Author Topic: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?  (Read 524810 times)

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Offline ejamer

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #350 on: July 10, 2015, 02:54:01 PM »
Spirit Tracks was boring. The pan flute system was bad. Transportation boring. The tower was boring and poorly designed, being a pain to go through. The dungeons were uninspiring. Going on underwater tracks was pretty, but...that it is.

Disclaimer: I never actually got to play that one, and it's high impossible to find now. I always just wrote off the negative comments previously because Phantom Hourglass was so much better than what "the masses" seemed to suggest.
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Offline Ymeegod

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #351 on: July 16, 2015, 09:23:49 AM »

My thoughts on Evil Within.

It's a pretty solid survival action game that's held back by some glaring flaws like the auto-save and instant death.  There's tons of "cheap" deaths and while I usually don't mind repeating a few minutes of gameplay but repeating the same CGI cutscenes was pointless.  And the quick-save is a hit or miss on some of these missions, usually saving at odd times like a few seconds apart to being so sparse that you curse the developers each time you die. 

And you'll die plenty.  168 times for my first playthrough :(.  There's a total lack of ammo and the drop rate is a joke at best.  Even on normal mode it takes 3 pistol shots to down one zombie but the chances of him dropping ammo is like 5% or so and even then it's usually one or two rounds.  Some weapons are pretty much useless like like Magnum since there's only ammo for it in a few chapters so really you shouldn't bother firing the gun until the last chapter (believe me you'll want to save that ammo). 

Some weapons are just plain weak.  When's the last game you played where the grenades didn't kill everything in the blast zone?  It takes two grenades to down even the weakest of zombies (and that's with it fully upgraded).  The melee weapons are one hit wonders then breaks.  Your fists, even at 240% extra damage output is a joke (you'll have to hit the weakest zombie at least 10 times).

The sneaking missions where the highlights of the game IMO but of course the game had to end with a horde mode, waves of waves of zombies with no ammo.  Curse you.


It's the closest thing to Resident Evil (1) that I've played in a while and it has it's moments but you'll want to use a guide (namely there's keys to find and you'll want to know what locker to pick) and you'll want to play only a few chapters a day.  One can only accept so many cheap deaths in one DAY:(.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 09:27:21 AM by Ymeegod »

Offline azeke

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #352 on: July 20, 2015, 01:56:40 AM »
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (360):

People call it the game with the most content in the series. This is wrong, it's content is actually on lower side.  It's just previously optional non-canon levels (like Snake Tales in MGS2) has become mandatory and endless grind for everything makes it seem longer. Main story is about 30 missions, but extra ops are way over 100.

It wouldn't be so bad if it was optional, but a lot of content and arguably the best content is hidden there. Game hides it's second and third ending in these extra ops. Monster Hunter missions are all there.

After getting first, fake ending you get credits sequence and that's where the real grind begins. You're encouraged to replay missions for S-rank, play extra ops, collect people for your army, upgrade your equipment, collect design docs and look for a man who manages to escape my base SEVEN times and runs away to hide in a jungle.

Some extra ops are not that bad and are pretty amusing in their own right (like ghost missions), but it doesn't change the fact it's all the same locations just reconfigured slightly.

Game is designed around the grind and it's impossible to get S-ranks and get everything and everyone on the levels on first playthrough. You simply don't have an equipment for it. Level-1 weapons suck so much you're likely to go out of ammo by the middle of a mission and if you don't have supply marker -- that's the end of a mission.

Only after you get tuxedo, sneaking and battle suits with special bonuses you have a chance. And even then boss battles pretty much require to get max-leveled up rocket launchers to complete them in less than 10 minutes.

Game has a decent variety in it's missions. First is a regular sneaking mission where your goal is to get through the level unnoticed. Your main tools there are tranq gun, close range combat and smoke grenades. Or you do it without gun and just sneak up on soldiers and poke banana in their backs pretending it's a gun and holding them up that way.

AI boss battle missions are pure combat without any sneaking at all. Just take the most powerful weapons you have: rocket launchers and mini-guns. Air strike markers are very effective.

Vehicle boss battles are a mix of sneaking and combat. First you dispatch a squad accompanying a vehicle (preferably without being seen). Even on default difficulty there at 20+ guys so you need to take out squads of four five times at least. Smoke grenades are pretty much mandatory. Then you need to damage the vehicle until a commander notices someone stole his squad and shows up and you tranq him.

