During the recent spat of online sales, I picked up a handful of series on BluRay that I'd just never gotten around to seeing, including the original Star Trek series (yes, I've seen some episodes of it, but not most of it and certainly not the remastered versions); the Adam West Batman series; and the subject of this post, Samurai Jack.
I'm only 5 episodes into Samurai Jack's 1st season so far, but it's certainly one of the stranger series I've seen in a while. I kind of loathe the 3-part opening story, which is jarring; kind of boring; and so visually busy that the show's watercolor art style actually comes off pretty ugly. Thankfully, after the 3-part pilot, the show has settled down into the kind of show I was expecting coming in, and the backgrounds are much simpler and less distracting.
The BluRay transfer is not spectacular so far, as there are often times where this looks like an upscale, although with the show's art style that can be hard to tell for sure. I'm enjoying what I've seen so far, but the show feels like it hasn't quite locked into its groove yet, like it wants to be serialized AND episodic without committing to anything. Typical 1st season kinks.