's almost like RPG. This was the main reason why insisted on completing the game without dying -- you get a hefty bonus for beat each level without dying -- to buy new moves and several power-ups. There is in-game gambling (casino and chihuahua races) to earn money. You can also do extra challenges for money and i did that because i am still fighting and it's not as boring as gambling.

God Hand also has amazing music:

Classic of the genre. Deep combat unlike anything that came before or other. Tank controls are super clunky to deal with. Super funny tho.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2016, 10:58:27 AM by azeke »
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #413 on: February 28, 2016, 10:29:49 AM »
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (DS):
This one took me five years if not more. I lost my first cart on chapter 20 something and had to restart on new one three years ago.

It took so much time because gameplay is kinda tedious. I try one approach and lose my hero because i didn't notice one enemy or due to a critical hit -- and i restart the map.

Inventory management between and during battles also doesn't help matters.

Characters are all so one dimensional, i realize this is a remake of a Famicom but they should have spruced it up instead of producing a faithful but boring remake.

Music is kinda generic and battle music gets old pretty fast.

Those rare moments when everything fits into place, RNG behaves and i manage to keep all my characters alive, properly upgraded and properly equipped were what kept me returning throughout all these years.

Final level looked almost impossible at first. Four isolated groups have to survive under waves of incoming enemies. But apparently it can be easily done with just Marth (with Falchion) and two mages with warp and "heal everyone on the map" spells. You can teleport Marth right in side the citadel near final boss where he will wreck house and kill everyone around the boss and two-hit Medeus himself provided mages keep healing him.

I thought that i have to not only to kill the boss but also escape the map as with all regular levels, so at first i tried to clear the map and close all spots from where reinforcements come. I managed to do that but one of my mages (Marth's sister) ended up trapped alone against waves of enemies. At that moment i decided that have nothing to lose and went right for the boss and warped Marth right near Medeus where he proceeded to kill him in two turns and game ended. I didn't manage to save Elice that first time so i had to reload map save checkpoints several times to manage to keep her alive.

"Where they are now" credits sequence is kinda cool, but if anything it just exposes how generic all characters really are. If they die they all receive the same "died in chapter n and vanished from pages of history" message, regardless of who they were. If they stay alive all they get is brief mention where they go afterwards and who they marry (or not).
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #414 on: March 02, 2016, 07:51:18 PM »
Teslagrad (Wii U) - Posted my thoughts in the "What are you playing?" thread so will only summarize here. The game was a disappointment, because it had good ideas but failed to live up to expectations. It was still ok, and I don't regret playing... but that's hardly a glowing endorsement.

Note: technically didn't finish because the game hard-locked my console twice during the final boss fight. I'm marking it done anyway.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #415 on: March 27, 2016, 02:12:18 AM »
Finished Gravity Rush Remastered and went ahead and cleared the DLC missions after that. Story complaints aside (spoiler alert: I found out there is no "bad ending", that's just the regular ending because really shitty cliffhangers while you wait for Gravity Rush 2 are apparently a thing.) It felt great to control Kat and the game gave you a good sense of progression as she slowly because a bad-ass gravity controlling queen. The gameplay mixed things up well for the most part even if the boss battles were a bit stale. The game's finale doesn't seem as dauntingly hard and even I managed to beat it on my first try. Overall there is something very nice here and I am curious as to how things change in Gravity Rush 2.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #416 on: March 28, 2016, 08:40:09 AM »

Finished The Swindle (Wii U) properly, after coming very close to giving up.

The game was great, I enjoyed the overall experience tremendously and found myself constantly wanting to try one more level - sneaking through randomly generated levels, stealing loot and hacking computers, and upgrading my character. The upgrade paths were mostly obvious due to pricing, but there were some questions the first time through about what to prioritize because I wasn't sure how different tools actually worked.

The first time through the game I lost... unable to pull off the ultimate swindle before my time expired. During my second attempt it was a quick and comfortable win because of the knowledge and skill I had build up. It felt satisfying to see such improved results with practice.

Unfortunately, there is one problem that needs to be brought up. Near the end there are bugs that can (and likely will) cause your console to hard-lock which were incredibly frustrating. Not sure exactly what causes the problem, but the only way I could beat the final stage was to use a fresh play (ie: make sure it's the first level you attempt after loading your save) and avoid hacking things as much as possible - especially avoiding the Hack Drone command. There were some other bugs I found during my time with the game, but none as upsetting or frustrating as having to power down the console multiple times in one day.