All three types of mission have different rewards if you do them the right way. S-rank for sneaking missions, vehicle itself in vehicle battles and mech parts from AI bosses. Vehicles are used in Outer Ops -- yet another skinner box only you not even playing them -- just assign soldiers and vehicles and then wait for next turn to see the outcome.

It took me few retries to realize that AI parts and just "parts" are actually separate and to collect AI boards you need to destroy specific parts, while to collect actual parts for your Metal Gear you need to only destroy AI pod without damaging other parts.

Weird QTEs sequences when you take out AI boards scenes reproduce a scene of David Bowman from "2001" dismantling HAL while he begs him to stop as he loses his identity board by board. It was a cool scene in the movie, but repeating them time after time during first playthrough and then even more later is stupid. AI boards actually become one of the most obnoxious grindy parts because you have to fish for specific boards and they might or might not appear after you spent 10 minutes fighting AI boss.

Gameplay and controls are alright i guess. I just really got soured on them after facing the grind that is post-game. I got to second ending completed half of extra ops and S-rank half of main ops and after 40 something hours i think i am done. I just watched let's play to see post-post-game stuff.

They totally knew what they were doing with designing the game around grind -- there is ALWAYS some carrot hanging in front of you -- for me right now it's a mine that will allow to Fulton guys much more easily and even reach S-rank soldiers who were previously unaccessible. I am resisting the urge to come back and grind a bit more to see this mine in action.

Story is pretty crappy, just like 4. 4 was heavily relying on fanservice for entire series, while PW is basically does the same just for one game -- MGS3. You're constantly fed with flashbacks and The Boss worship gets almost intolerable. Ending is supposed to provide a connection between MGS3 and MGS4 but it's clumsily executed. I didn't even realize it was supposed to be a moment where main character finally becomes "villain" from later games in chronology.

Just like with MGS4, setting and extra information is ultimately the most interesting parts of the game. There are hours and hours of recordings with characters talking about geography, flora, fauna and political situation of Central America post Cuban Missile Crisis, theory of AI, MAD and million other things.

Making all bosses into vehicles and robots was very disappointing. That robs the player of actual interaction with the boss -- what can a tank or walking robot say to you -- he just roars.

Monster Hunter missions were prolonged, too grindy and controls are still not fast enough where combat becomes actually enjoyable. In other words -- very representative of Monster Hunter.

So overall. It's alright. Grind is stupid, but it DOES get addicting and fulfilling to play more to unlock more and more and more stuff. I almost kind wish i played it on a handheld. I also played it by myself and i suspect it's less grindy and more fun to play with a buddy but ah well.

So now i would rank series like that:
3 > 1 (TS) > PW >  4 > 2

Where only MGS3 is a great game.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2015, 02:08:41 AM by azeke »
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #353 on: July 21, 2015, 10:09:44 AM »
I know I am late to the party but I fairly recently played Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on 3DS. Now the way I see there is no end to this game. I have played about 50 hours of this game and there is no end. From what I understand you can play it for hours and hours and never get tired of it. I have gotten my fill and I will say this game is amazing. If you are a grind whore when it comes to RPGs you will love this game. If you want a RPG or just even a game that has a big gripping story to keep you interested, you will hate this game. but let me say, for me this game is so much fun. There is so much depth to the game play. I will say though that at first I was like you know it's fun but it's not amazing. However, once I started playing multiplier, the game just opened up for me. But, in all seriousness, if you have a 3DS....PLAY THIS GAME!!!! ;D

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #354 on: July 21, 2015, 03:06:03 PM »
The last game I have completed lately was Megaman 10. I am a big fan of the series and I have completed this game once before, when it first came out. Here are some jumbled and random opinions-The music is pretty good as always. I think its better than Megaman 7's soundtrack but not as good as 9. Gameplay I love how the playable characters have different strengths and weaknesses. I stick to Megaman mostly but playing the others is fun. One thing I want to note is that I felt the robot master's weapons were somewhat hard to use. Triple blade is great but its angles change during a jump so you have to account for that. Electric wool is this game's top spin as far as difficult to use weapons go. Playing with wii remote sideways made things challenging because my big hands kept hitting the trigger which in this game switches your items like mega man x.

