Author Topic: Mario Kart on GameCube Details  (Read 14724 times)

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Offline vudu

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Mario Kart on GameCube Details
« Reply #50 on: April 24, 2003, 12:13:55 PM »

I'm also not liking the new karts. they look silly, predictable, and appear as if they handle very differently (they also sit much higher). care to tell me how you can judge how a vehicle handles by looking at a few screen shots?  if they released a video, maybe....  but you can't tell from a picture how something moves.
Why must all things be so bright? Why can things not appear only in hues of brown! I am so serious about this! Dull colors are the future! The next generation! I will never accept a world with such bright colors! It is far too childish! I will rage against your cheery palette with my last breath!

Offline thepoga

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« Reply #51 on: April 24, 2003, 01:54:39 PM »
i really like the way the old karts were. they were like tradition u know? its like, how can they ride in that little kart thingie? i just loved it. these arent really karts anymore. i still want the game though. I think what the guy said earlier when he said the karts looked predictable is that they are too cliche to the characters. donkey kong is of course going to be in a barrel or something. i hope they update the graphics a bit too. i can see the polygons on the wheels. i wonder how having two people in each kart will actually change the gameplay though. what would be the difference of one guy does the weapons and one guy drives. u can do that with one character. cant wait until E3 when all the mysteries in the universe will be revealed...


Offline Kulock

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« Reply #52 on: April 24, 2003, 07:27:12 PM »

Originally posted by: Kulock
Hm, it looks like the whole E3 site, including the Mario Kart section, was taken down or moved to an unknown location. I'm getting a 404 now for several different URLs provided at PGC. (...)

I'd edit my post, but you can't really do that in Talkback. I saw it does work again, but it was in fact down for a period of time earlier today for whatever reason. Just so I don't seem like a COMPLETE idiot... ;P

Couchmonkey does have a point about the karts sitting much higher than before (actually, at varying heights, thanks to the "quirky design"). I know, I know, it's "Nintendo quirky", but while having themed tracks might be cute, themed karts could get tiresome, especially since you'll be seeing them _all the time_. You get tired of a level, you don't play it for a while. But if you like racing with two specific racers, both of which have karts you hate (I assume you can pick which one you use the kart from, probably depending on who you pick first), you're kind of stuck.

Offline "Sky"

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Mario Kart on GameCube Details
« Reply #53 on: April 24, 2003, 08:02:21 PM »

Originally posted by: Kulock

Originally posted by: Kulock
Couchmonkey does have a point about the karts sitting much higher than before (actually, at varying heights, thanks to the "quirky design"). I know, I know, it's "Nintendo quirky", but while having themed tracks might be cute, themed karts could get tiresome, especially since you'll be seeing them _all the time_. You get tired of a level, you don't play it for a while. But if you like racing with two specific racers, both of which have karts you hate (I assume you can pick which one you use the kart from, probably depending on who you pick first), you're kind of stuck.

I'm sick and tired of having the same old karts all the time, and I can't switch characters to change it either

BTW, that's not true. But just wanted to make a statement


Originally posted by: Gamer1982

Gran Turismo is realistic...Mario Kart most certainly isn't.  I think it would be really cool to hop Karts mid race.  Not the first player, but the person attached to the back.

Very well then... when Need for Speed allows you to hijack opponents cars then

Offline oSiRiS

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« Reply #54 on: April 25, 2003, 12:18:28 PM »
I'm mostly complaining about the kart design style. The designs of old were cool, these are stupid.

Also, regarding it not being 'bad' but 'new' and 'different'...
I'm all for new and different games. But I'd also like straight updates of my favorite franchises. I'd rather they leave the innovation to brand new franchises instead of screwing around with old franchises.
I am the grammar troll.

Offline Locke Cole

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« Reply #55 on: April 25, 2003, 05:09:50 PM »

Originally posted by: oSiRiS
I'm mostly complaining about the kart design style. The designs of old were cool, these are stupid.

Also, regarding it not being 'bad' but 'new' and 'different'...
I'm all for new and different games. But I'd also like straight updates of my favorite franchises. I'd rather they leave the innovation to brand new franchises instead of screwing around with old franchises.

So basically your saying that they should never mess around with anything.  That means Mario should be in 2d still right?  Metroid should stay side scrolling as well.  If they don't innovate any games it gets boring and reptitve.  You might as well just keep the older game.  The kart designs are better, but that's my opinion.  I'm also glad that you can change drivers at anytime.  Might be some strategy in that....

Offline "Sky"

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« Reply #56 on: April 25, 2003, 09:35:28 PM »

Originally posted by: oSiRiS
I'm mostly complaining about the kart design style. The designs of old were cool, these are stupid.

Also, regarding it not being 'bad' but 'new' and 'different'...
I'm all for new and different games. But I'd also like straight updates of my favorite franchises. I'd rather they leave the innovation to brand new franchises instead of screwing around with old franchises.

In other words... Zelda should stay bird eyes view, Mario should stay 2D, Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World shouldn't have had the world map concept, Metroid should stay 2D side scrolling, Metal Gear should stay bird eyes view rather than 3D, Rayman should stay 2D, Doom shouldn't incorporate mission styles in Doom III and rather should continue the "find key, look for exit" tradition, Warcraft shouldn't have included the concept of "heroes", "RPS" strategy, or even sea battles of Warcraft II, Dragon Quest shouldn't have included the class system, Final Fantasy should've just stayed with choosing a set character class and playing him through the whole game, Mortal Kombat shouldn't have included the combo and fighting style systems, Dead or Alive shouldn't have included the concept of tag-teams, A Link to the Past shouldn't have included the concept of Light and Dark world, Ocarina of Time shouldn't have had time traveling, and of course many more but I think I've sad more than a mouth full already.

