Author Topic: Rate the last movie you've seen  (Read 1572278 times)

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Offline ThePerm

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5700 on: December 16, 2017, 06:44:44 PM »
Star Wars: The Last Jedi:   It was boring/10 

But really a 6/10. It had some cool parts, but it wasn't enough to save the movie from some bad pacing issues. There were also some plot face palms. Honestly, I enjoyed Justice League more, and that was a clunky mediocre movie.

A lot of people didn't like TFA because it retreated on old territory with a repetitive plot stucture and a ton of fan service. It did do a lot right however, and was a good spring board for future movies. This movie wasted a lot of potential. It was like the took interesting characters from the previous film and put them in one of the prequel trilogy movies. The pacing was horrendously slow. I knew what was going to happen next, and I was just bored to tears. 

What a waste of a big bad. It wasn't funny either like in Conker's Bad Fur Day. It was a fun way to take him out, but it  was anticlimactic. It sort of reminded me of Dooku's death in Revenge of the Sith.

This movie had a way of wrapping up unanswered questions and plot points in a bow. Rey's Parents were uninteresting boring people, Snokes dead, and never developed as a character. What about Luke mastering Astral Projection and then taunting Kylo about their future encounters only to decide a few moments later "**** it?" If they were going to do that they should have just killed him off in the earlier pointless fight. It would have been even better if Rey had turned, joined Kylo, and then helped Kylo to murder Luke and Leia. That way in the next movie you really really hate them. That would also bump up Poe, Finn and Rose's profile.
Call the movie the Rebellion Strikes Back.

The movie ended with no mysteries. A few characters died, but little actually changed in the world. The whole affair was kind of pointless. Rey and Kylo are at odds with each other, Poe and Finn are still loveable goofballs. The only difference between the last movie and this movie is Snoke died, but Snoke we hardly knew ye. We're right back where we were. I could have skipped this one and been alright.

However, to some extant I do appreciate some of the big **** yous to the fans. I have a dark sense of humor.

I also wasn't a fan o f the CG to Practical Ratio either. Even Rogue One got that right.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2017, 06:53:56 PM by ThePerm »
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Offline Stratos

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5701 on: December 16, 2017, 08:25:56 PM »
Went to Last Jedi opening night. ALL of my friends who went that night walked out either stunned, subdued, and refusing to fully comment on the movie until we processed it more. It really is one of the most divisive and conflicting films in the series.

In the last few days we are all still mixed about the film. There were good parts, great parts, poor parts, and just plain awful parts. Really, I hope Disney rethinks giving Rian Johnson a full trilogy with no restrictions, because I feel like he is primarily to blame for the mess he put everything into.

The only lasting positive I can say at this point is that I genuinely have NO idea where the series will go from here. Whether I saw the plot twists coming or not, it just feels like wild space going forward, especially with the loss of Carrie Fisher. I really hope they make the right decision and keep the character in the next film. Recast her and couple it with a bit of tasteful digital wizardry if necessary and roll with it. Writing her out will be as clunky and infuriating as some of the scenes, plot contrivances, and pacing of Last Jedi.

Also, experienced the same subdued mood as others like BnM mentioned. NO costumed folks, limited applause/cheering, the theater wasn't even full, probably close to 80-85% full not including the handicapped seats, though that may be due to the sheer number of showings throughout Thursday meeting demand.

And really, the biggest disservice to the film were the critics and early access reviewers. They should NOT have equated this film to Empire, it is by far not close to that film. I don't even think it belongs in the top three. But their high praise made everyone expect a masterpiece, which this film clearly is not unless you are walking in with rose colored nostalgia glasses and a huge bias.

They treated a number of the new leads poorly (not giving them enough screen time, poorly framing their actions/decisions/allowing them to just be idiots that shouldn't be anywhere near leadership), they treated some of the older characters like dirt (where the hell is Lando? There we at least half a dozen moments where he could have fit to the plot to the directors excuse of "we couldn't fit him in" is inexcusable, especially considering their massive attempts to boos diversity in the films,
 so they drop the one major black character from the OT? And don't even get me started about Akbar.
 HE should have been the one to ram the Raddus into the enemy ship, and it could have been a perfect alternative to replace him with Leia if they wanted to give her a graceful and emotional exit from the series
« Last Edit: December 16, 2017, 08:37:50 PM by Stratos »
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Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5702 on: December 16, 2017, 09:42:00 PM »
Let the past die. Kill it if you must. That's the theme of the movie. On one hand I see the point with some of the issues people have, on the other hand, I think those points are ridiculous.
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Offline Stratos

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5703 on: December 16, 2017, 10:14:08 PM »
The thing is I want to love the movie. I loved a number of parts and scenes, and I've grown attached to some of the new characters. Its just a beautiful mess.

