Author Topic: Rate the last movie you've seen  (Read 1572549 times)

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4825 on: August 07, 2014, 07:58:34 PM »
It's always the same reasoning, because it's the only one that even remotely makes any sense.

Not if you go with a Darwin-esque theory of "survival of the fittest" and just assume that a humanoid-species is the best equipped to evolve and survive into an intelligent culture.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4826 on: August 07, 2014, 08:07:12 PM »
Intelligence isn't selected for. We're here because we could adapt and survive, we just kind of lucked into the intelligence. And for that theory to work pretty much every planet would have to be almost exactly like Earth.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4827 on: August 07, 2014, 10:31:41 PM »
maybe all the inhabitable planets are very Earth-like as they all have the same basic elements in different mixture.
Higher levels of certain other gases in the air, mixed with with a different combination of gases in the atmosphere account for the different skin colors on different planets.

Maybe orbiting a red sun, or a dwarf star has different effects on the evolved humaniod figure that evolved from whatever passes for a monkey in their timeline.

Maybe there were other forms that also adapted for survival, (like some horse like people, that eventually stood up on 2 legs and evolved front hoofs into hands, because that would be more useful to an evolved species on land that needed to develop and use tools to survive) or "squid/octopus" creatures under the "oceans" that we haven't really seen yet.

so maybe it's a bit of both. Evolution into an upright land creature with hands for tools, and all land inhabitable planets are very "earth-like" in nature, even if they have different basic elements that make up the air and atmosphere.

or because the Celestials of the Universe saw fit to drop an extremely primitive version of the humanoid on every planet and see which ones survived long enough to evolve and eventually leave it's home planet.

Earth is very behind in the space race right now.

Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4828 on: August 07, 2014, 11:10:46 PM »
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA

Offline azeke

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4829 on: August 08, 2014, 12:03:57 PM »
Guardians of the Galaxy:
Formulaic but fun dumb flick.

300: Rise of Empire:
Racist cartoonish dreck.

The first movie had it's cool moments between retarded scenes where Spartans (who were the most totalitarian state that ever existed) started preaching about freedom and how they're totally macho and not homo, unlike these Athens dudes (every male spartan had to take a male "partner" by law).

Second movie is more of the same only there are less redeeming action scenes. And slo-mo shtick has gotten old, by now.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4830 on: August 09, 2014, 12:40:08 AM »
Gardens of the Night, it was Netflix suggestion so I went with it. God Damn movie makes me sick, makes me think humanity is sick and deserves to be destroyed by the fiery vengeance of God. It was Tom Arnold so I assumed it had to be innocent but no it was a fucking mess. I spent all day watching **** like Short Circuit and Naken Gun just to wipe that movie from my memory. I watched We Are What We Are a month ago, that movie didn't even phase me except the one scene at the end but this movie just makes me want to hunt those sick bastards down myself and shoot them all. Sick thing is this movie is too close to home its one of those things that just pisses me off, not only that it could, and does, happen, but that someone would make a movie about it. I blame myself I read the description and thought no I should just avoid it but it was late I had just spent all day watching Living Dead sequels so I was in the mood for something more down to earth but that was too real. 0/5 stars total waste of time.
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Offline Ceric

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4831 on: August 10, 2014, 02:29:14 PM »
So my Parents were down and they wanted to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.  Just a quick note before I really get into it.  The theater we went to I have never seen busier and everyone was going to see GotG or 100 Foot Journey but, mostly GotG.

Back to Turtles.

Whoever was in charge of the Trailers and PR should just be fired.  They did a terrible job.  Megan Fox actually does an ok job as April O'Neil but, I still wouldn't have picked her.  The Villians are on par for Ninja Turtles but they could have replaced Shredder with a robot and you never know the difference.

The pacing was good if a bit fast.  The Turtles were true to who they are in general.  Though they never take a long enough break to really let the Turtles show their personalities really well.  Except Michelangelo.  The origin story does well and in its own way is a little more believable then some of the others.  Its still the ooze and like but its no longer as random of a chance.  Actually the ooze itself origin is a little odder than the Turtles.

I'm actually a little surprised to see this is a Nickolodeon movie.  There current Turtle run is pretty good but I guess they were looking a different demographic.  Honestly, wish this would have released in the Transformer slot and Transformer get released now to be slaughtered by GotG.  This is the better movie.

Now if you have to choose between TMNT or GotG go to GotG.  Though this is not a bad Action Flick.

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Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4832 on: August 10, 2014, 02:37:55 PM »
Just saw Ninja Turtles - it's not nearly as bad as people are saying it is. I went in with pretty low expectations, and it was actually pretty good. It's easily the second-best (live action) TMNT movie, but that's not saying much. Yes, it does change the story quite a bit, but it makes more sense than the other movies at least. I read the IGN review, and it seems like they didn't even watch the movie or had no audio because a few of the things in their review are simply factually wrong. Worth a watch, inevitable sequel will probably be better.

