Author Topic: Handheld only gaming? OR How next gen handhelds extend console cycle  (Read 1504 times)

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Offline Razorkid

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           With the imminent launch of the 3DS in couple months here in the States and the unveiling of the NGP (PSP2) subsequent to release at least in Japan at years end, I am hit with a thought that this is the first time that a handheld(s) will be on par with a console experience.
       By console experience I mean graphical parity, built-in software suite, interconnectivity, digital stores, multiple ways to control/interact with the device, and a unique "hook".  This on top of upcoming software that will "bring the console experience on the go" being added to other more handheld types of games and you have yourself a very compelling reason to make these portable systems your sole console of choice.

      Now I know there are many who already indeed only game on their handhelds.  But we've never reached a point in gaming where, depending on the situation, a person could forgo purchasing a console all together and still  be able to enjoy everything from quality AAA blockbusters across all major genres to quirky indie titles on a handheld! For me going forward, NOW is the time when handheld only gaming is truly viable.

     With that said, I also feel like with the arrival of these 2 juggernauts (especially the 3DS), the sentiment that some people have (of course especially with Wii) that they are getting anxious for the next gen of consoles to arrive will be satiated.  Personally, I love my Wii and own 20+ games and I still have a back log of quality titles that I have to get to. I am not in a rush for whatever Nintendo's new console will be (secretly I want them to take as long as possible because I want to be absolutely floored with what they come up with) but I do understand woes of those whose sole console is a Wii.
       For the first time, I feel like a handheld (3DS) is like an extension of the parent console (Wii).  Where 3rd party support of quality titles that I enjoy are sparse on the Wii, now I can realistically look to the 3DS to fill those holes (ex.Super Street Fighter 4) and not feel as if I'm downgrading my experience because I'm playing a "gimped" version on the handheld.

       Now I'm not here to argue that I only want console experiences on my handheld because that type of software is not the pinnacle of a true handheld experience.  I'm just really excited that the option to do "console experience on the go" is actually viable alongside the current consoles AND still be unique in of itself while maintaining its handheld roots.

I saw this question posed on neogaf and am curious as to peoples' answers here:

   With this new gen of handhelds coming, can you see yourself migrating the majority of your gaming to the portable space? Especially if you are a Wii only gamer?

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