The parts with Kylo, Rey, and Luke were great (and I loved the scene with Yoda, and the twist with Snoke's death and the subsequent team fight was one of the best scenes--even if I'm a little miffed we still don't know who Snoke was, though we may learn more in the next film). And even if I disagreed with the portrayal of Luke and some of those nuances, they were good and enjoyable scenes.

But I'm just frustrated with how contrived and unbelievable the Resistance side of the film was and the tossing aside of characters like Phasma, who is now an even more worthless character than the one she was modeled after (Boba Fett).
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Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5704 on: December 16, 2017, 10:49:00 PM »
I do agree with that last point. That was a waste for sure.
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Offline Evan_B

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5705 on: December 16, 2017, 11:00:55 PM »
Let the past die. Kill it if you must. That's the theme of the movie. On one hand I see the point with some of the issues people have, on the other hand, I think those points are ridiculous.
This is a tough pill to swallow for people who are devoted to a franchise that hasn't treated them well for a long time. And, while I don't want to get into the argument of deifying characters and such, there are a number of choices made in this narrative that, while bold and different, don't feel genuine or rational. Heck, the biggest twist of the movie is just a poor writing choice that resulted from two people having creative differences. That's not something to be praised.

The Last Jedi is a well-made film. Hell, the idea of letting the past die (which can be extremely dark in some ways, but they pull it off with some grace) is a decent statement to make. But it feels tonally inconsistent with the previous entry and it puts this new trilogy into an even more ambiguous place. It's a great stand alone statement, but it does not work to the benefit of an over-arching narrative at all.
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Offline Luigi Dude

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5706 on: December 17, 2017, 12:11:41 AM »
I liked the film but can understand why some might hate it. 

The bad thing is, Poe is still going to be treated like a hero, but had the dude not gone through with his terrible, off the books plan, Finn and Rose wouldn't have ended up captured and 90% of the remaining rebels wouldn't have been killed.  Dude screwed up, big time.

It's not his fault the new commander didn't bother to tell him what the real plan was.  I mean, what was the point of not bothering to telling your most important fighter that they had a good plan to escape the First Order.?  Instead they made him think they were just going to wander around aimlessly until they ran out of fuel, and when they finally reveal that they'll put everyone on the escape shuttles, never bother to tell him the First Order can't track them so everyone will be safe.  Instead they just let him think they'll be easy pickings, which is the final straw to cause him to mutiny, which ends up causing the shuttles to actually be easy pickings and the First Order to know the survivors are on the planet. 

Yeah Poe's planned backfired but the leaders of the Resistance were at fault for not even letting him no what the real plan was, especially when Leia finally reveals it too him he's actually impressed and OK with it.  Meaning if they told him it in the first place he wouldn't have done the stupid things he ended up doing.

But I'm just frustrated with how contrived and unbelievable the Resistance side of the film was and the tossing aside of characters like Phasma, who is now an even more worthless character than the one she was modeled after (Boba Fett).

Yeah that's one of my biggest complaints about the film.  Much of the drama that takes place on the Resistance ship could have been avoid had certain characters just communicated better.  It's like they put most of their energy into the Rey, Kylo and Luke storyline, and didn't know how to give Poe and Finn something interesting to do as well so they came up with a convoluted situation that if certain people were actually smart shouldn't have happened in the first place.
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Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5707 on: December 17, 2017, 02:25:55 AM »
Here is a little something I had written up else where as to what to do with Finn and Ackbar. Ackbar like all the classic characters received character assassination by either getting everything they have done and developed as a character reset to the moment we see them. Ackbar is always the Admiral he doesn't do anything else ever, he sits in the chair and says it's a trap repeatedly.

They could have had a sub-plot where he is convinced to come out of retirement by Leia to reactivate a mothballed fleet he setup to ride to the rescue. He makes a call to duty to the scattered crews and they arrive en mass. Ackbar gets a badass speech about freedoms and stuff. Some of the crew would be old guys back from Jedi who persuades their own freighter, smuggler, garage crews to fight. Professional racers and adrenaline junkies to fly fighters. Finn is working with one of these crews who manages to join the fleet and does something heroic.

Lando would be gambling again because that's all he does he gambles because that's the first thing we know about him. Wedge would still be flying a fighter making a run on the lastest Death Star because STAR WARSSS.

In the last few days we are all still mixed about the film. There were good parts, great parts, poor parts, and just plain awful parts. Really, I hope Disney rethinks giving Rian Johnson a full trilogy with no restrictions, because I feel like he is primarily to blame for the mess he put everything into.

The only lasting positive I can say at this point is that I genuinely have NO idea where the series will go from here. Whether I saw the plot twists coming or not, it just feels like wild space going forward, especially with the loss of Carrie Fisher. I really hope they make the right decision and keep the character in the next film. Recast her and couple it with a bit of tasteful digital wizardry if necessary and roll with it. Writing her out will be as clunky and infuriating as some of the scenes, plot contrivances, and pacing of Last Jedi.

JJ is the root cause of the awfulness that is the new trilogy. He knocked down the door of coherence to shove in his style of "Storytelling" which is make **** up lazy nonsense that is all his films. It is very likely there were extreme creative differences happening as a good film maker would avoid being incoherent at almost any cost as that is a foundation of a film.

Rian got given a flaming bag of dog **** and the new visual style he now had to adhere to even though it's ****. You can see the same issues with the Nu Trek movies and STD. Looks awful, incoherent and insipid 2d characters. If that is all that you have to work with you are setup for failure no matter how you are.

The plot twists and such are likely not something they planned but as an artefact of nonsense.

R1 didn't have to adhere to the new jj visual style so it could mix elements not available to the original Trilogy and keeping the language of the original. The space ships look like real models made back in the 1980's in the plastic like texture. R1 failures is its own.

Didn't I tell you guys critics are hacks? Probably was in another thread. I don't think I have ever seen a early or at release reviewer ever review a movie or game critically. They ouroboros the hype, company pressure and because of the short time frame to push content for the bucks you very rarely ever get useful information that isn't just a collection of superlatives. They will throw in one maybe 2 "Nags" as a fig leaf.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5708 on: December 17, 2017, 03:58:54 AM »
I liked the film but can understand why some might hate it. 

The bad thing is, Poe is still going to be treated like a hero, but had the dude not gone through with his terrible, off the books plan, Finn and Rose wouldn't have ended up captured and 90% of the remaining rebels wouldn't have been killed.  Dude screwed up, big time.

It's not his fault the new commander didn't bother to tell him what the real plan was.  I mean, what was the point of not bothering to telling your most important fighter that they had a good plan to escape the First Order.?  Instead they made him think they were just going to wander around aimlessly until they ran out of fuel, and when they finally reveal that they'll put everyone on the escape shuttles, never bother to tell him the First Order can't track them so everyone will be safe.  Instead they just let him think they'll be easy pickings, which is the final straw to cause him to mutiny, which ends up causing the shuttles to actually be easy pickings and the First Order to know the survivors are on the planet. 

Yeah Poe's planned backfired but the leaders of the Resistance were at fault for not even letting him no what the real plan was, especially when Leia finally reveals it too him he's actually impressed and OK with it.  Meaning if they told him it in the first place he wouldn't have done the stupid things he ended up doing.

Poe already proved he was a hot headed flyby unwilling to listen to authority - something that decimated the rebel army in both manpower and firepower - and he wasn't even remorseful about it.  Dude should have been thrown in the brig.  No one owes him an explanation for anything.[/quote]
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Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5709 on: December 17, 2017, 01:50:43 PM »
This is all subtext, but back in Force Awakens with Finn and Poe when they first meet and through every single scene that followed with those two together there was tangible chemistry. Even to the point when Finn takes Poe's jacket and Poe looks at him biting his lips for a split second.

Some people actually, fairly, asked to make those two hookup. Personally i think it would have been a good thing for that to have come naturally as a result of the actors having natural chemistry. Remember Michael Emerson and Terry O'Quinn in Lost? Those two was so powerful together that the entire rest of the cast couldn't cope with their brilliance.

The result in Last Jedi, though, is we wind up with Rose kissing Finn. And he is completely blank about it. And Finn and Poe have maybe 1 scene solo together for the entire movie.

Let the past die is a great line, but the movie, and indeed the franchise needs to have the balls to apply that outside the movie itself too.

EDIT: And it just dawned on me. At the end they used their last ship to lightspeed into the First Order armada. Why didnt they do that with all of the previous ships that they evacuated? The first order would have either stayed on to take the risk of having their own ships destroyed or let them escape. Some actual odds and genuine tension right there.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2017, 02:07:54 PM by Plugabugz »

Offline Shorty McNostril

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5710 on: December 17, 2017, 02:46:35 PM »
Angry Joe did a video recently which outlines issues with issues he had with the movie, and it pretty well perfectly reflects the problems I had it too.  It's a good hour long. Obviously, it's full of spoilers.

I adored Force Awakens.  I know it had its issues but to me it felt like a Star Wars movie.  I had a great time, and I left feeling satisfied.  It felt like it was made as a passion project.

This one felt to me like the director didn't bother watching FA, had only seen the original trilogy once or twice and just followed a check sheet provided by someone. 

I for one am most pleased that JJ is back in the saddle for Ep 9.

Offline Evan_B

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5711 on: December 17, 2017, 03:49:10 PM »
If you want to let the past die, stop making Star Wars movies. We need some new, original IPs out there, anyway.
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Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5712 on: December 17, 2017, 04:44:31 PM »
Letting the past die is a stupid motto and theme. Without the past you have no present or future. If you want a theme that isn't stupid just use "regret".
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Offline Evan_B

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5713 on: December 17, 2017, 05:45:21 PM »
That sounds like a logical theme to base a movie around. I wish there was one recently released that utilized that theme.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5714 on: December 17, 2017, 06:05:45 PM »
If you want to let the past die, stop making Star Wars movies. We need some new, original IPs out there, anyway.

I subscribe to the MCU is the "Star Wars" of this generation.
And before you say "but SW is the SW of this generation", you know what I mean, and no it's not.

Also no one ever answered... There was a new actress for Leah, right?

Offline nickmitch

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5715 on: December 17, 2017, 09:03:57 PM »
EDIT: And it just dawned on me. At the end they used their last ship to lightspeed into the First Order armada. Why didnt they do that with all of the previous ships that they evacuated? The first order would have either stayed on to take the risk of having their own ships destroyed or let them escape. Some actual odds and genuine tension right there.

This is a really good point. It makes the scene where they show the guy driving the medical ship dying feel really pointless.  Like, They could've used that at any point.

I liked the film but can understand why some might hate it. 

The bad thing is, Poe is still going to be treated like a hero, but had the dude not gone through with his terrible, off the books plan, Finn and Rose wouldn't have ended up captured and 90% of the remaining rebels wouldn't have been killed.  Dude screwed up, big time.

It's not his fault the new commander didn't bother to tell him what the real plan was.  I mean, what was the point of not bothering to telling your most important fighter that they had a good plan to escape the First Order.?  Instead they made him think they were just going to wander around aimlessly until they ran out of fuel, and when they finally reveal that they'll put everyone on the escape shuttles, never bother to tell him the First Order can't track them so everyone will be safe.  Instead they just let him think they'll be easy pickings, which is the final straw to cause him to mutiny, which ends up causing the shuttles to actually be easy pickings and the First Order to know the survivors are on the planet. 

Yeah Poe's planned backfired but the leaders of the Resistance were at fault for not even letting him no what the real plan was, especially when Leia finally reveals it too him he's actually impressed and OK with it.  Meaning if they told him it in the first place he wouldn't have done the stupid things he ended up doing.

Poe already proved he was a hot headed flyby unwilling to listen to authority - something that decimated the rebel army in both manpower and firepower - and he wasn't even remorseful about it.  Dude should have been thrown in the brig.  No one owes him an explanation for anything.

He was influential enough to lead a mutiny.  I think someone owed him an explanation.  It's bad leadership when everyone under you can be easily turned against you.
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Offline ThePerm

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5716 on: December 17, 2017, 10:24:36 PM »
As a thesis for the movie "Let the Past Die" is a pretty good thesis. There is barely anything left that can be called Star Wars

Looking at how different directors make these movies, it is kinda interesting to see how they perceived Star Wars. It's also interesting to see how they treat their counterparts characters. This is kind of like a writing project where someone writes a chapter, and then another one writes a chapter, and then the original writer continues with what the other one wrote. As a project that is still interesting.
Obviously, Rian Johnson did not give a **** about most of JJ Abrams Characters or their journeys. His lasting impact on Star Wars is Vulpix, Porgs, and Rose. He cared about Luke Skywalker, and what he did with the character was nice. Finn and Poe were sidelined though.  I think he liked Kylo,  and Rey though. The movie was torturous slow. I think he could have done more with the Finn Rose story. I liked Rose as a character, but she didn't do much. It almost seems like she was inserted in there so Poe and Finn don't ****. I think they should have wrote another draft, or maybe a previous draft was superior and the studio fucked it up

Actually, as a nice NWR project. I want to read what everyone's Fan Fiction for episode VIII would be. It could be a fun project. Who's in?
« Last Edit: December 17, 2017, 10:29:35 PM by ThePerm »
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Offline Evan_B

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5717 on: December 18, 2017, 01:46:25 AM »
As in, what I'd rather see? I could do that.

I saw the movie tonight. I was basking in the afterglow immediately after the film, but the more I sat on the plot developments, the less I found myself enjoying things. Also, screw Porgs. Cheap comedic bits.
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Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5718 on: December 18, 2017, 05:01:02 AM »
Seeing JJ didn't give a **** about the movies that came before either so Rian Johnson not caring about JJ is only fair. The precedent has already been set. You can **** it up, slap STAR WARS on it for the plebs. The standard is that low.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2017, 05:04:10 AM by oohhboy »
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5719 on: December 18, 2017, 02:45:02 PM »
They gave me what I wanted (lots of screen time with Luke) and the one thing I definitely did not want them to do ( ; - ( ), but I'm surprised to hear the anger ^above^. I don't love it or hate it, I just liked it. Even though I shouldn't like it for sticking 5&6 in a blender, I still did. The most surprising parts were the anti-climactic SNLish jokeiness and the burning down of the old. We lost: Luke, his light saber, the medical frigate, that other bulby ship, Akbar, the Jedi tree. And we know Leia is next. Ouch. I'm definitely with ThePerm on wanting to come up with my own alternative fanfic.

+Props for avoiding the obligatory loss of limb, asteroid field, cloud city, betrayal, carbonite, swamp
+Bachelor Luke is everything I hoped it would be
+A row of clone Daisy Ridleys. wawa wewa
+Luke doesn't exactly train Rey
+Reminded me of Helm's Deep
+The movie wraps up nicely for Episode 9: "Dirty Hippies Living on the Falcon"

No one else has complained about these things so I'll list them here:
-Why are they worried about running out of fuel? Without gravity to slow them down, they'll probably keep going but I'm no Bill Nye
-I thought Yoda for sure would blow out Luke's torch before he could use it. Burning down old things doesn't seem like Yoda
-Rose and Finn didn't act like they were in a hurry on their little Jumanji mission
-Shirtless Kylo dialogue kind of sucks the evil out of the character. don't @ me, I don't care
-Can't track a handheld homing beacon
-Why does using force projection kill you? ; - (
-Rose's dumb, selfish action required the service, and the death, of Luke Skywalker. I wish Finn had shot her for insubordination before she could finish her dumb little speech and then tossed her corpse into the canon to save the day. How did he carry her all the way back across the battlefield without getting killed?
-The scene where Billy Lourd puts on a hologram mask of 1977 Leia and says "Now *I* am the master around here" is super creepy
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Offline ThePerm