Edit - there are also surprisingly few explosions for a Michael Bay movie.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 03:11:21 PM by Brandogg »
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4833 on: August 10, 2014, 04:11:38 PM »
Michael Bay didn't direct though, only produced.

Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4834 on: August 10, 2014, 05:18:08 PM »
I'm sure he has an explosion clause in any contract he signs though.
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA

Offline Oblivion

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4835 on: August 10, 2014, 05:26:42 PM »
I'm sure he has an explosion clause in any contract he signs though.

He's produced many films that have little to no explosions.

Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4836 on: August 13, 2014, 11:59:59 AM »
It might not be a shock but I actually like Michael Bay films, not ALL of them but enough of them to say I don't hate him. My favorites are the first Transformers, the first Bad Boys, the Island, and okay well that is about it I guess. I am not sure what else he has done besides his Apollo-13-for-people-who-dropped-out-of-HS, and that lame chick flick about WWII planes.

I just watched World War Z yesterday. I wanted to like it, I just didn't care for it. Pacing was all off there was no tension at all, the story was kind of rushed at the end, the zombies were not even scary, and I don't know it had a prequel to I Am Legend vibe going on that just felt off to me. Even the action sequences were not that interesting and the whole plot was kind of shifty. I am not sure what it was even trying to do but unless it was to bore me for 2+ hours it failed.
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Offline lolmonade

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4837 on: August 14, 2014, 09:20:14 AM »
Saw Guardians of the Galaxy last weekend after missing The Winter Soldier in theaters, and telling my wife we had to see this one while it's still being ran.  I really think it's the best Marvel Movie I've seen so far.  It uses a very formulaic plot structure to give the movie a skeleton, but then paints that skeleton generously with humor, action, and a surprising few moments of emotional punch, which I didn't expect at all.
I'll agree with BlackNMild that Gamora was underused, but as disappointed I was in that, I was equally grateful they didn't turn her into a love-interest for Quill, and the story didn't bother with a love interest side-plot at all.  I also like how they smacked you in the face with Thanos, giving you a few scenes with him in it, and also having the majority of the characters know him as a tyranical, menacing threat to the galaxy.
I'd really encourage anyone to go see it.  Any quibbles about it I would have are minor, and are paved over by everything great about the movie.

Offline shingi_70

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4838 on: August 14, 2014, 09:22:21 AM »
Saw Guardians of the Galaxy last weekend after missing The Winter Soldier in theaters, and telling my wife we had to see this one while it's still being ran.  I really think it's the best Marvel Movie I've seen so far.  It uses a very formulaic plot structure to give the movie a skeleton, but then paints that skeleton generously with humor, action, and a surprising few moments of emotional punch, which I didn't expect at all.
I'll agree with BlackNMild that Gamora was underused, but as disappointed I was in that, I was equally grateful they didn't turn her into a love-interest for Quill, and the story didn't bother with a love interest side-plot at all.  I also like how they smacked you in the face with Thanos, giving you a few scenes with him in it, and also having the majority of the characters know him as a tyranical, menacing threat to the galaxy.
I'd really encourage anyone to go see it.  Any quibbles about it I would have are minor, and are paved over by everything great about the movie.

Really, I thought there was a love side plot between the two, the music scene and when he gives her his mask in space, than the glance at the end. They just made it less obvious than most other movies tend to do
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Offline lolmonade

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4839 on: August 14, 2014, 09:32:36 AM »
Saw Guardians of the Galaxy last weekend after missing The Winter Soldier in theaters, and telling my wife we had to see this one while it's still being ran.  I really think it's the best Marvel Movie I've seen so far.  It uses a very formulaic plot structure to give the movie a skeleton, but then paints that skeleton generously with humor, action, and a surprising few moments of emotional punch, which I didn't expect at all.
I'll agree with BlackNMild that Gamora was underused, but as disappointed I was in that, I was equally grateful they didn't turn her into a love-interest for Quill, and the story didn't bother with a love interest side-plot at all.  I also like how they smacked you in the face with Thanos, giving you a few scenes with him in it, and also having the majority of the characters know him as a tyranical, menacing threat to the galaxy.
I'd really encourage anyone to go see it.  Any quibbles about it I would have are minor, and are paved over by everything great about the movie.

Really, I thought there was a love side plot between the two, the music scene and when he gives her his mask in space, than the glance at the end. They just made it less obvious than most other movies tend to do

Ok, so they teased the idea for a few minutes, but after she pushes him away and he saves her life in space, they don't ever approach the subject again.  I guess I saw that more about them subverting expectations and making fun of the plot device itself.  I hope they keep it up, cause these love side stories stick out like a sore thumb in every movie they're shoe-horned in now, and it's probably my least favorite movie trope anymore.