Minor Spoiler- This game had an amazing boss however. The robot master archives- the reoccurring boss in the first Wily stage. You fought a computer that had access to various robot master's special weapons and fight patterns from other games in the classic series. Fan favorites such as elec man and slash man appear. Characters like slash man and Frost man from mega man 7 and 8 had sprite graphics for them which American fans may not have seen before.

I changed my opinion of this game having played it again. It was one of my lower ranked Mega man titles however I think I will place it mid way. My new order of favorite to least- 9,3,2,8,5,10,1,4,6,7, megaman & bass.

Offline ejamer

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #355 on: July 21, 2015, 09:15:06 PM »
Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones (Wii U) - Wow, I really enjoyed this game. Everything just feels really good, and there are some interesting puzzles to work through. MiiVerse integration is great and provides a nice sense of community as you explore the overworld. And after you finish, there are hidden levels to find and beat, time challenges to try and overcome, and a full set of level creation/sharing tools. Highly recommended, and I'm actually glad it's not a Wii U exclusive because more people should get to enjoy this game.
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Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #356 on: July 30, 2015, 10:14:16 PM »
Batman Arkham City (PC) - The last fight and reveal was a let down, but what a great game. Definitely going to pick up Arkham Knight for PS4 soon. Sometimes the combat would get frustrating, but most of the time it was fun to find ways to take people out from above, below, beside, through traps, etc. I'm a big an of knocking out one guy in a room (that I know they'll discover the person), then I do an explosive gel quick drop and blow it up when they come to check him out. The story was pretty great, even though the end was basically the ending of SAW II, but with Clayface. The graphics are fantastic (especially at 1080p 60FPS running on Nvidia GRID on my SHIELD Android TV).
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #357 on: August 09, 2015, 01:17:37 PM »
Her Story (Steam) - Plenty of mixed feelings here. The core gameplay mechanic, the "desktop simulator", is absolutely brilliant. The game had me jotting down notes and for those first 2 1/2 hours I was immersed trying to gather clues and thinking of new keywords and search terms. I was there, I was the detective and I was going to figure out all the details from this case. Even the artificial limit of only being able to pull up 5 videos at a time didn't feel like an unnecessary constraint. It was very well done overall.

Unfortunately by the time you begin to unfurl the mystery you find out that the story is not good at all. I'll try not to spoil, but aside from a few chilling moments (the acting was pretty good overall) the story just doesn't feel rewarding. Minor spoiler I guess It feels like a massive collection of red herrings, and even though the story goes down the most realistic path, everything about makes you want for it to go down the more fantasy scenario.

Story Spoiler: I'm also disappointed that the game forced an ending on you. It felt like a brave choice to allow you to go through plot points in almost any way possible, and I thought the reward was going to be a totally ambiguous ending where there was no ending. You chose when to end the story. Sadly, that wasn't the case.It was a total let down.

Spoiler: I've read the story takes some cues form Barlow's previous work: Silent Hill Shattered Memories. I haven't played it so I don't know if it's true or not.
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Offline ejamer

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #358 on: August 16, 2015, 11:48:43 PM »
Mega Man X (Wii U Virtual Console) - So I've got mixed feelings here. I strongly prefer the feel of older 8-bit games. They are more challenging, and I think they do more interesting things overall (although probably not fair to compare the first X game to a whole series of NES classics).  Despite that, MMX was a solid game and worth playing. I enjoyed my time with it, and would probably be happy to play again.

It did encourage me to immediately go back to MM10 on WiiWare though, to kind of wash the taste out of the beautiful but watered down 16-bit gameplay.  *8-bit elitism is the best elitism*
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Offline broodwars

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #359 on: August 17, 2015, 05:39:24 PM »
The last 2 games I beat were Battletoads on NES and Snake Rattle & Roll via Rare Replay. Even WITH the ability to rewind gameplay, **** BOTH of those games. Never seen such kill crazy games in all my life, and SR&R's final boss is just...ridiculous: instant 100% Health Regeneration if you aren't constantly mashing the attack button as he bounces between instant kill boulders...on an icy floor.

