Author Topic: DK: Jungle Beat (Wii) has new levels and now a traditional platformer  (Read 16471 times)

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Offline NinGurl69 *huggles

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Re: DK: Jungle Beat (Wii) has new levels and now a traditional platformer
« Reply #50 on: November 15, 2008, 06:40:58 AM »
I surf this ocean.  And it is blue.
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Offline Infernal Monkey

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Re: DK: Jungle Beat (Wii) has new levels and now a traditional platformer
« Reply #51 on: November 15, 2008, 07:25:21 AM »

Offline Bill Aurion

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Re: DK: Jungle Beat (Wii) has new levels and now a traditional platformer
« Reply #52 on: November 15, 2008, 04:59:12 PM »
Because that's more money for Nintendo, and more money for Nintendo is more hardcore games and better, more ground-breaking technology in the future.  Do you think Nintendo could possibly put all that profit back into sequels to all these so-called "casual" or "non-games?"  They could double the budget for ea-  They could tr- They could QUADRUPLE the development budget for a sequel to each an every one of these games, and still have hundreds of millions, if not a whole billions of dollars just laying around, waiting for a desperate third party, or a new idea from one of their new talents, or simply just spreading the money around evenly through out their studios.

A rising tide lifts all boats.

Seriously...It's probably the only reason why we are getting new editions of Punch-Out, Sin & Punishment, and Another Code...Look forward to more niche projects thanks to their casual software...


I'd agree if people actually BOUGHT it the first time... =(
~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

Offline KDR_11k

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Re: DK: Jungle Beat (Wii) has new levels and now a traditional platformer
« Reply #53 on: November 16, 2008, 01:59:45 AM »
Well, some definitions of the new market include Punch-Out and Another Code. Might include Treasure's games if T didn't always make insanely overcomplicated controls where you have like 4 different buttons to shoot with slightly different aiming behaviours.

Offline Ian Sane

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Re: DK: Jungle Beat (Wii) has new levels and now a traditional platformer
« Reply #54 on: November 17, 2008, 01:40:52 PM »
Do you know why I applaud Wii Play's meteoric rise?  Why I high five my Nintendo fan buds when Wii Fit stormed the charts?  Why I grin with glee that Nintendogs is the highest selling game this entire generation?  Why I get giddy when I think that each Brain Age game has outsold GTA III?

Because that's more money for Nintendo, and more money for Nintendo is more hardcore games and better, more ground-breaking technology in the future.  Do you think Nintendo could possibly put all that profit back into sequels to all these so-called "casual" or "non-games?"  They could double the budget for ea-  They could tr- They could QUADRUPLE the development budget for a sequel to each an every one of these games, and still have hundreds of millions, if not a whole billions of dollars just laying around, waiting for a desperate third party, or a new idea from one of their new talents, or simply just spreading the money around evenly through out their studios.

You applaud Nintendo's success because you are a fan of Nintendo's name.  Whatever Nintendo says you are to like you like and what they say you don't like you don't like.  If they had done what I wanted them to do you would support it, even if wasn't successful because they did it.  More money to make more games means squat when their game design philosophy has changed.  So they have more money to make more sequels and more non-games.  So what?

I didn't ask for what they've done.  I feel they've compromised who they are for mainstream success.  I never asked for that.  I always maintained that that was the one important thing that they must never do.  But you keep ignoring that.  I'm tired of arguing with you because you just decide to interpret what I said to whatever you want it to be.  I say "I think Nintendo should provide more variety to attract a wider audience but without compromising the quality of their games."  And then you take away the important qualifier and ignore it and decide that "wider audience" means non-gamers (which is a concept that didn't even exist when I suggested that anyway; who knows what I would have said if I thought of that idea) and then call me a hypocrite.

They compromised what made them great for mainstream success.  Maybe you don't think they did but I sure do and that's what I never wanted them to do, and now they have.  And I'm not happy about that which makes sense.

Offline KDR_11k

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Re: DK: Jungle Beat (Wii) has new levels and now a traditional platformer
« Reply #55 on: November 17, 2008, 03:34:37 PM »
I feel you just misinterpreted what they were. They didn't compromise that, they just changed a few secondary parts. They have always made "games for everyone", they just found a way to make them actually for everyone and lost the kiddie image in the process (as opposed to going "mature" and moving from one niche to another). They also have always pumped out sequels en masse. You might say they made more new IPs in the past but I see Nintendo characters just as thin excuses for a player avatar. Nintendo heroes don't speak, they are the avatar of the player and the concept of a predesigned avatar was obsoleted when Miis were introduced. Thus there is no need for any new character-driven IP, they can instead make new "IPs" that use Miis as the player avatars and can put them into any situation without any backstory getting in the way.

