Spider-Man: The Animated Series (1994) - 7.5/10 - While I was trudging through the never-ending hell that is completing Resonance of Fate, I decided to throw on this show as background working through the entire series. Overall, eh it's decent. The show had an unfortunate habit of using stories from 60s-70s era Spider-Man, so there could be an awful lot of goofiness in the writing. Unlike its successors, though, this show went on long enough to give characters time and space to develop and allow some interesting stories to form. The show has an outstanding vocal cast, though Peter Parker's has a tendency to go into full-on "Speed Racer" mode with internal monologues that never seem to pause for more than a half of a second. Where this show got hit hard, though, was with the censors, where this show was notorious for just head-scratching lunacy (example: one standards return the team got said that when Spider-Man lands on a rooftop, he's not allowed to disturb any nearby pigeons) that really toned down what they were allowed to do. Still, despite the sometimes goofy writing; sometimes hideously bad episodes; at times laughably bad animation; constant flash-backing; and the looming threat of censorship, there are some really entertaining episodes here. In fact, "Turning Point" (the Season 3 Finale) still holds up fantastically as one of the best Spider-Man episodes ever made across all series. That's kind of the problem, though: the series peaked early with Seasons 2 and 3, and it never reached those heights again. On the bright side, in general this show did excellent cross-overs between Spidey and multiple other Marvel properties that just could not be done these days due to legal issues. Overall, I'd say the show's held up better than X-Men has and can be genuinely fun to watch, but it doesn't quite rise to the heights of Spectacular Spider-Man. A pity that show was assassinated by Disney, because I would have liked to see where it could have gone with 65 episodes to work with like the 90s series.