If a patch comes out to fix that issue, then The Swindle gets a high recommendation from me. Until that patch arrives I'm not sure what to say... it depends on your willingness to overlook serious bugs, I guess.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2016, 08:43:50 AM by ejamer »
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #417 on: March 28, 2016, 09:43:04 AM »
Finished Gravity Rush Remastered and went ahead and cleared the DLC missions after that. Story complaints aside (spoiler alert: I found out there is no "bad ending", that's just the regular ending because really shitty cliffhangers while you wait for Gravity Rush 2 are apparently a thing.) It felt great to control Kat and the game gave you a good sense of progression as she slowly because a bad-ass gravity controlling queen. The gameplay mixed things up well for the most part even if the boss battles were a bit stale. The game's finale doesn't seem as dauntingly hard and even I managed to beat it on my first try. Overall there is something very nice here and I am curious as to how things change in Gravity Rush 2.

I loved Gravity Rush on Vita.  Did you play the Vita version?  Is this distinct from that version in any way?

The story is pretty weak sauce IMO, but the joy of this game came from the gravity mechanic that made traversing the city a joy, even if I felt the enemies & landscape felt pretty one-note.  I can tolerate a weak story again in Gravity Rush 2 if they at least add some variety in that regard.

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #418 on: March 28, 2016, 01:12:43 PM »
Did not play the Vita version, but I would think the Dual Shock's gyro works well for those who did play it.

But yeah, the story is mostly inconsequential. The gravity mechanic was so well done, and as you leveled up your powers it made the game much more fun in a way something like Rodea the Sky Soldier wasn't (you were pretty much locked into your flying powers there and that's it). I'm glad the game didn't bombard me with more combat as I got closer to the end. but I feel like it needs to be tweaked for the sequel.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #419 on: April 14, 2016, 12:21:12 PM »
Assasin's Creed: Unity (PC):

What an awful game.

This game screwed up every single component of the series.

They changed climbing and descending to make it more controllable and less prone to random jerky movement in the wrong directions but if anything it made things worse. Character is not supposed to climb any stuff unless you press A, except Arno STILL climbs some stuff occasionally and moves all over the place. And getting inside windows is a huge hassle which might work or not despite having a dedicated button that only does that nothing else.

Combat is probably the worst thing in this steaming pile. It is slow (i. e. bad) and clunky. "Light" attack animation takes 3 seconds! It is still more or less same AC combat which was never been good, but at least it wasn't as actively detrimental before.

Because the game has loot and RPG style leveling system it inevitably has godawful balance making earlier missions exercise in frustration and later mission -- boring invincible walk in the park. At the start if enemies as much as breath on you, you will die. Halfway into story ALL enemies start using their guns killing you randomly in one shot unless you have leveled up your health at least three times which is impossible unless you spend 20 hours grinding for sync points and money.

I suspect they made main character is so ridiculously underpowered to motivate people use their microtransations or play online modes something. Thanks, Ubisoft.

"Stealth" (as much as term is applicable for this series) has also gone to ****. They added dedicated cover mechanic, but it's buggy and would rather move me in any other direction other than the one i want. Also there is no option NOT to kill people.

Sync points are used to level up my character, but curiously story mode will only give you like like third of all sync points, majority of them are in co-op missions.

The problem(s) with these co-op missions that they are balanced with four players in mind and are pain if you're playing by yourself. There are clearly way too many enemies for just one player. Co-op missions are also completely detached from the story, so you are schizophrenically going back and forth in timeline creating confusion with characters you have yet to meet in the story dying and vice-versa.

And finally insane hitching. This game is just too damn big for it's own good. Hundreds of characters on screen, superdetailed environments and models. The result -- game stutters all the time and sometimes hangs up for a second or two. I can deal with low framerate (i have 100%'d two AC games on Wii U after all) but this is a new low.

They kinda tried to do something about it by making distant districts engulfed in N64-type fog of sort but it doesn't work. You can tell that the scale is the problem because when you enter some kind of dungeon of other confined space, game stops hitching. Also DLC campaign Dead Kings has only three districts and that one performs much better. While Paris in main game has like 15 districts, of which 3 i never stepped into even once, each bustling with crowds.

Level design actually has quite a lot of alternate routes. You can go in guns blazing through a corridor full of baddies (and die in one random shot from the roof) OR you can get in through a back door. The problem with these alternate routes is that these doors often require lockpick skill level 3 which you can only unlock after basically you have completed the game. And it's not just alternate routes, a big portion of chests are also locked behind this lockpick BS. I can't even indulge my collectathon addiction whenever and wherever i want because of their stupid progression.