Offline Ceric

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4840 on: August 14, 2014, 09:35:47 AM »
Saw Guardians of the Galaxy last weekend after missing The Winter Soldier in theaters, and telling my wife we had to see this one while it's still being ran.  I really think it's the best Marvel Movie I've seen so far.  It uses a very formulaic plot structure to give the movie a skeleton, but then paints that skeleton generously with humor, action, and a surprising few moments of emotional punch, which I didn't expect at all.
I'll agree with BlackNMild that Gamora was underused, but as disappointed I was in that, I was equally grateful they didn't turn her into a love-interest for Quill, and the story didn't bother with a love interest side-plot at all.  I also like how they smacked you in the face with Thanos, giving you a few scenes with him in it, and also having the majority of the characters know him as a tyranical, menacing threat to the galaxy.
I'd really encourage anyone to go see it.  Any quibbles about it I would have are minor, and are paved over by everything great about the movie.
Really, I thought there was a love side plot between the two, the music scene and when he gives her his mask in space, than the glance at the end. They just made it less obvious than most other movies tend to do
Really you mention those scenes and totally skip the one when they are on knowhere (sp?) and he shares is headphones with here and try to get her to dance?  Its right before Ronin gets there.
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Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4841 on: August 14, 2014, 10:59:33 PM »
The Punisher (1989) - 5.5/10

Better than The Punisher (2004) but not as good as Punisher War Zone. The script was simply horrible, and the plot was too. It was more like an adaption of a single issue or two of the comic book (though not exactly based on any) and didn't have enough story in it. Still though, it's a much better depiction of Frank Castle than the 2004 "leader of the outcasts" version. I saw it like 20 years ago but didn't remember how bad it was. Somehow it's still worth watching if you've never seen it. What's cool about all 3 movies though is that each actor (Dolph Lundgren, Thomas Jane, Ray Stevenson) looks exactly like The Punisher would (face-wise), depending on the era. Makes me want to watch War Zone again.
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA

Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4842 on: August 17, 2014, 11:57:23 PM »
I Am Legend. 3/5. I liked it somewhat when it was new, my dad was way more fond of it that I was. I just re-watched it today and I fell asleep it was so boring not a repeat worthy kind of movie.
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Offline azeke

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4843 on: August 21, 2014, 05:47:30 AM »
Sin City 2: Dame to Kill for

Horrible trainwreck.

The only good story out of three was Dwight's who is now played Josh Brolin who we have to believe will later transform into Clive Owen because this is a prequel to the first movie.

Eva Greene's tits and ass were nice and action scenes with katana girl (who was also recast for some reason) decapitating mooks left and right Ninja Gaiden style were good.

Lots of characters from the first move are here as well only most of them are recast and chronology of their appearance doesn't make a lick of sense.

You thought Zelda timeline is confusing? Try to figure out how the big black dude (who was played by Micheal Clark Duncan and is now due to obvious reasons played by Dennis Haysbert) fits in, because as far as i remember he appears in Hartigan's story and dies in Dwight's story of the first movie.

BUT, in the second movie he operates in Dwight's story (with the eye initially intact) which happens AFTER Hartigan's story of the first movie but BEFORE Dwight's story of the first movie.

It's some kind of stable time loop or something. Just thinking about gives me a headache so hard, i start to feel as confused as Marv.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 05:50:06 AM by azeke »
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Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4844 on: August 21, 2014, 08:10:34 AM »
Nothing after the fourth sentence matters.
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4845 on: August 24, 2014, 07:26:37 AM »
GOTG...feels like movie of the year  ;D

Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4846 on: August 26, 2014, 12:55:26 AM »
Just watched Silence of the Lambs on Netflix. I had seen it when I was a kid back when it was new but I never understood the movie back then. I watched Hannibal when it came out and I didn't care for it so I just shied away and never considered it. Today I decided to give it a shot for some reason. I won't get into the specific details but I really got more out of it as an adult as I ever did as a kid. I question the logic of parents who would let their kids watch this but then I don't want to get into that right here.

That said the movie was actually pretty good. I guess I don't need to write much of a "review" as its old enough most should be familiar with it already. I would rate it 4 out of 5 Stars, something I would revisit down the road if the mood ever strikes me again. I gotta say the actress in this film was so much better than the &%^#& they got to replace her. I was kind of tempted to watch Hannibal again just to follow the story but I remember Hannibal enough to know I can do without that.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4847 on: August 26, 2014, 01:18:33 AM »
^Now that you have an interest in the Hannibal storyline, maybe you should check out the TV Show.

it is currently about to start it's 3rd season (13 episodes each), so you have a little catching up to do.

Offline azeke

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4848 on: August 26, 2014, 01:47:30 AM »
Red Dragon with Edward Norton is also very good. Way better than Hannibal movie.
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Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #4849 on: August 26, 2014, 07:52:29 AM »
Manhunter is on Netflix too, I believe. Always wanted to see that, and that is the one that Hannibal (TV show) is based off of.
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA