Author Topic: THIS is why I am lsing faith in the 'Cube.  (Read 7436 times)

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Offline nonjagged

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THIS is why I am lsing faith in the 'Cube.
« Reply #25 on: May 15, 2003, 02:41:15 AM »

Originally posted by: Silks
The problem is that Nintendo don't make games that are new and fresh any more...I find myself constantly saying, "OK, another Zelda, Mario Kart, Metroid, Star Fox, Mario Golf, Pokemon, F-Zero and Pikmin are great, but when is Nintendo going to throw us all a curve and produce a game with serious themes?"

Actually the problem is that many gamers take these franchises for granted even though they are just measly "industry leading franchises/genres" that have been emulated/cloned/ripped-off by any competing platform paying up developers to try-hard emulate.

Actually the problem is many whinners arent aware that the N64 didnt do justice to these franchises and the Gamecube is the last Nintendo console that focuses on Nintendo's past creations etc.

You will see in late 2004 and 2005 when the next console launches that Nintendo will focus on new strategies even risky ones. (There is no rush it wants to monument its past franchises on a disc based system before they move on) .
In my opinion come 2005 when the next Nintendo console launches it will have a Zelda based on the Spaceworld Demo and everyone will finally shut up once and for all about Nintendo's decisions dont please them. Naturally the Spaceworld Demo must take 3-5 years to create because it will be on the scale of a monumental game in the history of Video gaming.

Offline SubKamran

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RE: THIS is why I am lsing faith in the 'Cube.
« Reply #26 on: May 15, 2003, 05:43:54 AM »
I was going to get a XBox...but I decided on a cube. Why? Because it's SMALLER, and has better games.

I loved SSB, and I can't wait to fully play SSBM. I also am buying Red Faction II, 007 Nightfire, LOTR: T2T, and Metroid Prime. RFII is one of the best shooting games I've ever's so fun.

So I think what you decide, that's for you...but Nintendo has its exclusive games and so does XBox...XBox was made mostly for adults, GC was directed at preteens-teens. Besides, for me, the only reason to get XBox was for Halo, but it's coming out for PC anyways, so I'll just buy it then.

Offline highenergyboy

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THIS is why I am lsing faith in the 'Cube.
« Reply #27 on: May 15, 2003, 09:15:20 AM »
I too will be purchasing Halo for the PC along with Doom III, Half Life 2, Knights of the Old Republic, Star Wars Galaxies, Counterstrike Condition Zero and Jedi Academy. All of them should run just dandy on my Geforce3.
On top of that i'll also be enjoying the best the Gamecube has to offer including Mario Kart Double Dash, Star Fox Armada, Resident Evil 4,  Rogue Squadron III Rebel Strike, Final Fantasy Chronicles, Metriod Prime II, Pikmin II, F-Zero GX, Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes, Soul Calibur II, Beyond Good & Evil, and Too Human. There is more where that came from but I think I got my point across with just those alone. Unlike those few vague reasons the author of this thread used to justify his losing faith in the Gamecube the ones I listed are far better examples of why I am not following suit.

Offline EggyToast

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RE: THIS is why I am lsing faith in the 'Cube.
« Reply #28 on: May 15, 2003, 10:01:01 AM »
That's sort of why I bought a GameCube when Metroid Prime came out.  I had been evaluating all 3 consoles rather fairly, and they all had their ups and downs.  But GC was the only one that the company responsible for the console was STILL making the best exclusive games for the system.  My PC is pretty kick-ass and it looked like any good console game on PS2 or XBox were all scheduled to come out on PC.  So what's the point?  So I can sit on my couch?  I can do that with one of my PC's right now! ;D

Offline codyy

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THIS is why I am lsing faith in the 'Cube.
« Reply #29 on: May 15, 2003, 11:16:50 AM »
Many people complain about Nintendo milking there franchises. They do. But, all they games are excellent AAA+ games, and are creative and innovative in their own right. Metroid in First person, Zelda Cel-shaded, Mario with a water pack. They are all better games than any newer games on Xbox ot PS2. So shut your trap and enjoy. Besides, not all "older" gamers want super violent games. I've seen 18 year olds play Animal Crossing then switch right over to Grand Theft Auto, then back to Animal Crossing. As long as Nintendo's franchises are excellent games, who cares?

Originally posted by: EggyToast
Oh man, that's funny.

"Why are they milking their franchises? I'm sick of it! I want games like Final Fantasy, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Star Wars games, and Halo! Sure, those are also milked franchises, even more so, but I'm a hypocrite!"

That sums up this discussion.
"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream to dream before
But the silence was unbroken, and the darkness gave no token..."
--Edgar Allen Poe, The Raven, 1845.

To liberals everywhere: HA!

Offline NWR_Lindy

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THIS is why I am lsing faith in the 'Cube.
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2003, 11:33:17 AM »

Originally posted by: nonjagged

No the GCN will not get the huge PC ports the Xbox will be getting but come on. Choose 1 console or the other, or dare I say buy both consoles and a PC platform and quite your uesless trash whining about Nintendo.

What's wrong with wanting all types of games on your console?  Most people don't have enough money to buy two consoles and a PC, or do have the money but aren't as "hardcore" as the people on these forums.

Nintendo's continuation of its franchises should be a given on every one of their consoles, but I 'd enjoy some more "serious" titles to counterbalance their cartoony ones.  For example, why not have a Zelda-ish game with a very dark theme and plot, maybe set in the future?  You could point to Metroid Prime as being this game, but that's only one title.  That's what I meant by "throwing a curve ball".  When's the last time Nintendo REALLY surprised you?  I mean REALLY knocked you on your ass with something they announced?

I'd love to see Nintendo create another development studio (maybe use the one they just opened in Tokyo?) to focus strictly on serious action-adventures and in-depth RPGs.  That would shut a lot of people up.  Nintendo should be coming up with games like Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil, not third-parties.

Jon Lindemann
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THIS is why I am lsing faith in the 'Cube.
« Reply #31 on: May 15, 2003, 12:16:17 PM »
Jesus christ, a Zelda in the future?  Have you ever played Zelda?  Man, what you said just now was practically sacrilegious.

Nintendo knocks me on my ass very often, unlike Microsoft and Sony.  That's a very poor arguement.  The other two systems have the most predictable games ever.

While I'm glad you bought a Gamecube, SubKamran, I think that Gamecube is directed toward all audiences (kids, teens, girls, adults, everything), whereas Xbox is focused towards adults and pathetic teens and preteens that like to pretend they're adults.  Just my take on it
HC: Honourary Aussie<BR>Originally posted by: ThePerm<BR>
YOUR IWATA AVATAR LOOKS LIKE A REAL HOSTILE CREATION!!!!!<BR><BR>only someone with leoperd print sheets could produce such an image!!!<BR>

Offline Bloodworth

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RE: THIS is why I am lsing faith in the 'Cube.
« Reply #32 on: May 18, 2003, 08:15:37 AM »
I'm gonna shut this down because it's basically a rehash of the same old arguments.  Nintendo has been doing a lot to bring a diverse lineup to GC owners.  Why haven't they produced "mature" content themselves?  Because it's not their style.  Simple as that, and that's why they're picking up groups like Retro and Silicon Knights and working with n-space, Capcom, Square, and Konami.  Iwata specifically stated every point they need to improve on and showed that they are working on those areas, but it won't happen overnight.
Daniel Bloodworth
Managing Editor