Progression balance is sacrificed for tacked on online mode and microtransactions. Full sync requirements are pretty bad too, co-op missions have their unique collectathon items that only appear when you're playing which is a terrible design descision. Especially when these sync points are hidden behind locks and if you don't have level 3 lockpicks -- you will likely have to replay this entire mission from the beginning if you want 100% sync (which i gave up on almost immediately when starting this game).

I kinda liked some of the story beats especially with Elise being a Templar and technically your enemy:

Assasin's Creed in my opinion is great when it has weird sci-fi together with historical stuff. But apparently there are morons people who dislike "modern" futuristic sci-fi part of the story and Ubisoft it feels like catered to them starting with this game by placing future part of the story closer to past rather than modern times.

If only they polished it properly it could have been at least an okay if inoffensive entry in the series.

Johnny's Payday Panic (3DS):
I've spent 18 hours on this game.

Sure gameplay gets repetitive by the end, but i didn't mind it because i was mostly playing it on a bus to and from work. As you keep playing mini-games change adding newer gimmicks making your job easier and faster to do until you could make a burger in seconds instead of 10 seconds as before.

Level-up mechanic is kinda weird because it's partly real-time (?). I turned my 3DS off and when i opened the game next day i discovered that i leveled down on one of my jobs. Starting from there i basically never turned this game off, just keeping it paused in Home menu when i closed the system.

I dunno i enjoyed it. It feels rather cheaply made but EBA inspired style carried it somewhat:
« Last Edit: April 14, 2016, 12:25:30 PM by azeke »
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #420 on: April 14, 2016, 10:23:51 PM »
@azeke RE: Unity

I'm with you on this game being a total steaming pile even in comparison to ACIII. I think the issue with the climbing getting worse despite theoretically having more control is that there are simply too many details on the architecture and the game is running headfirst into the perils of ever greater realism applied to a silly core gameplay conceit. This both slows things down in an already clunky series and makes it that much harder for the pathing AI to accurately figure out what minute movements you're trying to make while free-climbing.

That's kind of a bigger picture issue that's hard to think of a solution to, whereas the awful combat is baffling. To counter complaints about it being to easy/slaughtery, they just made the enemies annoying pieces of **** to fight without actually revamping the simplistic combat. And smoke grenade spamming still works as well as it ever did. The only upshot to this game is that it broke me of collectoritis once and for all.

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #421 on: April 17, 2016, 12:38:38 PM »
DuckTales: Remastered

Despite being a huge Disney Ducks fan, I never played the original Ducktales on the NES. When you're a kid in a small town, your options are limited. Hearing the voice actors again was a treat.

Finally playing it and it feels great. Interestingly, the pogo stick mechanic in Ducktales feels so much better than in Shovel Knight. Great sense of exploration too. Some of the enemies and appearances don't make sense, but that's how it was in the NES days.

The only irritating part was the final sequence You can spend almost all of the previous game using the pogo stick to get around everywhere, but now, you are forced to not use it, if you want to make the timed jumps without dying

Score: 6.5 out of 10

Offline azeke

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #422 on: May 02, 2016, 01:05:40 PM »
Mirror's Edge (2008, Steam):

This game is one of the best western developed 3d platformer i played and definitely the most original. Developer definitely put in quite an effort to realize their vision of fully first person platforming. This perspective makes ME different from basically all other 3d platformers from Mario 64 to say Prince of Persia.

Big problem with this this is that player loses spatial awareness -- it's much harder to see where exactly the character is at any moment. It is harder to time jumps because you can't see edges of platforms because they go under you as you're running.

This problem might have been solved by adding some kind of helper UI like top-down mini-map. Even if they didn't want to compromise their art-style they could still add cues like controller rumble when nearing the edge or adding audio cues or visual aids like special hand or feet animations. But nope. Faith exhales from time to time but these audio effects seem to be random. Missed opportunity because they basically completely ignored a way to give player more information and ultimately -- more control.

Lining up jumps is also harder in first-person but at least aiming reticle and a special button to reorient your viewing angle to the closest red target helps with it somewhat.

Aside from signature visual look, levels are designed to be very natural and organic: there are lots of random stuff scattered around and building and platforms are placed with all kinds of angles -- there are almost no 90 angles. This makes the task of lining jumps so much harder. With some of hardest jumps in time trials it turns into a lottery -- you hit the right angle maybe one time out of five.

