The trailer for the new Captain America movie. Look's like its going to be the best of the big three sequels. They even found away to make Falcon look cool. Apparently out of the Phase 2 films this one sets up Age of Ultron the most.
From a Narrative standpoint the Phase II stories seem like.
Item 47- The earliest post Avengers tale and parallels Coulson recuriting SKye for shield. (I think orginally agents of sheild was going to be based off of Item 47)
Iron Man 3 - A personal tale about Stark's fallout to Avengers. We see a bit of Universe building through Extremis and iron Patriot.
-Agent Carter- A look back into the past at how Shield comes o the forefront.
-Thor the Dark World- The Asgardian fallout to The Avengers and just more set up for alien species. Rumor is there are two post credits scenes one for Guradians and for the Marvel Universe as a whole.
-Agents of Shield season 1 and 2- If Avengers was the big Event comic, this is the ongoing series that spreads out of it. A smaller look at a shield unit dealing with super powered individuals.
-Captain America Winter Soldier- Out of the three this deals with the universes reaction to the events of Avengers, and dealing with Hydra coming to the forefront since the game has changed. This one is rumored to set up A2 more so than the other films.
-Guardian of the Galaxy- Epic Sci-fi film and despite being a phase II movie its setting up Phase 3 storypoints.