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5720 on: December 18, 2017, 06:31:04 PM »
As far as the fuel thing goes. They just wanted to find a way to needlessly constrain the  plot. Usually, there is a difference between Impulse and FTL travel.  The ship is fairly large. Perhaps it needs a lot of fuel to use the Hyper Drive? Though, the enemy apparently never runs out of fuel. In fact they seem pretty well armed and armada'd for having their main base destroyed only 18 hours ago. Also, the hyperdrive tracking thing. Why? Why make that a plot point? That is midichlorian level nonsense. A stupid point thrown in to explain something. The First order should be regrouping after The Force Awakens, not as powerful as ever
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Offline Evan_B

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5721 on: December 18, 2017, 08:02:13 PM »
The Resistance might make more sense as a faction now that it's... an actual resistance, but I'm still miffed that the First Order is incredibly nebulous. Like, if they're such an overwhelming force that's going to take over the galaxy, why the HELL are like, three ships, including Snoke's own flagship, the only ones that can chase down the dinky Resistance fleet? Why can't they send a transmission to some other forces? WHY DO THEY ONLY SEND A HANDFUL OF WALKERS DOWN TO SALTY MCSALTSALT? It's just so poorly defined and there's no sense of oppression, and hell, maybe there shouldn't be. But I have absolutely NO idea where this story is going and it seems to be a fine ending point for this story arc in general.
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Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5722 on: December 18, 2017, 09:35:13 PM »
There are simple questions from TFA like "Where the hell is everyone else?" among other things. The underlying premise of the new trilogy is nonsense and I do not expect it to get any better.
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Offline Luigi Dude

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5723 on: December 18, 2017, 10:06:34 PM »
The Resistance might make more sense as a faction now that it's... an actual resistance, but I'm still miffed that the First Order is incredibly nebulous. Like, if they're such an overwhelming force that's going to take over the galaxy, why the HELL are like, three ships, including Snoke's own flagship, the only ones that can chase down the dinky Resistance fleet? Why can't they send a transmission to some other forces? WHY DO THEY ONLY SEND A HANDFUL OF WALKERS DOWN TO SALTY MCSALTSALT? It's just so poorly defined and there's no sense of oppression, and hell, maybe there shouldn't be. But I have absolutely NO idea where this story is going and it seems to be a fine ending point for this story arc in general.

I still find it rather funny how the entire New Republic army is apparently gone.  I mean, are you telling me they had their entire fleet at the capital planet when it was destroyed in TFA?  That literally doesn't even make sense when you consider just how huge an entire galaxy is.  That would be like the US putting it's entire military force, Army, Navy, Airforce around Washington DC during the Cold War.  They didn't bother to build any other major bases around the galaxy, especially in places that would be of strategic important in case an enemy like, you know, the First Order was to make a move.

I mean, holy **** if it was that easy to take out the entire New Republic then they deserve to be destroyed for being that stupid.  Even if they didn't believe the First Order had a planet destroying weapon, it's still defies all logic to put your entire military force at one spot.

It was incredible stupid when JJ made it seem like the entire New Republic was finished when it's capital was destroyed in TFA, but I hoped Rian Johnson would at least fix that since you know, the capital of a country or empire being destroyed wouldn't suddenly make the entire thing fall apart over night.  Instead Rian Johnson decided to go full retard with it and makes it the ENTIRE New Republic is now gone and the First Order is stronger then ever, despite them also losing their main base of operation as well.

Yeah like I said before I still liked the film since it was well made and enjoyable to watch, but man does it have some really poorly thought out story elements.

There are simple questions from TFA like "Where the hell is everyone else?" among other things. The underlying premise of the new trilogy is nonsense and I do not expect it to get any better.

Pretty much, they've managed to make the Galaxy smaller then ever in the new trilogy.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5724 on: December 18, 2017, 10:37:33 PM »
The answer to "Where is the New Republic?" isn't a big ask. As far as I could tell it doesn't exist and the 7 planets were just some random planets that happen to be really, really close or "Bigger Death Star" far away.

OG Star Wars opening scroll is genius in how briefly yet clearly it sets up the premise of the movie. TFA is "I don't know what I am doing and I don't care". It discards all the previous galaxy shattering events yet is wildly inconsistent with it's own premise. You can get away with a bit of nonsense if your are borderline experimental, comedy or Commando.

You will often hear how Star Wars was saved in the edit. After watching this you will see the genius of how it was saved. It is so drastic today it would fall under "Reshoot".

You will also understand how stupid the special editions are as Lucas thrashes hopelessly to rewrite history.
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