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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5600 on: August 10, 2017, 11:55:56 PM »
I'm jealous.... but i haven't even looked for early screening tix.
and I love that you enjoyed it, but I'm sure I'll give it higher than a 7.5 based on the RR/SLJ factor alone.

honestly, I'm not even sure when this movie comes out... I just assume it's this month.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5601 on: August 11, 2017, 03:19:18 AM »
2017 rundown of movies so far for me:

Kong: Skull Island - This appears to be the first 2017 I watched which surprises me but ok. I didn't have a huge interest in seeing this since I had actually recently rewatched most of Peter Jackson's King Kong a year or two ago. However, the trailer was visually interesting enough that I was willing to check it out at some point. Then a friend asked if I wanted to go with him since his wife wasn't interested in seeing it so I figured why not and went. I must say, I went away quite impressed. While the skull crusher monsters were kind of generic and a sort of boring villain, I did like that the movie did appreciate that it gave Kong something to battle and do in order to change the human motivation from capture or kill to protect and aid. The "beauty and the beast" usual romance was also done more low key. John C. Reilly's character shouldn't work. It's like he's wandered in from a different movie but he ends up stealing the show and was one of the best things about this film. The choice to go retro to a 70's timeframe also works and that opening "Vietnam"/Kong helicopter battle is a great set-piece. Was disappointed about some of the actors whose characters who didn't make it and exited to soon. It's quite a good cast and I'd love to see them have been able to play off each other more. In the end, I think this might actually be the best King Kong movie that's been made so far and I'm definitely on board with this new Godzilla themed cinematic universe. Bring on the other monsters! Highly recommend and would absolutely watch again. 9/10.

Your Name - Watching this movie, I couldn't help but think to myself of how it could represent an alternate future where Disney successfully pursued 2D animation to create visual works of art like this film instead of Pixar leading the 3D animation path we see dominate the animation scene now. Like some other Studio Ghibli works, this film gave me a feeling of travelling to Japan and experiencing its culture. However, unlike Studio Ghibli films, I didn't find it emotionally resonate much with me coming off more as am intellectual exercise engaging my brain more than my heart. Part of that might have to do with the plot and its fantasy/sci-fi as it throws some twists at you and the mystery behind it all. While it is the only animated movie I've seen this year, from the clips and bits I've seen of other animated movies released so far, I'd think it would have to be the frontrunner for Best Animated Film of 2017 in any awards handed out. Another movie I'd definitely recommend even if it is just to take in the beautifully detailed animation but fortunately it has a pretty engaging story to go with it. Would also watch again. 8/10

The Lost City of Z - I hadn't heard anything or seen anything about this movie until I was one the AV Club one day and they were recommending it with an A grade and had a headline along the lines of "sometimes they do make them like they used to". Being a classic film fan and buff, that alone got me highly interested in this movie so I checked it out. This most likely isn't for everyone. It's a slow, ponderous kind of movie based on the real life story of a British explorer with a quest to prove evidence that an ancient civilization existed in the Amazon rainforest many centuries ago. The movie did an excellent job of putting you in the explorer's headspace. That despite how incredibly inhospitable and life-threatening the jungle can be there is still an allure to it and how the feeling of being so tantalizing close of discovering some great and marvelous can play on the mind. There's not much action in the movie but it is very atmospheric and the mood and mindset it put me in lingered with me for a few days after watching it. Wasn't quite what I expected going in but I'm glad I checked it out. I could see myself watching it again some day but it's not something I'd be willing to just jump into at any time like the first two movies I listed since I know the mood of the film and the sort of heaviness that it leaves you with. 7.5/10

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 - I briefly reviewed this before earlier in the thread. I do like this cast of characters so I was disappointed that they split them up early into the film. I felt the movie had a couple tonal issues in it. Sometimes it wants to play things up as cartoonish action and sometimes it brings up elements which are uncomfortable. Yondu willing transported a bunch of kids to Ego even when he knew Ego was killing them? It's hard to not associate that with Yondu when I think of him now or see him in the first film. Like many a sequel, it imitates what came before but with lesser success. In the first film, the opening credits of Quill alone in a cave dancing to his music while on the path to a treasure was wonderful. This time, we have Baby Groot dancing away pointlessly while the rest of the team fights in a monster in a blurry background behind Groot. I'd have frankly rather seen the team fight the monster than watch Baby Groot dance. In fact, Baby Groot did not work for me and I missed the adult Groot of the first film. That said, one of the ending credit scenes showing a teenage Groot has the potential, just from this brief clip alone, to course correct Groot and make for some great comedy in the next film and makes me wish we could have seen that Groot in this movie instead. It's weird but somehow Drax ended up being the most reliable comedy in the film I thought. And we did get Trash Panda (It's so much worse) so it has its moments which keep me from judging it too harshly despite there being a lot of other elements I could complain about. I gave it 3 stars in my review but that would translate to about a six out of ten and I don't think it quite deserves to be that low on reflection but I certainly wasn't really recommending it to people like the first one and I actually forgot I had seen this until I was going through a list of movies released this year and that's not a good sign. 7/10.