Offline VideoGamerJ

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« Reply #57 on: April 25, 2003, 09:47:17 PM »
Very well put Locke Cole! ^_^

Offline WuTangTurtle

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« Reply #58 on: April 26, 2003, 12:57:50 PM »
SKY, my thoughts exactly man.
Great post man, just brilliant

Offline Kulock

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« Reply #59 on: April 28, 2003, 06:03:24 AM »
Oh, come on. Significant new gameplay mechanics, and ESPECIALLY the jump from 2D to 3D, are in no way comparable to someone not liking the shallow designs of tacky mini-cars replacing the more neutral karts previously used. He wasn't arguing about the partner system, he said:


I'm mostly complaining about the kart design style. The designs of old were cool, these are stupid.

Now unless the karts are ALSO going to have specific, themed powers (which would be an even further rip from Wacky Races), but the minute you say "concept," "mechanic," or "system," there's no way you can compare the two. It's purely an artistic design question.

Offline Kulock

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« Reply #60 on: April 28, 2003, 06:49:58 AM »
I can't edit my reply, otherwise I would correct it. I see now that the two replies were directed more toward the second part of his post, not the first, but at the time the two seemed much more closely connected, I don't know why.

At any rate, though, I still think he has some point. (I also think something like the jump from 2D to 3D is semi-excluded from this, that was kind of a given phase that game makers would experiment by putting things from the character's perspective now that it was far easier to do.) Not entirely, mind you, but there is some point.

I've got to say it, I know I'll be jumped for it, but maybe with the exception of Melee (and, post-dating, F-Zero), Nintendo hasn't really put out a GC sequel to a series that doesn't have SOME odd twist to it. It's strange that for all these franchises, not one of them has really had a traditional update yet. I mean, let's do a quick roll-call (this is observational, whether or not you agree with these choices is opinion). Luigi's Mansion, that's a given. Star Fox Adventures, Nintendo basically brow-beat Rare into altering Dinosaur Planet, an original adventure title into using Starfox characters and some mini-Arwing missions. Metroid Prime, HUGE controversy about taking it to an "in the helmet" perspective. Super Mario Sunshine, FLUDD as a persistent element and setting it on a tropical island, specifically keeping some level "themes" away from the game. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, a dramatic stylization change compared to the last two multi-million selling N64 releases and teased GC style and an ocean overworld (Not to mention a plot difference to pretty much every other Zelda game that I can't really say without spoiling). And now, Mario Kart: Double Dash, with dual character play being a central theme. Nintendo seems to be so scared of getting tagged with a comment like "It's XX, except in 3D" or "It's XX but with prettier graphics" that they're throwing some strange twist into EVERY game we're clammoring for a sequel for. (Some to the point where a lot of gamers get shocked by it, step back and reevaluate how much they want that sequel, like for Metroid Prime or The Wind Waker.)

I'm not an overly negative person about Nintendo games, in fact, I'm often very positive and optimistic. The trouble is some people act like it's a crime to EVER be negative about a new aspect. If you don't like something and you say it on an open forum, you're an idiot flamer troll who just can't see the brilliance behind it. It's especially true when Miyamoto is involved with the game's development. A golden example is The Wind Waker's dramatic style shift. You were simply not allowed to nay-say this new design choice, you were automatically an idiot with a worthless opinion for even THINKING negative of it. Miyamoto is a human. He can and may have (depending on your view of the item in question) designed, decided, or given his approval to things that turned out poorly. I think he's a brilliant game designer, but that doesn't mean I don't think he's made a few major choices I personally thought were bad for a game. (I'm not talking smaller implementation designs, but grander, "Here's what the series will do this time around" choices.) It's not a crime to feel that way, nor to say that you do.

Personally, I'm interested in the dual-person setup of Double Dash, although I have questions as to how much it'll really add to the gameplay (if it really will change things around while being fun, or end up just splitting up the chores "between" two people who'll still act as one). But someone's allowed to say they don't like what they see so far.

Offline highenergyboy

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« Reply #61 on: April 28, 2003, 08:42:40 AM »
I have no problem with people being negative about something but they really need to come up with far better reasons then "it looks stupid or kiddy or whatever" to be taken more seriously. Use words like that and i'm just going to disregard whatever you say as pure nonsense.
I fail to see anything wrong with the current kart designs they are implementing. To me they seem to add a certain personality to the drivers that the pedestrian go-karts in Mario Kart 64 didn't convey. Its not all that surprisingly that some people here would have a problem with driving a pink kart just like Luigi is seen doing in one of the screens. If you don't like it then fine, don't choose it then. No one is forcing you to.
I can tell you though it wouldn't bother me one bit. In fact I will probably choose that type of vehicle just because of all contraversy being generated right now. I have this tendency of liking what others wouldn't whether it be an indigo colored Gamecube or pop music (this is a biggie considering i'm a 20-year old male who should be listening to punk rock, heavy metal and other music of that type, but alas that just isn't the case).