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Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6000 on: December 15, 2018, 05:54:03 PM »
Aquaman - I saw this movie in "ScreenX", which is a 270 degree experience. Three of the four walls are covered in images which turns it into a "super widescreen". It's yet to reach the USA i dont think. It's quite an experience to try out. I realise that doesn't make sense, so here's a photo

About the movie itself though, its definitely miles better written than in Justice League with Arthur shouting MY MAN! and little else. It's definitely better visually too compared to Justice League with only a few shots that looked like a green screen despite how much was used. This one is set after Justice League early on in the film they point out "he" defeated Steppenwolf but i was really hoping for a mini crossover "I know a friend who can get us to the desert", and asks Bruce to send a plane for him is all it needed. The plot could be a little tighter overall, and maybe lose 20 minutes, but this at least goes for spectacle and awe and makes it visually entertaining. This was... decent. Wonder Woman was better overall in a tighter movie.

Bumblebee - I never thought i'd say this, but this was the best Transformers movie of them all. Better directing, better action shots, better editing, better acting, an actual grounded plot that has emotion and genuine connection... even the CGI fights were clear and recognisable. I walked out of this being incredibly surprised, but given the low bar of the previous 5 movies this shouldn't be too difficult. If this is the "new direction" they planned to go in, then i'm all for it. All they had to do was make a better movie.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6001 on: December 15, 2018, 06:39:05 PM »
I have tickets for Aquaman for tonight, so I'm glad to hear it not a bad movie and actually quite enjoyable.

and I was curious about Bumblebee, the previews looked pretty good, but I've skipped the last 2 Transformers movies as they were a mess visually and I really just didn't care for any of the series whatsoever after the 1st 3 movies.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6002 on: December 17, 2018, 12:27:46 AM »
I watched Aquaman last night...

It was cool. If I had to rank it in terms of DCU movies, It sits on the shelf next to Wonder Woman, which is 2 shelves above MoS, which is the shelf above JL, which sits next to the garbage can that holds BvS.

Now that I got that out the way, the action is good, and Aquaman is portrayed far better in this movie than he was in JL (which was stated above). The humor is soft, as in none of it will hit you hard, but you might allow yourself to actually laugh out loud at some of it, even though it wasn't that funny. The movie overall is quite enjoyable, although you have to forgive it in a few places where things happen just to happen such as After Aquaman references Pinocchio and they do the in the whale mouth scene, 10 minutes later, Mera is a fountain enteraining some kid with a water show, the kid runs to her parents to get their attention, and then for seemingly no reason whatsoever, she comes back to Mera and hands her the book for Pinocchio, which she then reads and a jab a millenials joke takes place. it's a nonsensical moment, and I'm sure there are a few more I can't be bothered to remember atm, but they are there.

Bottom line, if you only have time for one movie next weekend at the theater, I recommend SPider-Man: Into the Spider-verse.
But if you've already seen that, Aquaman is not a bad choice in the slightest.

Has anyone checked out Deadpool 2: Xmas Edition yet?

Offline Shorty McNostril

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6003 on: December 17, 2018, 05:11:12 AM »
Wow.  We don't get Aquaman for another week and a half.  Will be in there the moment it releases though.  Looks like a great ride.

As for Deadpool, yes I have seen it.  And I hated it.  I loathe it.

I have not seen the original DP2.  I am a sook and I can't stand blood and guts.  I have no interest in seeing it and don't feel it adds anything to a movie. So I thought this was going to be perfect for me.  I've seen much M rated (PG-13 is essentially the equivalent of M in AU) stuff before.  Pretty much every Marvel movie is M rated.  No problem.

How the hell this got an M rating genuinely befuddles me.  This was far, far worse. Ironically, Peppermint released around the same time.  That was rated MA (which is the level above M).  The worst you saw in that was a quick shot of someone's foot that got blown off. It was nowhere near as bad as Deadpool. From what I can tell, OUaD was just a retelling of DP2 with the blood and F-bombs removed.  You still see him blow himself to pieces when he's lying on top of the drums of diesel or whatever they were, you still see him get torn in half by Juggernaut and the two halves of his body lying there on screen, you still see him get a fence pole through his head.  I was uncomfortable most of the way through.  Nearly walked out.  Family hell.

By far the best parts were the bits with Fred Savage.  They were genuinely amusing.  In fact, I reckon the whole movie would have been more enjoyable if it was nothing but a dramatic reading of DP2 with Fred making the odd interjection and quip.