Wonder Woman - I'm in agreement with most here. Overall, I enjoyed the movie. A bit of a so-so ending with the CGI-fest battle and an ultimate villain whom we don't really see engage in the story much until he shows up at the end to try and sway Diana to his way of thinking. However, up to about the point of the village gassing, I'd say it is a really solid movie. Having read the New 52 Wonder Woman epic by Brian Azzarello, the incarnation of Ares in this film was further disappointing from how he and other Greek gods were portrayed in that story. Would have liked to see more Dr. Poison. Think she had more potential then we saw. Ultimately, Trevor's friends didn't really add much to the movie or overall plot so that also seemed like wasted time / missed opportunity. Steve Trevor, though, was a great ally/foil for Diana at the expense of being the only other character really worth caring about. The one question that popped up in my mind, particularly at the end with the defeat of Ares, is what do the writers or people in the world of Wonder Woman attribute as the force behind World War 2? If Ares is the last god and he was behind WW1 and stopped then how do they explain the other World War to follow?

Has Wonder Woman made me excited about Justice League? A bit but I still think that is going to be a Snyder vehicle. Despite other comments on the forums, I don't think Whedon is going to change much about it as he is coming in quite late to the process. I think he'll keep it close to Snydor's vision but may be given more influence on the DC movie universe going forward. What Wonder Woman does make me excited for, though, is other DC movies made by people who aren't Snydor. I enjoyed the different flavor and visual style of this movie compared to the current entries of Marvel films coming out. Ultimately, the plot is full of very similar story beats and momentum as all these other kinds of Superhero movies coming out but it was able to keep things fresh enough to not be an issue. Would I watch again? Sure but there are some parts I'd skip because I feel they'd drag on watching them again. 7.5/10

Baby Driver - Another mixed bag. There are great things and dumb things to it. Some of the bits I loved and some annoyed me. Ultimately, I never warmed up much to the titular Baby. Even though Kevin Spacey was playing a part and personality he can probably do in his sleep at this point, it still worked for me and I loved all his scenes. Likewise, Jon Hamm and his love interest were more compelling to me than Baby and Debra. Jamie Foxx's character just annoyed me. He just seemed to exist to make everyone's life more difficult. I think the constant barrage of music also got a bit tiring. Maybe it would help if it was more my taste of music but it might have worked better to have something orchestral / original movie score in there instead. Not that Guardians of the Galaxy 1 is the pinnacle of filmmaking despite the fact that I feel I reference it a lot but that movie took a lot of songs I don't care to normally listen to on their own yet somehow made them work with the visuals and how they were weaved into the story and sort of elevated them where I appreciated the music. That didn't happen with Baby Driver. While he doesn't have an extensive filmography, I'd say Scott Pilgrim vs The World is Edgar Wright's best work so far. I appreciate that this movie is willing to be different from most other movies like it with its own style and sensibilities but it just didn't work as a cohesive whole for me with just different bits and pieces working here and there. 6/10.

Spider-Man: Homecoming - Just saw this on Tuesday. I seem to be more down on it than others here. Yeah, it's a slick, fast-moving film and doesn't really stumble much with the property (either the actor or the portrayal of Flash Thompson was the only thing that felt off to me but something about the character just constantly struck me as off). Compared to the Amazing Spiderman series, it's definitely an improvement but I've mostly liked the Raimi trilogy with Spiderman 2 still being one of my all-time favorite superhero movies. Maybe this movie is better or tops it but my problem with the movie is my problem with the current Marvel universe as a whole. Having seen nearly all of the Marvel films released so far (The Incredible Hulk and Dr. Strange are the only ones missed at the moment), this movie seems very similar to many of the other Marvel superhero films I've seen so far. I suppose I could start breaking down how I see the formula at this point but I've got to think that other people who have seen a lot of these movies can recognize it too. And with DC starting to imitate it as well, as seen in Wonder Woman, it's starting to kill the enjoyment I've had of these kinds of movies. It's creating a blandness in the Marvel universe that if you see one movie then you've seen them all. A formula for a movie isn't necessarily a bad thing. Bond movies have a formula and it's allowed the series to stay successful through 5 decades even if there are many similarities in each film. But maybe the difference is that there isn't a Bond movie every 3 - 4 months. Having seen GotG2 and Wonder Woman already this year, it just made Spiderman come across as a bit stale in the whole learning-to-be-a-superhero arc it played out.

