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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4275 on: November 20, 2017, 04:01:04 AM »
The Flash - On the other hand, not every show seems to have improved since I last saw it. The Flash S03 would be proof of that. It's weird that when The Flash first started out it was at the same time Arrow was stumbling a bit during it's Season 3 and its Ra's Al Ghul plot which caused a lot of people to compare The Flash as better than Arrow. Even though The Flash has been a stronger adaptation to its comic counterpart and had a lot of great comic book action and scenarios with multiple earths and time-travel, somehow the show has become a bit of a downer and the thrills and energy it had begun building in Season 1 petered out a bit into Season 2 and it just hasn't been able to capture that energy since.

It has started to become a bit more Arrow-like with some of its drama and tragedies resulting in a darker show but I don't think that's the right fit for The Flash. Like Superman/Supergirl, I feel The Flash is better suited with more positivity and a lighter tone/style. That doesn't mean you can't have drama or tragedy occur in those properties but it takes a bit more care to pull off. Right now, it just seems like every character on the show is depressed and that feeling rubs off on the viewer making the show a depressing affair to watch. It doesn't help that the Flashpoint event has caused changes to the characters and events which sort of ruins/eliminates developments that came which makes what a person has watched before a bit pointless. Time travel seemed like a pretty awesome cool plot point that could be used when it was first discovered in Season 1 but I'm starting to think time travel has been a mistake for this show especially with how dumb Barry has handled it at times.

I notice I don't seem to have much enthusiasm or interest in watching the next episode of this show and have to kind of push myself to do it which is not a good sign for a show. Whereas Supergirl, Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow all seem to be rebounding strong or flat out improving in quality, The Flash is the only show that seems to have gotten worse. It'll be the series and season I probably end up finishing last and is the one I'm tempted to drop again but I've gone this far into the season so I might as well play it out and see where it goes. It's just too bad that with all the great material the show has had to work with like Gorilla Grodd, Earth-2, King Shark, meta-humans, or The Rogues (with one more shout out to time travel) that this is the state of affairs the show has now ended up in and it has become such a letdown.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4276 on: November 20, 2017, 04:07:57 AM »
Even if it was an concise choice not to learn anything if she was such an adherent to logic she would try to learn something for utility or curiosity like other Vulcan's do despite their displeasure for humans. Then there is the case of simply learning from osmosis that you can't get away from. If Spock can do it why can't a human who are inescapably driven by emotion short of being brain damaged?

Its seriously nonsense.

Honour is real among Klingon as it is enough to start wars, blood oaths and death matches very consistently. Not all Klingon adhere to this but it is real that goes far beyond lip service. Its not much different from Samurai honour where it isn't real until it was. If honour wasn't a thing Michaels would have appealed to his authority, breaking her and his personal pleasure of beating her up in front of the crew. It would be a similar taunt that Matrix did to Bennett in commando.

Its a repeat of the same issue where if they just called it a reboot not the prime universe they would get away with all these chances instead of begging you to hand wave every intentionally error they make trying to overwrite everything Trek.
Super girl season 1 was quite amusing and looked forward to as to how they would write Superman out whenever he should appear to save the day. Is was something of a mess and Kara really saved the show.

Season 2 was a definite step up. While I don't personally agree with about showing Superman I see why they did it and the necessity of doing so. What they did with it was good.

Flashpoint invasion is the lowest point of the series. Enough said.
Legends works because it was never serious and they establish ahead of time the rules of time travel is more suggestions than rules. The one important rule that they have been consistent about is is the anachronisms and that they are bad with some exceptions.

Rip Hunter is easily my favourite and that is almost 100% Arthur Darvill's ability as an actor. He steals whatever scene he appears in.

As for everyone else I feel pretty neutral about the individual characters but as a team they are great. They pretty much can't be left alone.

Thank god the hawk people fucked off. They were the worse.

There is a problem with the current season and that is 100% the villain. I don't know what he is doing or why he is a threat to the point Rip is unleashing the team despite all the protests and breaking his own rules. All I know is that he is messing with time and he is very, very powerful while on/off wants to kill the team and is a bad person.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4277 on: November 20, 2017, 04:32:26 AM »
Her problem is that she has essentially chosen to live as a Vulcan, but she has all the drawbacks of a Vulcan without some of the things that make them work. Some of that's the trauma she went through, some of that's human physiology, some of it's just who she is. Of course she compares unfavorably to Spock, I'd wager virtually every Federation citizen in the 23rd century does. He is one of the most exceptional individuals we ever see in Star Trek, whereas Michael Burnham is a very flawed character, intentionally so.