Nintendo was moving into the direction of complexity and epicness and they realized they had to turn that around. I remember trying to show Wind Waker to a friend who came over, the damn game took forever to get through the intro. I've even read complaints of users that they quit playing Twilight Princess because after over an hour they were still running stupid tutorial tasks in the starting village. More and more games are becoming like that, wasting hours on their story buildup and not really letting the player actually play. Most of the stories really just suck, predictable garbage with forgettable characters. Yet they make you watch cutscenes and whatnot to tell their POS story. Even Metroid got infected with story and you know how that turned out. Story doesn't lend itself to sequence breaking. Nintendo is going back to the old days of gaming when you didn't need a story to have the player shoot blocky aliens or ducks or asteroids or whatever, when one stick and 1-2 buttons was enough, when a little game about hitting the ball with a paddle attracted huge crowds, when you didn't need hollywood-sized budgets to get graphics that are up to par.

Offline Nick DiMola

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Re: DK: Jungle Beat (Wii) has new levels and now a traditional platformer
« Reply #56 on: November 17, 2008, 04:34:31 PM »
Alright guys, lets get this discussion back on track, no more talk completely and totally unrelated to DK JB Wii.
Check out PixlBit!

Offline Tanookisuit

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Re: DK: Jungle Beat (Wii) has new levels and now a traditional platformer
« Reply #57 on: November 17, 2008, 05:27:06 PM »
Um... playing this with the bongos was really fun and original.  I'm not buying this version.

Offline Deguello

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Re: DK: Jungle Beat (Wii) has new levels and now a traditional platformer
« Reply #58 on: November 18, 2008, 12:05:46 AM »
I will acquiesce to the un-derailment order, but there's no way I can let that be the final word.

You applaud Nintendo's success because you are a fan of Nintendo's name.

What the hell does this mean?  I'm a Nintendo fan?  Yeah boy you sure got me there.  Aren't you happy when something you like is successful, or do you see the increased success as "too mainstream" for some reason and strive to be more obscure?

Whatever Nintendo says you are to like you like and what they say you don't like you don't like.  If they had done what I wanted them to do you would support it, even if wasn't successful because they did it.

Well that's just wrong.  I don't like Wii Play that much.  I don't like the fact that Disaster hasn't been localized yet.  I know it's a rather complicated concept, but just because I'm a fan of something, doesn't mean I toe the line on every line they say.  And we could play "If" games all day, but it proves nothing.

More money to make more games means squat when their game design philosophy has changed.

If this is still the same Nintendo that made Super Mario Galaxy and Zelda:TP, and is financing Punch-Out, Sin and Punishment 2, and Disaster, then their "design philosophy" hasn't noticeably changed.

So they have more money to make more sequels and more non-games.  So what?

This is probably your most tired argument.  This is more "Nintendo never makes new IP," right?  Usually this ends up with somebody listing the egregiously high amounts of New IP launched since Nintendo's "new philosophy" took over including successful things like Wii Sports and Brain Age, to less successful but praised things like Elite Beat Agents and Custom Robo.  To niche things like Trace Memory and Hotel Dusk.  All new IPs driven by Nintendo.  But you would then go down the list and say which ones "don't appeal to you" which sort of defeats the purpose of you wanting it in the first place because you have to be TOLD about new IP, which means you were never searching for it to begin with.  It's seems your idea of "new IP"  is Nintendo making cheap imitations of their own games with slightly different characters, which is akin to shying away from a new album by the Beatles and wishing The Beatles hired a cover band played their best hits instead.  It's neurotic.  No matter what they do they can never please your amorphous definition of "new IP."

I didn't ask for what they've done.  I feel they've compromised who they are for mainstream success.  I never asked for that.

Yes, you did.  This is one of those "be careful what you wish for" moments, because you got it in spades.  You asked for them to make more games that appeal to the mainstream.  They've done that, even with characters considered "too niche."  Of course they did it in a way that 100% displeases you, but if it really displeases you, it makes me wonder whether you wanted the result to begin with.

I'm tired of arguing with you because you just decide to interpret what I said to whatever you want it to be.  I say "I think Nintendo should provide more variety to attract a wider audience but without compromising the quality of their games."  And then you take away the important qualifier

What qualifier?  I quoted that whole sentence.  It's even still part of your post on the previous page.  Or... did you mean a "wider audience that I approve of first?"  Was that the qualifier you meant?  Are you going to screen every young child and woman walking out of a Walmart with a Wii and ensure their "right-thinking" in the ways of video games?

They have provided more variety.  So much that new gamers are coming in, because they are offering things nobody has offered for a long time.

And then you take away the important qualifier and ignore it and decide that "wider audience" means non-gamers (which is a concept that didn't even exist when I suggested that anyway; who knows what I would have said if I thought of that idea) and then call me a hypocrite.

