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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5825 on: April 05, 2018, 03:50:15 PM »
[size=0px]Isn’t that what I said?[/size]

Huh, guess I misread your comments as focusing more on the force sensitive nature rather than the idea that anyone can wield the force.  Shame on me for trying to read and reply to a comment while at work.

QuoteIt's a real democratization of the force and sets-up a narrative thread that could lead to lots of people within the universe learning how to use the force to varying degrees.[size=0px]I feel like this has always been the implication. In A New Hope, Obi-Wan says, “The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It’s an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together.” If The Force is within everyone, it follows that everyone can tap into it to some extent. I’d liken that to athletic ability. Anyone can play a sport. Some are just more naturally gifted; others have to work extra hard and even then, they still may not match someone who just has good genetics. And if one doesn’t foster any of that, it’s just lost potential.[/size]

I agree with you, but would also suggest that with such a honed-in focus on the Skywalker lineage and how up to this point in the series it's been an almost abandoned skill, it's not hard to forget the groundwork has already been there.  Why I thought episode 8 was great for pushing it back into the spotlight.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5826 on: April 05, 2018, 11:30:59 PM »
I seriously doubt Rian Johnson or anybody competent would so obviously corner himself with the pointless hotel side non-plot. Finn's "arc" was beyond forced and it along with pretty much the whole movie reaks of suit interference. Ticking the pre-programmed, mathematically calculated requirements mixed in with out of touch "Cool" ideas. It's almost the polar opposite of Lucas failure mode.

There is no rule saying you can't make a statement it should seem incidental so to make the viewer think they are clever, their idea rather than smashing them over the head which never works. I share those values but it was embarrassingly bad in it's execution that I reject them in context of the movie. Who the hell cares where they get their weapons form when they desperately need them? Even the arms dealer angle gets abandoned.

The OG unintentionally had an all white cast if you exclude aliens and I doubt Lando was a diversity hire given his importance or little fanfare to his appearance(I get a good chuckle from him being "The only black guy in SW"). Both Finn and Rose were diversity hires given how pointless they were, they were seat warmers given make-work, the ultimate insult. To twist the knife like a drill Finn was the best(only viable) character imo in 7, a nobody thrust into importance from a moral choice. Han Solo has the same type of arc but with a very different personality. Conversely Luke doesn't get a choice until he gets into the X-Wing.

You don't need to be special to be a force user already got covered when we find out Rey like is a nobody and it should have been Luke dropping the first hints with Ren doing the closer like he did. It should have been his naked hubris, relying on his legend keeping the students in-line rather that him following the extremely flawed Jedi teachings. Ren should have fallen because he tried to follow a legend not because he was evil all along.

Seriously, Yoda manifest lightning decades later to clown Luke but didn't inform how they fucked up? "Don't kidnap children and isolate themselves emotionally given he appealed to emotion to rescue Vadar rather than any force of arms? Luke had already rejected the Jedi emotional constrains and he was proven right via lightning based evidence. Luke also proved following prophecy is BS.

Rey being the worse student ever not from anything Luke didis not only a reversal of why she even seek out Luke in the first place but undermines the reason for Luke's failure. Luke straight up asks "Why are to here?" and it's rhetorical. Rian is dunking on the script. I wanted to slap Rey when she lifts rocks and I don't know why they think I would be impressed swinging a sword that we know can cut things in half no skill required.

We still don't know how therefore why the New Republic fell or how FO just came out of nowhere or why the resistance is speck in size. As it has been mentioned, the OG is brilliant in establishing the political situation with no more than a couple sentences. Using the word Senate just brings it closer especially for Americans.

I still can't believe they remade Empire even though they reactionary were trying not to do so. Rian worked to rule, almost everything is forced, unnatural, lacks artistry or personal touch. Even JJ got his mystery boxes, awful action and BS plot, it was all him, you could tell it was a JJ film.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5827 on: April 14, 2018, 03:24:27 PM »
Isle of Dogs What a fantastic movie! I need to watch it again

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5828 on: April 15, 2018, 03:31:50 PM »
Rampage - what a loud ridiculous and stupid movie. But it completely knows that and works with it. I admit the crashing a helicopter off the top of a collapsing building while a giant gorilla, wolf and lizard are on top of it was just crazy stupid and weirdly tense.

I think it is a Dwayne Johnson thing that he completely powers through the stupid premise with a straight face and makes it workable.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5829 on: April 15, 2018, 07:38:13 PM »
A Quiet Place
A very effective horror movie. Best one I’ve seen since Get Out though I consider Get Out more a psychological thriller than straight horror. I disgress. Point being, I like horror movies though I find most tend to fumble the horror part or devolve into a series of jump scares that “cheat” at scaring the audience. A Quiet Place earns most of its scares by creating atmosphere.

I have two issues with A Quiet Place. First, I have a hard time believing it took so long to stumble upon the creatures’ weakness. I can give this a pass though. Second, the nail in the stairs[/spoilers] makes no sense. Unless you were making a Home Alone death house, I don’t see even how a nail would be sticking up that way, especially with how meticulous the family, notably John Krasinski’s character, was. The tension was unearned because that plot point is such an odd choice.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5830 on: April 16, 2018, 12:02:39 AM »
I watched Rampage w/ my daughter yesterday. She insisted we go watch it.

While I thought it had some pretty funny bits (like the moment at the end) my daughter said she liked it but found it kinda boring. While I won't be promoting people run out and go see it (I could are less actually... probably should just wait for it on some streaming service just because you like The Rock), I thought it was kinda fun for what it was, even if you ignore where The Rock gets shot, goes down, then reappears after shrugging off a bullet to the abdomen, excusing it with a quip, then pretending like it never happened, among several other stupid moments, it was "enjoyable", but as stated above, almost entirely because of The Rock (and the Ape).
« Last Edit: April 20, 2018, 12:41:54 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5831 on: April 19, 2018, 11:15:33 PM »
I just watched Jumanji and it was a blast. I don't much care for Jack Black but I liked him in this.
I had some issues with it that I am sure will nag me but over all it was just fun. Makes me really want to see Rampage now.

I am trying to decide if I want to go to that this weekend or go see Super Troopers 2.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5832 on: April 25, 2018, 04:26:18 AM »
Infinity War.  1000/5

I'm not saying anything about it.  Just get the hell in there asap and avoid spoilers like the plague.

Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5833 on: April 27, 2018, 08:39:51 PM »
Avengers: Infinity War - 10/10

This is absolutely the best movie Marvel Studios has ever made. The fact that it's sitting at an 84% (93% with fans) on Rotten Tomatoes right now is a joke. The Last Jedi is sitting at a 91% (47% with fans). It's a joke.

It is definitely a Thanos movie more than anything else - even though it features nearly every hero from all of the previous MCU movies. Thanos appears on-screen within the opening moments of the movie, and absolutely asserts his dominance. From there on, everything that happens leads to every character making their way to some sort of confrontation with Thanos. While not every hero meets each other in the film - they all meet Thanos. While you will probably never feel sorry for Thanos in the film (actually, you may in two particular scenes), you will at least understand why he is on his quest. It's nearly impossible to get into it anymore without just having to turn this whole thing into a spoiler tag, so I will just say this - every assumption made about where the Soul Stone is, that I've seen at least, is completely wrong. This movie completely blew me away, and it makes me think (or hope, at least) that the events which will happen in Ant-Man and the Wasp and Captain Marvel will maybe give some hints as to what will happen next May in Avengers 4 - because this film is just so full of "holy ****" moments. The audience was essentially silent at the ending because of what they had to think about. It is not a character piece, at least for anyone other than Thanos - but we've have 17 movies already to build the main cast. This is the culmination of all of that character development. On a side note - make sure you stay until the end, because there is a single, arguably *extremely important* post-credits scene
« Last Edit: April 27, 2018, 08:44:55 PM by BranDonk Kong »
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5834 on: May 07, 2018, 11:35:59 PM »
My most recent movie viewing includes Scarface, Thor Ragnarock, Doctor Strange and the first ten minutes of Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

Scarface: I should have seen this at some point in my life, I felt like Tamara Chambers going into this. I have no excuse my best friend growing up was a Mexican drug dealer and this was his favorite movie.
What did I think. It was good but overrated. Not nearly as good as it was made out to be but not bad. I can see why it has a following but it's not something I will want to rush out and watch again soon.

Thor: I haven't seen Thor 2 yet nor many of the MCU films preceding it. On it's own it does not stand up well at all. If all a person watches are the three Thor movies this one will not work as a stand alone sequel. This is my biggest gripe with the MCU in general. It was an OKAY movie, but I felt like it was doing too much world building then world destroying when it should have been a straight forward Apocalypse. I didn't hate it and I intend to watch it again once I am caught up on MCU, maybe watch them in proper order for a change, but I thought it was sloppy.

Doctor Strange.
Clearly I should have seen this BEFORE Thor 3 so oops. First gripe. This guy, supposedly genius level smart, lives in a world with Hulk and Loki and the Avengers, knows about them, was in New York during the alien invasion and he still is skeptical of the ancient ones magic? B.S. not believable took me out of the movie.
To that end, it's 2017, in the Marvel Universe, there is NO WAY there is this remote place in the jungle of who knows where completely out in the open with an ancient order of sorcerers in a world of cell phones and he still never heard of it, in the same world with Loki fighting Avengers downtown from his apartment? Not buying it.

The rest of the movie, once you get past that eye rolling oversight, was AWESOME. I will be putting this on my list of hidden gems or under rated super heroes for sure. It had flaws, and it definitely falls into the setting things up for the next film flaw they all do, but it stands more on its own than some of the others, of course some of that was distracting so there is that.

I thought I would hate Doctor Strange yet somehow I found myself really enjoying it.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall: God no. I couldn't get ten minutes into this before I was bored and turned it off. Not my kind of comedy. I wasn't sure going in what to expect but nope not for me.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5835 on: May 08, 2018, 04:33:00 AM »
If you only watched the first 10 minutes of Forgetting Sarah Marshall than you only watched to the point you see Jason Segals dick. That is probably the most frat humor in the movie. It then turns into a movie about a man recovering from a breakup and finding his ability to love again. I'd put it in my top 10 romantic comedy movies.

Avengers: Infinity War - That touched me in the right place. My favorite episode of Power Rangers is where Lord Zedd wins
« Last Edit: May 08, 2018, 04:35:48 AM by ThePerm »
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5836 on: May 08, 2018, 08:46:03 AM »
I really liked Forgetting Sarah Marshall though I’m admittedly biased because Kristen Bell is in it.

Offline nickmitch

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5837 on: May 08, 2018, 04:33:35 PM »
I liked Forgetting Sarah Marshall a lot too.  There's another frat humor scene later in the movie, but it definitely gets better as it goes on.  Easily top 10 romcom.  I think you should give it another shot.

But your criticism on Dr. Strange was so harsh, Steph!  I bought into the secrecy of it since no one seems to be able to get in the front door and secrecy seems to be their thing.  The skepticism to me was also believable because everything that happened so far in the MCU was science and aliens.  Magic being a thing is reasonably surprising.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5838 on: May 08, 2018, 07:38:21 PM »
I want whatever the writers of Batman Ninja were smoking, taking, and drinking (clearly all at once).

Is it a good movie? Not...really (the animation is kind of randomly terrible & the lip syncing doesn't even try), but it sure is fucking memorable. I'll give it that. And in spots the movie just looks amazing.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2018, 07:41:37 PM by broodwars »
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5839 on: May 08, 2018, 09:49:34 PM »
I would buy the magic versus science argument if not for the first Thor movie already opening that door, the first Avengers movie the villain was a god. I don't know I guess I just thought it was too much to get past. I enjoyed the rest of the movie so I might be able to get over it. But he was so skeptical even after her first move throwing him out of his body, I don't know maybe I just been extra down lately due to the move not going as planned. I will give these movies all a second chance once I get back on my feet and am in a better state of mind.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5840 on: May 09, 2018, 11:35:36 AM »
I understand the thing about the first Thor.  I've kinda written off most of the things from that movie since they explicitly say they're not gods and then by Thor 3, they're gods again.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5841 on: May 09, 2018, 02:38:13 PM »
Watched Black Panther. Meh?

Cracking white boy jokes on Watson was funny and so was that Gorilla dude. BP himself was a black hole of I don't care. They killed all the wrong people. The fighting got duller as it went on to the point of being disinterested. This especially so at the end where they are fighting hand to hand in an empty space like a climax of a TV episode even though they have weapons capable of turning everyone into red mist.

It's a comic book movie that really wants me to take it seriously but it plays it so straight and transparently that I can't.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5842 on: May 09, 2018, 03:18:49 PM »
I wrote a long review in the main MCU thread about a month ago. I thought Black Panther was fine. Not objectively bad, just not great either. If nothing else, it was a culturally significant movie, easily the best comic book movie with a black lead since the first Blade, but it didn’t move the needle for me.

+ Killmonger in general, Michael B. Jordan was excellent
+ Overall solid performances
+ First T’Challa vs Killmonger
+ Art direction

- T’Challa is kind of bland
- Could have used more Killmonger
- Could have used more M’Baku
- Second T’Challa vs Killmonger was bad CGI
- Didn’t do anything new

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5843 on: May 09, 2018, 10:36:26 PM »
I understand the thing about the first Thor.  I've kinda written off most of the things from that movie since they explicitly say they're not gods and then by Thor 3, they're gods again.

There is some sort of crossover between a "Superman" and a god(lower case g) They're more like Titans or Olympians. Not omnipotent, just a supremely powerful being.
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Offline Evan_B

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5844 on: May 09, 2018, 11:26:03 PM »
Let’s not talk about Marvel movies for a hot second, eh?

Gerald’s Game was a fantastic adaptation and just a high quality horror film.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5845 on: May 10, 2018, 03:25:19 PM »
I always took to "gods" references to just imply they were vastly powerful alien beings mistaken as bods by early humans, not that they were literal gods. Though I'm a Stargate fan, so that assumption just comes naturally.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5846 on: May 10, 2018, 08:22:11 PM »
I wasn't so much talking the specifics of them being true gods or not, just that it very explicitly states magic and science are the same thing. Either way if you can accept Loki running around New York City then you have no reason to be surprised by anything else, at least not as skeptical as he was he was flat out refusing to believe it he would have been more believable if he questioned it but accepted what she was doing not caring how but he flat refused to believe she could do what she claimed despite Loki doing all the same things he was skeptical of. I guess it's niticking at this point. I still enjoyed the movie.

It wasn't as bad as 40 year old ghost yoda, who should have been faded into the Force by now, summoning powerful lighting to destroy a whole tree yet Luke dies trying to astral project himself, something two kids were doing throughout the entire film. I like nitpicking things mostly just for fun.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5847 on: May 11, 2018, 06:32:41 AM »
I want whatever the writers of Batman Ninja were smoking, taking, and drinking (clearly all at once).

Is it a good movie? Not...really (the animation is kind of randomly terrible & the lip syncing doesn't even try), but it sure is fucking memorable. I'll give it that. And in spots the movie just looks amazing.
This was literally bat **** insane. It gives no fucks and it is an amazing spectacle. It takes Batman tropes all the way and when you think it's done it runs off the cliff completely disrespecting gravity. It's great.

I wasn't at all concerned with the animation. There are tiny little details like Batman's blue lights on the side of his head looking like sweat drops when he first lands in Japan while the background is rendered in stereotypical Animé style while he is still hard edged. OMG Catwoman in a Kimono with a cat hand. Great grapnel joke. "Eject" icon and everything leading up to it. That final scene just takes it over the top.

It's extremely hard to rate this movie as it heavily depends personal taste, willingness to accept the insane premise and understanding the context. If you are looking at it from a technical stand point it beats all the post Nolan live action films.

Subjectively, I was giggling, laughing and at moments face palming when it got a little too much. There were some groaners and it plays some tropes too straight like with Robin repeating things for the audience. There are some weird questions you would normally ask like where did the Penguin get his Penguins from but context says who gives a ****.

If you like Batman and are looking for alternate takes I most certainly recommend it. I would rate it above the likes of Black Panther based on raw entertainment. If you are looking for a statement, some moral compassing or xyz guilt wash via consumption, it's not here.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5848 on: May 12, 2018, 11:23:55 PM »
I just watched Flatlines remake. First off um not sure how to spoiler tag this so um Ellen Paige was the only good thing about this movie.

That is all.

Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5849 on: May 17, 2018, 10:36:01 PM »
Deadpool 2 - 8.5/10
It's so god damn funny...easily way funnier than the original. I'm not sure if I'd rate it as a "better" movie - may need to watch it again to determine that, but it's at least as good. But seriously, it's hilarious. The trailers are a bit misleading, which is good - or at least, they definitely don't give away the movie. About two-thirds through it takes an unexpected, and hilarious left turn that I was not expecting. There are some pretty fantastic cameos too, even though they last for about two seconds (I mean, they are cameos, after all). Just a head's up, there are some mid-credits scenes, but no full post-credits scenes (there was one, but it was cut for being too dark...maybe it will be in the unrated version). Spoilers below...

LMAO at them literally killing everyone (except Domino, she's lucky, after all) in the X-Force just minutes after they're introduced. Technically Deadpool goes back in time and saves Peter too but no one else lol. Juggernaut was a lot better in this one than in X-Men 3. Brad Pitt as Vanisher? 10/10. Also the cameo by the entire X-Men is pretty great...if you blink you'll miss it. Time travel is kind of confusing in this movie because it seems that the person who goes back takes over their body and at least knows about what is about to happen when they go back - but Cable didn't exist in Deadpool's time, but since he's a Cyborg maybe it's different for him? Also Deadpool signs and autograph as Ryan Reynolds in the Essex scene, but later on he kills both the X-Men Origins: Wolverine version of Deadpool (though that Deadpool also couldn't die, at least in the movie) and kills Ryan Reynolds as he gets his hands on the Green Lantern script - so does that mean he knows he's in a movie, but he's actually played by Wade Wilson and not by Ryan Reynolds? Anywho...great movie.
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