It's really not that hard to reconcile this show with the rest of the prime timeline, and not especially more so than it was with any of the shows that came before it. It takes just as much mental gymnastics to try to make the original series consistent with itself as it does to make it fit with Discovery. Again, it just seems like you just don't want to.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2017, 04:36:34 AM by NWR_insanolord »
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4278 on: November 20, 2017, 09:47:18 AM »
The problem with your argument is that if I have to try that hard to even try to reconcile the differences if it is even possible its fucked. I shouldn't have to try, I should be able suspend my disbelieve near effortlessly. It's not my job to do this, it is the creators, it is a massive sign of failure on the show runners part.

As for the reference to Spock I am just using him as an easy example. The same can be applied to Tuvok. T'Pol or any other Vulcan who do the minimum of learning about humans when they interact even if its the racist as hell ones for the utility or to throw shade. Nor is it impossible to make an emotional appeal to a Vulcan.

Michaels wasn't alone either as she had Amanda giving her emotional support. She didn't grow up in a single parent family. Amanda is strong enough to influence Spock.

Then there is the fact it is her job to study alien cultures, her job. If she chooses to live as a Vulcan then humans are aliens and she should study them like any other. If she thinks of herself as a human then she should learn something about being a human so she can relate to other cultures and the illogicality that they can display. She is wilfully negligent in her duty.

As I said I am very forgiving if you tell a good story, good characters with solid actors and is well made with plenty of effort which STD has failed to do every episode. They chose to tie themselves to the TOS Prime era and all the baggage that come with it. They wilfully built their foundation on liquefied sand. The writers don't give a damn and if they don't why should the audience. They had a perfectly good out but they are so full of themselves they couldn't resist.

If you remove all the Trek branding it is still a terrible show that can barely stand on its own two feet. This is inescapable.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4279 on: November 20, 2017, 05:10:16 PM »
Super girl season 1 was quite amusing and looked forward to as to how they would write Superman out whenever he should appear to save the day. Is was something of a mess and Kara really saved the show.

Season 2 was a definite step up. While I don't personally agree with about showing Superman I see why they did it and the necessity of doing so. What they did with it was good.

Flashpoint invasion is the lowest point of the series. Enough said.

Are you saying Flashpoint Invasion is the lowest point of Supergirl Season 2 or The Flash Season 3?

Writing around Superman just kind of drew more attention to Superman so just having him show up and be done with that contrivance is definitely a smart move. Plus, Kara's relationship with Superman should be an important relationship in her life since he's family and one of the last Krypton survivors. Her happiness at teaming up with Clark in the first two episodes is infectious and I'd be onboard to see more of that. I liked seeing that relationship in action.

Legends works because it was never serious and they establish ahead of time the rules of time travel is more suggestions than rules. The one important rule that they have been consistent about is is the anachronisms and that they are bad with some exceptions.

Rip Hunter is easily my favourite and that is almost 100% Arthur Darvill's ability as an actor. He steals whatever scene he appears in.

As for everyone else I feel pretty neutral about the individual characters but as a team they are great. They pretty much can't be left alone.

Eh, Rip Hunter always presented time as this important thing they shouldn't mess up at was constantly harping on the team when things went wrong in the first season for awhile but it's definitely moved away from that to only care about an actually big change or aberration as you mention. By realizing that it isn't taking itself seriously, I've been won over a lot more with this season than the first.

It's true what you say about the characters though. On their own, they aren't exactly magnetic but just keeping them together to bounce off each other makes them all work.

Thank god the hawk people fucked off. They were the worse.

There is a problem with the current season and that is 100% the villain. I don't know what he is doing or why he is a threat to the point Rip is unleashing the team despite all the protests and breaking his own rules. All I know is that he is messing with time and he is very, very powerful while on/off wants to kill the team and is a bad person.

I'm guessing you are talking about Season 3 but I'm not there yet. Villains are just Reverse Flash and Damian Darhk for Season 2. In a way, it's kind of disappointing that the villains are failed Arrow and Flash foes teaming up but maybe this will give them something better to do than what they did on the original shows they came from. Right now, they just seem like a bit of a retread. It's also kind of weird that Reverse Flash wouldn't continue to be featured as a threat on The Flash. Darhk's prescence doesn't bother me as much since he never felt like he belonged much in the world of Arrow and his Lazurus Pit connection allows for more past encounters.

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Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4280 on: November 20, 2017, 06:48:51 PM »
Flashpoint as in Supergirl. It gets dropped in out of nowhere after Mr. Mxyztptlk shows up. She jumps into a literal hole in the air because why not?? and you wouldn't know what happened unless you found the flashpoint thing or watch the Flash which I don't. Flashpoint crossover was terrible all the same.

Are you saying Flashpoint Invasion is the lowest point of Supergirl Season 2 or The Flash Season 3?

Writing around Superman just kind of drew more attention to Superman so just having him show up and be done with that contrivance is definitely a smart move. Plus, Kara's relationship with Superman should be an important relationship in her life since he's family and one of the last Krypton survivors. Her happiness at teaming up with Clark in the first two episodes is infectious and I'd be onboard to see more of that. I liked seeing that relationship in action.

What they did was good and is the right choice. I just take too much pleasure in seeing the writers squirm around writing Supes out.

Eh, Rip Hunter always presented time as this important thing they shouldn't mess up at was constantly harping on the team when things went wrong in the first season for awhile but it's definitely moved away from that to only care about an actually big change or aberration as you mention. By realizing that it isn't taking itself seriously, I've been won over a lot more with this season than the first.

Time is still important and Rip is dead serious about it. The tone was set early on from him assembling what is basically a team of expendable losers who aren't dead serious. As much as they fuckup they will step up to the plate and they 110% understand the importance of protecting time. Their methods and ability to do so is questionable.

The rules which govern their time travel is very fuzzy with very few "Hard" rules but they do try to keep it consistent within the context of the show where if you **** it you fix it. The thing with time travel is that if your show is built on that you have to have very loose rules or else you will write yourself into a corner. It's why they have the joke of time travelling causing speech problems to un-serious it.

But it is not a free pass to do whatever and the writers are very aware of this. When the writers break their own rules it is very intentional and is meant to cause more problems than it solves. Most of the time they treat time as a vehicle much like the wave rider to the next adventure than a central plot point, a monster of the week generator if you will.

I'm guessing you are talking about Season 3 but I'm not there yet. Villains are just Reverse Flash and Damian Darhk for Season 2. In a way, it's kind of disappointing that the villains are failed Arrow and Flash foes teaming up but maybe this will give them something better to do than what they did on the original shows they came from. Right now, they just seem like a bit of a retread. It's also kind of weird that Reverse Flash wouldn't continue to be featured as a threat on The Flash. Darhk's prescence doesn't bother me as much since he never felt like he belonged much in the world of Arrow and his Lazurus Pit connection allows for more past encounters.

Yeah, I am talking season 3. Season 2 villains is a stroke of genius as they are an evil loser equivalent to the team. They aren't very serious even if their goals are. They spend a significant amount of time calling each other losers.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4281 on: November 20, 2017, 07:11:36 PM »
As for Arrow, I am really digging Season 5. This is the best season it's had since the first two and a total rebound season for this show as far as I'm concerned. I've got about 5 episodes left in the season to see if sticks the landing but, at this point, even if it does stumble a bit, I've been really impressed by this season that I'd probably still give it an A grade but here's hoping it concludes well. At this point, the only other series that might give it a run for it's money as top show in the Arrowverse is Supergirl Season 2 so I'm curious to see how the rest of the season plays out and stacks up compared to Arrow Season 5.

Watching Arrow Season 5 kind of makes it feel like the past two seasons (3 & 4) were just filler until they could get into this season. It was especially kind of lol-worthy when Oliver has to face all his former foes to escape the dream machine him and his allies are trapped in during the Invasion plotline and Ra's Al Ghul is the only one to not show up. Sure, Manu Bennett isn't there but at least they could cover that up by having someone in the Deathstroke costume.

There's so much I'd like to get into about this show but I'm just going to list off all manner of points. First, they really nailed the casting of Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen. Having been away from the series for awhile and coming back to it, I've been super impressed again about how well he plays the role and thanks to him the producers have been able to make this whole Arrowverse. Even in Invasion, he keeps your focus and attention amongst all those other heroes and characters and you want to see his interactions with them all. He conveys and handles the internal struggles he faces much better than the leads on the other shows. He's still the driving force on Arrow and, after having to work through some less than stellar material the past couple seasons, it's been a good reminder to see what he can do with stronger material to work with.

Of course, Arrow's been helped by still having a strong supporting cast. Diggle's great, Felicity is way more tolerable and appealing again, I wish Thea would get more screen time because she's been one of the best members since Season 3, Lance is working much better with his new role and limited screen prescence. Even the new team has worked out pretty well with just the new Black Canary a bit too much a blank slate to be able to say definitely whether she's a strong or weak addition.

The flashbacks are no longer a weakness and thanks to the return of Anatoli, they feel like they are building a bigger world again. Having Dolph Lundgren show up as a Russian Villain has further made them more appealing and the surprise appearance by Talia has given them an intrigue they haven't been able to capture in awhile. In fact, much like how Deathstroke took over by the end of Season 2, I'm beginning to wonder if maybe Talia will turn out to be the bigger threat by Season's end. In any case, Oliver's adventures with the Bratva and Russian mob has moved along at a better pace, been easier to follow as their plot unfolds (I seriously have a hard time trying to recollect what the story of the Season 3 flashbacks was or how it played out) and have felt more relevant to his journey of becoming the Green Arrow than the last couple seasons of flashbacks.

But the real draw of the season for me was Prometheus and he has lived up to my expectations. I've particularly like the latest few episodes in which Oliver and Company have learned his true identity but have been unable to act against him and the constant taunting between him and everyone else. The actor playing Prometheus has a wonderfully detached menace to him. My only disappointment is that it was kind of easy to suspect who Prometheus was from the beginning since every new character introduced in a season nearly seems to end up as a villain unless they have a good guy identity they are based on and this character always had a bit of strangeness and menace when in his daily public persona. Realizing that it was Worf who was voicing Prometheus, I was hoping that it might be Michael Dorn himself or someone else behind the mask but it was not to be. On the plus side, I was glad that Billy didn't turn out to be a villain and found that little arc rather surprising. There's still the question of who Vigilante is and I've got a suspect in mind even if it doesn't make much sense but I'm waiting to see if I'm right on that or not.

I am a bit surprised at the amount of violence that seems to be occurring on the show though. I don't remember it being as high as it seems to be this season. There was one moment in Russia where Oliver is first working with Talia and he's shooting down a bunch of Russian mobsters with a gun. It gave me deja vu to the John Wick series with the way it was shot and how he was taking down the enemies to make sure they were dead. One of the positives of Season 4 was that the crew seemed to realize the action had sagged in Season 3 and worked to improve on that with some really interesting visual camerawork and improved action. That action seems to have carried over to Season 5 although without some of the handheld/shaky cam they tested in Season 4. However, sometimes that action just comes across as too choreographed with so many perfect blocks and ducks and leaps as characters fight each other. Most fights are hardly like that. They are much more messy. I still think the Bourne movies are a good basis for how a fight scene should play out. The fights in Arrow, while impressive, are a bit too clean and like a dance routine.

That's enough for now. I've written plenty. I'm done at the moment.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4282 on: November 21, 2017, 01:36:44 PM »
And Arrow sticks the landing! Man, what a season. Maybe there is some recency bias in play here since it's been over 3 years since Arrow Season 2 aired so it's hard to remember when it was really good but I think Season 5 is equal to Season 2 and might actually be in the running for its best season yet. I can't believe more people here aren't talking about it. Did everyone stop watching after Season 4 also?

Thats a pity, as I had hoped S5 would be a great closure on Oliver's flashbacks from the island. One season for every year he was "stranded". I had even hoped for a nice finale/series type closure. Maybe not an end to the series, but a good closure where they could logically re-frame the show in a new era/style of sorts. But on all accounts, S3 sounds like a better "closing" than S5 was, which is a shame.

Having just watched it, I'd say your wish is granted. Probably since they knew the flashbacks were coming to an end for the 5 year history before Oliver returns from the island, I think the writers went back to the first few seasons to figure out what they still needed to establish and set-up in Oliver's past and I wonder if returning and looking closely at those first seasons helped re-align this show and get it back on track after spinning its wheels and fumbling around the last couple seasons.