In fact this movie just told me that the Deadpool character can't carry his own movie despite how well Ryan Reynolds plays the character.  Ignoring all the above ranting about the violence that should not have been there, I just didn't enjoy it.  A lot of the jokes felt shoehorned in and just flopped, story was uninteresting.  It felt like a movie made purely for gratuitous violence and (bad) jokes that was made purely for its own sake, with nothing else to justify it.
In my opinion, the whole Deadpool schtick is done.  It was funny the first time because it was new and fresh (and I would argue done far better) but the second was more of the same, just executed far worse.

I think he's a great support character and look forward to him showing up randomly in the MCU, but not on his own.

Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6004 on: December 17, 2018, 06:42:51 AM »
I hope to god you never get your wish. The movie in every respect isn't for you in a very literal sense given your issues you outlined. You might have gotten trolled by the PG13 version in a Deadpool meta way where the cut is literally playing it right to the edge. Also remember your local rating system there is might be focusing on other aspects. An M there is different from a PG 13 elsewhere.

In a comparison to the rating system here Marvel Movies rated M would be a joke. The removal of the blood and swearing in DP2 would drop it to a PG or a PG with an advisory here. Here an M would be in the same category as John Wick level violence.

To be brutally honest your extreme aversion to violence renders your opinion on it quite frankly worthless. You are always going to end up complaining about the violence, hate on the movie on every level then beg for an heavily censored version despite the fact that it is completely integral to said movie. This isn't the first time either.

Just stop watching movies you are going to hate because of violence. It's not working for you.

There are some genera I don't like to watch and should I watch it I would not do what you just did. Imagine me after having watched a musical complain that is has music wishing there was a version without all the singing and dancing. That is asinine, that's what you sound like to everyone. Just stop.
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Offline Shorty McNostril

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6005 on: December 17, 2018, 03:12:23 PM »
My goodness you're right!!!! How did I not think of that before?? How about I avoid movies I know won't be for me?? What a stroke of genius!  Interstingly I already do that.  Strangely enough that is the very reason I have not seen the original Deadpool 2. What was different here?? 

It was marketed, promoted and rated as a family friendly cut of the movie.  This would logically lead one to assume that was indeed, a family friendly cut of the movie.  That's the whole point of its existence.  So I think I'm quite justified in criticising the fact it turned out to be completely wrong.

Now I am quite aware that some what made this movie appeal to fans of the orignal movie may have been lost in the transition, but I didn't care.  I thought that a version of the movie had finally been made that I could enjoy.  I was excited to go and watch it.  Sadly it was not for me.

Your comparison is an interesting one.  And a flawed one. As I mentioned above, the way this movie was presented indicated that it would have been something I would have enjoyed.  Let's carry forward with your musical analogy.  What if DP3 was marketed and promoted as another 'traditional' DP movie, with all the quips, violence, sex etc, but when you excitedly went in to see it, it turns out it was a full on serious musical? I am quite confident you'd come in here and voice your thoughts about that.  And you know what, that's fine.

My aversion to graphic violence does not in any way render my opinion invalid.  I outlined my aversion about such things right at the start of the post so a reader could have all the information with which to take my thoughts. BnM asked for thoughts of those who'd seen the movie.  I've seen the movie and I had thoughts so I am quite within my rights to discuss it. This is not "Oohboy's Ponitification Thread" where any and all opinions against yours are invalid and you have a god given right to bring the hammer down on them. You don't agree with my assessment.  That's fine.  Feel free to ignore it entirely, or to discuss what you enjoyed about it as opposed to what I didn't. You have the right to your opinion just as I have the right to mine.  However, do NOT come in here and start stomping on someone because your opinion is different to theirs, and certainly do NOT say that their opinion is outright invalid because of that. 

You think my aversion to graphic violence is weird, that's cool. You enjoy it, that's cool too.  If you think about it, that arguably makes your opinion just as invalid as mine because it biases you towards the movie, just as my opinion biases me away from it. Neither of those two things are wrong. We are both private citizens with different tastes discussing a movie we don't agree on.  The difference is I haven't in any way been implying that my thoughts are objective fact and anyone who disagrees with me is objectively wrong.  I have never eviscerated your posts and criticised you personally because of something I may disagree with so have some respect

And even if my aversion to violence somehow did render my opinion worhtless, I am not a paid, professional movie reviewer so I have no obligation to be fair and unbiased.  If I want to rant about something that burned me I am quite within my rights to do so on this public forum.  It's not like I hid anything which alters my opinion.