And don't get me started on the final 3 stages of Battletoads, ESPECIALLY Clinger Winger.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2015, 05:41:12 PM by broodwars »
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Offline Ian Sane

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #360 on: August 17, 2015, 08:06:49 PM »
The really annoying thing about Battletoads is that it COULD have been one of the best beat-em-ups on the NES.  That first level is awesome and if it stayed with that sort of approach you would have got a game that gave the TMNT and Double Dragon games a run for their money.  As a kid I actually figured the game was mostly a beat-em-up because the game generally feels that way up to the Turbo Tunnel, which is where we all got stuck.  We figured if we beat the Turbo Tunnel that it would continue with beat-em-up levels but it doesn't.  Instead the game completely abandons that gameplay and is really more about insanely difficult gimmick levels.

You know how the DKC games have levels that vary from the typical gameplay?  There are vehicle levels, swimming levels, climbing levels, barrel blast levels, ones where you play as the animal helpers.  Imagine if after the first level of DKC that those gimmick levels composed the remainder of the game and the standard sidescrolling platforming levels never ever reappeared.  That's Battletoads and that's actually a good example of how Nintendo turned Rare into something special.  Rare was very ambitious but they had poor restraint.  Battletoads throws every crazy idea they can think of but it's nothing but crazy ideas.  Nintendo reigned them in and had them mix levels with elaborate gimmicks with more conventional ones.  So Battletoads feels like several ideas that could probably have been the basis of their own game while DKC feels like one gameplay style that just has some levels that bust out some cool creative ideas.

Offline ejamer

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #361 on: August 17, 2015, 08:46:15 PM »

Partly true, because there are tons of gimmicky levels in Battletoads, but mixed in with lots of BS.  There is tons of beat'em up gameplay left in Battletoads after the first level.  The surf level comes to mind immediately, and the one where you are climbing through pipes, and I'm pretty sure there were a couple of others.

Also, people who are still crying about the Turbo Tunnel need to STFU.  It's hard, and depending on your reaction time very well might require memorization to complete. But it's not the end-all-be-all of impossible levels that people make it out to be, and not even close to the worst moment in Battletoads.  Especially because it's dirt easy to score a bunch of 1-ups in the rappelling stage just prior to the speeder bikes.

As a kid, I loved Battletoads because of the wild diversity it offered (even while I hated it for the brutally unfair difficulty spikes). If it just stuck to the pure beat'em up levels then the game wouldn't have been nearly as exciting or enjoyable - especially because the controls weren't actually that great.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #362 on: August 17, 2015, 10:09:05 PM »
Speaking of Donkey Kong Country, I finished Tropical Freeze last week and man, there's a lot of mixed emotions going on with that game. The sheer levels of frustration coupled with moments of platforming bliss make this pretty much the second best platformer on the Wii U (personal preference goes to 3D World). I haven't played the Returns series yet, but I prefer what Retro did with the art style compared to what Rare did. I feel this game will age better than the SNES games in terms of overall art style and looks.

I never go used to the controls, but I think it had more to do with me not settling on a particular control scheme. I played with the control sticks whenever I was playing off-TV, and played with the D-Pad on the Pro Controller whenever I had TV to myself. It was definitely good to switch on the fly from those control options.

That said, **** the Barrel blast levels, and **** the ride levels that go back and forth between 2D and quasi-isometric views.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #363 on: August 18, 2015, 09:44:14 AM »
Oh, D-pad is the way to go no matter what controller you're using. It's so much more tactile, I think the only exception would be in the water levels.
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Offline azeke

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #364 on: August 25, 2015, 01:49:24 AM »
Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes (Steam):

50+ hours playing a game with two hours "campaign". Paid demo for an actual MGSV coming out in a week. Good thing i got both in a bundle for 30$ and just before second devaluation of my local currency which could have made it 1.5 more expensive.

Graphics look amazing, lightning is especially impressive with searchlights and shadows.

For the first time in the 25 year old series, Metal Gear has controls that are not trainwreck. Even 2D games had somehow found a way to be stupidly overcomplicated for what little you could do and 3d games had it much, much worse.

The entire game is just one map around 300 meters squared. After a while you'll memorize it in it's entirety. Side-ops are additional missions with different goals on the same map.

There is definitely not enough content there to call it full game or even half of a game. To circumvent this they went with Peace Walker route concentrating on pure gameplay to push player to replay mission with better rank or with some other conditions. And it works because for once gameplay is enjoyable by itself and carries the game after you're done with the story. Creative team redesigned stealth mechanics, level layout and controls from the ground up and made the gameplay the best it ever was.

I should especially note Deja Vu mission which is a great fanservice treat for original MGS. "Recreating" scenes from that game in GZ environment is kinda like flashbacks from MGS4 only more interactive than just "press the button to reminiscince". And Deja Vu has a few additional challenges that feature Robin Atkin Downes (voice of Miller) doing his best to impersonate nearly every character from MGS series culminating in MGS1-themed quiz in the end.

One of my personal favourite moments was when i discovered that in "eliminate two targets" mission i can shoot one of the targets with a sniper rifle from helicopter landing zone across the entire map (280 meters). Coincidentally, second target happens to walk by near that landing zone five minutes in as you start the mission.

So i go there, tranq everyone on my way, knock out Palitz, immeditely call for helicopter, carry Palitz to landing zone, kill Glaz with sniper rifle as helicopter lands and evacuate with one target. This takes around six minutes which in combination with bonus for being unnoticed nets me S-rank. Ideally it's better to extract both targets but taking Glaz alive takes way too much time because he is walking around the admin building surrounded by 20 guys and security cameras.

Another great memory was in the mission where i had to find cassette tape. You start the mission in the back of a truck and Miller tells you have leave the truck to do this and that, but it's actually better to just stay put because ultimately truck gets exactly where you need to be -- inside the admin building. So truck stops and cassete happens to be very near and you need around a minute to get there, grab it and get back to the truck, just in time for clueless truck driver to come back and smoothly get you out of there, completely unnoticed. It's all fine and dandy on Normal, but Hard mode adds a few complications and you can't make back to the truck before driver takes off. So i decided to experiment and tranquilized the driver as he left the truck, then i did my thing with casette tape, came back, kicked the driver back to his senses, and quickly hid on the truck before he noticed me. Obviously he spent some time looking around after that but 30 seconds later he just resumed normal routine and drove me back to completing the mission again completely unnoticed.

The last thing i did to get 100% was marking trials on normal, which is a stupid design because all trials on Hard unlock just by completing them two times while on Normal you HAVE to mark everyone on the map which is a huge chore. "Destroy anti-air cannons" mission was the most annoying to mark people on because everyone are on full alert and there are a LOT of guys there and you can't kill soldiers because if you do they will be replaced and you just have to mark yet another soldier. It took me an hour and seven retries to do it. Technically, you can do marking trials in minutes but that will require a lot more time than one hour to work out ideal route where you can mark everyone AND somehow stay unnoticed.

There are a few technical problems. Game is kidna "wonky" in general and things happen or don't happen randomly. Sometimes helicopter comes in 12 seconds, sometimes it's take him a minute. Sometimes soldiers notice you through the wall, i would have understood if they heard me or something, but how can they hear me through 2 meters of solid concrete? Sometimes this activates Reflex mode and you can't even shoot them to shut them up because the wall is in the way.

On PC there is an annoying problem with mouse cursor appearing constantly. Standard for any PC game nowadays mouse cursor should disappear when you start playing with controller, but GZ it just stays there. There are a few workarounds but i just put cursor into the corner of a screen.

A bigger problem is pop in. It's very jarring to look around with binoculars and see objects and soldiers appear before you like they fell from the sky. Game engine otherwise is a wonder of optimization providing great visuals, fast loading and smooth performance even on outdated PCs, but i wished they increased limit for number of objects appearing on screen at the same time.

Kiefer Sutherland replacing Snake is a bit weird at first, but he's fine. It's not like previous VA was that good to begin with, it's just people got used to his always constipated tryhard voice he put on over the years. Sure Kiefer has that signature slur (check out this great parody of Kiefer's Snake), but at least he sounds natural.

So in general, a great "two hour" game. Highly recommended if you want to get what Metal Gear Solid games are all about, just be wary that story (what little there is) won't do much for you if you didn't played previous games and might even turn you off with some icky stuff (torture, rape in audio tapes, some gore).

This is an inversion of usual for Metal Gear games where story has always been a big pull and gameplay dragged it down.

Ground Zeroes has great, fantastic gameplay that carries short and somewhat offputting story.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #365 on: August 25, 2015, 11:46:38 AM »
Speaking of Donkey Kong Country, I finished Tropical Freeze last week and man, there's a lot of mixed emotions going on with that game. The sheer levels of frustration coupled with moments of platforming bliss make this pretty much the second best platformer on the Wii U (personal preference goes to 3D World). I haven't played the Returns series yet, but I prefer what Retro did with the art style compared to what Rare did. I feel this game will age better than the SNES games in terms of overall art style and looks.

I never go used to the controls, but I think it had more to do with me not settling on a particular control scheme. I played with the control sticks whenever I was playing off-TV, and played with the D-Pad on the Pro Controller whenever I had TV to myself. It was definitely good to switch on the fly from those control options.

That said, **** the Barrel blast levels, and **** the ride levels that go back and forth between 2D and quasi-isometric views.
That game is too hard. I want to love it but it's really hard after repeating a level so many times in a row just to get through. When I sit down to play, I want to feel like I got somewhere, you know? I remember getting much further in the original DKC. Mind you, I was a lot younger then. But I have played the VC version recently and I don't think it's nearly as difficult as Tropical Freeze. Freeze looks and sounds great, though.
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Offline Ymeegod

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #366 on: August 25, 2015, 04:32:27 PM »
Finished up The Order 1886.  Enjoyed the game but it's missing 1/3 of the game.  A lot of questions go unanswered and the final boss battle underwhelmed.  Also the QTE was a joke, not only was there a ton of it but it was lackluster even compared to other QTE gameplay. Get ready to press X or triangle, here it comes, so EXCITING.

I can see promise in the setting/plot so hopefully there's an proper sequel but I would have been a bit annoyed if I bought this at $60.  It's easily 1/2 of a game and should be been priced as such.


Trine 3 sounds like it ran into the same issue, ran out of funds so it was released rushed/unfinished.  *sad* face.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2015, 04:34:22 PM by Ymeegod »

Offline broodwars

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #367 on: August 28, 2015, 04:23:00 AM »
I just completed my first playthrough of Until Dawn, talk about a game completely surpassing my expectations. I didn't really know what to expect of this game going into it. I'd completely avoided the media for it, it got almost no advertising leading up to release, and all signs pointed to Sony quietly slipping yet another minor game out the door.  From what little talk I'd heard of it, I was expecting a dumb B-Movie Slasher flick with Heavy Rain elements. What I wasn't expect was one of the best horror games I've played in years, and possibly the first modern successor to the original style of Resident Evil. Hell, there's actually a LOT of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories in here as well, right down the psychologist you talk to inbetween the early chapters that allegedly changes the way some scenes play out (I would have to replay the game to truly see it, so I'll take the reviewers' word on that).

The game is just exceptionally well-paced and dripping in atmosphere, and it gets a lot of leverage out of what's actually a very small set of environments when you think about it. The game feels a lot bigger than it actually is. Likewise, the game's much-touted "Butterfly Effect", where small choices you make early on have major repercussions later, is really a lot simpler than the game makes you think it is. However, by the end of the game I don't feel like I've been mislead. Everything that happened in my game felt like a natural extension of the choices I made, and the ending I received (6 survivors: 2 men, 4 women) felt like a fitting conclusion to the story I wove. I wasn't sure how I felt early on about how the game shifts from stereotypical horror to ****ing serious horror halfway through, but by the end it was really working for me.

As far as the gameplay's concerned, if you've played Heavy Rain you should have a pretty good idea what to expect here. Until Dawn's a David Cage-style Adventure game, where you spend most of your time guiding your character around spooky hallways/snowy paths and ruined rooms, every once in a while stumbling across a collectible you can examine for more backstory and (in the case of these totem items) glimpses of potential dangers for your characters. The rest of your time, you're engaging in extremely elaborate Quick Time Events with an unusual twist: sometimes, it's not only OK to do NOTHING but it can even be the BEST thing you could do in that given situation. As for the QTEs themselves, with one exception they're pretty damn easy: press the button before the timer runs out, select a choice before time runs out, and move the right stick in a direction before time runs out. No button mashing QTEs AT ALL, the bane of my existence in these sorts of games.

The one QTE that's the exception, though, is the one I had the hardest time with: sometimes, you'll be in a situation where your character needs to hide or otherwise NOT MOVE. In those cases, you need to hold the Dualshock 4 ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY STILL. You cannot move even a fraction of a quarter of a tenth of a millimeter, or you fail the event and get caught and potentially die.  This means you're spending sometimes 20 seconds holding your breath just like the characters are doing trying to do your damnest not to move. It's quite the experience.