Again, there's a lot I thought this show did right and I've said before that I find it hard to binge-watch shows but this has been a bit of an exception as I've been plowing through about 4-5 episodes a day the past few days because I just couldn't wait to get into the next one. That anticipation for the next episode hasn't been this strong since Season 2. There's a lot I may get into yet but this season has really re-energized my interest in this show and made me a fan again. I'll probably catch up on all Season 6 has done so far because I want more!
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4283 on: November 23, 2017, 02:01:49 AM »
I'm really getting sucked back into Arrowverse. I hit the point of the S2 Legends crossover, so I'm putting that show on hold and watching Arrow and Flash. Trying to get them all aligned so I can watch them all together for the sake of the crossovers. Also nice to see the intro's for some of the characters from Legends in the other shows.

I have decided to avoid Supergirls other than the cross over episodes, because I just don't have the time or interest to stick with that one as well (doesn't help that the show seems to have little to do with the other three). Wasn't there supposed to be another Arrowverse show somewhere down the line?
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4284 on: November 23, 2017, 03:38:58 AM »
If you're referring to Black Lightning, that is apparently not part of the Arrowverse.  For now at least.  They said the same thing about Supergirl but that didn't take long to change.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4285 on: November 23, 2017, 04:34:00 AM »
Watch Supergirl is you want something that isn't grim dark. The first season is a bit rough but it isn't bad, its mostly badly written love triangle. You get that Supes heroics that the movies has murdered in their shows. In the first season it becomes a running joke as to who doesn't know who Supergirl is.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4286 on: November 24, 2017, 04:19:21 PM »
The Punisher Ep12

OMG Holy ****... O_o
glad I'm not the queasy type..... got damn....

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4287 on: November 24, 2017, 04:36:11 PM »
My browser was minimized for that lol.  I would have lost my whole stomach I imagine.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4288 on: November 24, 2017, 04:38:21 PM »
Watch Supergirl is you want something that isn't grim dark. The first season is a bit rough but it isn't bad, its mostly badly written love triangle. You get that Supes heroics that the movies has murdered in their shows. In the first season it becomes a running joke as to who doesn't know who Supergirl is.

Has it improved over the 2nd season? I thought the 1st season was rough & tedious, but mostly inoffensive. But I HATED that 2nd season between the shoehorned politics, the mediocre crossovers, & some various story beats I wasn't fond of. I like the tone of Supergirl, but I just couldn't stand the terrible writing.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4289 on: November 24, 2017, 05:07:51 PM »
My browser was minimized for that lol.  I would have lost my whole stomach I imagine.

Well... #13 was only a little better. LOL
the screams... burned in my mental, as if you could hear them when looking in a mirror.... o_O

Official review of The Punisher S1:
Return to form for Netflix Marvel shows. IF and The Defenders were a bit of a let down, and I haven't even thought twice about Inhumans since it aired... or completed it's "limited series" run. But The Punisher is more in line w/ S1 of Daredevil, which definitely means it's recommended, but fair warning below:
It's certainly not for those with a weak stomach for violence, and in some parts extreme amounts of blood, violence and gore (especially ep 12& 13). View at your own risk, and not recommended for children due to violence, gore, language and nudity in brief sexual scenes.

« Last Edit: November 24, 2017, 05:26:43 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4290 on: November 24, 2017, 06:02:48 PM »
My browser was minimized for that lol.  I would have lost my whole stomach I imagine.

Well... #13 was only a little better. LOL
the screams... burned in my mental, as if you could hear them when looking in a mirror.... o_O

Official review of The Punisher S1:
Return to form for Netflix Marvel shows. IF and The Defenders were a bit of a let down, and I haven't even thought twice about Inhumans since it aired... or completed it's "limited series" run. But The Punisher is more in line w/ S1 of Daredevil, which definitely means it's recommended, but fair warning below:
It's certainly not for those with a weak stomach for violence, and in some parts extreme amounts of blood, violence and gore (especially ep 12& 13). View at your own risk, and not recommended for children due to violence, gore, language and nudity in brief sexual scenes.