Likewise, for all the faults of the previous Spiderman efforts, at least they had some strong emotional beats. When I saw The Amazing Spiderman for the first time, I don't know why but my eyes started to well up a bit when the crane operators work to help Spidey near the end. I even thought to myself, why am I falling for this? It came across as an obvious emotion manipulator but it somehow worked in that moment and I couldn't help feeling moved by the support for Spiderman. Sort of like the end of It's a Wonderful Life when George Bailey is so happy to be reunited with his family and sees the respect he's garnered in the community by all the people who come by to help him. Or the end of A Beautiful Mind when John Nash suddenly realizes the respect he's garnered from his contemporaries at the end of that film in the teacher's lounge and at the Nobel ceremony. I'm a sucker for those mad respect moments, I guess. However, Homecoming had no real emotional tug that I noted further creating a more passive viewing experience when watching it. However, to it's credit, we got a Spiderman movie where Peter Parker isn't attending a funeral at the end. And the villain lived. Both villains lived! Way to break the Marvel formula on that one! 7/10

There's one other movie I've seen (Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets) that I'll get to tomorrow but it's late and it took a couple hours to make this post and get my thoughts together for these various reviews. This review business ain't easy, ya know!
« Last Edit: August 11, 2017, 03:21:03 AM by Khushrenada »
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Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5602 on: August 11, 2017, 06:26:29 AM »
I saw Valerian last week. Gorgeous movie but the two leads just don't click with each other in the way they should. I wouldn't quite say "forced" but it wasn't gelling and the flow was off. Also stopping the movie two thirds in for a Rihanna dance break also helped to show up the 137 minute runtime does stick out.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2017, 07:34:02 AM by Plugabugz »

Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5603 on: August 11, 2017, 02:31:33 PM »
Regarding what you said about Groot in GotG Vol 2 - teenage Groot is the version that is going to be in Avengers Infinity War.
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Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5604 on: August 11, 2017, 03:22:54 PM »
Thanks Plugabugz! Just go and steal thunder by summing up what I'm about to say.  >:( As soon as Khushrenada is going to do something, everyone else wants to do it too.  :P

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets - Can you like a movie despite hating the two main characters? Valerian seems like a weird experiment to see if this is possible. When I saw the trailer for this in the theater, I knew I was going to see it just because it seemed to promise some interesting visuals and over-the-top sci-fi fantasy fun. That's definitely there in this movie. Silly costumes and colorful, crazy landscapes. There's a really interesting bit of action at the start with a character trapped in different dimensions. When the film focused on weird sci-fi like that, it is at it's best. When it tried to focus on the relationship between the two leads, it went to film-making hell. I think the leads were miscast although the dialogue does them absolutely no favors and I can't think of any actors who may have been able to save/redeem it. I really felt like blurting out to the audience in a scene near the end that this is the worst romance ever but I just suffered in silence.

There was some intrigue for awhile about how one alien race was playing into the events going on but then the answers are presented and I found myself restlessly waiting for the film to wrap up. Sometimes it almost felt like I was watching a video game cinematic particularly at the start with a CGI alien culture and planet. A plot element had me thinking of Xenoblade Chronicles X. Herbie Hancock came across as a live action form of General Pepper in Star Fox. I also had flashbacks to The Fifth Element despite having not seen that movie in probably a decade. Some of the interesting similarities I noted. Maybe I'm cynical but I kept waiting for an attack in the opening credit scene. I guess movies have trained me to expect something different with those scenes which I thought was kind of funny at the time. The sad thing is that the potential seems to be here for what could have been a fun sci-fi romp but it trips all over itself with its main characters dooming that potential.