And no, you can't cheat and set your controller down. The dualshock 4's rumbling while all this is going on to simulate your character's heartbeat, which is just enough movement when stationary to trigger the failure state. And you can't load a checkpoint. When you make a choice in this game, it autosaves and you have to just live with what you've done.

So yeah, it's a pretty damn interesting game, which is why it makes sense that Sony (as they do all their more interesting games) just kind of threw it out there without any fanfare.  Still, I had a blast with the game. In many cases, it reminds me of what The Order 1886 was trying to do but didn't quite get there: putting out a cinematic experience, but still incorporating heavy elements of player choice to make the player experience their own.

On a side note, it's been a ****ing insanely good year for Adventure games this year: The Book of Unwritten Tales 2, Life is Strange, Tales From the Borderlands, King's Quest, and Until Dawn have all been exceptional. Really, the only one I've played this year that hasn't been has been Telltale's Game of Thrones, which has thoroughly underwhelmed me at pretty much every opportunity.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2015, 04:27:25 AM by broodwars »
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #368 on: August 31, 2015, 05:16:08 AM »
Super Mario World (VC on Wii U):

Cape was okay, good thing i was forced to use it only once for progression and it was very clearly marked. No bullshit from previous game.

Last boss was pretty long, especially because you have to beat entire level before him. DKC bosses might have taken inspiration from here before they also take around six hits and take different forms with wildly different attacks.

I didn't expected him to be real final boss because it was just the end of world 7, but apparently it was real ending all right.

I looked it up and there are indeed secret worlds after that but i don't think i am gonna bother looking all over in previous levels. I don't really want to look up where every single secret exit because if i am googling everything what's even the point. And i wanted to play every level hundreds of times looking for secrets even less. Also didn't find any switches because of this.

I would have gladly played more but controls still feel too slidey and uncontrollable. Not to the levels of 3 but still enough to demand pressing back button after each jump.

Batman Arkham Origins: Cold, Cold heart (PC):

First hour or so i was fumbling around because i completely forgot how to play these games. Took me a while to remember just how terrible the combat in these games is. And stealth for that matter.

Game starts you with a full arsenal from main game except they remove glue which conveniently decomposes thus answering the question why it was absent from later games in continuity. Weirdly there were no tutorial for those complicated gadget moves but i remembered my bread and butter ones by experimenting -- mostly knockout bomb and batclaw knockout.

Plot for DLC has been directly taken from Heart of Ice.

Final boss was pretty terrible, just like all bosses in this series. Some people for some reason liked Mr. Freeze fight in Arkham City, and it is rehashed here only in even stupider form.

It's still a good power trip fast food-tier dumb game -- you get to fly around as Batman (only two districts though), beat up goons and feel good while mashing buttons. Decent two hours spent.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #369 on: September 28, 2015, 01:58:55 AM »
I just finished the Swapper for Wii U thanks to the Curve sale going on.

An absolute masterpiece. Deserves every bit of praise it has received, and it's just the epitome of what an Indie Puzzle Platformer should be.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #370 on: October 21, 2015, 02:42:28 AM »
Life is Strange (PS3) Spoiler post full of spoilers.

Holy ****, this game. One thing I will say is that I feel vindicated in my decision to sacrifice Chloe. There's actual weight in the choice, and having to re-live the bathroom scene one final time puts all of your decisions in line. You realize that by keeping Chloe alive you were denying Nathan the opportunity to escape his hell, and if Kate committed suicide in your playthrough it put someone else's life in the balance for no reason. Chloe stays alive, Nathan isn't forced to confess when he's arrested for her murder, and Jefferson potentially goes on to kill Victoria or Max. The game is telling you in a subtle way that you did **** up, and it also add more context to the nightmare scenario before it (which was probably one of the best gaming experiences I've had, ever).

The "sacrifice Arcadia Bay" option just doesn't work, in part because of the jarring way it ends. I think my opinion of the game would have been different had I chosen that ending originally. Max and Chloe's relationship also seems to have more meaning when you sacrifice her, giving people the kiss they were probably waiting for all this time.

I think this is probably one of the best games I've played this year, and ever. The storytelling managed to overcome most of the other shortcomings this game has had, and while it puts some pressure on Season 2, I hope Dontnod find an equally interesting story to tell in the future.