Get off your high horse.  Let's use this thread and others like it to enjoy discussing what we enjoy and what we don't as they were intended.  This is a discussion forum, not your personal blog.

Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6006 on: December 17, 2018, 10:52:01 PM »
You did get trolled by the movie.

DP2 didn't lie. Right from the start the original was promoted as a family movie, just not in the context you think. The more friendly cut is a cut, not a remake. They reduced the violence as much as they could while keeping the story and messages intact. As far as the rating is concerned they hit their target, it's now family friendly. It just wasn't your very specific target.

The funny thing is I don't like musicals but some of my favourite TV episodes are musicals(ie; Music mister in Batman: Brave and the Bold). I watched a musical as part of a random movie triple(They were all bad) last weekend and I hated it not because it was a musical but because it had bad music, barely anything that would constitute music, what music was there got murdered by the sound department, the MC was insane in a bad way, zero dancing, badly cut, lacked structure. We were shouting for it to play more music and let the badass girl show off her skills which didn't happen.  The film makers intent was clearly to make a musical promoting Chinese music and they failed so hard they self owned. We made our own entertainment by picking it part.

The crazy thing is that you think DP/RR can't carry a movie despite having done it twice to the highest standard. You took a statement at face value. You didn't think it was mocking itself. Beyond all the violence there is a very touching story about family. The big love scene would have been pure cheese in another movie but damn did they transform that cheese into gold. The movie is full of "You can't do this" then proving the statement wrong.

DP2 isn't the same as DP1, if it was DP2 would have been just him getting revenge for the length of the movie. But it wasn't, it is so much more. It was about loss, family, nobleness, purpose, consequences, DP finding something to live and die for.

DP is done when RR calls it, he has earned the honour.

Edit: The movie was Our Shining Days if you are wondering.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2018, 10:59:56 PM by oohhboy »
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6007 on: December 18, 2018, 12:19:21 AM »
Having watched so many Dark Dark movies of the 70s most movies today are candy canes and lolipops. Even the R rated movies.

I highly recommend A Serbian Film

A family film you won't forget.

It might make one re-asses these arguments.
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Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6008 on: December 18, 2018, 01:22:27 AM »
Having watched so many Dark Dark movies of the 70s most movies today are candy canes and lolipops. Even the R rated movies.

I highly recommend A Serbian Film

A family film you won't forget.

It might make one re-asses these arguments.
I heard some rumours... Looks at synopsis. Holy **** Christ. The context, premise and intent is fucked up. I don't know who that is for other than a very specific audience. That is Hostel/SAW ++++++ which I didn't like at all. If there was something deeper of value or purpose in Hostel/SAW I am unable see it past the gimmick. It's so far out I couldn't give a worthwhile opinion. Are they good or bad movies? **** if I know.

One thing is for sure, I am not the target audience and no level of cutting will make it family friendly nor would I ask for one.
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Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6009 on: December 18, 2018, 04:19:37 AM »
Bumblebee was a PG film (the second lowest film rating) while every MCU and DCCU movie has been a 12A. Bumblebee has no gore or bad language and quite skillfully plays it differently to earn that. The film is no worse off for it because it was written better overall.

The three exceptions, which really deserve it, is DP 1 and 2 and Logan.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6010 on: December 18, 2018, 03:58:01 PM »
Having watched so many Dark Dark movies of the 70s most movies today are candy canes and lolipops. Even the R rated movies.

I highly recommend A Serbian Film

A family film you won't forget.

It might make one re-asses these arguments.
I heard some rumours... Looks at synopsis. Holy **** Christ. The context, premise and intent is fucked up. I don't know who that is for other than a very specific audience. That is Hostel/SAW ++++++ which I didn't like at all. If there was something deeper of value or purpose in Hostel/SAW I am unable see it past the gimmick. It's so far out I couldn't give a worthwhile opinion. Are they good or bad movies? **** if I know.

One thing is for sure, I am not the target audience and no level of cutting will make it family friendly nor would I ask for one.

