Based on a random tip, I pre-ordered an adapter from on Thursday after everywhere else was out, and it has now arrived. Super glad I did, as it looks like it might be stupidly expensive to ever get one if Nintendo doesn't do a second production run, which who knows, they might not. Anyway, it has really opened up the game for me, as I no longer feel like I'm playing with my feet. I'm nowhere near as good as I was in the height of the Melee days, but at least I feel like I can improve at this point and the game definitely plays better than Brawl.
I've thought more about the content, and I kind of see the limitations of what they could do a bit more. With such a huge roster, it probably becomes onerous or infeasible to have stuff like adventure mode and individual target and platform tests. The whole game is more about jumping between a lot of different activity types quickly (which makes Smash Tour all the more shitty and baffling). I still wish they'd used the Smash Tour energy somewhere else, and Target Blast is super-lame, but now that I'm in the groove of the core gameplay I don't mind so much. I'd still like some kind of adventure mode or even a SSE light; with this roster I'd prefer something that isn't intended to be run through with every character on top of Classic and All Star.
It still sucks that there are so many eight-player battles in Classic, though. Other than that, probably a 9/10 for me, and I'm sure I'll get my money's worth even if my interest trails off in a few weeks. Last yak is that if the 3DS version affected anything, it looks like it certainly thinned out the original stages for each version. I feel like I'd be extremely pleased if the WiiU version had the 3DS stages as well. I wonder how easy they DLC would be . . .