You know the Wii has a lot of regular gamers too.  By any sane percentage of non-gamer to veteran gamer, the Wii has more "regular gamers" than the PS3 or 360 even has userbase.  Same deal with the DS and the PSP.  and I didn't call you a hypocrite, I just said you got what you wanted.  Wii is successful in the mainstream again.  They're #1.  And they did it similar to your wants, by providing a wider variety of games rather than just Mario, Zelda, and Metroid (and it's so nice of them to still make those too.  I thought they would have gone full bore casual now considering all the editorials saying so.  But the reality is they've only made six or so "non-games," and the rest have been familiar faces and new attempts.  Also, fans of Mario and Zelda count as part of the "wider audience" too.)

They compromised what made them great for mainstream success.

I'm just not sure what you mean by "great" here.  Successfull?  high-rated games?  This metric keeps changing and it's hard to keep up.  Even when they've done BOTH at the same time, apparently success is negative and a high userbase is a weakness.  I just don't understand what's being said here.

And these are my final words on the matter.  Now we should return to talking about DKJB.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2008, 12:08:31 AM by Deguello »
It's time you saw the future while you still have human eyes.

... and those eyes see a 3DS system code : 2750-1598-3807

Offline Urkel

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Re: DK: Jungle Beat (Wii) has new levels and now a traditional platformer
« Reply #59 on: November 18, 2008, 02:52:11 AM »
So how about that Donkey Kong game?
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Offline KDR_11k

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Re: DK: Jungle Beat (Wii) has new levels and now a traditional platformer
« Reply #60 on: November 18, 2008, 08:17:55 AM »
Dunno, I got the GC JB including bongos for 15€ last year or so. I don't think I'll be buying this version.

Offline EasyCure

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Re: DK: Jungle Beat (Wii) has new levels and now a traditional platformer
« Reply #61 on: November 18, 2008, 01:38:32 PM »
Doubt i'll buy it either. I got it thanks to praise from guys like IceCold, after finding the bongos for $4, bought two of em and the game for dirt cheap :-D
February 07, 2003, 02:35:52 PM
EASYCURE: I remember thinking(don't ask me why) this was a blond haired, blue eyed, chiseled athlete. Like he looked like Seigfried before he became Nightmare.

Offline blackfootsteps

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Re: DK: Jungle Beat (Wii) has new levels and now a traditional platformer
« Reply #62 on: November 18, 2008, 05:17:05 PM »
It depends how many new levels there are I guess. It's not like there was anything wrong with the original that needed changing. I am however pleased that more people will get the chance to play it, it's just a pity that bongo control is not available as an option.
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Offline vudu

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Video Demo - Donkey Kong Jungle Beat

Here's a pretty great demo video of DKJB NPC from Wii Folder.

There aren't really any new levels, just a boss rush mode with the Kong bosses and you can now play through the final trophy stage.

However, it seems like it's a pretty good version of the game.

Personally, I won't be getting it because I didn't find the original that appealing (blasphemy, I know!).  I found the combos broke up the pace of the game too much--I could never just jump up and grab three bananas; I had to back-flip, then wall jump and finally perform a ground pound before I could pick up some damn fruit.  It just made the game too slow.
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Offline Mop it up

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The game looks interesting, but I'm waiting for some reviews before I make my decision. If the game uses too much waggle (DK Barrel Blast) then it would just be annoying.

Has NWR gotten a review copy yet?

Offline NWR_Neal

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The game looks interesting, but I'm waiting for some reviews before I make my decision. If the game uses too much waggle (DK Barrel Blast) then it would just be annoying.

Has NWR gotten a review copy yet?

Yea, I'm on the case. I got it the other day and I've knocked out the first two barrels. I'll probably dig up my old copy of DK:JB to compare, but the game plays very differently and the levels appear to be "remixed" if they aren't completley new. There's new things like a life meter and lives, easier-to-access hint videos. Also, Donkey Kong wears crowns.

I think a lot of the somewhat forgivable complaints I had with the first one, which vudu basically pointed out, are going to come to the forefront with the more traditional controls. Still got more game to play though...
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Re: DK: Jungle Beat (Wii) has new levels and now a traditional platformer
« Reply #66 on: October 05, 2009, 12:37:11 AM »
Is there a topic about this featuring everyone's game play impressions?  I searched and this is what I came up with.

Anywhoo, I've been playing it today.  Still a good game, but not the great game it was with the bongos.  To be honest, it's "harder" - but not in a good way.  I find myself shaking when I should be pressing A.  Pressing Z when I mean to shake, etc...  All this makes the controls a little more frustrating and harder to chain combos together.  Still an awesome game, but I think the bongo'd version is superior.
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline Dasmos

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Re: DK: Jungle Beat (Wii) has new levels and now a traditional platformer
« Reply #67 on: October 05, 2009, 10:24:34 AM »
Bongo version is better by a mile, this one is almost unplayable in comparison.
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