Well the context was...once you watched that movie... I highly doubt a person could reasonably criticize a PG-13 movie for it's violence. I'd say you'd have to seriously recalibrate your detectometer for violence in a movie. I recommend Shorty watch this movie and come back and tell us how bad Deadpool Christmas is. A Serbian Film makes Hostel and Saw look like the Sound of Music. Though to get my family joke... you' have to watch it. Calling it a family film was some dark humor on my part. I've seen the film and my real opinion is Definitely don't watch it unless you aim to be traumatized Years ago I had seen a trailer for it and was interested in watching it, but a few years came and went. Then I moved and saw it at my local video store. I checked it out and my friend and I watched it.... and regret watching it. I'd say it is well past the realm of good taste. I'm generally anti-censorship, but this film...**** you Srdjan Spasojevic
« Last Edit: December 18, 2018, 04:06:43 PM by ThePerm »
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Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6011 on: December 18, 2018, 05:39:44 PM »
I must see this.
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Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6012 on: December 18, 2018, 09:07:35 PM »
The non-violence version is 2 Girls 1 Cup.... Don't look this up, it is regret manifest. If you must sacrifice others with the mirror of reaction videos.

Family friendly version would be title, fade to black, FIN, roll credits.

**** you Srdjan Spasojevic aside...

Film makers can definitely earn a high or lower rating. The problem is the arbitrary pursuit of a rating. We have seen time and time again compromise a movie. There is the infamous E.T. Walkie Talkie replacement. 2 Die Hard movies that is nothing to do with Die Hard. The double selling of "Unrated" versions which shows just how arbitrary a rating is.

DP definitely earned it's violence, it owns and embraces it. If the next DP movie gets PG-13 out of the gate I am done. Adding violence back in doesn't work as it has already been compromised.

I must see this.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6013 on: December 19, 2018, 01:51:59 AM »
It's hard to say what Disney will do to Dead Pool until we see the next movie. They let the Netflix shows have some crazy ****. That scene with what Kingpin did to that guy was gross as ****. Though those are "moving".

Disney used to run Miramax, which had some good independence. Fox could turn into Disney's new label for "R rated" stuff. They used Miramax, Touchstone, and Dimension like this in the past. So Disney made Pulp Fiction, Clerks*, A few Halloween movies, Starship Troopers, and Scream.  If they want to keep these franchises making money they'll make the MCU expand, but maybe take it some dark places for certain movies. Even though Avengers Infinity War was PG-13 it was dark as ****. Which, was nice, ballsy.
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Offline RABicle

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6014 on: December 19, 2018, 11:03:26 AM »
I heard some rumours... Looks at synopsis. Holy **** Christ. The context, premise and intent is fucked up. I don't know who that is for other than a very specific audience.
I believe it is for Serbians.
That is Hostel/SAW ++++++ which I didn't like at all. If there was something deeper of value or purpose in Hostel/SAW I am unable see it past the gimmick. It's so far out I couldn't give a worthwhile opinion. Are they good or bad movies? **** if I know.
The first Saw is a very clever movie and hardly violent at all. It is unsettling though. The first few saw movies area about valuing your life and paying attention to instructions, the later films less so. Saw was also the directorial debut of James Wan who directed Aquaman. Saw 1 writer/star Leigh Whannall appears as in Aquaman too.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 11:21:14 AM by RABicle »
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Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6015 on: December 19, 2018, 11:48:32 PM »
I never saw 'SAW' when it first came out. When I did catch a bit it was from the later movies where it was clearly for shock value violence porn ala Hostel.

I am not a fan of Disney-ifed movies which 100% will happen to anything under their label. If they have any business sense they need to keep things hands off and separate.

Infinity Wars has extremely dark implications but the end of the movie doesn't give it's full impact. Yeah they kill off a bunch of heroes but they cut short the absolute every person chaos Nick Fury was in.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6016 on: December 20, 2018, 12:16:58 AM »
The Saw series fell of the wagon when producers focused more on torture porn than the concept of a serial killer who not only doesn’t believe he’s a murderer but thinks he’s helping people gain an appreciation for life by forcing them to face their own mortality by kidnapping them and placing them in simple yet ironic traps. So, yeah, pretty much after the first one.

The traps got so silly and elaborate in the later installments. One plot thread involved a detective setting up a giant swinging pendulum-ax machine to look like a Jigsaw trap as a cover to get revenge on his sister’s killer. It’s established that Jigsaw is an engineer. Fine; he can design a reverse bear trap. How would a detective with no engineering background make something so complex? I think the latest installment had a laser-collar. What the fuc...