Plugabugz is right that the whole reason for Rihanna to appear and be in the film is filler. It's sort of a like a side-quest in a video game. That said, I don't mind detours like that in the plot if it's interesting allowing you to see new details and enrich the setting of the world. Ultimately, though, it does all feel rather pointless when you think about it after so it doesn't quite succeed. I thought the point was to avoid a diplomatic incident yet by the end, Valerian is clearly showing his face as he fights the aliens so won't there still be an incident? Also, Bubbles dying in his arms was another Fifth Element flashback of the blue alien opera singer dying in Bruce Willis's arms. If you can put up with a rather flimsy plot and annoying characters with mind-numbing dialogue then you may be able to find some enjoyment I did in some of the action, settings, visuals and costumes. 5/10
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5605 on: August 11, 2017, 03:23:49 PM »
Regarding what you said about Groot in GotG Vol 2 - teenage Groot is the version that is going to be in Avengers Infinity War.

Good. I'm more interested in this movie now than I was a day ago.  ;D
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5606 on: August 11, 2017, 10:04:40 PM »
Regarding what you said about Groot in GotG Vol 2 - teenage Groot is the version that is going to be in Avengers Infinity War.

Good. I'm more interested in this movie now than I was a day ago.  ;D

Just remember that GotG2 took place in 2014 right after GotG1, but the flashback at the end took place while you were watching the movie in the theater (2017).

yes, that was a live feed into Groot's bedroom.

Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5607 on: August 12, 2017, 01:18:05 PM »
Watched Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders last night, and it was just as silly & dumb as I expected. Surprisingly, the thing that really didn't work for me? The 3 returning actors. They may have had the energy & the acting ability, but none of them could hide how old their voices sounded, which clashed extremely poorly with the apparent age of their characters. Catwoman in particular didn't work for me, and it's a shame because it's clear that she's still "got it." She just sounds like an 80 year old woman playing a 20 year old femme fatalle.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5608 on: August 12, 2017, 02:10:20 PM »
Well, they won't be making another you don't have to worry.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5609 on: August 12, 2017, 02:16:36 PM »
Well, they won't be making another you don't have to worry.

And you'd be wrong, there: Adam West recorded one last performance with Batman vs. Two-Face.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5610 on: August 13, 2017, 01:23:45 AM »
You foiled my dark sense of humor.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5611 on: August 18, 2017, 09:19:04 PM »
Alien Covenant: They Should have made Neil Blomkamp's movie/10

This movies is a fat meandering mess of a movie. There are good stuff in this movie, but you have to sit through a bunch of boring garbage to get to it. It seems Ridley Scott was confused which movie he was working on. This has some excellent blade runner elements, but it tries to go Kubrik and forgets it's an Alien movie. It's also kind of a not as good Forbidden planet.

Creature of the Black Lagoon 8/10 Excellent. It gets to go the point, it gives you what you want.
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Offline Plugabugz

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5612 on: August 19, 2017, 10:42:47 AM »
The Hitman's Bodyguard: Whoever made the trailer had a far better feel of the tone of this movie than the actual director. SLJ and Ryan Reynolds was fantastic together, but the tone kept jumping back and forth between their high-energy banter, Gary Oldman's mass genocide / war crimes trial and several horribly edited action scenes. When you let Gary Oldman chew the scenery you get The Fifth Element. When you let him *act* you get Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Lack of talent is not an issue.

The directors of John Wick 1 and 2 (one of which went to Atomic Blonde, where the same skillset is shown) are very good at long take action shots it's all done in one go. In THB some of the sequences go on for too long, some action shots quick-cut to another shot within 3 seconds (i counted) repeatedly and the music choices simply cancel out the sheer lunacy that the trailer suggested.

There is many good parts in this movie, Selma Hayek's scenes chief among them, but it needed a better director to make it all come completely together.

Oh, and the CGI work (especially when things blow up and right at the end) is really poor.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2017, 10:45:42 AM by Plugabugz »

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5613 on: August 19, 2017, 11:11:20 AM »
A lot of directors waste master class/charismatic actors. See SPECTOR, Expendables series, NuTreks, Batman with Cloony. Not only were they bad movies they just didn't know what to do with them, were stunt castings or were too star struck afraid to tell them to do their jobs or give them materials about their characters.

RED is not remotely high level cinema but they knew how to use Hopkins who stole the show whenever he showed up.

If you really want to see direction go off the rails watch Man of Tai Chi where Keanu Reeves directs himself resulting in a so bad it's bad. It's like an alien directed this movie. Thankfully he realised he is rubbish at directing and hasn't don't it since.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5614 on: August 19, 2017, 07:22:19 PM »
I was at a friend's house and the fight scenes of the man of Tai Chi laughable. So slow.

Revenge of the creature 8/10 The Creature from the Black Lagoon is back. He's been kidnapped and hauled to Florida. Mayhem ensues.