Yeah, there was some stupid reviewer that complained about Punisher being kind of tame. All I could think about was that it had some Ultra Glen Violence. They must not have watched the same show I did.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4291 on: November 25, 2017, 08:28:22 AM »
The Punisher - 9/10
Amazing from beginning to end, with only a couple of minor hiccups along the way. Really the only issues I have with the show is they are made Frank a little too nice when he's not...punishing, and the end when he says "I'm scared." Yes, they changed Billy Russo's backstory pretty drastically, but I think that makes him a better villain. Jigsaw was a little too one dimensional in the comics. Other than that...honestly, it was pretty spectacular. I don't know where some of these reviews come from when they say stuff like "it may not be what you expect" - it's pretty much exactly what I expected - development of a larger story for Frank Castle's family getting killed, sprinkled with Frank Castle murdering the absolute **** out of (almost) anyone who had anything to do with his family getting killed, while dealing with his newfound friend, Micro. It is also *incredibly* violent. I put it right next to Daredevil as far as Netflix series are concerned.
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4292 on: November 25, 2017, 01:56:49 PM »
Star Trek: Enterprise 8.5/10
I binged watched the entire series over the last couple of days. Something I hadn't done for any other Star Trek. Previous Star Treks I caught most of the episode when they were on the air. When Enterprise originally aired I only watched the first Episode and then was too busy with school to get into it. I decided to binge watch this after finishing Dark Matter and it was a good choice.  This has some really good stuff. Not all episodes are great and I really didn't care for season 3 because of the serialization. I think whatever they were trying to do with serialization in season 3 they did much better in season 4. Season 4 was like watching several movies. Overall, a mostly enjoyable series.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4293 on: November 27, 2017, 03:10:37 PM »
Marvel's Runaways.

only 3 episodes released so far, but so far I like it. I don't know anything about the characters coming into this, so it's all new to me, but they have me wanting more as they slowly reveal what is going on.
And so far there has been no mention or reference to "The Incident in New York", "The Big Green Guy", "the guy with the Hammer", or anything else that would tie it into the overall Marvel Cinematic Universe (that I've noticed) which I think is good as it allows ti to just be it's own thing for now.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4294 on: November 29, 2017, 12:44:09 AM »
Supergirl episode 8: The Earth X crisis crossover

This is a much, much better crossover so far. There was a reason and a setup for it so it didn't come out of nowhere like last time. The Supergirl fight in this episode just puts Synder to shame.

Even the Legends show up and everybody who goes near them are cracking jokes at or become a subject of a joke.
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4295 on: November 29, 2017, 04:43:53 AM »
Supergirl episode 8: The Earth X crisis crossover

This is a much, much better crossover so far. There was a reason and a setup for it so it didn't come out of nowhere like last time. The Supergirl fight in this episode just puts Synder to shame.

Even the Legends show up and everybody who goes near them are cracking jokes at or become a subject of a joke.

I haven't seen the episodes yet but i love the dynamic that the Legends are screwups but they are *their* screwups.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4296 on: November 30, 2017, 03:53:39 PM »
Mick has gone from being the most useless character in Legends S1 to the most entertaining in the Arrowverse.

Just putting that out there.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4297 on: December 01, 2017, 02:04:54 AM »
Since I don't follow the other 2 shows I ended up watching the first episode of crisis and jumped to the last with Legends. Much better than last time and it came with a punch in the dick. I should hunt down the other two episodes as I am pretty confused as to what happened.

I know they are trying to get people to cross watch the shows but that isn't going to happen for me.
I'm Lacus. I'm fine as Lacus!
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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4298 on: December 01, 2017, 03:08:13 PM »
Marvel's Runaways.

only 3 episodes released so far, but so far I like it. I don't know anything about the characters coming into this, so it's all new to me, but they have me wanting more as they slowly reveal what is going on.
And so far there has been no mention or reference to "The Incident in New York", "The Big Green Guy", "the guy with the Hammer", or anything else that would tie it into the overall Marvel Cinematic Universe (that I've noticed) which I think is good as it allows ti to just be it's own thing for now.

currently watching Ep4.
did I mention there is a Velociraptor on this show....
and 4 of the 6 kids have revealed what makes them special so far

This makes me appreciate the Netflix format of release all at once, but I understand the appeal of 1 ep a week, to keep people coming back. I just want to binge watch this entire show all at once though.

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Re: Rate the last TV show you've seen
« Reply #4299 on: December 02, 2017, 04:10:38 PM »
AoS return.

I don't think the first two episodes were as grabbing as the Ghost Rider from S4, but they're certainly set up for a very intriguing story.  I'm certainly in.

Also, Mack has now officially become the best character in the show.  I was ACTUALLY laughing out loud at some of his comments, particularly in the first episode. 

I'm still bummed Mack didn't become Luke Cage.