City's realistic look creates yet another unaddressed problem -- stumbling into all kinds of random level geometry from poles to garbage cardboards to electric boards on walls. If you as much as touch a pixel of of these obstacles with shoulder you stop dead in tracks (Sonic problem). In time trials i often strafe around them losing momentum in the process but it's still better than losing all my speed entirely:

All these problems kinda made me think about octagonal gates on Nintendo controllers and how levels and controls were designed in 3D Land/World. Nintendo made jumps so much easier with both level design and movement "favouring" 90 turns (despite what some ignorant people say movement in 3d Land is NOT strictly 8-way but it kinda pivots into these directions).

Because of all these issues time trials (that are the ultimate test of gaming's controls) in Mirror's Edge amount to rote repetition of inputs (because you can't really see what are you doing and where you are in relation to objects) and a lots of luck and patience because some of the maneuvers are gonna be 1/10 chance.

Still despite all this randomness and wonkyness there are a lot of neat things you can do with these controls:

Which makes randomness of platforming only more disappointing because there are clearly quite some space to apply player's skill it's just goes to complete waste because of these niggling little problems.

Of course all these problems are only exposed if you want to push the game (and your patience) to the limit in time trials. Just beating the story will be mostly okay because you won't be running against time in those. Story however has other problem -- combat and guns. While in most levels you can run away from cops, some later levels have heavy machine gun dudes that will always kill you if you just try to run past them forcing you to actually take guns into your hands and kill them which is criminally terrible both in how it feels and how antitethic it is to everything else in this game. Combat feels especially awful when you are running around everywhere under fire trying to find the exit and dying repeatedly.

However actual platforming level-design is not bad at all, aside from weird angles. You often have 2-3 ways to approach each challenge often with the easiest way highlighted in red. Figuring out alternate, much faster roads is part of the challenge.

Great art-style, good title song, platforming is wonky but very cool when it actually happens. Time trials are frustrating. Combat and shooting are godawful.

I spent 24 hours on it, most of it in time trials.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #423 on: May 03, 2016, 06:49:08 AM »
My headache would kick in within half an hour if I play this game, lol.

Offline azeke

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #424 on: May 09, 2016, 10:27:41 PM »
Metroid 2: (Gameboy on 3DS VC):

Took me over a year playing on and off, mostly off until i started a conscious effort to complete all my unfinished games (as evidenced by my recent posts here). Playing it on a handheld is good for this because i get at least two hours of play guaranteed every day (commute from/to work).

I screwed myself by trying to sequence break. The way the game is designed is that you're not supposed to advance into next zone until you cleared all Metroid in each zone, then you earthquake happens and you get an access to new area that was previously blocked off by lava. However, sometime last year i got too impatient and brute forced my way into next zone by passing through lava barrier and tanking the damage. It was all fine and dandy until i unlocked most of the map and suddenly had to find that one metroid that got away on entire map.

After several days of scouring all over it myself, i gave up and printed out a complete map and marked all metroid spots i clearly remembered and checked spots i was iffy about in game until i finally found it.

However i kinda like their decision to divide map into zones. This makes exploring without an in-game map easier because you only have to remember the layout of just one zone at a time and as long as you do them in order (unlike me) you should be good. I also wished i discovered the counter that says how many metroids i have to kill to advance (shows up during pause) sooner. When i passed through lava barrier i thought that maybe i was supposed to do it that way and if i knew about the counter it could see that i'm wrong and i missed 1 metroid somewhere.

After i got through that trouble, it was just straight path until the end.

Final sequence was pretty cool, with entire environment changed to look like abandoned lab with tubes and wire all over the place. Overall Metroid 2 is more diverse than first game though there are still some copy-pasted layouts. More variety in tiles helps with memorizing the map and helps to figure out where you are with just a glimpse instead of wondering which one of the dozen cookie-cutter locations this is.

Combat with metroids and bosses is more or less the same as in 1. With floaty jump and somewhat slow attacks it all amounts to endurance test and rockets spamming, it's kinda lacking in grace. Basically for all of them just stock up on energy and rockets and go at it.

Overall, cool game. Better than 1. Great power-ups, especially spider-ball. But i am looking forward to finally having an in-game map in the third game.

PS. while looking for screenshots and i found this cool article about the game:
Winners don't hate and W101 rocks