Edit: the forum now has double post prevention :-)  !
« Last Edit: August 19, 2017, 07:24:01 PM by ThePerm »
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Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5615 on: August 19, 2017, 09:10:29 PM »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5616 on: August 19, 2017, 09:10:35 PM »
Since when?
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5617 on: August 19, 2017, 09:56:14 PM »
I got a message saying:

You already submitted this post! You might have accidentally double clicked or tried to refresh.

Which, I quite liked given how it used to be problematic.
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Offline oohhboy

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5618 on: August 20, 2017, 01:37:47 AM »
I was at a friend's house and the fight scenes of the man of Tai Chi laughable. So slow.
It was overly choreographed and full of quick cuts for something that is slower than normal. It didn't help that Tiger never takes any damage unless the movie thematically calls for it.

It's an amazing feat to have so many fighting styles in a movie and to somehow make them all boring.

I did laugh when they brought out the Shaolin Temple Bronze man technique. I was hoping Tiger would almost lose or even look tired all the fruitless punching ala Homer Simpson technique but nope, just breaks down into another normal fight. The movie couldn't even hold it's gimmicks.

The last fight looked weird as it seemed entirely green screened despite having a physical set. When they came to punches Kenau looked like CGI Neo from the matrix.

The cop sub plot line gets half aborted as Tiger never goes undercover nor does he have any interaction with the cop beside the initial offer.

Chinese propaganda gets in on the action showing what would be considered asshole behaviour as virtues and Hong Kong cops being corrupt. The arrest of literal everyone at the fight club was to conform to the rule that all criminals must be punished or caught if you want to release the movie in China hence the sub plot.

People kept recommending this movie to me including my mom but it just affirmed they don't know a bad movie when it grabs them by their throats.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5619 on: August 20, 2017, 03:11:24 PM »
The Dark Tower - A lot of the same problems as The Hitman's Bodyguard (director not experienced enough to make this work), but with a whole host of plot problems that get skipped over because the runtime is a short 95 minutes.

Jake lost his father in an accident, then later on he finds his stepdad dead on the floor (which he completely ignores by yelling MOM! and goes to find her), finds his mother burnt into ashes and then mourns her. End of the movie, he makes no mention of the fact that he's effectively been orphaned three times over

Then Roland is immune to Walter's powers but nobody explains why. Later in the movie he says "are bullets rare on earth too?" which makes me wonder, if thats true then why not use other weapons first? When he's on earth he goes into a gun shop, takes loads of ammunition and walks right back out but nobody calls the police. At one point he's telling Jake about the titular tower and says things like "protecting us from what's outside the universe". How does he know this, who taught him and why is it the tower protects "the universe" but cannot from those inside it?

I'm pretty sure the book is better, but the movie is definitely one of those things where it should have been given a LOT of extra time to breathe and develop itself (ala The Expanse).

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5620 on: August 20, 2017, 05:33:31 PM »
95 minute movie withdrawn from a novel?
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5621 on: August 21, 2017, 06:15:22 AM »
Yes that's the runtime. There's several scenes which run at a blinding pace, and could take a moment to breathe and even ask "why?" or just ponder for a moment to let the characters grow. But it cuts smoothly into the next scene and kept moving forward.

That's good if you like short films, but not so much if it has to chop everything to the bone to make that runtime work. Guardians of the Galaxy 1 had a similar runtime, but that felt "just right" (if they added or removed a few minutes it wouldn't have mattered too much)

I forgot another plot hole. In the movie, Jake realises he has psychic powers, because someone told him, then starts using them with no training or practice.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2017, 06:42:55 AM by Plugabugz »

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5622 on: August 21, 2017, 03:46:57 PM »
Guardians of the Galaxy was based off of comic books,  so it could just focus on one story.

Though, 1930s movies are really short and based off novels.  Dracula is 85 minutes. Wizard of Oz is 102 minutes. It cuts out the doll country episode and greatly alters the Witch's appearance, leaves out some of the more morbid origin stories, but overall it's pretty close to the book.
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Offline nickmitch

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5623 on: August 21, 2017, 04:06:47 PM »
The Wizard of Oz books are so good. I started reading them a few years back, but stopped when I got too busy at work.  Might pick them up again.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #5624 on: August 21, 2017, 07:33:41 PM »
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

What was the point of this movie? It was beautifully shot and the CGI was very impressive, but the story felt like a depressed Forrest Gump retread.

Also, the accent of the old lady was atrocious. She narrated the first part of the movie and I couldn't understand a thing she said.