The best parts of the Saw movies involved how interconnected everything was. That doesn’t really work in a yearly theatrical series because it asks a lot of the audience particularly when the producers glorified the torture/murder aspects. Even though Tobin Bell is Jigsaw, Saw would greatly benefit from being rebooted as a mini-series on say, Netflix with focus more on the whole serial-killer-who-doesn’t-believe-he’s-a-murderer thing with simpler, cleverer traps.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6017 on: December 21, 2018, 06:13:03 AM »
The best parts of the Saw movies involved how interconnected everything was. That doesn’t really work in a yearly theatrical series because it asks a lot of the audience particularly when the producers glorified the torture/murder aspects. Even though Tobin Bell is Jigsaw, Saw would greatly benefit from being rebooted as a mini-series on say, Netflix with focus more on the whole serial-killer-who-doesn’t-believe-he’s-a-murderer thing with simpler, cleverer traps.
I mean yeah I stopped watching after 2, but I heard that two of the movies run on a concurrent timeline? That's very clever, maybe even too contrived.
As for your reboot idea, that's kinda how saw began.

Oh and as per the thread. The other night I watch most of Star Trek Generations. It was ****/10
« Last Edit: December 21, 2018, 06:19:58 AM by RABicle »
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Offline Shorty McNostril

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6018 on: December 21, 2018, 04:43:50 PM »
So, that Very Spidey Christmas album mentioned in Spider-Verse.

It's real.  And it's wonderful.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6019 on: December 21, 2018, 06:12:33 PM »
As for your reboot idea, that's kinda how saw began.
If only it stayed that way. The original (and arguably the second one) were relatively grounded. It wasn’t too much of a stretch that most if not all the traps could be set up especially with the retconned help Jigsaw got in later installments via flashbacks.

To me, Amanda in Saw saying, “He helped me,” was kind of scary because it attempted to justify Jigsaw’s methods. Detective Matthews’ trap/test in Saw II in which he had to not be an asshole for like 90 minutes was similarly effective. The series lost what made it so unique. It’s easy to toss fake blood around/lop off limbs and call it horror. It’s much harder to come up with an idea that delves deeper than fake screams. There’s something so unsettling to me about a man who abducts and places people in deadly situations yet still truly believes he’s a hero in his mind, that he’s helping others, and doing good by forcing people to face the evil they’ve wrought on themselves and/or others.

Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6020 on: December 22, 2018, 12:25:30 AM »
Oh and as per the thread. The other night I watch most of Star Trek Generations. It was ****/10
The only good thing about it was crashing the Enterprise. That was a great piece of old school effects work. Also Data because he is always super. I really don't know what they were thinking when they made this movie. Picard + Kirk + ???? = Profit.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6021 on: December 22, 2018, 12:44:14 AM »
It's still the second-best odd-numbered Star Trek movie.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6022 on: December 22, 2018, 01:22:29 AM »
It's still the second-best odd-numbered Star Trek movie.
Sad but true. JJ breaks this pattern if you were to consider it Star Trek which I don't.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6023 on: December 22, 2018, 01:57:01 AM »
Oh and as per the thread. The other night I watch most of Star Trek Generations. It was ****/10
The only good thing about it was crashing the Enterprise. That was a great piece of old school effects work. Also Data because he is always super. I really don't know what they were thinking when they made this movie. Picard + Kirk + ???? = Profit.

I believe the thinking was to pass the baton of Star Trek movies from the Original crew to the Next Generation crew while finally answering the question of what happened to Kirk since he's not mentioned too much in Next Generation. At the time, it also would seem to have the appeal of putting Kirk and Picard together after fans had been comparing the two for some time. Sadly, for all the potential there to make something great out of this premise, Generations fumbles the ball quite a bit.
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Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6024 on: December 22, 2018, 02:27:33 AM »
That's is pretty obvious, it's just so unnecessary which makes you ask the question.

TNG didn't need to to do it the the entire run aside from the absolutely excellent Soctty episode that did more than pass the baton where he passed along some real wisdom especially to Geordie who is way too much by the book. Over-estimating completion time is also a very useful lie beyond looking badass as it pads uncertainty with the possibility of failure and forces the captain to look at multiple options other than pulling a rabbit out of the hat.

It asked the question of what happens if you woke up in the future? As unique and how much a hero he rightly is he basically got told to **** off not completely without reason which would crush anybody. It is so much more graceful and meaningful than dumping Kirk to a fight. How old were they at that point? I didn't pick up that detail at the time which just makes it more WTF later.

Have/did you watch First Contact yet RABicle? Now that is a great Star Trek movie. 3rd place behind Khan and Undiscovered Country.
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