EDIT: I have to add that The Swapper was also one of the best stories I played this year as well, aside from being a great puzzle game.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2015, 02:51:21 AM by Soren »
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #371 on: October 21, 2015, 03:24:31 AM »
Life is Strange (PS3) Spoiler post full of spoilers.

I actually picked the opposite path to the one you did, though I had to stew on the decision for about 5 minutes going back and forth on it. For me, the reason I eventually went with the option I did is because the series has really pushed the angle that going back in time and changing things tends to make things worse in the long run. So immediately after the game makes this point in the grandest way possible, Max is supposed to go back in time again for the mother of all resets? No. I felt it was more important to the narrative of the game that Max, for the first time in this series, has to accept the consequences for what she has done, rather than running away to perform another reset.  Plus, after everything that's happened, I don't feel like Max would let the alternative event happen. Also, People can rebuild from the aftermath of my choice.  It was a very hard choice, though.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #372 on: October 21, 2015, 09:42:14 AM »
Life is Strange (PS3) Spoiler post full of spoilers.

I actually picked the opposite path to the one you did, though I had to stew on the decision for about 5 minutes going back and forth on it. For me, the reason I eventually went with the option I did is because the series has really pushed the angle that going back in time and changing things tends to make things worse in the long run. So immediately after the game makes this point in the grandest way possible, Max is supposed to go back in time again for the mother of all resets? No. I felt it was more important to the narrative of the game that Max, for the first time in this series, has to accept the consequences for what she has done, rather than running away to perform another reset.  Plus, after everything that's happened, I don't feel like Max would let the alternative event happen. Also, People can rebuild from the aftermath of my choice.  It was a very hard choice, though.

Now that I've had the chance to sleep on it, I don't think there's a "bad" or "non-canonical" ending. I think the game does an excellent job of proving that every action has a deep, profound impact. Maybe I moved more towards the ending I chose because my choices at the time lead to the death of Kate, someone who never deserved to die like she did. You can't rebuild from that, and when something like that lingers with you, I guess it pushes you a certain way. I loved that the game had the drive to do that because it meant players had different point of approach with the overall narrative.

While I agree with why you chose that specific ending, I like my ending. Mostly because it felt complete, but also because I got them to kiss, and even though it felt hammy at the time, I think it help solidify that emotional bond between you(the player, not Max) and Chloe. Ultimately, I think your enjoyment of the game comes down to whether you like her or not, and the writers did a good job for the most part.
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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #373 on: October 30, 2015, 10:57:46 AM »
Just finished Life is Strange myself, after taking a break after episode 3 to wait for the whole thing to finish. And what a total crock it was. I let it trick me into thinking the narrative was actually dynamic, but it was almost as on rails as the Telltale stuff. The only real thing you can change is the suicide which mainly just changes some details in episode 3 and has little effect on 4 and 5 outside of some dialogue variants. And the ending is a just a binary input at the end that doesn't depend at all on anything that comes before it. Also, that nightmare section was an awful slog and an excuse to reuse assets. It added nothing to the story or characters, and given that the game is throwing the "friendship is magic" angle in your face every 30 seconds anyway it was totally unnecessary. It's also disappointing that the game veered into generic thriller territory in Episode 4, I was hoping more was going on.

In general, I'm bitter at the end because I really want someone to actually do one of these narrative games for real, and time travel mechanics was a brilliant way to potentially go about it. Like, imagine if the gameplay was real and you could warp about through the pictures at will, tweaking details and following chains of cause and effect throughout the whole thing. It would probably have to be only four hours long, but I'd much prefer that. I'll keep dreaming.

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Re: What is the last game you beat? Thoughts/impressions?
« Reply #374 on: November 02, 2015, 11:10:15 PM »
Lost Dimension (PS3) - 7.5/10

Just finished my first and probably only playthrough of the game. I came away frustrated by the game and feeling relief after finally reaching the end, even if it's the "bad" ending, is good enough for me. The game just can't get away from it's own story and clunky levels. It sucks because there are some hints of good storytelling, but you're so bogged down by meaningless dialog that other one-dimensional characters. The gameplay is also a mix of good things (fun character abilities, fairly decent combat) and bad (overall level design, constant grinding). I'm about to upgrade to a PS4 so I won't be coming back to this game for a long time. Maybe that will be enough for me to get me back and give this game a fresh pair of eyes.
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